🚀 New Feature Alert: Support Ticket System & Helper Role! 🚀 Hey, fantastic community!

Exciting news! We're in the process of implementing a groundbreaking Support Ticket System on our Discord server, and that's not all. We're also introducing a new role for members who love to assist! 🛠️💬

Now, if you have expertise and love helping out fellow members, you can qualify for this special role. With this role, you'll have the opportunity to assist in resolving queries and providing support through our ticket system. Additionally, if a member seeks assistance from an administrator, they can create a special ticket, but please note that this may take a bit more time to address due to the nature of administrator involvement. Whether it's a missing language, a game-related concern, or anything else, we're here for you. Stay tuned for the official launch and more details on how you can be a part of this support team! See you on the server, and get ready for these exciting additions!

🌟 A Warm Greeting from the Moderator Team! 🌟