DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Maki Icon
Entertainment | Music
The only bot you'll ever need! - (Voice) Levels - Music - Moderation - Logs - Invite Tracking - Reaction Roles - 20+ Languages - Dashboard
Stellar Icon
Stellar is the ultimate all-in-one Discord utility bot. With it's wide selection of features, Stellar tends to stand out. Use our features to control your server with tools like server event logs, chat filter, timeouts, join verification, warnings, autoroling, giveaways, and much much more. Stellar also introduces a command that allows you to scan your server's members. Want to see if you possibly have scamming users in your Discord? Use the scanmembers command to find if anything is wrong with your server.
Lunar Utility Icon
Enhance your Discord server with Lunar Utility. Explore 11+ customizable features completely free.
Developer Support Icon
Support | Programming
This is a server that focuses on helping the community and keeping everyone safe. We have developers and game helpers to make sure you have some help. As well as Cybersecurity and Partnerships, we are here to help in anyway we can. We have a calm stable community and we love to help people. This is a (SFW) Community.
JetStealth's Frozen Den Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
This is a server for fans of gaming. We do live radio events and are a server full of fun. We have a great moderation team and have so much for you to do here!
MagiQ Icon
Programming | Bot
Prefix: . Send .help to get Bot Commands This bot made by MagiQ Team ( Iranian Professional Developers ) MagiQ fits your discord server needs with many moderation commands you can get some information with information commands have a good day with Fun commands Aparat & Twitch stream Notifications This bot is online 24/7 to use in your server supports 3 languages ( Persian, English, Turkish ) 1- Online 24/7 2- Quick Response 3- High Security 4- Completely Safe 5- High Quality Music Player So invite me Now :D
Goliath Icon
Goliath is an all-use Discord bot that comes bundled with a vast amount of features for users and servers.
Stormy Icon
Gaming | Technology
This is the improved version of my first bot which is a discord verified bot wit 200+ servers...... This bot took a lot of time to make and Is the best one I have made so far It has many features: >Moderation System >Fun commands >Roast Battles >Compliment people >Play fun games like rock paper scissors >More usefull commands such as: Userinfo , Purge , Avatar
BetterCensoring Icon
Technology | Bot
With a range of unique features that you won't find anywhere else, BetterCensoring is a great start to a safer environment for your community.
Server Guardian Icon
Support | Community
Server Guardian was created on 06/30/2021 in efforts to ensure everyone enjoys their time on discord! Server guardian has a newly built feature that prevents spamming and raiding Server Guardian also has a ban database that ensures toxic/racist/trolls don't join your server!
Dragon Bot Icon
Bot | Memes
A Powerful Moderation Bot Built To Manage Discord Server's With Fun Activities.
SlickBot Icon
Bot | Community
SlickBot is the best bot you can ever have! the best features all in one bot. We are updating the bot actively with new features too! With this bot, you can finally set up your discord server professionally!
