Rules and what you'll find on the server!

Server rules

  1. Server is only for 18 and up.
  2. Don’t be toxic or bring any harm towards others on the server.
  3. Don’t send disturbing (gore) images or anything with real people.
  4. Controversial topics are not allowed (politics, religion etc).
  5. Don’t spam and speak only English.
  6. Don’t evade ban or mute.
  7. Use channels as intended, keeps server clean.
  8. Follow Discord Terms of Service.
  9. Bot commands in ⁠#bot-stuff channel

Server channels

  • #rules-and-info - Pretty self explanatory. Read it.
  • #hello-and-welcome - Welcome messages goes here. You can also introduce yourself. All kinds welcome!
  • #announcements - Big announcements, like new versions of the game.
  • #odies-links - Links to all important places.
  • #general - General chat, off-topic, whatever.
  • #your-art - Share your SFW art here! Get permission to post links/media by reaching level 2.
  • #your-art-nsfw - Share your NSFW art here! Get permission to post links/media by reaching level 2.
  • #bot-stuff - Bot commands, bot messages etc.
  • #giveaways - Giveaways! Mainly Odie’s stuff will be gifted.
  • #aid-general - Chat about the Affect: Intimate Discoveries. Avoid spoilers but if you do, use spoiler tags.
  • #dev-updates - Development updates for Affect: Intimate Discoveries.
  • #bug-reporting - Something wrong with the AID? Leave a message there.
  • #blog-posts - Forum channel for commenting blog posts.

You can find this also from my blog: