ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Jenacc's All Around Server Icon
Art | Gaming
Fun and Chill Server to do whatever you want! Gaming, Art, Chilling and just having fun. So come join us!
Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Icon
Gaming | Social
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (Discord server) General, LFG, and more
Caustic Gaming Icon
eSports | Gaming | Streaming
Joining Caustic Gaming is simple. First, be 16+, be from NA or EU, and play on PC. Second, click the Discord button at the top right of this page. Third, enter our Discord server, read the rules in the lobby and type ?agree in the lobby to signify that you've reviewed the terms of the Discord. Within 10 seconds, you will automatically be given the "Member" role and the Discord will be unlocked to you. Be sure to visit #games-you-play to assign yourself specific game roles to gain access to those game categories! Currently we offer game channels for for the following games: Among Us, Apex Legends, Call of Duty, CS:GO, Destiny 2, D&D, Fortnite, Halo, League of Legends, Minecraft, Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, Rocket League, Valorant, Rust/EFT/Hunt Showdown, World of Warcraft and "Other Games" to cover anything else. If you're interested in a fun, laid back community, hit the Discord button to join!!
Cold War XP Lobby Icon
We offer the cheapest and most reliable modded XP lobbies for cold war. What can you get? -Multiplayer levels -Max weapon levels and camos -Calling card challenges -Weapon mastery Are we trusted? We have just started this server and already have 40 members of our community! You will NOT get banned doing this, we have tested it on multiple platforms and lobbies, and we have not had a single ban How to join? Just use this discord link: https://discord.gg/ckBdHUTK58 and pm Itachi Uchiha#7744 What are our prices? Basic 30min-5$ Basic 1hr-10$ Basic 2hr 18$ Basic 3hr-27$ Basic 24hr 160$ Basic tool 50$ (24hr) Big xp 30min -10$(coming soon) Big xp lobby 1hr-16$(coming soon) Big xp lobby 2hr-30$(coming soon) Big xp lobby 3 hr-40$ (coming soon) 3$+ friend You can also directly purchase the modded lobby tool for use of your own if please.
CW Competitive Wagers Icon
Gaming | Social
This is a community server to wager your fellow call of duty players. You will be able to wager any amount of money up to £100! This will be the safest way to play wagers because of our trusted middle-man system Our middle-man system includes both participants to pay before the wager to our middle-man pot and when the winner has proof of there win they will be transferred the full amount with a small 10% of the winning being deducted
FuZioN Icon
Gaming | Community
Hallo Wir sind ein CoD ColdWar Discord mit einer freunlichen Community. Wir veranstalten Turniere und viele andere nice Events Join gerne mal
Schlumpfi´s Spielepalast Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Dies ist der Community Server von Schlumpfi_1505! Lerne neue Leute kennen und werde ein Teil von unserer Community!
HellsFury77's server Icon
Gaming | Streaming
We are new gamers and streamers. We raise money for veterans causes. 22 veterans a day commit suicide and that is NOT OKAY! Lets change the stigma of seeking help. It takes strength to change! RAGE ON MINIONS!! Suicide hotline: (800) 273-8255
Call of Duty Cold war / Warzone Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Herzlich Willkommen bei Call of Duty Cold War / Warzone Wir sind zurück und freuen uns über jedes neue Mitglied. Der Server ist noch klein und befindet sich im Wiederaufbau. Du bist alleine und hättest gern ein paar andere Gamer an Deiner Seite? Du willst Dich zum Gamen verabreden? Dann komm auf unseren Server und hilf mit als aktiver Player unsere Gaming-Sektion etwas zu pushen. Werde ein Teil unserer Community und schließe neue Freundschaften. Beginn der Hauptchatzeit derzeit ab 18:00 Uhr. Über diese Sachen werden oft geredet :D ? Diskussionen zu Lifestyle ? gegenseitiges Kennenlernen ? Politik ? Lebenseinstellung ? Hilfestellung bei Problemen ? Fun ? Gaming ? Beziehung ? schwules Leben ? andere alltägliche Themen Mit unseren "Stamm-Usern" finden etwa 1 bis 2 mal im Monat Discord-Konfis statt, denen du dich gerne anschließen darfst. Fernab dessen sind natürlich kleinere oder größere Gruppen, die miteinander talken immer gerne gesehen.
Smoke Ops Gaming Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
We are an very active casual small clan looking to grow welcoming everybody who plays call of duty including Vanguard, Warzone, Modern warfare, and Cold-war. We would love all to support and teamwork . must have might come join the clan
365 Services Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Hello - We are a friendly chill server! We Primarily focus on our call of duty services however we offer services for various other games including GTA, Rust, Fortnite etc - come join us!!!
The New Dawn: Nation RP Icon
Role-Playing | Political
The New Dawn, Season 4 is an alternate history nation RP set in a timeline of enlightenment where the Bar Kochva Rebellion was successful. set in the 21st. Join today to play as a nation or a rebellion to do as you wish! Be a powerful nation or a rebellion to fight for freedom today and do your best for all people!
Divine 18+・adult・social Icon
Community | Gaming | Social
Laid-back, Chill, Adult Environment Come here to escape the harsh reality of the world and have a sense of calm in your life. Be Divine.
Divine 18+・adult・social Discord Server Banner
Divine 18+・adult・social Icon
Community | Gaming | Social
Laid-back, Chill, Adult Environment Come here to escape the harsh reality of the world and have a sense of calm in your life. Be Divine.
Black ops Cold war 2024 MM Icon
Gaming | Community
Join the Black ops cold war 2024 Matchmaking server to find matches with other gamemodes! (Multiplayer/Zombies matchmaking community)
Fl4kH4ck Icon
Gaming | Community
gaming and modding community for crossplay games like borderlands 3 tiny tinas wonderland outriders state of decay 2 and other games upon request :)