Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Birdie Bois Icon
Education | Social
Welcome! This is a server for all bird lovers whether you own a bird or not! Here we have a bunch of knowledgable people who can help you with your feathered friend's needs.
Hobbies | Gaming
Community, Gaming, Parrots, Orchids
Alen AxP Budgie Community Icon
The Alen AxP Budgie Community is server made to share knowledge and interact with other bird owners! We have designated staff members that may assist you if assistance is required e.g. general bird health/keeping.
Parrotopia Icon
Pet Care | Community
Hi, we are aiming to create a server focused on the bird community. If you are a bird owner, come and join us. We love to share our photos and stories of our feathered babies.