DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Charlos Icon
Community | Bot
This is a fun and moderation bot made by DeadMan#00001, it has a tons of commands and the bot is very active.
clik wafer Icon
Bot | Community
bot feito para discord ele e de moderação e economia e diversão foi feito por sr.power,lucio_chan,Stone
Leek Icon
Bot | Support
A basic bot aimed to help out with entertainment, moderation, economy, and much more. Overall making your server much better.
Spectra Icon
Anime | Bot
Hello! Im a bot designed to keep discord cool and chilling! I am a Moderation, Fun and Utility Bot! Invite me by typing .invite! Prefix - . Join Support Server - https://discord.gg/XCBhgGTehK Official Website - https://lasspectra.carrd.co/ Developed by ANDREW#0001
JoshieBot Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Server, Role, and User Info. Moderation. Games and Information. Cute cat pictures. Inspiration and Pokemon. Stocks and Crypto. Dictionary and Translator. Utility and Roles. AutoMod options and toxicity control. AI-powered text generation. Suggestions and Polls. Coin flips and Message Management. It's all here. Invite JoshieBot today.
Slio Icon
Support | Memes
<p><strong>Slio has everything from Moderation to entertainment! <a href="https://link.selectdev.xyz/invite/slio">Invite her here!</a></strong></p> <iframe src="https://dylster.gitbook.io/slio">If you are seeing this that means that your browser does not support iFrames. Consider upgrading it or visit our doccumentation at https://dylster.gitbook.io/slio</iframe> See our Privacy Policy [here](https://selectdev.xyz/bots/slio)
Roleplay Corrector Icon
Gaming | Technology
Roleplay Corrector helps you with managing your ER:LC Servers! Add the bot to your server. The prefix is a dot. /ssu to host a server start up! /ssd is server shut down. DM 1Chris#9053 if you need any help.
Shigg Icon
Bot | Technology
Shigg will help with most of your needs! Please join the support server and DM me. If the bot is misfunctioning please DM me on 1Chris#9053! Please know that the prefix is always a dot.
Revision Icon
Community | Programming
Revision Bot is one of the bots that offers many things without costing a penny. This bot can be used in any category available on Discord! ▶️ https://revision.laleagane.ro/ ◀️
Everything Bot Icon
This verified bot is V2 of the original bot. The bots prefix is // and @Everything Bot v2. This bot was made in python. This bot has almost every command you can think of plus more. The commands category's are, Admin, AdvancedLock, AltDentifier, Application, Audio, AutoRoom, Away, Captcha, DankMemer, Economy, EventMaker, ExtendedModLog, FirstMessage, Fun, General, GameRoles, MemberCount, ModLog, Mutes, Reports, ReactPoll, ReacTicket, Warnings, and many more. Please check out the Donate cog. Do //help Donate or //donate for more info.
Memes | Music
Enjoy the functions of XGN BOT, a complete web dashboard, a ton of commands, memes, music, minigames and more.
Starrus Icon
Bot | Programming
Starrus 18.05.2020'de moderasyon, müzik, eğlence ve daha birçok amaç ile oluşturulmuş ve tamamen Türkçe bir Discord botudur.
Sports Capitalists Icon
Sports | Entertainment | Community
Make Enjoying Sports a Side Hustle. Specialized in Strategic Sports Betting Picks 🎯 , Daily Fantasy Sports 🧠, and Sports Betting Bots 🤖
Sports Capitalists Discord Server Banner
Sports Capitalists Icon
Sports | Entertainment | Community
Make Enjoying Sports a Side Hustle. Specialized in Strategic Sports Betting Picks 🎯 , Daily Fantasy Sports 🧠, and Sports Betting Bots 🤖
BamBam Icon
BamBam was created for the entertainment and fun of the user. BamBam has more than 40 commands where you can find the commands for music, games and interactions to entertain you. It also includes slash commands, where you can find moderation commands, utility and welcome system!! I hope you invite BamBam and have fun!!!
Not A Discord Bot Icon
Bot | Community
Not a Discord Bot (NADB) is a bot that started to combat the recent explosion in phishing attempts. NADB is therefore currently able to filter out phishing links that scammers might send in your server and automatically mute then, while waiting for a staff member to check whether or not the link was indeed a phishing link and if so, give them the ability to ban the user. Other features will be added soon, so stay tuned for those!
