Trader Capital LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto
We're better than Wall Street Bible. With over +10K members Trader Capital is the #1 stock / options server that provides alerts, strategies, ideas, and news for everyone! •📅 Daily Alerts •🎤 Live Trading •💰 $1 million+ in member profits •📚 Live Classes
Trader Capital LLC Discord Server Banner
Trader Capital LLC Discord Server Banner
Trader Capital LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto
We're better than Wall Street Bible. With over +10K members Trader Capital is the #1 stock / options server that provides alerts, strategies, ideas, and news for everyone! •📅 Daily Alerts •🎤 Live Trading •💰 $1 million+ in member profits •📚 Live Classes
Vibe City Icon
Gaming | Social
Want an active discord where you can meet new people and vibe? ✔️ Gaming ✔️ Movie nights ✔️ 24/7 Music bot ✔️ Anime ✔️ roles ✔️ Exp system ✔️ Waifu system ✔️ Pokecord
Alpha Men Icon
Support | Social
Fitness, NoFap, Diet, and every kind of hobby is interesting to us here in the Alpha Men server. This is a dedicated group of people who are determined to take their lives back and master themselves.
⭐~Starlight Beach~⭐ Icon
Anime | Social
:star:~Starlight Beach~:star: Is an anime server for eveyone to join and have a great time! We are a friendly community and we are welcoming you to join! You can socialize with old friends and meet new ones! We are a community of all ages and cant wait to meet you! :star:~Starlight Beach~:star: Is such a fun place and nobody will judge you here! You can apply for staff if you want, we are always welcoming to new members to our team! We have lots of chat rooms and voice channels and are always adding new one! Join :star:~Starlight Beach~:star: Today and I promise you wont regret it!
⭐~Tiki Treasure Cove~⭐ Icon
Anime | Social
:star:~Tiki Treasure Cove~:star: Is an anime server for eveyone to join and have a great time! We are a friendly community and we are welcoming you to join! You can socialize with old friends and meet new ones! We are a community of all ages and cant wait to meet you! :star:~Tiki Treasure Cove~:star: Is such i fun place and nobody will judge you here! You can apply for staff if you want, we are always acsepting to new members to our team! We have lots of chat rooms and voice channels. We even have a Karaoke voice channel! Our Gaming hub has all of your fravorite games and the Main channels are full of funny, kind and wonderful people! Join :star:~Tiki Treasure Cove~:star: today and I'm sure you wont regret it!
Juste un serv banal Icon
Social | Gaming
YO, C'est juste un serveur normal, genre vraiment...y'a des salon et des gens. Bref, c'est un serveur comme les autres. Rejoins, c'est bien, on s'amuse et on discute. Comme tous les serveurs qui se respecte il y aussi des bot et un staff. On est très ouvert au nouvel idées et aux nouveaux membres en général. Tu est la bienvenue sur un serveur normal, avec des membres normaux, rien de louche a signaler, nonon, rien du tout. Je te le promet, quand tu arriveras sur le serveur y'auras rien de spécial, mais genre vraiment, ce seras juste un serveur comme la majorité des serveurs sur discord, pas de surprise inattendu ou quoi que ce sois, rien de tout ce que tu puisse imaginer d'original. Du fun, c'est pas mal tout...
Synergy Driven Icon
Social | Gaming
(Nederlands / Dutch) Hartelijk welkom op onze pagina! Synergy Driven is een actieve sociale RuneScape 3 clan die een grote diversiteit aan leden bevat, van alle levels en leeftijden. We streven ernaar om iedereen uit de clan te helpen en een gezellige en vriendelijke sfeer te bieden aan iedereen. Dit kunnen we dmv onze eigen Discord server en een clan chat waarin eigenlijk altijd mensen online zijn. Is je interesse gewekt? Join ons gerust! Kom hiervoor als guest in de clan (Synergy Driven) en zeg hallo, of check Runeclan voor meer informatie!
Chill Doomsday Icon
Social | LGBT
Fun LGBTQ+ friendly server to chill, talk, and meet new friends
Hearthstone Haven Icon
Gaming | Social
Bloomer Conversion Center ☀ Icon
Social | Memes
If you're a fan of Wojak (-oomers) or relate to them, join our server!