Floofcafe Icon
Furry | Community | Just Chatting
Hello there friend, consider joining us at Floof Cafe. We have: 🌟Minecraft SMP Server 🌟 Friendly users. 🌟 Active Chats. 🌟A large marketplace for art (with many talented artists) 🌟Numerous self-promotion channels. 🌟Warm, friendly and active community. 🌟Funny and cute emojis. 🌟Channels for streamers and content creators. 🌟Drama free and raid-free server
Floofcafe Discord Server Banner
Floofcafe Icon
Furry | Community | Just Chatting
Hello there friend, consider joining us at Floof Cafe. We have: 🌟Minecraft SMP Server 🌟 Friendly users. 🌟 Active Chats. 🌟A large marketplace for art (with many talented artists) 🌟Numerous self-promotion channels. 🌟Warm, friendly and active community. 🌟Funny and cute emojis. 🌟Channels for streamers and content creators. 🌟Drama free and raid-free server
Fays Spielplatz Icon
Community | Gaming
Official Moderation Bot die FaysSpielplatz Dieser Bot ist ein selbstentwickelter Bot für denn Discord Server FaysSpielplatz
SwizBot Icon
Bot | Anime
-The bot has many advantages like moderation, fun commands ,public commands, delete some bad words,Swiz have some games like rps, and the bot is very safe,you can use it for more than one thing,and if you cannot use anything, you can go to the support and ask them there is a support 24 hours.Swiz has also a good dashboard so what are you waiting for,add swizbot and have fun. -Dashboard:https//swizbot.ga
SwizBot Icon
Support | Anime
-The bot has many advantages like moderation, fun commands ,public commands, delete some bad words,Swiz have some games like rps, and the bot is very safe,you can use it for more than one thing,and if you cannot use anything, you can go to the support and ask them there is a support 24 hours.Swiz has also a good dashboard so what are you waiting for,add swizbot and have fun. -Dashboard:https//swizbot.ga
PoKi Icon
Bot | Social
Hey I'm Poki , I'm your personal guild security guard ! You can see my abilities [ commands ] here : Abilities Commands ? 1️⃣ /ability channel_freeze [ True / False ] ↳?️ Create Channel after channel deleted by non whitelisted Users with same info ! Limit Commands ? 1️⃣ /setlimit channel [limit_number] ↳?️ Set channel [creation / deletion / update] limit 2️⃣ /setlimit role [limit_number] ↳?️ Set role [creation / deletion / update] limit 3️⃣ /setlimit ban [limit_number] ↳?️ Set [ban / unban] limit 4️⃣ /setlimit emoji [limit_number] ↳?️ Set emoji [add / remove] limit 5️⃣ /setlimit kick [limit_number] ↳?️ Set kick limit Punishment Commands ? 1️⃣ /punishment ban ↳?️ ban user when bot punished user for user reach server limit 2️⃣ /punishment kick ↳?️ kick user when bot punished user for user reach server limit 3️⃣ /punishment removerole ↳?️ remove all users roles when bot punished user for user reach server limit whitelist Commands ? 1️⃣ /whitelist add [
BU$ҤBOT has: 1-Ticket System 2-Giveaway System 3-Music 4-Anti Links/Ands/Invites 5-Advanced Moderation commands 6-Utility 7-Config(to set up 4) 8-Fun commands 9-Information about the client and more It Features Api's for the best music experience, Including: -Youtube API -SoundCloud API (old Api's as SoundCloud has discontinued Api's) -Spotify
D1scord Mod Icon
Community | Programming
Discord Moderation Bot ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎.
Snow Flake Icon
Bot | Music
Snowflake is a bot designed to keep your server safe and engage your members with Endless capabilities. Some of Most popular Commands are: Giveaways, Logging, Message Tracking, Invite Tracking, Auto Mod, Advanced Ticket System, Guess The Number, Chatbot. You can have Badges on your profile For Being Staff , Booster , Support Staff etc. Snowflake also has chatbot, Moderation, Auto Mod And Games like guess the number, Guess The Word, Rock Paper Scissors and many more. Snowflake Is A Multipurpose Discord bot that will help you and your server a lot.
VR Modding server Icon
Gaming | Virtual Reality
A discord server that has gorilla tag mods and more, come and find out!! we are a fun and loving community that is welcome with strong arms to you!
Discord Server Moderation Icon
Technology | Support
Need to secure your server? Don't do any work and have a toxic-free server Join Now to have a safe server
eclipse Icon
Anime | Entertainment
server for entreteriment and support shiro ........................................................
Titan Icon
eSports | Tournaments
## Some Features - Open Tagchecks - Close Tagchecks - Send IDP’s - Tournaments & Scrims coming soon. ## Information Titan is a versatile Discord bot tailored for esports enthusiasts and server administrators. Engage your community with real-time esports updates, from match scores to player stats. Maintain order with robust moderation features, ensuring a positive environment. Titan also offers utility commands for quick information retrieval and seamless server management. Elevate your Discord experience with miscellaneous features that add fun and functionality. Whether you're a gaming community or a general server, Titan brings a well-rounded blend of esports excitement, moderation prowess, and utility convenience, making it an essential addition for a dynamic and engaging Discord community.