MizuBot Icon
Community | Anime
・❥・What This Bot Can Do?・❥・ ・❥・Moderation・❥・ ・❥・Fun・❥・ ・❥・General・❥・ ・❥・Info・❥・ ・❥・Image・❥・ ・❥・Giveaway・❥・ ・❥・Uptimer・❥・ ・❥・New Command Comming Soon・❥・ ❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・❥・ My Server : https://discord.gg/NF4g79mmjB SkyAnime : https://discord.gg/SFmJBEAY
Kudo Shinichi Icon
Entertainment | Bot
Hello everyone, I'm Kudo Shinichi, and the Admin of BOT is Vietnamese. Kudo Shinichi specializes in Automation. In addition, the BOT has a different frequency function, please experience it. Note: This BOT is Fun! Nothing other than the target. If anyone abuses the BOT, please contact @Deleted User f0bd3b64 # 9340. Thank you.
Shinki Icon
Shinki has been developed for creators to connect their content with their community. However with a large range of features, Shinki will fit well into anyone's server! Fully controlled from our dashboard - Permissions need to be set in the panel by administrators before use. Server owner can set access to the restricted parts of the panel Moderation, including kick, ban, mute, warn, whois, and temprole. Set custom actionable words, link deletion and logging of deleted/edited messages. Comprehensive ticketing system. Security system stopping anyone from posting without reacting to a role and agreeing to the rules Donations - support your content or server by accepting donations, sell roles, text based messages including links and sell physical goods using the bot in your server. Connect your streams and various platforms directly to your server through Streamlabs, Twitch with many more to come! Stream Timer -use Shinki’s stream timer for your next subathon, every donation can add
Anti-Bot Bot Icon
Bot | Support
What I offer: - On startup create a "Muted" role and assign it to every channel. - Detect scam messages if it has 3 keywords in it, delete them, and mute the sender! - After muting the sender, I will send a private message about the situation, and mention the server's name for the sender where they were muted. - Clear the similar messages if I was added after the event with the /clear command. I go through all the channels in the server, and delete those messages. This process takes time. - Message history limit: 500 If you didn't enable role management, reinvite me and enable it or it won't work properly! For Donation: https://www.patreon.com/wonder_dev
Wrenchy Icon
Anime | Bot
Basic bot that gets updated regularly and has big rework coming soon! | Only features basic commands at the current state
Shad Icon
Bot | Community
Shad is a basic moderation and utility bot. It also have some fun commands.Shad's commands is easy to use with its detailed help commands.
Future Bot Icon
Bot | Memes
Future is a multi-purpose bot to help you moderate and manage your servers with ease! Server invite: https://discord.gg/FVZ3XazZ7Q Features include: Moderation commands /ban, /timeout, /purge, /kick, /warn etc. Economy: Working, sending money to other users Selling items to members within your server Money is global so you can earn money in any server to buy things in other servers MEMES! Memes, images, and lots of other fun commands and much much more Utility Welcome messages, mod logs and much more
IceBot Icon
Community | Programming
【 Icebot 】 • Moderation commands. • Welcome and leave system. • Entertainment commands • English language • Host 24/7 • IceBot is a bot dedicated to the security and moderation of your server, it also has entertainment commands. If you find any error or bug, please enter our support server and report it to the staff so that the error can be fixed.
?【 IceBot Support Server 】? Icon
Community | Gaming
Hello, I'm "IceBot" and I would like to invite you to my official support server where you will find help on my commands, also the server has minigames so you can spend your time having fun.
Hypo's The Bot Icon
Bot | Support
Use ''/'' Commands For The Best, If You Type ''/'' There Are Some List Of All The Bot Can Do And We Are Still Updating The Bot And Dashboard, Premium And Other, So Stay Tuned For Our Awesome Update Bot. ''/add-money'' Add Currency To A Member Balance. ''/addrole'' You Can Add Member Role. ''/ban'' Ban User. ''/check-balance'' Check The Balance Of Another User. ''/clearwarnings'' Clear All Warnings. ''/daily'' Claim Your Daily Bonus. ''/giphy'' Search For GIF's In Giphy. ''/give'' Give Another Member Dollar From Your Balance. ''/help'' Get The List Of The Commands. ''/imgur'' Search For Picture On Imgur. ''/invite'' Return The Invite Link For The Bot. ''/kick'' Kicks A Member. ''/leaderboard'' Returns The Server Economy LeaderBoard. ''/level'' Get Your Current Level. ''/levels'' Get Your Server Leaderboard. ''/ping'' Return The Ping For The Bot. ''/purge'' Purges Message In A Channel. ''/remove-money'' Remove Currency From A Member Balance. ''/removerole'' Remove A Role From A Member.
