Role-Playing | Gaming
I am an e fed head with over 12 years of experience managing e feds. I have just opened up a new fed called Wrestling Champions. The idea being we connect the WWE2K24 game with Discord and have 'live' wrestling shows based on the activity within the discord server.
The more active you are the more you get booked, the idea being the more matches you have the higher the chance of winning titles and main eventing Pay Per Views.
We are also a wrestling fan server so you can join and chat with other members about the world of wrestling.
Start out as a pro wrestler in training, wrestling at the Performance Centre and make progress onto NXT and then onto the main roster. We have a role based progression system in place on Discord, with Developmental talent at the start to main event superstardom. Your progress is based upon your activity on Discord, so you can say hello every now and again or write stories and roleplays to get into the action much quicker.
Shows will be on my You Tube channel