ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Incel Reality Icon
Entertainment | Beliefs
Safe space for those who are rejected by society. We welcome all sorts of beliefs as this server is open for debating.
joinifuwant Icon
Social | Anime
JOINN!!!! IF U GUYS r friends w "moraleity" pls tell them 2 join;!!!TY!!!!!!!1! also join if u want idrc
eeei Icon
Entertainment | Anime
joinjoinjoin!!!;pppp guys plz join im srs we need cool ppl! introverts can b extroverted here all u want idrgaf!!! loveu!!
Debate Blackpill Icon
A server mostly for the blackpilled and incels. Other users are allowed to join for the sake of discussion.
Memes | Gaming
trucel only server no foids, no trannies, no faggots, no simps, no bluepillers, no normies, no attention seeking HTNs
brainrot Icon
Just Chatting | Entertainment
brainrot is a toxic/semi-toxic server looking for lots of people who can keep up with our stuff! mostly english/german - everything toxic is allowed just read the rules as to what is not allowed - funny people are mogged - brainrot humor - not many but active members - very small moderation team (looking for more) - entertaining bots (more will be added in the future) - don't join if easily offended
BetaBucks Icon
Beliefs | Anime
Active server, talk about anime, philosophy,dating, blackpill, and incels. Freedom to talk about whatever you want. Also based on debate
Paimon is best grill Icon
Memes | Mature
absurd Icon
Beliefs | Growth
A vibrant looksmaxxing community is a digital space where individuals gather to exchange tips, advice, and support for enhancing their appearance.Members aim to achieve desired aesthetic goals. The community focuses on exploring self-improvement techniques and sharing personal experiences and success stories, all centered around the journey of enhancing one's physical appearance.
876 Icon
Community | Entertainment
876 is a shit posting, vc type of server. supposed to be full of incels, normies, other types of people. we tend to include EVERYONE from each community. we involve everyone. our server is mainly based on interacting with others, wanting an active and safe community
copeium Icon
Social | Community
Welcome to copeium, we welcome everyone including, incels, cucks, chads, r9k girls, and much more. I hope y'all enjoy your stay at copeium island.
The Witherspoon Institute Icon
Social | Community
Come and discuss the blackpill, gain looksmaxxing knowledge and other fun at the Witherspoon institute.
Furcord Icon
Furry | Art | LGBT
Welcome to Fircord (Previously Fur Country), a SFW/NSFW furry community with a ton to offer. We offer regular giveaways, an economy system, leveling, color roles, posting areas for artists, game nights, and more.
Furcord Discord Server Banner
Furcord Icon
Furry | Art | LGBT
Welcome to Fircord (Previously Fur Country), a SFW/NSFW furry community with a ton to offer. We offer regular giveaways, an economy system, leveling, color roles, posting areas for artists, game nights, and more.
Comboard Icon
Joining the Discord server "ComBoard" can be an exciting and rewarding experience for anyone who values community, communication, and a diverse range of topics and interests.
Community | Growth
Are you a free thinker? Tired of interacting with NPCs and not being able to express your opinion? If this rung a bell then PDFZ is the server for you, If not keep scrolling goy
Mew syndicate Icon
Entertainment | Hobbies
(November 11th update: we're active!!) Join this server, we have a diverse group of people which includes incels, femcels, 4channers, femboys, normies and everything in-between.
The Comfy Empire Icon
Community | Entertainment
A friendly community where we have an easy going, laid back atmosphere. We don't take ourselves to seriously, we like to joke around and have fun but also support each other and are capable of deeper talks regarding any topic. Join our empire and become part of the family!
Truecel heaven Icon
Community | Social
A server for the unfortunate people to talk and socialize with each other. A incel server to be precise :)
Community | Gaming
18+ NO SOY ALLOWED. VANTABLACK Onyx-Folk and BLEACHED are welcome. Thugmaxxed to the highest degree. Let's play some Roblox! Meet the Unparalleled_Genius! In-depth discussion of Sigmund Freud, Esotericism, Socionics, and genetics.
The Sewers Icon
Redpilled based gods Join for cute femcels and a femcel gf fwinifwifwaibfwaifobyuhajyywfaffafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafafaaafffffafafafafafff
A community filled with lovely abstract people.Please join Please join Please join Please join Please join Please join Please join Please join Please join Please join Please join Please join
Acrimony Icon
This server is known as Normalcy, our vanity is larpers. We have: -Active Chat -lvl 3 boosts -far-right
femcel clinic Icon
Community | Just Chatting
a girl-ran femcel/yandere/bpd server with daily vc events !!! (๛ ˘ ³˘ )♡ ˚ ✦2:1 female/male ratio✦ ˚ * ˚ ✦nitro giveaways✦ ˚ * ˚ ✦lenient mods✦ ˚ * ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
Angel Collective Icon
Anime | LGBT
Hello there anon, Do you lack friends in |THE PHYSICAL WORLD|? Are you a hyper aliened femcel or incel that can't get the socialization you CRAVE in reality? Are you some variety of sexual deviant that's rejected everywhere you go? Rejection is a cold mistress and I'm sure you're used to it, I am as well. That's why I seek to make a world without rejection, a world of |RADICAL ACCEPTANCE| where you're free to be loved! Come join us, we love everyone, and everyone is our friend! Come join us to unleash your true potential and finally find community... a |PERFECT DIGITAL COMMUNITY|! If you join us you will be loved forever!
Tec 9 Icon
Just Chatting
Tcc server for people who like shooting or something like that. Dont be sensitive tho pls and dont be weird
Identification Icon
Education | Growth | Social
Laid-back, education-focused community examining MBTI and Enneagram theories for self-discovery. 500 animal emotes and 60 stickers. Daily movies and VCs.
Identification Discord Server Banner
Identification Icon
Education | Growth | Social
Laid-back, education-focused community examining MBTI and Enneagram theories for self-discovery. 500 animal emotes and 60 stickers. Daily movies and VCs.
Negev dindu nuffin Icon
Community | Memes
Do U love ❤️ yuor Israel woman 🇮🇱🇮🇱🤤 GLORY TO THE STATE OF ISRAEL Comfy server focused on community. We are not zionist
Weenie Chud Jr’s Icon
Community | Beliefs
A server for chuds, inkwels and blackpillers looking to take a break from the dominant trends. (Femcels and new accounts will be removed)
Joker vs society Icon
Social | Just Chatting
We love brainrot and being over the top. If you want a place without 20 paragraphs of rules this is it. (This is still a small server)
Void Icon
Community | Growth
Void is a brand new server, with low moderation and also fem co-owned and welcome to all those with a tag-related sense of humor. Please consider joining if it sounds appealing. Rules are simple: - 18+ - follow basic discord tos - don't be annoying - nsfw related stuff is only allowed if approved by the owners