This is the Official Support server of VOID, a Utility Bot, made for enhancing the general experience of your Discord Server
The Bot features many Commands which are mostly only for Moderation purposes
📌 Rufus Development is the home of our bot Rufus.
🐶 Rufus is the number 1 choice when it comes to moderation, auto-moderation, security and other cool and important features (like welcome messages and so on) for your Discord server.
💻 Rufus also have his own web dashboard, where you can configure every single aspect and detail of your new bot.
↪️ The bot is currently under development.
> Join our DC today:
🔸Sistema anti-raide
🔸Sistema de níveis
🔸Deletar algumas ou todas as mensagens
🔸Sistema avançado de mutagem e bloqueio de canais
🔸Clonar uma categoria e todos os seus canais
🔸Editar permissões para um cargo ou membro em um canal
🔸Remova todos os cargos de um servidor
🔸Remova todos os canais e categorias
🔸Remova todos os nicknames de um servidor
🔸Remover um cargo de todos os membros
🔸Remover um cargo específico do servidor
🔸Remova todos os cargos de um canal
🔸Remova todos os cargos de uma categoria
🔸Remover membros inativos
🔸Criar uma nova função
🔸Inserir botões com links nas mensagens
🔸Converter uma mensagem já enviada para incorporar
🔸Crie incorporações personalizadas
🔸Adicionar uma ou várias reações
🔸Adicione um cargo a todos os membros
🔸Sistema de Tickets moderno
🔸Criar cargos por reações
🔸Crie bate-papo secreto entre servidores
🔸Envie mensagens como bots
🔸Traduzir mensagens para outros idiomas
🔸Crie categorias
🔸Veja os outros comandos com /help
NitroBot with over 400 commands and made for large servers It can do Moderation, Tickets, Radio, Games, Giveaways, Customisation, Economy, Leveling, Invites, Messages, Utilities, Suggestions, Server Stats etc.
『✨ __**Welcome to Python bot factory!**__ ✨』everyone
```We are a small community developers learning people like you how to make a discord bot.
This server is Developer based but we are also a friendly server that have casual chats everyday.```
•Anyone can learn how to make a bot, why not you. ⚙
•we are learning how to make discord bot but we also can learn unity, python and more... ?
•developers that help people can get special roles ? and are very welcomed
•We also welcome artist who want to cowork with dev! ?
Everybody is welcome to Python bot factory! :3
So what are you waiting for? Come join the dark side! We have cookies! COOKIES! :v ?
__Server link:__ :link: