Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
?????? ????? Icon
Gaming | Community
we are a Danish and English speaking discord server. We are a growing gamer community server so if you need one to team op with this migth be the place :)
DINTEL Community Icon
Gaming | Music
Dudley Intelligence community since 2018
JX’s discord Icon
Hey we are a Danish discord server and we have a lot of fun so hope you join. Btw you HAVE TO BE DANISH
Kingdom ofCopenhagen Icon
Gaming | Political
Wellcome to the official server of Kingdom of Copenhagen from the Minecraft server
Gaming | Trading
danish counter strike all ages if u need someone to play with this is the place mostly danish (or scandanavia)
DanmarkPPF Icon
Gaming | Community
New server for Denmark in Though small in mainland territory and population, Denmark has nonetheless played a notable role in European history. In prehistoric times, Danes and other Scandinavians reconfigured European society when the Vikings undertook marauding, trading, and colonizing expeditions. During the Middle Ages the Danish crown dominated northwestern Europe through the power of the Kalmar Union. In later centuries, shaped by geographic conditions favoring maritime industries, Denmark established trading alliances throughout northern and western Europe and beyond, particularly with Great Britain and the United States. Making an important contribution to world culture, Denmark also developed humane governmental institutions and cooperative, nonviolent approaches to problem solving.
DaneFrag Icon
Community | Gaming
🎮 Velkommen til DaneFrag - Dansk CS2 Server! 🎮 Fedest, du fandt herind! Vi er i fuld gang med at bygge Danmarks næste store CS2 community, og vi glæder os til at have dig med på rejsen. 🔹 Hvad kan vi tilbyde? ✅ Retake server – Perfekt til at træne dine clutches. ✅ Hjemmeside – Skinchanger, stats og masser af ekstra features! ✅ Dedikeret team – Vi sørger for god stemning og holder trolls ude. ✅ Community – Et hyggeligt fællesskab, hvor vi alle er her for at have det sjovt! 🔹 Vil du med på holdet? Vi leder stadig efter udviklere, grafikere og staff — vil du være en del af noget stort? Smid os en besked! 🔹 Find alle vores server-IP’er og skinchanger og meget mere på: 👉 ⁠hjemmeside Tak fordi du er her — vi ses på serveren! 🎯 /// Teamet Bag DaneFrag
Nordprints Icon
Language | Hobbies
A Nordic Language Learning Server!
Den Danske Discord Icon
Community | Social
Den Danske Discord - Dansk server - Danska, danish, dänisch
Treasure Island Icon
Gaming | Mature
Scandinavian server for random games, mostly PUBG at the moment. We speak danglish, swenglish, norwenglish and english.
Operation Sandalstorm - [ENG/DK] Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to Operation Sandalstorm! The home of socks in sandals! [ENG/DK] [OSAS] Which stands for Operation Sandalstorm is looking to recruit new members to be apart of our community! We are a fairly new and small community based off European and Danish people. We have our own licensed squad server in the official server browser! We are currently recruiting new people that would be interested in playing and helping us out with growing our small but friendly community! We offer whitelist slots for active players and we are also looking for serious people that have the possibility to be a part of the staff team. That includes admin / mod role on both our squad server and the discord! In the squad server browser our server should be listed as [ENG/DK]Operation Sandalstorm - New Player Friendly
Mizzi Icon
Gaming | Community
Inde på Mizzis danske discord server bliver der spillet Warzone. Mizzi streamer hver søndag-torsdag kl 19:00, hvor du kan deltage i viewer games, sub games og warzone custom games - hvor der tidligere har været 70 viewers med fra streamen. Hun laver også tit giveaways til hendes følgere og subs. Så hop ind på Mizzis stream og sig hej, så bliver hun super glad.
Options Trading Alerts Icon
Crypto | Trading | Investing
🚨 OPTIONS TRADING ALERTS – JOIN OUR FREE OPTIONS TRADING SERVER! 🚨 ✅ Live trade alerts 📊 ✅ Market analysis & strategies 🧠 ✅ 100% FREE to join! 💎
Options Trading Alerts Discord Server Banner
Options Trading Alerts Icon
Crypto | Trading | Investing
🚨 OPTIONS TRADING ALERTS – JOIN OUR FREE OPTIONS TRADING SERVER! 🚨 ✅ Live trade alerts 📊 ✅ Market analysis & strategies 🧠 ✅ 100% FREE to join! 💎
Coolstone Gaming Icon
A small Danish game community, with 2 arma 3 servers. We have members from all over the world and most of them play on our servers.
PC-Geeks Icon
Community | Gaming
Dansk Discord-community, hvor vi sidder en flok mennesker med forskellig baggrund. Vi gamer, programmerer og ikke mindst hjælper folk med computerproblemer. Grundlæggende alt muligt computer-relateret. Spiller du virtual reality (VR) så er dette også et godt sted at være. Communitiet er en relanceret version af hvad der oprindeligt startede på IRC (Quakenet) i kanalen #pc-geeks. Alle er velkomne. Vi forventer ikke meget af dig, ud over almindelig god og civilseret opførsel. De fleste af de oprindelige brugere er fra det nordligste af Danmark, men vi har folk fra alle landsdele. Du kan joine serveren via
??? ?????? ????????? Icon
Social | Gaming
Hey og velkommen til The Danish Community vi håber du vil nyde dit ophold her inde og være med til at gøre serveren større. Tak for din opmærksomhed :)?
