Trader Capital LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto
We're better than Wall Street Bible. With over +10K members Trader Capital is the #1 stock / options server that provides alerts, strategies, ideas, and news for everyone! •📅 Daily Alerts •🎤 Live Trading •💰 $1 million+ in member profits •📚 Live Classes
Trader Capital LLC Discord Server Banner
Trader Capital LLC Discord Server Banner
Trader Capital LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto
We're better than Wall Street Bible. With over +10K members Trader Capital is the #1 stock / options server that provides alerts, strategies, ideas, and news for everyone! •📅 Daily Alerts •🎤 Live Trading •💰 $1 million+ in member profits •📚 Live Classes
choqopunk Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
🎮 Dive into "Steam Travelers," our thrilling game on "The Sandbox" web3 platform! It's a steampunk action-adventure, FREE to play! 🚀 Let's share our love for steampunk and have fun! 🎨
Oldenburg PPL Icon
Art | Entertainment
Oldenburg PPL server sfjhsadvhjfeawvhjfvewrzuafgewdzfvewhgvfsehfgwejgfewjzewsarwejkfhzewiugfieuwguweug
Something For Everyone Icon
Community | Entertainment
A diverse community. Friendly chats. Events (giveawyas, karaokes, festivals). Simply put? Something For Everyone, the community for you.
Stay Away Icon
Social | Entertainment
Welcome to our dynamic Discord community, where camaraderie, gaming, and the potential for genuine connections intersect! 🌟 Step into a realm where chilling out, gaming, and socializing intertwine seamlessly. Whether you're seeking a laid-back gaming environment, eager to meet new friends, or open to the prospect of meaningful relationships, our server offers an inclusive space to fulfill your desires. Engage in exhilarating gaming sessions, participate in lively discussions, or simply unwind in the company of like-minded individuals. Our diverse community welcomes all, fostering a supportive atmosphere where everyone's voice is valued. Join us as we embark on an exciting journey of friendship, camaraderie, and endless possibilities. Together, let's create unforgettable memories and forge lasting bonds. 🎮💬✨
The Evil Chicken Coop Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Dayz Server
LeadVonE Icon
Writing | Entertainment
Fanmade Discord Server for the WIP LitRPG fantasy series, Trial by Conquest, Richard Struggle, and the Harry Potter fan-fiction Dodging Prison & Stealing Witches by James 'LeadVonE' Coombs.
The Sinister Man Icon
Writing | Entertainment
Fanmade Discord Server for the fanfiction Prince of Slytherin by the author The Sinister Man.
The Mouse Chat Icon
Art | Entertainment
Here be Disney mice.
Elliana - The Aerial Arsenal Icon
eSports | Entertainment
Discord hub for all Elliana players!
KraggKord Icon
eSports | Entertainment
Discord hub for all Kragg players!
Gaming | Entertainment
Hardcore Vanilla experience that you initially fell in love with, enhanced. Whether you are a group with a mission, or a solo with a vision, there are activities spanning across vast Chernarus for all camps of players. Engage in firefight over a supply drop, or take your chances against a zombie infested contaminated area for a toxic zone crate to get rewarded with top-tier loot.
Community | Entertainment
Fun new group of friends focused on friendship, communication, and body positive.
Unfunny Alley Icon
Community | Memes | Gaming
Welcomes to unfunny alley! To sum us up, we heavily disagree with censorship and believe that all views, no matter how right or wrong, should be at least read and heard by others. Dont join if you are against freedom of speech
Unfunny Alley Discord Server Banner
Unfunny Alley Icon
Community | Memes | Gaming
Welcomes to unfunny alley! To sum us up, we heavily disagree with censorship and believe that all views, no matter how right or wrong, should be at least read and heard by others. Dont join if you are against freedom of speech
ImproVR Icon
Entertainment | Art
Welcome to We Are ImproVR! We are a community of amateur improv comedians who's only missions are to put a long-lasting smile on the face of as many people as possible! We play games, do art, Altspace events and more! Have a lovely time!
