DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Discord Integrated Sniper Bot Icon
Bot | Crypto
MoonMints allows you to Snipe Coins Called by Alpha Groups Automatically with a Buy & Sell Strategy, at speeds under 1 second. Beat the rest, and Start Making Real Profits with MoonMints Discord.
Buttergolem Icon
Memes | Community
Dieser Bot scheißt dir zufällige Zitate vom Arschgebirge aus der Schimmelschanze direkt in deinen Discord-Server.
Live Status Tracker Icon
A ultimate monitoring tool for your website/minecraft server! Start monitoring today!
Leah Bot Suporte Icon
Bot | Support
🚀 Bem-vindo ao Suporte Oficial do Leah Bot! 🤖💙 Aqui você encontra ajuda, novidades e comandos do nosso bot! 🔧 Abra tickets, faça sugestões, reporte bugs e participe da comunidade! 🎉 Junte-se a nós e aproveite ao máximo o Leah Bot! 💬✨ Entre agora! 🔗
Majestic Icon
Bot | Music
Au cas où c'est pas évident depuis le début, Majestic est un BOT Discord créer par de supers humain surentraîner dans le développement. Ces surhommes on mit au point l'un des premier BOT 100% made in France qui à été conçus dans le seul but de vous aider dans votre lourde tâche de gestion de serveur Discord.
⚡ J.K Rowling Roleplay FR Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
Salutations chers sorciers ! Je vous présente ce serveur RP représentant l'ensemble de l'univers Harry Potter ! Vivez votre vie tel que vous l'imaginez, dans un univers sorcier. Créez votre personnage à votre image, et devenez le sorcier le plus riche du serveur ! Il vous sera possible d'acheter des objets dans divers magasins, fonder une famille, posséder une maison, obtenir un job et plus encore... ! Nous vous proposons également un système autonome et exclusif pour votre plus grand plaisir visuel et cérébral ! https://discord.gg/5TdMgqr Contexte : L'univers se déroule en temps réel en 2018, des années après la fameuse Guerre de Poudlard. Voldemort et ses partisans sont aujourd'hui détruits et ne représentent plus aucune menace. La paix règne dans tout le pays sous l'étroite surveillance du Ministère de la Magie. La vie, le commerce, la politique, sont des éléments en totale expansion, la magie noire occupe néanmoins quelques pratiquants même si à ce jour ceux-ci se font rare.
Tony Bamanaboni Icon
Bot | Support
Support server for Tony Bamanaboni
Blade Bot List Icon
Bot | Social
BladeBotList is the Discord Bot list where you can get a lot of bots who you don' t have already viewed
BotsBR Icon
Bot | Technology
BotsBR is a server for Bot development
Metin2Tools Icon
Gaming | Community
Server support for the Metin2Tools bot.
Servance Icon
Technology | Business
Quality sneaker bot servers powered by AMD EPYC
Beat Music Bot Icon
Music | Bot
The Official Discord Server for Beat, the simplistic but customizable music bot, without the pay-walled features!
Shenanigans (18+) Icon
Community | Gaming
Join in on the shenanigans in our 18+ server come chat, vc, or just chill and have a great outlet to make new friends ╰┈➤ Active mostly in the afternoon/night in vc's (NA) but active in chats 24/7 ╰┈➤ Friendly and supportive staff members ╰┈➤ A diverse community (gamers, lgbtq+, weebs, artists, and anything else under the sun) ╰┈➤ A Sprinkle of toxicity ╰┈➤Great events hosted every month Come try us out! Free to join - Free to leave (though you will most likely stay)
Shenanigans (18+) Discord Server Banner
Shenanigans (18+) Icon
Community | Gaming
Join in on the shenanigans in our 18+ server come chat, vc, or just chill and have a great outlet to make new friends ╰┈➤ Active mostly in the afternoon/night in vc's (NA) but active in chats 24/7 ╰┈➤ Friendly and supportive staff members ╰┈➤ A diverse community (gamers, lgbtq+, weebs, artists, and anything else under the sun) ╰┈➤ A Sprinkle of toxicity ╰┈➤Great events hosted every month Come try us out! Free to join - Free to leave (though you will most likely stay)
Dank Cult Icon
Bot | Gaming
Welcome to Dank Cult. We are a server with a friendly community that revolves around the Dank Memer Discord Bot! Rob and heist are both disabled so you may breathe freely. We hold frequent giveaways too! So join our cult now and be part of our community!