Yakuza Icon
Yakuza is a multifunctional Discord bot with over 600 commands. Start with basic information, music system, economy, administration system, automod, setups and so on. The bot it’s perfect for your Discord server. This is a bot created for all user needs, Yakuza can compete with Mee6, ProBot and other big bots.
Divine 18+・adult・social Icon
Community | Gaming | Social
Laid-back, Chill, Adult Environment Come here to escape the harsh reality of the world and have a sense of calm in your life. Be Divine.
Divine 18+・adult・social Discord Server Banner
Divine 18+・adult・social Icon
Community | Gaming | Social
Laid-back, Chill, Adult Environment Come here to escape the harsh reality of the world and have a sense of calm in your life. Be Divine.
Raptor Icon
Bot | Social
Raptor is a discord bot, with which you can moderate your server, create giveaways, create reaction roles, listen to music and many other things. Raptor is a bot with which you can run your entire server! With no less than 350+ commands, we have a large bot with many options to improve your server!
CreeperBOT Icon
Bot | Programming
A multi propose discord bot, now powered by Botghost...still in development, feel free to join our support server (still in development, so you wont be able to write anything now)
VisionX Icon
The features of our bot are as follows: ## Utility: afk , membercount , invite , list , list roles , list invoice , list bans , list emojis , list activedeveloper , list createpos , list bots , list joinpos , list moderators , list early , list inrole , list invite , list boosters , list admins , list muted , snipe , servericon , avatar , banner , banner user , banner server , ping , firstmessage , botinfo , userinfo , serverinfo , roleinfo , channelinfo , translate , uptime , setup , setup reqrole , setup list , setup create , setup delete ## Moderation: ban , clear , clear embeds , clear emojis , clear files , clear bots , clear images , clear mentions , clear reactions , clear contains , purge , purge invites , purge startswith , purge endswith , purge user , purge contains , kick , mute , unmute , unban , unbanall , nick , role , role all , role cancel , role bots , role humans , role status , rrole , rrole all , rrole cancel , rrole bots , rrole humans , rrole status , hide ,
SecureNet Icon
# SecureNet SecureNet is a groundbreaking Discord bot that revolutionizes server management by enabling seamless moderation synchronization across main servers and their subservers. Tailored for administrators who oversee multiple Discord servers, SecureNet offers an unparalleled solution for maintaining consistent moderation policies and actions network-wide. What Sets SecureNet Apart: Network-Wide Moderation: Ban or timeout users across all linked servers with a single action, ensuring a uniform security posture. Automatic Synchronization: Changes in moderation settings or roles in the root server are automatically applied to all subservers. Private Token System: Utilize unique tokens to securely link subservers to the main server, protecting your network's integrity. Customizable Log Channels: Designate specific channels for logging all moderation actions and alerts, keeping your team informed and responsive. ## Featured Commands: - `/help` - Provides detailed information on Se
Lunify Icon
Programming | Music
# Lunify Bot - Do you want to use my advanced moderation and artificial intelligence commands? Then add me to your server and I will protect your server :) - Advanced music system! - Use the `/chat` command to use GPT-4 for free - Use the `/imagine` command to use DALL-E 3 for free - I protect everything in both English and Turkish! - You don't want members to nsfw on your server? Then you can prevent them from nsfw on your server with Anti-NSFW!
Monni Support Icon
Social | Entertainment
The Monni Support Server! This is the OFFICIAL Server for Monni, the only pet that can run a Discord server!
Ari-Chan Icon
Community | Role-Playing
The TNU Project Community Nadeko branch for general purpose moderation and management of your server.
Nate! Icon
Community | Bot
Nate bot is small but striving to grow. It already incorporates a few essential features, although we are currently focusing on other aspects. We strive for uniqueness in our Discord server, Google Docs, and beyond. My bot may not offer as much as others, being small and with only a few commands, but we value people's feedback and are not actively seeking major issues or bugs.