BraveLKing Icon
Entertainment | eSports
Oyun oynamak isteyen buyursun
Weapon Master Central Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
NorthFPV Official Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
NorthFpv Official server
TheGangster Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
- TheGangster 22.12.2017 Tarihinden bu yana siz değerli oyuncularımızla gerek yeni dostluk edinmek, gerek dostlukları pekiştirmek amacıyla hepinizi de yanımızda görmeyi istiyoruz. Büyük bir oyuncu topluluğu hedefi ile kurulan TheGangster, bizimle birlikte kalan oyuncularımız, desteğini esirgemeyen yetkililerimiz ile devamlı büyüyeceğiz. TheGangster'ın bir parçası olan herkese teşekkürler...
🔥 GoodVerso🔥 Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Cola com os Goodin que é sucesso! Bate papo, memes, reacts, bots interativos e uma galera gente boa Faça parte da comunidade e chame seus amigos!
AndzNation Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Come and join the fun in helping us to build a nation full of gamers.
Proyecto ClankyNetwork Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Amazing Gamers Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Amazing Gamerz is a gaming community for Gamerz.
Comunidade Warframe Brasil Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Este é o canal OFICIAL da comunidade brasileira do Warframe. Seja muito bem-vindo, Tenno! Neste canal, você estará reunido com Tennos de todas as plataformas (PC, PS4, XB1 e Nintendo Switch) para participar de discussões, sorteios e aprender mais sobre o nosso universo. Aqui você terá acesso e contato com novos e veteranos jogadores do Warframe, além de parceiros oficiais, Moderadores, membros da DE e muito mais!
Moon's Mansion Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Welcome to Moon's Mansion! Feel free to join, make friends and enjoy playing the games you like. c: Much love, Moon
Boonshy Feather Hunters Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Join Boonshy in his discord to join the Feather Hunters
Baked Goods Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Streaming, gaming, overthinking.. come see for yourself. Please bring a cat video or your weirdest conspiracy theory. Either way - no judgment here. 18+, but we don't like disturbing content.
Baked Goods Discord Server Banner
Baked Goods Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Streaming, gaming, overthinking.. come see for yourself. Please bring a cat video or your weirdest conspiracy theory. Either way - no judgment here. 18+, but we don't like disturbing content.
squirtle Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
gaming community and stuffs
squirtle Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
gaming community and stuffs
Jurassic Universe Icon
Entertainment | Social
Jurassic Universe is a place for fans to discuss anything related to the Jurassic Park franchise or paleontology in general, and a great place to make new friends with the same interests!
Empurrão De Canalha Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
clã da zoeira
MitologyCraft™ Icon
Community | Entertainment
MitologyCraft - Network • Uma ótima network para você jogar com seus amigos; • Uma ótima equipe de moderadores, ajudantes e administradores; • É permitido utilizar as versões 1.8x do Minecraft; • Possui um Discord bastante organizado; • O MitologyCraft é um dos poucos servidores que você pode comprar um Minecraft Original com o dinheiro do jogo. - Pera aí? Você disse Minecraft Original!? - Sim!! Um maravilhoso Minecraft Original -Você pode alterar senha, nickname, skins etc! Te espero lá, nossas informações abaixo: -Relembrando, você pode ganhar seu Minecraft Original com o dinheiro do jogo! Venha jogar conosco. Nosso Discord: IP do servidor in-game:
Totally Good at Games Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
The official Discord server for the let's play / variety YouTube channel Totally Good at Games. Hosted by Alexander Emenheiser and Darren Leeds.
Family Don't End In Blood Icon
Entertainment | Social
'Family Don't End in Blood' is based around the tv show Supernatural. After hearing that the ending of the show will be season 15, I, the owner, have decided to make this server so me and the fans/family of the show can make friendships and talk to each other about both the tv show we love dearly and ourselves, whatever that might be.