\~Cerbère support~/ Icon
Bot | Support
Welcome to the Cerberus support server
B4B Icon
Bot | Community
discord b4b server
Anime | Gaming
This server is all about gaming and anime! I am trying to create a Community where we can all feel comfortable having conversations about any and every type of anime... and where we can also can get to know people with different gaming taste so we can all play online and have a great time!
Gaming | Bot
ALL about Gaming, Animation, Discord.js, and our Awesome bots.
Naolli House Icon
Bot | Music
O servidor é para manter contato com quem tiver problemas com o bot de música Naolli.
Austin Friends! Icon
Bot | Gaming
hello,i see u have seen this ad,anyways welcome to austin friends! there are some rules i have to say before u enter this server 1)u must greet new people 2)mods ofcourse are needed 3)its alright to swear 4)NO NSFW 5)this is not a toxic server 6)this is a gaming server
Xarvex Botworks Icon
Bot | Programming
A home for all the bots made by Xarvex#0826. Enjoy your visit, and stay tuned for testing phases you can participate in!
MagiQ Icon
Programming | Bot
Prefix: . Send .help to get Bot Commands This bot made by MagiQ Team ( Iranian Professional Developers ) MagiQ fits your discord server needs with many moderation commands you can get some information with information commands have a good day with Fun commands Aparat & Twitch stream Notifications This bot is online 24/7 to use in your server supports 3 languages ( Persian, English, Turkish ) 1- Online 24/7 2- Quick Response 3- High Security 4- Completely Safe 5- High Quality Music Player So invite me Now :D
Goliath Icon
Goliath is an all-use Discord bot that comes bundled with a vast amount of features for users and servers.
I love bots Icon
Bot | Anime
A server with a bunch of bots. There's gonna be kpop, anime, moderation, leveling bots and much more!
ⵢ✦ OUMA +?  # ₊ ˚ Icon
ummm idk what to put here lolz!! server for the very sexy kokichi bot yupyup wip lolz!!! plz dont join until finished
e-Chat Lounge Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Active community with over 100,000 members for anyone looking to make friends and hang out! We host regular events, podcasts and giveaways!
e-Chat Lounge Discord Server Banner
e-Chat Lounge Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Active community with over 100,000 members for anyone looking to make friends and hang out! We host regular events, podcasts and giveaways!
Botbeam | Free Discord Bots Icon
Bot | Community
Botbeam is a free service that allows you to create Discord bots with zero coding knowledge required. Start a free economy, moderation, or meme bot within a few clicks!
Serendipity Icon
Entertainment | Music
This server has many great people to make friends, and even has some fun bots to play around with!
The Block's World Icon
Community | YouTuber
Info: Over 50+ Fun Channel!,Nitro & Minecraft Account Giveaways, Friendly Staff and member :),No Limits in advertising per day,No Cooldowns chat except for mainchat,indochat,mutechat,and moree BOTS : MusicBOT : 7+,Fun : 6+,Games : 5+
Mays Icon
Bot | Hobbies
EN- Is new of discord bot is Mays. This is bot help server. Moderation, funny etc. TR- Yeni discord botumuz Mays. Buda onun destek sunucusu. Moderasyon, eğlence ve dahası için sunucumuza gelebilirsin.
Veteran's Community Icon
Bot | Community
A discord bot (veteran bot) based community server. here you can stay and chat with members of the server, our bot has a "technically phone-call feature" which connects a chat of a server with another server chat and we can chat with more people by this way!
Lurker.tv Network Icon
Community | Gaming
Official Server of www.lurker.tv and the Lurker.tv Discord bot for Twitch and YouTube Notifications and the possibility to watch you Discord Members on lurker.tv
AwareMC Network Icon
Gaming | Community
AwareMC Discord entra ora per scrivere con altri utenti o chiedere supporto nel canale/ticket!!!!!!!