Pinkster 🌸 Icon
Growth | Community
☀️ Start Boosting your server or community growth with our bot or advertisements now for free! 🤝 Partnership with a server with growing community and more. 🚀 Advertise your server or community in our 13+ advertising channels. 🙏 Get fully free courses on how to grow communities. 🛡️ Have also better moderation system, with logs and moderation-role.
Don't AskToAsk Bot Icon
Education | Community
An Ai Powered Bot That Classifies "AskToAsk" Questions And Prompts The User With Instructions on How to Formulate a Correct Question. A Discord Bot that promotes better communication etiquette in discord forums: Don't Ask to Ask Bot! 🤖 Are you tired of seeing messages like "Any experts around?" cluttering your chat rooms? Our bot encourages users to ask their questions directly, without the unnecessary preamble of asking permission to ask. By promoting clear and direct communication, our bot fosters a more efficient and welcoming environment for everyone. Features: 🔹 Only responds to newcomers. 🔹 Automatically detects and prompts users who ask 'AskToAsk' questions. 🔹 Provides friendly reminders on how to formulate questions effectively. 🔹 Helps streamline communication and encourages users to dive straight into problem-solving. Inspired by (https://dontasktoask.com/) bot repo (https://github.com/ahabz/DontAskToAsk-bot)
Walko Icon
Bot | Health
HolaCommunity, Este servidor tiene como finalidad ayudar a las personas que necesiten soporte o ayuda con el bot para ser más precisó Walko Bot el bot ya está con funcionamiento y tiene muchísimas opciones como: Categorias: • General Commands • Moderation • AntiRaid • Security • Welcomer • Voice • Extra Cada una de estas con muchísimas funciones de todo con más de +350 Comandos. Att: Support Server Walko Bot https://discord.com/invite/8Xq3ks43Sf
Oliver Icon
Oliver: Elеvating Your Discord Sеrvеr Oliver is a vеrsatilе Discord bot that еnhancеs sеrvеr managеmеnt and adds fun to your community. Kеy Fеaturеs Auto Modеration: Simplify automodеration sеtup. Auto Rolе for Nеwbiеs: Wеlcomе nеw mеmbеrs with automatеd rolе. Command Highlights Modеration: Ban, unban, clеar, kick, mutе, and morе. configs: weclome, leave and autorole. Information: Gеt users info, sеrvеr dеtails, and morе. Usе /hеlp command for dеtailеd fеaturе list of Oliver! Oliver is continuously еvolving, with frеquеnt updatеs introducing nеw fеaturеs to еnhancе your Discord sеrvеr. If you еncountеr any bugs or issuеs, plеasе rеport thеm to our dеdicatеd dеvеlopеr in thе support sеrvеr. Join Oliver Support For morе information and support, join Oliver support at https://discord.com/invite/t52WHwgBv9. Your sеrvеr dеsеrvеs nothing lеss!
Anime Island Icon
Anime | Just Chatting | Community
Welcome To The Best Anime Community. This server is for fellow otakus, weebs and anyone is welcome to join.
Anime Island Discord Server Banner
Anime Island Icon
Anime | Just Chatting | Community
Welcome To The Best Anime Community. This server is for fellow otakus, weebs and anyone is welcome to join.
ProteCat Icon
Bot | Programming
🛡DiscordProtectBot🛡 可愛さと安心をすべてのサーバーに! Prefix = pc! (サーバーごとに変更可能です。) ProteCatはDiscordServerをスパムなどから保護する日本語対応のモデレーションBotです。 Webダッシュボードからではなく、Discord上でコマンドでの操作ができます。 Developed by @otoneko. Docs: https://protecat.otoneko.jp/
ProteCat Support Icon
Bot | Support
ProteCat Support Server! (ProteCat is one of moderation bot) Please Join and get support! You can get support for ProteCat.