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Carbon Discord Server Banner
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
A moderation bot. It’s pretty simple. There is basically nothing to it. Just add the bot. Done. It’s simple.
RoboStux Icon
RoboStux - The Robot That Can Do Everything in One. Contains Music, Games, Moderation, Reaction Roles and so much more.
Entertainment | Social
KOPED is a multipurpose Discord bot with many commands. With KOPED, it is easy to keep your Discord server fun, active and secure from any nasty and mean members. KOPED has a lot of commands to suit your server. So, Invite now and have fun!
Lilac Icon
Community | Support
This is Lilac, a multipurpose bot with neat embeds that will make your server iconic. - Currently in 50+ guilds and 1500+ users. - Include with 50+ commands and 20+ subcommands to bring your experience to another level. - Advanced tools like Wikipedia, translator, YouTube and many more! - Full built in economy system. - Beautiful embeds. - With suggest command to suggest ideas for devs. Developer Team - paully$#1000 | 857932717681147954 - et3rnalx#1032 | 886238665297264660 Links and Support - [Support Server](https://discord.gg/Hp9V29m8Fs) - [Invite](https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=964904213186506804&permissions=1237222550774&scope=bot)
Holo Icon
Bot | Technology
Holo has a lot of cool punishing commands! You can log things like edited/deleted messages, who punished who, and even who joined the server at what time! There's also informational commands! ## Moderation mute - Times out a member warn - Warns a member unban - Unbans a user hackban - Bans a user kick - Kicks a member infractions - Views a member's infractions ban - Bans a member ## Info avatar - Shows a member's avatar ping - ping pong botinfo - Shows the bot's information membercount - Shows server membercount serverinfo - Shows a server's information servericon - Shows a server's icon policy - Shows the private policy invite - Shows bot invite help - Shows commands whois - Shows member information info - Shows a outside user's information ## Settings memberlogs - Sets channel for logging members linkfilter - Turns invite filter on or off modlogs - Sets channel for logging punishments invitefilter - Turns invite filter on or off auditlogs - Sets channel for logging messages
Securer Icon
Securer Securer is a multipurpose Discord bot which can do things like: Economy An economy system with tons of ways to make money Ranking A ranking system for XP Moderation Kick, ban, mute, and report, some of the commands for moderation! Music Always great to just sit down and listen to some music so Securer has that! Invite: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=853364562879709204&scope=bot&permissions=1099511627775 Support server: https://discord.gg/ACd9jBpxWC
Bon Icon
Community | Social
, ! ╰ b0n , , ; ♛ b0n is a fun discord server with responsible ownership and moderators. You can roleplay, chat for fun, vc, apply to be a mod, and join the royalty ranks!
Nord Icon
Bot | Entertainment
MKFG community Icon
Community | Gaming
this is made for you and if you want to feel better tan please join some text channels and have fun with your frieands and meet new friends
T Bot Icon
Technology | Bot
I am a young programmer who is creating his second version of a bot designed to meet the multiple needs of administrators, moderators, users and anyone who regularly uses discord, from basic moderation commands to ticket system through custom prefix, reaction of roles and much more.
T Bot Icon
Bot | Support
Bot designed to meet the multiple needs of administrators, moderators, users and anyone who regularly uses discord, from basic moderation commands to ticket system through custom prefix, role reaction and much more.