Rabot Icon
Entertainment | Social
Un bot muy avanzado y multifuncinal hecho por Raul_RDA. Tiene comandos de diversión, música, moderación, economía... etc.
Blitz Ticket Icon
Bot | Community
Blitz Ticket Created By @TeroxzStudio ============================ The Best Discord Advanced Ticket! Bot Prefix = b! Bot Menu = - b!help - b!setup-ticket - b!ping - b!close Invite The Bot! For Public Ticket! Dashboard : https://cutt.ly/1ByympI Thanks Powerfull By Vinzzyy#2006 / Teroxz Studio
BotWorld - Bot Testing Icon
BotWorld is an server where you test millions of bots. if you want me to add an bot, just say it. have fun!
华人群-澳洲新西兰 Icon
這裡是華人最大的家(澳洲新亞蘭地區) 我們會提供最新的在地資訊,或是相關新聞~ 有興趣的朋友可以進來和我們聊天唷~ 此伺服器也有好玩的小遊戲給常常壓力大的您~ 最舒適溫暖的語音頻道 華人群(澳洲新亞蘭地區)歡迎您的加入~外國留學最大的窩
NitroBot Icon
Bot | Support
Discord Bot with over 400 commands and made for large servers It can do Moderation, Tickets, Radio, Games, Giveaways, Customisation, Economy, Leveling, Invites, Messages, Utilities, Suggestions, Server Stats etc.
Identification Icon
Education | Growth | Social
Laid-back, education-focused community examining MBTI and Enneagram theories for self-discovery. 500 animal emotes and 60 stickers. Daily movies and VCs.
Identification Discord Server Banner
Identification Icon
Education | Growth | Social
Laid-back, education-focused community examining MBTI and Enneagram theories for self-discovery. 500 animal emotes and 60 stickers. Daily movies and VCs.
Axobot/Zbot server Icon
Bot | Support
The official server for our Discord bots (Axobot & Zbot). Come here to know everything about them, discuss our news and vote for our next features!
Zeus Bot Icon
Zeus Bot is a community bot with a lot of commands --community commands-- /countdown /enlarge /coinflip /hangman /invites /meme /poll /support --Premium Feature-- /remind /translate /weather /ytmp3 /counting setup --Moderation Commands-- /addemoji /steal /addsticker /timeout /untimeout /kick /ban /warn /unwarn /warnings /create-invite /dm /add-role /remove-role /unban /mass-unban /purge-messages /purge-links /welcome setup /slowmode /transcript
The Null_ Icon
Technology | Community
hi. welcome to the null. this server is dedicated to the development of the work-in-progress null_.krnl bot and (probably) upcoming game. we're also a small, but loving community. this server isn't very active but that's why this is here.
HypeBot Icon
Support | Technology
This server for tow bot verified in discord join for fet a free best bot and enjoi to time in my server support hypebot primo
Stellar - Twój bot reklamowy! Icon
Bot | Community
Stellar - Twój bot reklamowy! Czy marzysz o dynamicznie rozwijającym się serwerze Discord? Poznaj naszego rewolucyjnego bota reklamowego - Stellar! ✨ Co oferujemy?: 🚀 Promocja bez Granic: Stellar automatycznie promuje Twój serwer w wielu serwerach, przyciągając nowych, aktywnych członków. 🌐 Precyzyjne Targetowanie: Dzięki inteligentnym algorytmom, Stellar dociera do osób zainteresowanych treściami Twojego serwera, zwiększając szanse na zdobycie lojalnej społeczności. 📊 Statystyki Skuteczności: Śledź efektywność reklamy dzięki zaawansowanym statystykom, dostępnym w prosty sposób. 🤖 Wysoka Interaktywność: Stellar zachęca do interakcji, co przekłada się na aktywność członków, tworząc silną społeczność. 🚀 Dodaj Stellar i zobacz, Jak Twój serwer zaczyna w ekspresowym momencie rosnąć! 🔗 Dodaj Stellar Teraz! 🔗 Discord [SUPPORT]: https://discord.gg/NERMQgUAU6 LI NK
SlashMusic Icon
Music | Bot
Discover the ultimate music experience with SlashMusic! Unleash a vast library of tunes, enjoy high-quality playback, and engage in a vibrant community. Elevate your server's atmosphere with top-quality music. Use simple commands like /play to add your own music effortlessly. SlashMusic revolutionizes your Discord music experience, offering a seamless and immersive sound journey. Join now to be part of a community that lives and breathes music! 🎶🤝
Nomey Bot Icon
Programming | Technology
I am building a new Discord moderation bot, it's still early days but if you wanna follow along, help shape it or be a tester then feel free to join!
