Reesecakes has went through cleaning and suggestions coming through! With our democratic society we are building a strong community! Reesecakes has went through a new name change!
"Reesecakes: Literature Club" or RCLC !
Yay to me!
Cheers, Reeses, as this server is filled with fun, smarts and lots and lots (and 'lost'...) of fics! Stories, songs, games, laughs, lil bit of dating, so stop at Latte's Coffee Shoppe or lay down in Venus' Living Room and find something good!
Reesecakes has went through cleaning and suggestions coming through! With our democratic society we are building a strong community! Reesecakes has went through a new name change!
"Reesecakes: Literature Club" or RCLC !
Yay to me!
Medical Distress and Chanel had a great talk about Danganronpa. Medical Distress shared Artwork!
We have 3 new members!!
I hope you have fun while we party over here! Wanna join the party, come to this server!