Valiant Icon
Technology | Community
Welcome to Valiant. The only Discord bot you will need. With commands ranging from a dog command all the way to AI moderation, we have it all! This is a project that has been been in development for 6 months at the time of writing this. The code for the project has been released on GitHub for everyone to view 25 days ago at the time of writing this as well. We also provide a guide on how to set up the bot for self-hosting along with its own dashboard! Now, let's move on to all of our commands. For your server administrators, we have a multitude of commands to help make settings up Valiant easy. - /automod - The automod command is used to configure all of the settings for the automod function of the bot. The options include adding and removing channels for the bot to scan messages in. You can also set the punishment for certain levels of toxicity. - /chatbot - The chatbot command is used to add a channel where the chatbot will interact. - /goodbye - The goodbye command is used to
eSports | Gaming
Welcome to R4R! You have enough skill to make it happen? Then print the money! Bet on yourself, race against others and cash-out! Join in our upcoming tournaments free of charge and win prizes up to $1000!
RACE 4 RICHES Discord Server Banner
eSports | Gaming
Welcome to R4R! You have enough skill to make it happen? Then print the money! Bet on yourself, race against others and cash-out! Join in our upcoming tournaments free of charge and win prizes up to $1000!
Sparty Icon
Memes | Bot
Hello there, as an founder of sparty bot we/sparty Team always try to provide you with best user experience we will keep adding more commands to our bot, which you can use for free of cost!! we would be very happy to see Sparty in your discord server, you can always kick it if u want in future, i am sure you'll love it :D we currently have Utlity, Moderation, Fun, Images, Music categories and much more coming soon in future!!
Ateyourtable Jr Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Ateyourtable Jr is an easy-to-use discord moderation bot. Some features are user joining logs, user leaving logs, channel update logs, and role update logs. All features of Ateyourtable Jr are free to use and not locked behind a paywall so you can get the most of it. Website - https://ateyourtablejr.herokuapp.com/ Invite Bot - https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=689202945945894949&permissions=8&scope=bot Support Server - https://discord.gg/8Tkse3EaKB Images Of Features - https://i.imgur.com/QmCDUE2.jpg & https://i.imgur.com/NYzWw99.jpg
✫Vexter✫ Icon
Community | Social
this is a work in progress bot by $ lovelySKULL#0001 so like im making a new bot and i need it to be in 100 servers i need help please ? this bot is a work in bata im a new bot dev and im trying my best on this bot =) idk join this server if you wanna talk and shi
AristaBot Icon
Bot | Gaming
AristaBot, славный бот, который создан развлекать и помогать пользователям Возможности AristaBot ● Разнообразие информационных команд ● Различные инструменты для модерации ● Система автоматических ролей и приветственных/прощальных сообщений ● Утилиты ● Изображения ● Система управления приватными каналами Если хотите предложить свои идеи или вы нашли баг, просьба обратиться на сервер поддержки Большое спасибо за уделённое тобой время, надеюсь что ты пригласишь бота, проголосуешь и оставишь положительный отзыв!
ScrumpBot Support Icon
Emoji | Role-Playing
ScrumpBot is a heavily customizable Discord bot, with hundreds of unique and awesome features.
HypeX Icon
Bot | Community
HypeX - One bot for all your needs Features: Levelling, welcome, goodbye, autorole, chatguard, Captcha verify, i will put more here soon (this arent all features) <More description soon>
Nino Bot Icon
Community | Entertainment
Nino Bot is a very advanced bot with many commands with all the basics like Ban, Kick, Mute, etc. It also has advanced commands like Timed Messages, Soft Ban, Timeout, Levels, Music, Warn, Question Of The Day and more!
Searchify Icon
Bot | Memes
Searchify is a friendly multipurpose bot with too many features like Fun, memes commands and more! Links -Privacy Policy: https://gist.github.com/lol219/D1D9F167279322C84D531749A55270AC -Terms of Service: https://gist.github.com/lol219/3b9fb1b0117d8bc281986029268115a3
Guardian Icon
Community | Support
This is an Automod/Mod/Fun Bot I made to run my servers. It has antispam, anti link, and antiinvite capabilities. It also has Reaction Roles, Counters, and much much more. Slash commands are activated
BurgerToss Youtube Icon
YouTuber | Community
We are a small discord community looking to grow nad expand .come on what are you waiting for? come join us!