CodeGuard Icon
Community | Bot
The bot what you need is here! CodeGuard is an useful discord bot for your server that has music moderation fun commands ticket system ( COMING SOON ) Poll system ( COMING SOON ) And more!! Visit https://codeguard-xyz.netifly.app for mor infomartion developer: itsduckydev
Double security Icon
Bot | Support
Discord automod bot with moderation functions and verification system, auto purge a certain member and many more ONLY 3 STEPS FOR EVERYTHING TO WORK ! ( BAN THE BOT IF IT IS FAKE OR NOT REAL )
Botter Icon
Greetings! I'm Botter🤖! I'm here to help with Discord moderation 👮, utilities 📅, and server management 🛠️.
Ning Icon
Social | Support
Meet Ning, your all-in-one Discord bot designed to simplify server management by combining essential features into one tool. Say goodbye to juggling multiple bots—Ning handles it all! 🚀 Features: - 🎫 Ticket System: Streamline support with easy ticket creation. - 🗩 Welcome System: Greet new members warmly and automatically. - 🤖 Automod: Keep order with automatic content moderation. - 🌟 Leveling System: Reward active members and boost engagement. - 🌈 Role Commands: Automatically assign default roles upon joining. - 🪙 Economy System: Earn, spend, and compete with virtual currency. - 🎶 Music Commands: Enjoy and share music in your server. - 🔧 Utility Commands: Access useful tools for server management. 💪 Support: Join our Discord Support server for active assistance and updates!
VAL-Elogs Icon
Social | Support
Welcome to VAL-Elogs, your ultimate Discord bot for community engagement and server management! Our bot stands out with its interactive voting system and comprehensive logging features. Commands: - /help - Displays this help message with a list of available commands and how to use them. 32++ commands Future Development: We're committed to continuously improving VAL-Elogs with exciting new features and enhancements. Stay tuned for future updates that will bring even more functionality to your server management and community engagement toolkit. Our bot is designed to enhance your Discord community by providing tools for better decision-making, server management, and transparency. Join the hundreds of servers already benefiting from VAL-Elogs and experience a new level of control and engagement!
Cooper Public Icon
Social | Bot
🔥 Cooper Public🔥 --------------------------------------------- ⚡Ein Bot mit unzähligen funktionen 💎 Trolling 🧩 Moderation 📛 Just4Fun Commands --------------------------------------------- 📜: Website: https://cooper-studio.site Ein kleiner all in 1 Bot!
✔ Hopper Icon
✔ VERIFIED BOT | Meet your all-in-one Discord bot! Seamlessly stream music, enjoy anime recommendations, manage Minecraft servers, enforce moderation, and keep your community organized with powerful management tools.
Airwavy Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Airwavy is a versatile Discord bot designed to enhance your server with features focused on automation, engagement, and moderation. It includes automoderation tools, button roles for easy role management, and a starboard to highlight top content. The bot also offers an economy system, giveaways, fun commands, and high-quality music playback with playlist support. Airwavy’s logging system tracks important server events, while powerful moderation commands keep things in order. With a stats and leveling system, users stay engaged, and an advanced ticket system makes support requests seamless. The bot also includes a verification system for better security. Airwavy is constantly updated to improve your server experience.
Ask Alfrd Icon
Bot | Community
Here are some things you can do with Alfrd: ➡️ Automated FAQ Responses: Saves time by instantly answering repetitive member questions. ➡️Real-Time Sentiment Tracking: Monitors community mood and provides actionable insights for proactive engagement. ➡️Engagement Insights: Identifies activity trends and suggests personalized interactions to boost member participation. ➡️Targeted Re-Engagement: Automatically reaches out to inactive members with tailored messages. ➡️Event Support: Sends automated reminders, announcements, and collects post-event feedback. ➡️Customizable Workflows: Adapts features to fit specific community needs and goals. ➡️Seamless Platform Integration: Works with Discord, Slack, and other platforms for unified management. ➡️Scalable Automation: Handles communities of any size, from small groups to large-scale networks. ➡️Custom Reports: Delivers analytics on engagement, growth, and sentiment for data-driven decisions. ➡️24/7 Availability: Always active, ensurin
Xerl-bot Icon
Bot | Music
Xerl-Bot – The Ultimate All-in-One Discord Bot Xerl-Bot is the only bot you'll ever need to manage, secure, and enhance your Discord server! Packed with powerful anti-nuke protection, moderation tools, entertainment commands, and automation features, Xerl-Bot ensures your server stays safe, active, and engaging. Key Features: ✅ Anti-Nuke Protection – Prevents mass kicks, bans, channel deletions, and other nuking attempts. ✅ Advanced Moderation – Ban, kick, mute, warn, and log rule breakers with ease. ✅ Automated Security – Protects against raids, spambots, and suspicious activity. ✅ Customizable Settings – Tailor commands and features to fit your server’s needs. ✅ Fun & Utility Commands – Play games, generate memes, fetch information, and more! ✅ 24/7 Uptime & Lightning-Fast Performance With Xerl-Bot, your server is protected, efficient, and fun—all in one bot! 🚀 Invite Xerl-Bot now and take your server to the next level!
