Support | Hobbies
D&NPC is a small but friendly server, that anyone is welcome to join.
* Social, Supporting community
* Find others with similar experiences
* Discuss ways to manage life with disability/neurodiversity
* Neat side-panel setup, and categories for a range of topics
* Regular events
* Roleplay games; such as Dungeons and Dragons, and Murder Mystery
* Movie nights and watch parties
* Party games, such as jackbox
* Craft-a-longs, and a growing group of artists and crafters
* Bots to help manage with time/organisation, and To-Do lists
* Overall mature server, that is staffed by adults
* LGBT friendly
* Heartsbox bot for anonymous chat sessions - when you need to discuss issues/frustrations, or just need someone to listen to your story
* Security measures to ensure safety of the server and its members