We've added an Bot which generates AI based Images, with an extra chat channel where people can type "/generate (Their Text)" to generate an AI based Image.
This server is about Gaming and looking for players, Everybody is being Respected on our Server and IF not the Punishment will be a Kick/Ban from our Server. We contain People across the World like Germans, Russians, Lithuanians, Britains, Americans and others. We try to get a Huge Community for people who like to Game with each other. This Server is still a Work in Progress
We've added an Bot which generates AI based Images, with an extra chat channel where people can type "/generate (Their Text)" to generate an AI based Image.
We have a added a Bot which will send a Notification on our Server, when a Game is Free on Steam, Epic Games, Ubisoft and others. You won't miss any Free games anymore.
Our Server will get new Categories (Inklussive Chats and Voice Channels) for Each game, basically if you need a Category for a certain Game you will get it, if there are some Problems you are dealing with Text me ★DemonJK#9249