Wraith Icon
Entertainment | Bot
Wraith bot provides free service for everything and has unique features: - Casino: It runs globally so you can compete against everyone who uses the bot. With its currency, you can set up features like XP conversion on your server. Our games (blackjack, slots, roulette) differ from the others, differently give them a try if you're interested. (Leaderboard is included) - XP/Levels-System: You can set as many levels as you want so users can earn XP (customizable as you'd like) through texting or being in a voice chat. You can also reward them with a role(s), on each level-up! (Leaderboard is included) - Logs: We provide logs for moderation commands (only the ones that get run through the bot!), for the XP-System, and for the Casino. - Moderation: Basic ones like "delete msgs, ban, kick, etc" (can also be done through userID!). A unique one would be the "blacklist" where only certain user(s) can unban a user(s) from the server! - Roles-Backup: Have you ever wanted the users that lea
SpiderArmy Support Icon
Bot | Music
I am an advanced Musical, Moderation, Fun, Economy...etc (too long haha) I notice that Discord is going to shift to slash commands. Why? ~idk THEREFORE, my owner installed some slash commands in me too!! Commands: (including slash) Moderating commands /info /mute, /unmute /warn, /warnings, /clearwarn /ban, /unban, /softban /kick /ping Wanna play music with me? s!music-info, s!mi, s!music-help, s!mcd, s!music-commands Use any of these commands to find out the commands for playing music Next,For the economy part of the bot!! the prefix is s! You have to use s!createbank to start your amazing journey, please take note that this section is create on 1st November 2021, th
Skylab Icon
Anime | Manga | Art
Skylab is a vibrant, non-toxic, professionally run community designed for creative individuals like illustrators, writers, animators, photographers, 3D designers, and gamers. It offers a welcoming and inclusive environment where creativity thrives.
Skylab Discord Server Banner
Skylab Icon
Anime | Manga | Art
Skylab is a vibrant, non-toxic, professionally run community designed for creative individuals like illustrators, writers, animators, photographers, 3D designers, and gamers. It offers a welcoming and inclusive environment where creativity thrives.
Nark Icon
Bot | Technology
Nark is a multipurpose, broad and feature-rich bot that automates every aspect of your Discord server, removing confusing settings and simplifying those long tutorials on how to do even basic-sounding tasks. Nark primarily covers the following areas: - Moderation - Utility - Fun - Server Management - Info and includes the following [in-development] free forever components: - autorole - automod - reaction roles - embed creation, customisation, etc - auto purging - announcements - welcome messages - parameter-based message sending - auto-delete - starboard - giveaways - forms - custom commands - levelling - server information widgets - music & voice (Q4 2022) Nark contains every key feature of its competitors, alongside 'premium' features, and opens them to everyone. Accessibility matters.
Support | Technology
This is the Official Support server of VOID, a Utility Bot, made for enhancing the general experience of your Discord Server The Bot features many Commands which are mostly only for Moderation purposes
Elijahs Utilities Icon
Support | Community
This is a simple moderation bot with moderation commands, and some fun commands. The code is on replit here: https://replit.com/@thecommoncoder7/Elijahs-Utils-Bot-Python-edition?v=1 NOTE FOR DEVELOPERS: Feel free to fork the repl! There is also another fork on my profile with different commands. They run under the same token, and depending on which works better, I switch running them. NOTE: The repl does not do anything if you run it. If you want to make your own, you have to fork, and then you have to change the secrets(environment variables) to match your dev settings. This includes your Token under the TOKEN environment variable. This note and the repl is only for developers wanting to make their own. Information is on the server. You can also invite the bot from the support server, instead of the oAuth2 url.
Nyx Icon
Community | Music
Hi, I'm Nyx! I'm a multipurpose Discord bot constantly striving to bring the most useful tools to your Discord server! Ranging from simple, fun commands, to making your members feel welcomed, to full-fledged moderation, I'll always be by your side!
Music | Community
BOOPER is a multi-purpose bot, perfect for playing music, moderating your server, greeting members and much more! Feel free to try all the features, including a dashboard that makes changing settings even easier!