Sleepy Icon
Community | Anime | Art
Struggle to talk in a new server? Try joining one of our groups. There is always a group that is perfect for you. Sleepy has everything you need in one - Gaming chats that don't clutter the server - Groups to join so you don't feel left out - Ongoing events and giveaways - News channel
Sleepy Discord Server Banner
Sleepy Icon
Community | Anime | Art
Struggle to talk in a new server? Try joining one of our groups. There is always a group that is perfect for you. Sleepy has everything you need in one - Gaming chats that don't clutter the server - Groups to join so you don't feel left out - Ongoing events and giveaways - News channel
thrivebot Icon
Community | Gaming
A comprehensive Discord bot featuring moderation, economy system, games & engagement tools. Includes free tier, 24/7 uptime, and easy setup.
Nitro Type Services Icon
Entertainment | Business
Come here to get famous on nitrotype.com
Bot | Technology
A multi function bot for your multi work Moderation Music Welcoming Until Fun
Jonin Support Icon
Bot | Anime
A friendly (Mostly SFW) server. This server is a support server for Jonin, which has a growing community. We accept all and don't judge. Get updates for when Jonin is down or when new commands are released.
Gold Bot support server Icon
Technology | Community
Support server for Gold bot
VIP Support Icon
Bot | Community
VIP server podderzhki dlya podderzhki botov. Mnogofunktsional'nyy VIP-bot s upravleniyem serverom, instrumentami administrirovaniya, razlichnymi utilitami, razvlecheniyami i mnogimi drugimi komandami.
Ser Aymeric Icon
Bot | Gaming
Professional and feature rich Discord bot, a favourite within the FFXIV community due to its beautiful character and Lodestone features but it is a great bot for any server and does the job of many popular existing bots. Music, moderation, custom commands, timers, profiles & levelling system, etc.
Moderator Club Icon
Education | Mature
A server that has the objective of helping owners, moderators and staff of any kind of server.
Excalibur Icon
Bot | Entertainment
The official discord server for Excalibur. Excalibur is a WIP bot, which aims to do pretty much everything and then some. We've come up with wacky features (we haven't made em yet tho) that have never been thought of before in a bot. The Excalibur community is pretty laid-back.
LogicFlame Icon
Programming | Support
To set up the bot do =setup(this will create the role/channels needed and permissions) This server is for a Moderation/ticket Bot called LogicFlame This Bot is always being updated as well as new features added This bot can do, muting, tempting, unmuting, ban, unban, warnings These can not use the auto-moderation yet, but I am looking to get the bot to eventually do this. The bot also includes tickets and moderation roles. The bot would require the auto role to be dragged above the members and the channels and categories which the bot would create cannot be changed as the bot relies on this name to work.
Spike Icon
Bot | Memes
The simplest multi-purpose bot featuring powerful moderation commands, MANY fun commands including 10+ meme generation commands, amazing economy, epic giveaways, typeracer, scramble game, minesweeper, built in Wikipedia support, logging deleted messages and more!
Processor Icon
Technology | Entertainment
A handy dandy bot capable of doing many complex things, that is simple to use.