⚡ J.K Rowling Roleplay FR Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
Salutations chers sorciers ! Je vous présente ce serveur RP représentant l'ensemble de l'univers Harry Potter ! Vivez votre vie tel que vous l'imaginez, dans un univers sorcier. Créez votre personnage à votre image, et devenez le sorcier le plus riche du serveur ! Il vous sera possible d'acheter des objets dans divers magasins, fonder une famille, posséder une maison, obtenir un job et plus encore... ! Nous vous proposons également un système autonome et exclusif pour votre plus grand plaisir visuel et cérébral ! Contexte : L'univers se déroule en temps réel en 2018, des années après la fameuse Guerre de Poudlard. Voldemort et ses partisans sont aujourd'hui détruits et ne représentent plus aucune menace. La paix règne dans tout le pays sous l'étroite surveillance du Ministère de la Magie. La vie, le commerce, la politique, sont des éléments en totale expansion, la magie noire occupe néanmoins quelques pratiquants même si à ce jour ceux-ci se font rare.
? Revista Otaku Point ? Icon
Entertainment | Community
Revista Otaku Point - O Seu Ponto de Referências Tudo sobre a Cultura Pop a um click para você!
Da Resort Icon
Community | Entertainment
Custom role colors, level roles, and self assignable roles Music, Game and Economy Bots Many NSFW Sections, for all kinks! Art, Photography, Sefies, Memes...and much more Events & Giveaways
Jolly-Roger-Devison [J-R-D] Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Die Jolly-Roger-Devision ist ein deutschsprachiger World of Warships Clan und sucht neue Mitspieler. Wir erwarten, dass ihr einen respektvollen Umgangston mit ALLEN Spielern an den Tag legt. Wir möchten CW fahren was natürlich bedeutet, dass ihr mindestens ein Tier VIII im Hafen haben solltet. Ansonsten steht der Spaß bei uns im Vordergrund. Die Kommunikation bei uns läuft über Discord und wird vorausgesetzt. Das Mindestalter für Neuaufnahmen liegt bei 18 Jahren. (Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel). Bewerbung im Spiel oder in Discord bevorzugt (Bitte in der Eingangshalle ab 18h warten)
ArthurCay Icon
Community | Entertainment
serveur communautaire de ArthurCay
ChillZone Icon
Social | Community
ChillZone is a very addicting, super active, chatting server with over 400,000 members. We have constantly active text chats & voice chats, a custom bot, gangs, gambling, and lots more!
ChillZone Discord Server Banner
ChillZone Icon
Social | Community
ChillZone is a very addicting, super active, chatting server with over 400,000 members. We have constantly active text chats & voice chats, a custom bot, gangs, gambling, and lots more!
AssaultCube Icon
Gaming | Entertainment AssaultCube is a FREE, multiplayer, first-person shooter game, based on the CUBE engine. Taking place in realistic environments, with fast, arcade gameplay, it's addictive and fun! With efficient bandwidth usage, it's low-latency and can even run over a 56 Kbps connection. It's tiny too, weighing in at a lightweight about 50 MB package available for Windows, Mac and Linux. On the correct settings, it can even run on old hardware (Pentium III and above).
Prymis Scrims Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Prymis is a discord that hosts Fortnite scrims 24/7. We are looking for new staff members join our discord to fill out our application.
Zombie Hunters Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
This is the Official Zombie Hunters Discord!
The Matrix Icon
Community | Entertainment
A server for fans of The Matrix to discuss the films, games, and other media related to the franchise.
senzeeh fanclub Icon
Anime | Entertainment
senzeeh fanclub
AmazingPeterGaming Icon
Streaming | Entertainment
Official Discord server for AmazingPeterGaming a.k.a. APG, live streamer, Legacy Mixer Partner, former Facebook Gaming Partner and now on Youtube! He loves cake. Come hang out!
Buteco do Vini Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Discord para jogar entre amigos
Domain of Discordians Icon
Writing | Entertainment
This server is made by VKBoy for his readers. Feel free to dive in.