Zipper T. Bunny Fan Club Icon
Community | Social
Are you a fan of Zipper T. Bunny, and won't have the constant abuse surrounding this mighty figure hinder your love? Well, join our community (not a cult!) We celebrate all things Zipper, and all things Zipper. And that's the real tea. Sis!!1! :( !!! We're an active Animal Crossing fan discord, and all are welcome! Except for you, Gary. We know.
Vibes Icon
Community | Social
To keep it simple, Brand new server perfect if you're looking to join a brand new community to grow along with. We don't have any restrictions on age, etc. Vibeiest place to be around! We could also use some helpful suggestions to heavily improve the server.
Vibe City Icon
Anime | Social
A place for people to chill and vibe. Have fun meeting new people. As long as you aren't a dick you should fit in.
Fur Country Icon
Furry | Art
Welcome to Fur Country, a furry community with a ton to offer. We offer regular giveaways, an economy system, leveling, color roles, posting areas for artists, game nights, and more from your requests!
Fur Country Discord Server Banner
Fur Country Icon
Furry | Art
Welcome to Fur Country, a furry community with a ton to offer. We offer regular giveaways, an economy system, leveling, color roles, posting areas for artists, game nights, and more from your requests!
Treehouse Icon
Social | Gaming
A new server for gaming and chatting.
Anna's Circus Icon
Gaming | Social
A nitro boosted discord server mainly focused on Fire Emblem Heroes, Arknights and the new upcoming Global release of SINoALICE! We also have a few other gacha channels that aren't as active. Some members don't play any mobile games at all, so if you just want a place to chill that's fine too. Currently we have a handful of members that are active daily, but we're looking to add more!
Etsivä nuorisotyö Helsinki Icon
Support | Social
ETSIVÄ NUORISOTYÖ HELSINKI ohjaa, auttaa vaikeuksissa ja kulkee rinnalla, koskipa kysymyksesi opiskelu- tai työmahdollisuuksia, toimeentuloa tai tukipalveluja (esim. Kela, sosiaalitoimisto, TE-palvelut), asunnonhakua, kehon tai mielen terveyttä, tai vapaa-aikaa. Tukea kaikille 16-28 -vuotiaille
Community | Social
Party Time ✧ #Giveaways Icon
Community | Social
Party Time is a Server made for everyone, whether you like Events or not you're welcome here! We have all kinds of fun and mature people, lots of giveaways, rewards for being active in chat, entertaining bots, a big variety of channels and much more! Come take a peek, I'm sure you won't regret!
Hezzy's House Icon
Community | Memes | Social
Welcome to HEZZY'S HOUSE! Here, you can socialize and meet new people from all over the world. We are always active both TEXT and VOICE and are always finding ways to improve the server quality for you! @everyone can enjoy and have a good time!
911.station Icon
Social | Community
Fun and welcoming server with active members. Music, Memes, Economy, and other fun stuff!
Infinity Lounge Icon
Social | Growth
Do you want a server packed with everything. Need a hangout server, maybe a advertising server, do you have a service, this is the server for all your needs!
Back on Top Icon
Community | Social
New community with a great core team! We're friendly and fun to talk too, whether you just want to relax, have a good laugh and just talk about anything (other then nsfw). Come by and say hello! We would love to have new active members!
The Hooner Club Icon
Community | Social
This is a server for some gearheads to talk about cars and bikes and stuff...
Sem's Fungang Icon
Community | Social
Glitchtale Icon
Community | Social
The official community server of Glitchtale Wiki and r/GlitchTale.
MonacoTrade Icon
Crypto | Trading | Financial
🚀Join our Crypto Team and Win! 🌟 Receive 6-7 complimentary signals weekly to navigate your crypto trades. Our simple and effective approach will steer you towards consistent profits in your crypto journey 🏦 For VIP access ➡️ @Michael_Monaco
MonacoTrade Discord Server Banner
MonacoTrade Icon
Crypto | Trading | Financial
🚀Join our Crypto Team and Win! 🌟 Receive 6-7 complimentary signals weekly to navigate your crypto trades. Our simple and effective approach will steer you towards consistent profits in your crypto journey 🏦 For VIP access ➡️ @Michael_Monaco
LGBT | Social
We are the resistance against PRIDEFALL. Together we will not be defeated
Saadi Dynasty Icon
Social | Growth
A friendly, versatile server. Socialize, play games, stream, watch videos/movies, anything you can really think of. New server, looking for moderators, especially someone familiar with bots. Server is currently Server Boosted. Also for some reason, I have decided that this server is semi-roleplay. Server takes place in the Saadi Dynasty for no particular reason.