Robotnet Icon
Technology | Community
? Robotnet Discord handler om Tech! ????? Smart Home & Home Automation med fokus på især Home Assistant, Zigbee, Z-wave, Google Home og Google Assistant, HomeKit og Siri og Alexa, VR og Oculus, 3D-printers, Tech-News mm. ? Der er os plads til masser af Memes, sjov & hygge ? ?? ️Dansk Discord Server
TheDanishGamers Icon
Gaming | Community
TheDanishGamers - Vi en dansk gruppe som er fokuseret på alle spil & alle de kommende, vi tager med glæde imod alle nye medlemmere, så længe du kan snakke/skrive dansk. Vi har en masse forskellige skrive kanaler og spillerum du kan side i, ved siden af det har vi har en kanal for reklamationer, og hvis du er vild med designs og memes så har vi også det ved siden af -
Muslims in Scandinavia Icon
A server where you may learn more about Islam and find muslims. You do not have to be a muslim to join.
Dansk Kebab Forening Icon
Cooking | Gaming
Just a danish/English kebab fans server anyways go join or you get no kebab 4ever Anyways i need atleast 100 letters so… frejnfwerklhgbfwdjkhgwfdbkjfvwdbkjdvfhsbkdjvfshbwdvfkjhwbfvdkuhfvdwbhjkbfvwdkjhwvdfbkjvdwfhbfvwdkjhbdwfvkjh fdwvkjhbvdfwkjhbfvdsjks(fdbjkhvfdnkjdsfvhnvdfskjbvsfdojhbvfdjohbvfdsojvhfndsojsnd there we go
Passiv Indkomst Icon
Growth | Investing
🌟 Ønsker du at udforske muligheder for at generere passiv indkomst? 🔗┃Bliv en del af vores nye, dedikerede passiv indkomst-community helt uden omkostninger! 📚┃Følg vores omfattende vejledning, tilbydes helt gratis, og potentielt modtag op til +1800 kr. dagligt! 💼 💡┃Deltagelse indebærer ingen økonomisk risiko. 🏆┃Vi står inde for vores løfte om, at følger du vores råd, vil du opnå økonomisk overskud! 💰 🌐┃Besøg os på:
Danish graphic Icon
Design | Art
Welcome to Danish Graphic - thumbnails, logo... Hello, my name is Noah and for the last 4 years I have been playing with a lot of photoshop, for friends, acquaintances, acquaintances and quite a few buyers who have been happy with my product. 🤝 I have a lot of experience for a lot of different tasks, from games to reality. but now it won't just be about me, but your dreams for the social media. 🔝 🥳 I will present a product for your needs depending on the task, and come up with ideas myself. have a good day!🎉
Scandinavian Army Icon
Just Chatting | Gaming | Health
We're a vibrant community open to 18-30-year-olds worldwide, offering daily voice channels, positive vibes, and a cozy escape. Whether you're shy or a gaming enthusiast, our friendly space has something for everyone. Join us for the ultimate online hangout experience
Global Farming Community Icon
Gaming | Community
Global Farming Community is a Farming Simulator, for everybody. Theres also normal chat to people who doesnt play Farming Simulator. Enjoy the server!
Valorant Dansk LFG Icon
Gaming | eSports
THIS SERVER IS NOT ENGLISH --------------------------------------- Serveren bruges til at søge efter teamates, have det sjovt i fælleskabet og potentielt i fremtiden Scrims. Vi har også inkluderet en unique måde at søge Teamates, ved hjælp af sin rank.
CP Journey Insiders Icon
Gaming | Community | Just Chatting
Club Penguin Journey Insiders is the top Club Penguin Journey community server for exclusive news, item codes, mascot tracking, game updates, guides, and a fun community!
CP Journey Insiders Discord Server Banner
CP Journey Insiders Icon
Gaming | Community | Just Chatting
Club Penguin Journey Insiders is the top Club Penguin Journey community server for exclusive news, item codes, mascot tracking, game updates, guides, and a fun community!
Valorant Dansk LFG Icon
eSports | Gaming
Serveren bruges til at søge efter teamates, have det sjovt i fælleskabet og potentielt i fremtiden scrims. Vi har også inkluderet en unik måde at søge Teamates, ved hjælp af sin rank.
Meet Scandinavia Icon
Social | Community
🌟 Join Our Scandinavian Community! 🌍 Hey fellow scandinavians! Are you looking for a vibrant online community to connect with like-minded scandinavians? Look no further! We're thrilled to invite you to our Discord community MeetScandinavia. 🤝 What We Offer: 🎉 Engaging Conversations: Connect with fellow Scandinavians in a friendly and welcoming environment. 🎮 Gaming Galore: Whether you're a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, our gaming channels have something for everyone. 🖌️ Creative Corners: Showcase your artistic talents, share your creativity, and collaborate with others. 📚 Learning Opportunities: Join study groups, language exchanges, and discussions to enhance your knowledge. 📅 Exciting Events: Participate in virtual meetups, movie nights, and other community events. Let's create lasting friendships, share experiences, and build an amazing community together. We can't wait to welcome you to MeetScandinavia! See you there! 🚀✨
Hygge Hub Lounge Icon
Community | Just Chatting
Hygge Hub Lounge er et afslappet fællesskab, hvor vi deler hyggelige samtaler, sjove events og alt, hvad der gør hverdagen bedre. Kom og vær med til at skabe en god stemning!
Kix'et - Chat for alle! Icon
Community | Emoji
⭐Kix'et - Chat for alle! Mød nye venner. Vi tilbyder en masse unikt indhold. Sjove emojis, fede fordele og mange måder at stige i level på. Dansk Discord server siden 2017.