Eskapists Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
Minecraft Server Roleplay based of "The Escapists" video game. If link doesn't work then use
freedom of speech Icon
Entertainment | Hobbies
freedom of speech is a small growing community where people from around the globe no matter who you are can feel comfortable, make friends and find someone with similar interests. there is no ban of anyone ever as you are free to text or voice chat anything you want to anyone you want. freedom may also be used to promote your own servers not a problem at all :) enjoy your time here and i hope you like it lets get into it. also you fuckin dirty cunts can chat whatver the shit is u fuckin wanna talk about have a great time here ;0
TunaySenYT-Official Server Icon
YouTuber | Entertainment
Bu discord nedir? 1-) Bu discord’da aktifliğine göre roller kazanıp ödüller kazanabilirsin. 2-) Ve’ya bir YouTube içerik üreticisiysen ve şartlara uyuyorsan kendini bura’da tanıtarak geliştirebilirsin. 3-) Ve’de gelecek olan çekilişlere katılarak ödüller kazanabilirsin. ( Discord sunucumuz'da arkadaşlıklar edinip oyunlar oynayabilirsin. )
Fur Country Icon
Furry | Art
Welcome to Fur Country, a furry community with a ton to offer. We offer regular giveaways, an economy system, leveling, color roles, posting areas for artists, game nights, and more from your requests!
Fur Country Discord Server Banner
Fur Country Icon
Furry | Art
Welcome to Fur Country, a furry community with a ton to offer. We offer regular giveaways, an economy system, leveling, color roles, posting areas for artists, game nights, and more from your requests!
Dice Life Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
Dice Life
FuelMC Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
FuelMC - OP FACTIONS, Come along and enjoy the fun! Server IP: Server Location: UK/US Version: 1.8 - 1.13.2 FuelMC is a new and improved 1.8/1.13 OP factions server! We have a lot of cool things to do in our server such as, react to messages to win rewards, open op crates, trench pickaxes, gen buckets and a whole lot more! We are a small based community right now but hoping to become bigger than ever! FuelMC has a number of thing to do so we can keep it interesting such as: Crates Advanced AntiCheat Trench GenBuckets React Messages Voting Bounties ………and many more. We hope to see you there!
Satan's Paradise Icon
Community | Entertainment
Hi! Welcome to Satan's Paradise, we are a small and friendly community focusing on freedom of speech, and creating an enviroment where everybody can be themselves! We have roles, partners, and an advertising channel if you feel like sharing your server! We hope you'll consider joining, we would be happy to have you on our server!
Portgate Community Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
I'm a game developer who'd like to have a chat with his players and with other game devs. :) YouTube:
This or That Icon
Entertainment | Social
Hello! This is a server mainly for poll. And we needed members for more voting resulting we satisfied members with daily 4or more questions so when your bored you can vote on it!
Parabeecham Icon
Entertainment | Community
Extension to my twitch channel
Blu_Nation Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
This is the BluNation and we aim for Domination There’s no doubt about we are over 600 hundred strong We have style We have skill We have passion and even still We love and accept, We try to be better than the rest We are strong and here’s why, we are a community that tries Together we are limitless and together we can overcome anything
Guerriellos Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Technology | Entertainment
The Official SIVANN Discord Server
Gaming | Entertainment
The Official SIVANNGAMING Discord Server
Smile Shack Icon
Community | Entertainment
We are a community focused server always looking to take on new members. If you want a chill place to hang out and chat then you've found the right server. We have some fun and engaging bots and features such as: -Daily Questions -Custom Commands -An RPG bot -A Leveling System -Optional NSFW Channels -And More!
Bloobawls Meme Emporium Icon
Community | Entertainment
The Official @Bloobawls Discord! No rules, no mercy, no lube - All of the banned memes get posted here & and all original memes are posted here first! Welcome to one of the funniest discord servers that you'll ever be a part of...