Welcome to political discourse done right; an open forum and community for any kind of conversation, debate, or just hanging out, where civility is our top priority.
Welcome to political discourse done right; an open forum and community for any kind of conversation, debate, or just hanging out, where civility is our top priority.
Dis-CornHMT Club is a server that combines three areas' gamer. Such as Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan. It's a server that can provide lots of joy for gamers! Join now!
Dis-CornHMT Club是一個伺服器融合了三個地區的玩家,包括香港,澳門,臺灣。這是一個伺服器讓玩家們感到開心。現在加入吧!
This server is for all overseas Taiwanese compatriots. So if you are Taiwanese and live overseas, love Taiwan or is associated with Taiwan, feel free to join!
這是一個為台灣華僑創造的伺服器。若你是臺灣人和居住在海外,就算不是, 喜歡台灣的或者是跟台灣有關係的都歡迎加入我們!
This server is for all overseas Taiwanese compatriots. So if you are Taiwanese and live overseas, love Taiwan or is associated with Taiwan, feel free to join! We have many fun channels and bots and are very open to any new suggestions that you may have. We're also bilingual and so don't be shy and join us!
這是一個為台灣華僑創造的伺服器。若你是臺灣人和居住在海外,就算不是, 喜歡台灣的或者是跟台灣有關係的都歡迎加入我們! 英語和國語都通喔 :)
Welcome to the遊戲聊天(?????? ????) !! We are a Taiwanese and a bilingual gaming public server. Come and Hangout with us and check us out!!!!
歡迎來到遊戲聊天(?????? ????)這是一個台灣&雙語 遊戲主體的伺服器,也是台灣&雙語或者有任何關係的,來以其打遊戲交個朋友也來把妹吧來玩一玩吧!!!!