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Computer Science
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Computer Science and Programming - no matter if you are a brand-new learner, or a career data scientist, you are welcome here. Many of us are students of programming and Computer Science degrees.
This server about making Computer Science theory as easy as possible. Primarily we will focus on "automata theory", which mostly deals with regular languages, context-free languages, decidable languages, as well as undecidable languages. Other topics will be on the menu!
Here I upload short videos about problems in these classes, and go over how to solve them as easily as possible (or to teach the concept in a simple way).
I am a professor of Computer Science, and my goal is to teach CS Theory to as many people as possible.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/easytheory
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/easytheory
Mixer: https://mixer.com/easytheory
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/easytheory/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EasyTheory
Teespring: https://teespring.com/pumping-lemma-for-regular-lang
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Join this server for discussion on mathematical conjectures, including the Millenium problems, the Goldbach conjecture, the Collatz conjecture, and others that are unsolved!
Universe est un serveur mathématique et scientifique destiné à aider n'importe qui, ou à apporter ses connaissances à d'autres personnes. Ici vous pourrez parler de mathématiques, mais aussi de biologie, de chimie, de physique, d'astronomie, d'ingénierie, voire même de philosophie !
Si vous souhaitez répandre vos connaissances ou bien en acquérir de nouvelles, alors venez nous rejoindre !
1 + 1 = ?
if you know the answer of this equation, then you are welcome
a place for learning mathematics, geometry, algorithms and whatever related to it
we also try to have video tutorials per week
daily voice chat and sharing knowledge
and a lot more
Welcome to the Mathemagicians' community! A friendly server for people with shared interests in applied or theoretical mathematics alike. Whether you need some help or are looking to meet other mathemagicians, welcome in!
Here where the spirit of academic life thrives! Join a community of Maths lovers as we explore the beauty of mathematics together. Engage in meaningful discussions, help/get help, build lasting friendships in a respectful, scholarly atmosphere, ...etc. elevate your journey!