ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Community | Social
Technowitches is a conversational hangout webcam chat community . Make new friends, cam up with us & say hello ! Drinkers & Smokers welcome ! We have a dynamic age range of members , strictly 18+ . instagram : welcometotechnowitches twitter X : @FelixCoinDotCom
Paranormal Discord Server Icon
Community | Social
Strangoria is a paranormal Discord server. Portal to a dimension of High Strangeness. Topics: paranormal, aliens, spirits, UFOs & UAP, ghosts, cryptids, esp-psi, folklore, mysteries, forteana / esoterica, dreams, preternatural / supernatural, the unexplained, anomalous phenomena, fringe, and horror.
Space Crew Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Official server for the Space Crew total conversion mod for SQUAD.
The Nova Force Icon
Role-Playing | Tabletop
Nova Force is a futuristic, high-tech science fiction space opera with aliens, designed around a DnD 5E homebrew sci-fi system.
Bashar Discussion Group Icon
Beliefs | Community
This group is created as a backup group for the Bashar Sharing Community. Feel free to discuss anything Bashar related!
Is it real? Icon
Community | Entertainment
is it real is a conspiracy discord community, we are looking for people who like reading conspiracy theories and/or have conspiracy theories of their own. This server is created to be a safe spot for people like you and me to share all our ideas without being critiqued. Here you can share all your crazy ideas about all sort of topics. Also you will have a whole community that share the same love for conspiracy theories. If you like to read about random conspiracy theories join now, and if you have a whole lot of conspiracy theories come and share them with us.
Luxaria Icon
Role-Playing | Science
¡Bienvenidos a bordo de la Luxaria! Has sido seleccionado para embarcarte en un viaje único en la vida. Pero ten en cuenta que en este viaje, lo inimaginable aguarda en cada rincón de la inmensa nave espacial. Luxaria no es solo un crucero espacial de lujo; es un mundo en sí mismo, una ciudad flotante que se desliza por el espacio profundo, explorando planetas remotos y desempeñando un papel esencial en la expansión de la humanidad más allá de las estrellas. Sin embargo, bajo la fachada de la elegancia y el entretenimiento, hay secretos ocultos, misterios por resolver y desafíos que solo los más valientes se atreverán a enfrentar. ¿Te atreves a descubrir lo que se oculta en las profundidades de la Luxaria? En tu viaje, encontrarás una variedad de personajes, cada uno con sus propias historias y motivaciones. Desde pasajeros que buscan el lujo y la relajación hasta científicos en busca de respuestas cósmicas, Luxaria es el escenario perfecto para el drama, la intriga y la aventura.
Galactic Signals Icon
Science | Hobbies
For people who are into operating ham-radios, space sciences and satellite tracking. Many other sciences too but they are all within the field of radio, space and military. Thank You.
Porno Icon
Crafts | Fashion
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Clearly Rigged Icon
Political | Community
Clearly Rigged is a community focused on identifying, analyzing and organizing solutions for large scale systemic issues. We also share a passion for the Unknown, the Anomalous, and the Fringe. We love diving into a new conspiracy theories. Whether its Aliens, Banking Cartels, or something even crazier - we don't mind! Come check out the community!
sapphics Icon
Just Chatting
sapphics , is an alien stage themed server with multiple text channels , events , and also gives away symbols and graphics in specific channels , that you can use to make YOUR discord server or profile as aesthetic as possible !!
Rampion: Generations Icon
Role-Playing | Writing
A sci-fi writing/roleplay server
CP Journey Insiders Icon
Gaming | Community | Just Chatting
Club Penguin Journey Insiders is the top Club Penguin Journey community server for exclusive news, item codes, mascot tracking, game updates, guides, and a fun community!
CP Journey Insiders Discord Server Banner
CP Journey Insiders Icon
Gaming | Community | Just Chatting
Club Penguin Journey Insiders is the top Club Penguin Journey community server for exclusive news, item codes, mascot tracking, game updates, guides, and a fun community!
UFO Sightings Icon
Community | Entertainment
UFO Sightings is a Youtube channel showing UFO footage from all over the world. We are a non commercial channel that collects and shares the best evidence of UFO sightings. Uncensored and unedited footage of possible alien or military craft. Alien sightings? We don't know.
InvaderZimNetwork 2.0 Icon
Community | Art
A server dedicated to those who are fans of the Invader Zim series created by jhonen vasquez.
