Discord server for my stream's audience to gather, engage, share memes/media, and have a good time!
I stream WoW, CoD:MW, Forza, and other variety/upcoming games/betas.
-Roles are setup w/ assignment
-Twitter and Going Live notifications
-Looking for partner servers
-Separate chats for Newbies/Regulars/Subs/Staff
Come join, say hello, maybe play some games with us!
The official community server for the streamer Supreme_Rob, but being a community server this is your gateway to meet new people and start playing with new people. You can make this a community, just join it.
This server has all types of helpful bots for information about fortnite and entertaining channels where you can engage with people. It has for example patchnotes, itemshop, music, voice channels for gaming and more! This server is made by a streamer called Riowest! If you want to be part of Riowest's community join us. You are very Welcome! If you want to support him as well, you can check him out on twitch, youtube, twitter or instagram through the server.
Thank you!
Wir sind ein hochqualitatifer Discord Server!
Wenn du Lust auf bestimmte Minigames hast, dann tobbe dich gerne mit unseren Bots und anderen Discord User aus!
Lasse deiner Kreatifität freien lauf in unserem Design Channel! ^^
Nebenbei haben wir auch einen Twitch-Streamer an Bord, namens "ShaarkFN"
Du hast Lust ihn kennenzulernen dann komm auf den Discord!
Ob noch Platz ist?
Klar ist noch Platz, für jeden kommt ruhig mal vorbei ^^
Join this server if youre looking for a community and a team to always play with constantly. I will be streaming as well on twitch so there will be always new people coming in.
Originally intended to be a community sever for my twitch streams, I am now looking to grow a gaming community despite not actively streaming right now. As of now, the server is primarily league of legends focused but the intention is to have it represent a variety of tabletop and online games