Rocket-Bot Icon
Bot | Gaming
Discord sunucuları için yönetim ve moderasyon botu. Tüm komutlar eğik çizgi {/} ile çalışır Moderasyon komutları, bilgi komutları, Middleman servisi, uyarı sistemi, log sistemi, reaksiyon rol, Otomod ve daha birçok sistemi barındırır. Otomod ve ayarlar: /log Sunucu için log kanalları ayarla. Kanal seçilmez ise ilgili log sistemi kapatılır. ┝ mm ❯ [kanal] Middleman log kanalını ayarla. ┝ otomod ❯ [kanal] Otomod log kanalı ayarla. ┝ ihlal ❯ [kanal] İhlal log kanalı ayarla. ┝ genel ❯ [kanal] Genel log kanalı ayarla. ┝ mesaj ❯ [kanal] Mesaj log kanalı ayarla. ┗ girişçıkış ❯ [kanal] Giriş-çıkış log kanalı ayarla. /otomod Sunucu oto moderasyon ayarları. ┝ maxline ❯ [kategori] [satırsınırı] Kategori altındaki kanallara satır sınırı koy. ┝ kayıt ❯ [aç/kapat] [kanal] [rol] [süre] Kayıt sistemini aç yada kapat. ┝ antilink ❯ [aç/kapat] Sunucuda paylaşılan tüm linkleri engelle. ┝ antidavetlink ❯ [aç/kapat] Sunucuda paylaşılan discord davet linklerini engelle. ┗ antispamcaps ❯ [aç/kapat] Büyük h
ColeFlare | System Icon
Bot | Social
**ColeFlare Discord Bot** Say hi to ColeFlare, the fully customizable Discord bot! He comes packed with a variety of commands, ranging to moderation to trivia. Every command and feature of the bot can be disabled giving server administrators more finetuned control over what ColeFlare can do. She also comes with a unique points system with a "crown" that can be passed to whoever is the winner, on whatever schedule you decide on! **Features:** Moderation commands with optional logging Fun commands, including trivia General/utility commands Points system with leaderboard and a rotating winner Animal pics Color system Per server customization And much more! *ColeFlare is in a continuous state of development*
Rick's Activities Icon
Community | Bot
Rick's Activities have a Command's Bot, and it's the utility bot, games, music 24/7 for free, reaction roles & Actvities as a Command's to make Discord Server Wondeful. Made by SN E KY#6824 using JS(JavaScript), env, npm,...
BuddyBot Icon
Buddybot is a very amazing bot that has economy, music, fun commands, and others. Many people use a bot in their servers, but this one is unique. We are currently working on Giveaway functions and Economy commands. So why not give BuddyBot a massive try? If you don't like it, leave your feedback in the support server so we can improve on this. If there is something else with the bot other than the functionality, please leave a review on our origin server. Thank you, and we hope you like the bot the way you're supposed to.
Warriors Bot Icon
Community | Entertainment
Un bot qui est voué à remplacer n'importe quel bot ? Il saura bientôt tout faire ! De donner la météo jusqu'à donner les horaires de trains en passant par les coordonnées de l'ISS en temps réel ! ? Ce bot pourra répondre à tous vos besoins ?
Asten Icon
Entertainment | Community
History of Asten Asten was created at the end of 2022 for personal usage to my discord server, but I decided to add more commands to my bot and it has +50 commands right now. The creator of Asten Hi, I’m spitzname, that founder & developer of Asten. I’m a Junior Discord Bot developer, I’m studying python programming language at middle school. One day I decided to make a discord bot to improve my programming skills, and that is how i made Asten. What can Asten do? Fun commands Utility commands Moderation commands Image commands Games Level System Slash commands Prefix: !
LeXi Icon
Entertainment | Community
**Lexi is a multipurpose bot with many features:** Moderation・Currency・Fun・Pokemon・Dragon hunt・Anime・And More... **Commands menu:** **Config:** announce set announce embed whois serverinfo **Moderation:** ban mute unmute warn warnings addrole removerole nick lock unlock **Reactie roles:** rr set-role **Giveaways:** gstart drop **Currency:** work daily beg crime bal with dep give bj slots money add wallet reset bank reset shop item add lb **Fun:** meme fight (@user) click howgay (@user) rps Rock/Paper/Scissor tod match (@user) (@user) breed (@user) (@user) simp (@user) pet (@user) punch (@user) marry (@user) divorce confess set confess **Waifu games:** ha wa **Guess the number:** gtn guess **Dragon game** +hunt +bag +dragons **Pokemon:** start pick spawn hint info profile pokedex **Miscellaneous:** ping purge whois @user afk stop afk translate (non English text) calc remindme why when roll botsuggest (suggestion) bugreport (report) Made by: .𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗.𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝.#2525