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For tutoring in SAT, PSAT, and ACT enhancement, as well as general coursework or AP exam tutoring, join our program.
So, why us? Because we are evidence-based.
- Recognized as the only student-run Supporting Champion of President Biden's National Partnership for Student Success.
- Lauded by Stanford University's National Student Support Accelerator.
- Supported over 130+ students in their journeys to academic excellence.
- All tutors all have scored in the high 1500s on SAT and are knowledgeable in every subject!
Here is how we help.
- Effective resources for student success in all areas, for both standardized tests and general coursework.
- Guided and tailored curriculum for optimal student success.
- 24hr Q&A service for all question types.
- 1-on-1 tutoring through zoom call.
All for free.
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