Welcome to an adventure 65 million years in the making...
Welcome to Jurassic World is a new Jurassic World role-play server that takes on the following question: What would have happened if the Nublar Incident of 2015 never happened, and the park was left to thrive? Set in 2014, WTJW offers role-players the opportunity to answer this question.
Upon joining WTJW, you will be able to RP as a human working for the park, and a dinosaur! With 8 sectors that you can work in (Science, Security, ACU, Management, Paleoveterinary, Control Room, Trainers/Keepers, and Park Management), as well as over 45 dinosaur species you can role-play as, you can let your own imaginations lead the way!
So come on down, and join us in our tropical adventure! Please try not to get eaten during your stay...