✩ Space ✬ RP ✩ Icon
Role-Playing | Science
Space RP is a SFW, non-fandom soft science fiction roleplay server. Not a map game or related to any video game servers. Alternative Invite: https://discord.gg/w6NeV3B
Maximum Apocalypse RPG Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Server for the Post-Apocalypse RPG "Maximum Apocalypse RPG" aka MARPG, that covers ALL the conceivable apocalypses in one semi-gonzo, mid-crunchy d100 system of pulp fun. WARNING: Includes Aliens, Bandits, Kaiju, Killer Robots, Mutants, Supernatural Horrors, and Zombies.
CAPA Worldwide Icon
Community | Beliefs
Join a Discord server hosted by the Coastal Atlantic Paranormal Association and engage in paranormal discussions. We encourage a healthy environment for all, covering topics on all things paranormal.
Arachne's Tapestry Icon
Role-Playing | Community | Tabletop
21+ non-ERP hub dedicated to two original settings of sci-fi aliens DnD 5E tabletop or modern urban fantasy in Chicago with vampires, fae, wizards, and shapeshifters.
Krakos and Inecoons Icon
Community | Role-Playing
A server dedicated to two species-- Krakos and Inecoons.
The Mystery Den Icon
Community | Science
Welcome to The Mystery Den! We are a community of internet investigators who examine extraordinary claims on the internet. Our goal is to find the truth behind these incidents. Skeptical speculation is welcome, however, you should not expect any extraordinary claims to go without expressed skepticism by other users. We started out solving the u/TheTraveler3649 mystery but after debunking it have now expanded to include all things conspiracy and mystery. This server is not for validating magical claims, it is for discovering the truth behind phenomenon considered to be grandiose or of a reality defying nature. From aliens, to historical conspiracies, and paranormal mysteries, we attempt to shine the light and aim the microscope towards these subjects and figure out what they are all about. Collapse the categories and explore to your heart's content. Before you post in any channel, you must consult the channel's description. Additionally, you must look over #rules.
A Highly Strange Place Icon
Community | Social | Beliefs
This community embraces and explores all types of High Strangeness. From Ghosts and Cryptids to aliens, we have it all!
Crypto | Science
The first DAO for space exploration in human history, gives back the space exploration rights to the people.
Império Secreto Icon
Gaming | Social
Unir pessoas e criar novas amizades, ou, relacionamentos! Se você quer ter companhia para jogar, conversar e até assistir um filme, está no lugar certo.
Alien Peace Force CNFT Icon
Crypto | Art
This is the official Discord channel of the APF community building on the Cardano ADA blockchain. Play games, earn NFT prizes, and see sneak peeks of the art in the server.
Options Trading Alerts Icon
Crypto | Trading | Investing
🚨 OPTIONS TRADING ALERTS – JOIN OUR FREE OPTIONS TRADING SERVER! 🚨 ✅ Live trade alerts 📊 ✅ Market analysis & strategies 🧠 ✅ 100% FREE to join! 💎
Options Trading Alerts Discord Server Banner
Options Trading Alerts Icon
Crypto | Trading | Investing
🚨 OPTIONS TRADING ALERTS – JOIN OUR FREE OPTIONS TRADING SERVER! 🚨 ✅ Live trade alerts 📊 ✅ Market analysis & strategies 🧠 ✅ 100% FREE to join! 💎
UAP/UFO Deutschland Icon
Community | Science
UAP/UFO Deutschland ist ein Community Server für neugierige Menschen, die die Wahrheit hinter den Phänomenen ergründen wollen. Joine uns und diskutiere über unerklärlicher Dinge, Sichtungen und andere Themen! Wir freuen uns auf dich! UAP Discord - UFO Discord - UFO Deutschland - UAP Deutschland - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - Sichtungen Deutschland - Deutsch - Aliens - Außerirdische
Official Sagan 4 Discord - Alpha Icon
Art | Community
Sagan 4 is a collaborative speculative evolution project that anyone can contribute to! We are always welcoming new fans, biology nerds, artists, and potential new contributors to join our community. Also check out our website and forum: https://sagan4.org/ http://forum.sagan4.org/index.php
Albums From Other Planets Icon
Art | Music
"Albums From Other Planets" is a collection of unique art that gives a glimpse into the creative mind of artist Phairo Que. Each piece of art is uniquely designed with its own message within each cover and just like music, each expression of art has its own message and own feeling within the art itself.