Discord Junkies Icon
Community | Social | Mature
We're a more mature oriented community that talks and chats about almost anything! We're quite lax so don't be afraid to join, we're always here to chat if you ever need to talk about anything, ranging from casual conversations to venting about issues! We'd love to meet you!
IndiaSpeaks Icon
Community | Social
An Official Discord for the /r/IndiaSpeaks subreddit. IndiaSpeaks is an effort to build a better online community for Indians. We take our pride in being the most friendly and user-focused community for Redditors and Discord users from India and across the world. The IndiaSpeaks community value their freedom of speech the most and cherish the freedom they get here. Community motto: "The True Indian Discord for India: For Indians, By Indians." Please note, you must connect your Discord with Reddit for the complete verification to take place.
Beach Love Icon
Hobbies | Social
A great server to come have a chat and have a good time, we are currently rebuilding so Moderator/Co-Owner Roles etc. are opened!
Eladaine: A World's End Icon
Role-Playing | Social
Come one and all, to Eladaine: A worlds end! The Lady of Darkness, Seraphina, is spiraling out of control. She conquers all in her path. So, will you join the kingdoms in the fight against her? Maybe you will be a great warrior from the desert kingdom of dramid. Or perhaps one of the noble souls belonging to Eladaine. The choice is yours!
Drops and Giveaways Icon
Community | Entertainment | Social
Join the ChillCrew for an open, chill environment with a friendly community, events and active members.
im tired Icon
Social | Community
tell me to sleep
Chill Cove X Icon
Anime | Social
Loving anime community.
Editor Hub Icon
Social | YouTuber
This is a server for youtubers,streamers,video editors and much more to come together and do business and do collabs! -------------------------------------------------------------------- - Great staff - General and memes - Serious people - Dedicated Editors - Share content ! ----------------------------------
Bikes Icon
Social | Community
BMX discord sever were people who share the same hobby can come and socialise
TheSimply Hangout Icon
A place to talk to people, make friends, socialize, etc.
Community | Anime
Welcome to HØLLOW, An 18+ SFW new and NEW community server. Our server is all about making new friends and building a nice community where you can be yourself and have fun.
HØLLOW Discord Server Banner
Community | Anime
Welcome to HØLLOW, An 18+ SFW new and NEW community server. Our server is all about making new friends and building a nice community where you can be yourself and have fun.
Ethereal Paradise Icon
Community | Social
Ethereal Paradise is a server about chatting with others, sharing funny memes and images, making new friends, and much more! We have a wide variety of text and voice channels, here at Ethereal Paradise you will never get bored! We have a bunch of fun bots to entertain you.
The Outcasts Icon
Gaming | Social
Just a community for gamers, musicians, artists, or any other hobby enthusiasts. While we're still small, I have hopes to create a place people can come together and have fun, especially during these troubling times.
INTP Hivemind Icon
Social | Programming
We talk about personality types and tests, other interests such as programming. Any type is welcome intp intj infp entp infj enfp etc
GTA Car Community Icon
Community | Social
The GTA Car Community is meant for Car Guys to share their passion of Cars through GTA Online!
The Twinkle Network™ Icon
Gaming | Social | Community
The Twinkie Network We are a community server with a channel for everything you could want and if we don't have it all you have to do request and it will sure be added!
Studio Ghilbi Icon
Social | Music
Welcoming everyone interested in making friends and socializing. You don't have to like Studio Ghibli to join, all are welcome. Join to play games, host movie nights, and music sessions.
