Chill Gaming is a simple gaming discord that connects gamers together with one discord server we appreciate anyone that plays any game. If you just want to talk with people about games or, do some relaxed gaming, or even share a cool glitch about any game this is the place to come.
this is my discord for gaming and streaming i post in there regularly for my stream and i just love to sit and talk to people in there aswell. you can post your own streams and videos as a active/loyal and all you have to do is dm me for that but other than that im just really trying to grow it atm for making new friends for gaming and streaming and just growing a comminuty in general for me and other people like me!
Wir sind die Chaosbummler Community. In unseren Reihen befinden sich zahlreiche Streamer von Twitch. Ebenso ist die Community in vielen Spielen vertreten. Du kannst dir deine Rollen bis auf einige Ausnahmen selber geben.
This server is really meant for my streams and a chill place to hangout obviously you have to follow the rules but other than that it is just a nice place to enjoy and watching my streams if you'd like.
Join the greatest Madden Mobile server where we give helpful tips, show off your team, list strategies, and allow all people to share their streams (live streams can also be done just DM me so I can set you up).