AlbumsFromOtherPlanets Icon
Art | Music
"Albums From Other Planets" is a collection of unique art that gives a glimpse into the creative mind of artist Phairo Que. Each piece of art is uniquely designed with its own message within each cover and just like music, each expression of art has its own message and own feeling within the art itself.
The Extraterrestrials Icon
Community | Science
🌌 Embark on a cosmic journey at the Cosmos Lounge! Unleash your thoughts in vibrant conversations, forge bonds with like-minded souls, and discover a universe of endless connections. Join our stellar community for an adventure beyond the ordinary! 🚀🌠
Legends Peak Icon
Role-Playing | Just Chatting
Aliens? Superheros? Portals? Gather your own crew! Explore the dimensions from a horror dimension to the wild west. Spaceships legalized OC based rp!
Dragonights - OFFICIAL SERVER Icon
Movies | Entertainment
In 2007, the Ice Goblins, led by Danacus, invaded Earth. Despite facing unexpected human resistance, the war lasted for years. However, everything changed when an unforeseen meteor crashed into a city twelve years later. From the supernatural ashes of the rubble, a group of teens rose to power and defeated Danacus. Yet, the retreat of the alien invader signals a looming return. In 2024, rising crime and Skorpion activity hint at his comeback. The "Dragonights" series follows their struggle, a tale of intergalactic conflict, human resilience, and globally recognized heroes.
Alien encounters Icon
Science | Just Chatting
Welcome to our UFO enthusiast community! This is your go-to destination for sharing captivating UFO videos, discussing extraterrestrial encounters, and exchanging the latest information on unidentified aerial phenomena. Whether you're a seasoned ufologist or just curious about the unknown, join us in exploring the mysteries of the skies. Share your experiences, analyze footage, and connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about uncovering the truth behind UFO sightings. Let's work together to shed light on the unexplained and push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe.
Alien: Abandonment Icon
Role-Playing | Tabletop
Have you ever wondered what the life of the average person in the Aliens universe was like? Have you ever wanted to face down Xenomorphs as a Colonial Marine or evade them as a clever survivor? Alien: Abandonment is a 21+ RP server dedicated to the Alien/Aliens franchise. Set in the year 2138, only a year after the events of Alien: Isolation, Alien: Abandonment will follow the lives of the crew of Riga station, a run-down transit hub on the edge of explored space. The server features: A fully mapped space station Opportunity for android characters Events and online RPG sessions A dynamic environment, as visitors, and other more insidious things arrive on the station over time.
Aliens of Club Penguin Icon
Gaming | Community
Join the Aliens Army of Club penguin. We host a lot of fun events on Club Penguin Journey. We have events like sled race tournament, card jitsu, igloo raids, fashion show, hide and seek, riddle contests, pokemon quizzes, anime quizzes, simon says and so many more creative events. We help people with stamps too. Join us if you want to experience the best family like environment, where everyone is lovely and sweet. We would love to have you in Aliens Family!
Haunted 5 Icon
Community | Social
Welcome to the #1 Paranormal Server on Discord. Feel free to share your experiences. Topics include paranormal, aliens, spirits, UFOs - UAP, ghosts, cryptids, esp-psi, entities, esoterica, mysteries, folklore, preternatural / supernatural, the anomalous, unexplained phenomena, horror, sci-fi
Noesis Icon
Community | Education
A server for anyone to come together and have discussion on Philosophy, Religion, Rosicrucianism, Semiotic-World, Science, Medicine, Technology, Esotericism, Occult, Conspiracies, Politics, Noomakhia, Consciousness, Psyche, "ourselves", etc. To Know Ourself, who we are, where we came from, understanding of existence, nature of things, peace as a whole, etc
Secret Society Icon
Community | Entertainment | Gaming
No one is safe.
Secret Society Discord Server Banner
Secret Society Icon
Community | Entertainment | Gaming
No one is safe.
Cosmic Convergence Icon
Beliefs | Community
Exploring the enigmatic nature of UFOs, mysterious unknown phenomena, and the transcendental essence of human consciousness, revealing the interconnectedness of life and our journey towards becoming one with the universe.
UFOlogy Icon
Science | Military
➢ Serious discussion about UFOs👽, UAPs and Extraterestrial Life ➢ Share your Sightings 👀 ➢ We accept every opinion! ➢ Nice Community ➢ Selfroles