PokeTrade Icon
Create Every Pokemon u want for your Pokemon Scarlet or Violet Game 100%Legal 100%Free Just join the server now!
CreeperBOT Icon
Bot | Programming
A multi propose discord bot, now powered by Botghost...still in development, feel free to join our support server (still in development, so you wont be able to write anything now)
Business | Bot
Olá aqui é as Elias Empresas Bot das Elias Empresas para discord Elias Empresas Empresas Elias 000000000⁰00000000000
Pag_Mafle Icon
YouTuber | YouTube
Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server
Tickify Icon
Support | Bot
Tickify creates tickets for your discord server and support team. Tickify is a very simple bot by just using " / " to create the tickets. With Tickify you can add a description to any of your tickets. You can add logs for your tickets with Tickify.
The Color Palette Icon
Art | Community
We are a community art server, but being an artist is not a requirement to join! We have a growing community and many friendly artists for you to interact with!
The Color Palette Discord Server Banner
The Color Palette Icon
Art | Community
We are a community art server, but being an artist is not a requirement to join! We have a growing community and many friendly artists for you to interact with!
Pixel Korsan Icon
Gaming | Social
Sunucuya Hoşgeldin Burası pixelkorsan Saldırılar Fln Hepsi Var Sende Gel Tadını Çıkar : ) 🏴‍☠️👑... Hoş Geldin
Nothing Icon
Music | Bot
Hello I am a Better Quality discord music bot with amazing features listen music with me with amazing music quality .help for my all cmds my prefix is .
PAR.pt Icon
Community | Social
Bot do Portugal Atlantic RolePlay privado!!! discord.me/portugalatlanticroleplay Bot Oficial do PAR.pt
Walko Icon
Bot | Health
HolaCommunity, Este servidor tiene como finalidad ayudar a las personas que necesiten soporte o ayuda con el bot para ser más precisó Walko Bot el bot ya está con funcionamiento y tiene muchísimas opciones como: Categorias: • General Commands • Moderation • AntiRaid • Security • Welcomer • Voice • Extra Cada una de estas con muchísimas funciones de todo con más de +350 Comandos. Att: Support Server Walko Bot https://discord.com/invite/8Xq3ks43Sf
Bot | Design
Create a bot here without coding do this to create a bot 1. call admin 2. make bot on # create-bot-here 3. please make bot with SFW not NSFW
ProteCat Support Icon
Bot | Support
ProteCat Support Server! (ProteCat is one of moderation bot) Please Join and get support! You can get support for ProteCat.
CodeGuard Icon
Community | Bot
The bot what you need is here! CodeGuard is an useful discord bot for your server that has music moderation fun commands ticket system ( COMING SOON ) Poll system ( COMING SOON ) And more!! Visit https://codeguard-xyz.netifly.app for mor infomartion developer: itsduckydev
BloxFlip Predictor💸⛏️ Icon
Bot | Business
KrisspySoftware Icon
Bot | Community
Yazılım satan veya özel oluşturan pro bir ekip. Her zaman 7/24 destek.. Her zaman konuşabileceğiniz eğlenceli bir ortam.
Bypass Icon
Programming | Technology
This bot is out to bypass the game robot can / and then select / bypass menu to enable the bot never die if I don't update support multiple bypass see what is supported in command / bypass menu.
Multi Tools Icon
Bot | Streaming
Multi Tools is bot and Smart. you can control bot. you need file and url webhook(link) too Community GoodLucky!
GamingTechno Icon
Gaming | Bot
GamingTech is the server where you can get many free maps. It is a server available in English and Turkish. It has just opened, those who want to come can come from the link below.