TICKET BOOTH: this is the administration category. you can check out important server updates in ⁠⁠announcements, see when new members join the server in ⁠⁠👋🏻︱welcome, change your username colour and get your roles in ⁠⁠🎨︱reaction-roles, introduce yourself to our community in ⁠⁠🪪︱introductions, submit a movie request or a suggestion for the server, vote in polls or ask a question about the server in ⁠⁠🗳︱polls﹠requests, and see the most liked messages in the starboard channel ⁠⁠⭐︱hall-of-fame.

MOVIE THEATRE: this is where most of the movie-related fun will happen! you can start a thread about anything related to cinema in ⁠🎬︱movie-forum, check out the next movie stream and RSVP in #⁠🎞︱𝗻𝗼𝘄-𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄𝗶𝗻𝗴, watch movies in the :CH_IconGreyVoiceChannel:📽️︱𝗮𝘂𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘂𝗺, voice chat with anyone in :CH_IconGreyVoiceChannel:🍿︱popcorn-stand or chat in private with a friend in :CH_IconGreyVoiceChannel: 🔊︱private-vc. NOTE: you can get the @moviegoers role to get notified whenever a member of the @stream team plans to stream a movie.

HALL: this is where you can chat with the other members in #⁠💬︱𝗼𝗳𝗳-𝘁𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗰-𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘁, share pictures and videos in ⁠⁠📷︱media, vent or just express how you're feeling in ⁠⁠💨︱vent, share funny memes in ⁠⁠🤡︱memes, post a selfie in ⁠⁠🤳🏻︱selfies, be annoying and send as many stupid or useless messages as your heart desires in ⁠⁠🗑︱spam, and create or participate in a debate thread in the ⁠🎙︱debate forum. NOTE: the @debate team captain will post a Debate Question of the Week every week, and you can get the @debate team role to get notified whenever they do. there is also a secret VIP Room in this category that only @cult priest, @cult disciple and @cult donator can access. 🤫

CUSTOM VC: this is a category where you can make your own voice channel. configure it in ⁠⁠✨︱interface, then click on :CH_IconGreyVoiceChannel: ➕︱create-custom-vc to create it!

ARCADE this is where you can play with the server's bots. check out the pinned messages in each channel to see how to use the bots.

NEWS FEEDS: this is where you can catch up on the latest film news and current events. there is ⁠⬆︱bad-movies-reddit for subreddits focused on bad movies, ⁠💿︱bluray-feed for genre film blu-ray distributors, ⁠ ⁠🩸︱horror-feed for horror, ⁠and ⁠🎬︱movie-feed for all genres. ⁠

BAR: this is a discussion category where you can talk about anything non-movie-related.