Into the New Horizons Icon
Community | Social
** We offer all Animal Crossing games, including the upcoming New Horizons switch game ** Hi, welcome to the Animal Crossing Discord server! If you love Animal Crossing as much as we do, come and join our fun and loving community! We have lots of different things for everyone to enjoy. We have a large, growing, active community that is always there to help you in any way you need. There are server events and ACNL and the upcoming Switch events held by our events team. Like bots? We have bots! We have multiple different bots with games and features for everyone to play with. Like giveaways and free stuff? Come and join our giveaways held by our server members! Looking for something that’s not there? Throw down a suggestion with our suggestion bot and we’ll see if we can make it happen. With so much to do, we’re sure you will have an amazing time! We hope to see you soon!
terrorwolfs_NL clan Icon
Gaming | Social
Call of Duty mobile clan.
Active Icon
Community | Social
JustChatting, Anime, League of Legends, E-Grils, Memes, and much more. Join to find out!
sunflower hangout Icon
Social | Community
A new SFW server which is safe for everyone. Join to make new friends, chat, hang out and have fun. This server has a garden aesthetic with roles rewards for levelling up and a friendly community and staff. At the moment the server is small so it is a great opportunity to make some friends and help the server grow (like a flower.. get it.. because it's garden themed).
JustFun Icon
Gaming | Social
Para gamers tugas que gostem de cs valorant ou lol
Aus Discord Icon
Community | Social
A welcoming, inclusive and open Aussie server. Chat about your interests, make new friends, or shoot the shit. Keep it reasonably nice. Bullying, harassment and drama not tolerated.
Artzler's Lounge Icon
Community | Entertainment | Social
Need a new hangout server? Just looking to make new friends? Come join us! | Active Chat & VC | Levelling bot | Friendly staff | Nitro Giveaways
Artzler's Lounge Discord Server Banner
Artzler's Lounge Icon
Community | Entertainment | Social
Need a new hangout server? Just looking to make new friends? Come join us! | Active Chat & VC | Levelling bot | Friendly staff | Nitro Giveaways
Trash Club Icon
Entertainment | Social
A Trash Server
LAG | Lit Ass Gaming Icon
Gaming | Social
LAG is an amazing server to hang out in to play multiple games and meet new people. LAG also has an active and amazing community! In LAG you can find: - Green Music Bot - Role Selection System - LFG and Chatting Channels - Active & Helpful Staff - Friendly Community
Kayo ZD's server Icon
Pat Mods Icon
Gaming | Social
Gta 5 online/offline paid services! Buy modded accounts, recovery packages, rank, money and much more for cheap and safe money! Get some free drop parties aswell!
ParadoxMC Icon
Gaming | Social
About ParadoxMC Games: ParadoxMC is a Minecraft server looking to grow our community. Our server is always looking for new ways for you to have a great time. Play with loads of players, YouTubers, and a vibrant community willing to stand tall. We are always looking for new people to call our friends who want to be involved in our community willing to play. We offer many features. Some of these may be new to you, and some may be similar. We have listed some below: KitPVP Arena Factions Paradox Games Skills Economy AND! Thriving Community - We are here to make sure everyone has a good time, bring your friends and make some new ones! Our IP:
Legends Never Die Icon
Role-Playing | Social
?Come Explore Miris!? ▶We are an 18+ server but we only verify with reasonable suspicion or if you want access to our nsfw chats. ▶We expect 5+ sentences per post with some effort put in to maintain a creative environment! ▶Characters have a good standard of detail and realism. And more!
板橋 ╎Itabashi ♡ Icon
Social | Anime
Somos una comunidad que esta hecha para que puedas conocer gente que tenga tus mismos gustos. También jugar a diferentes juegos, sistema de economía, leveo con recompensas y mas!
Lucid Icon
Community | Social
Lucid is a chill, community based server where you can meet new people, make new friends or just relax. We have a large, warm, welcoming staff and a growing community who'd love to have you. So come on in and take a look around.
Make New Friends Here Icon
Social | Community
A place to make new friends! Presented to you by r/MakeNewfriendsHere Subreddit.
Urbs Aeterna Icon
Anime | Social
A small but active community of friendly, loving people who will do their best to brighten your day every day!
Aussie Chinwag Icon
Community | Social
An aussie server for anyone who wants to join
Community | Social