Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Everlasting Summer Online Icon
Everlasting Summer Online
Elder Scrolls Online .Fi Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Finnish community for the Elder Scrolls Online players.
Justice of the Divines Icon
We are a newbie friendly, respect-based guild on the Xbox NA megaserver for Elder Scrolls Online. We participate in everything Tamriel has to offer.
The Furries of ESO Icon
Gaming | Furry
The home of the Elder Scrolls Online Furry (TESOF) Guild on PC NA, Welcoming in Furries all over that play ESO!
Filhos de Molag Bal | ESO Xbox Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Servidor para reunir jogadores do eso na plataforma xbox/xcloud. Temos guild e grupo ativo no zap. Todos sao bem vindos, ate novatos :)
Trifecta Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
"Seja bem-vindo ao the trifecta !! Nossa comunidade no Discord é um lugar de diversidade e onde a inclusão são celebradas. Aqui, conectamos indivíduos de todas as esferas, unidos por um propósito comum: compartilhar, aprender e crescer juntos. Em nosso espaço, reina a respeito, empatia e compreensão. Discutimos, debatemos e rimos juntos, fortalecendo laços e criando amizades duradouras. Venha fazer parte dessa família e experimente jogar um pouco de eso também! Encontre-nos e junte-se à nossa jornada de crescimento e união."
Nightwing Hawks Icon
Gaming | Mature
Division 2 aswell as a Elder Scrolls Online guild as of now, but might grow into even more games sooner or later!
House Ephla - ESO Guild Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
ESO EU Guild
PROMETO Melhor Discord™ Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Saudações aventureiro, a PROMETO foi fundada em 20/07/2016 com o objetivo de ser um espaço agradável, amigável e plural para todos os jogadores brasileiros de The Elder of Scrolls Online. Nesses quase cinco anos de história, sendo a mais antiga guilda social no jogo, sempre nos preocupamos em manter as filosofias de boa convivência e diversão como alicerce para a criação e manutenção de uma comunidade brasileira saudável e orgânica. Hoje possuímos, ativamente, mais de 1500 jogadores divididos em três guildas dentro do jogo, tornando-nos a maior guilda social brasileira em atividade. Carregamos o compromisso de respeitar e defender os valores de uma organização independente, plural e justa, sendo assim, não toleramos preconceitos e opressões das mais variadas formas, como racismo, LGBTfobia, misoginia/machismo e classismos. Defendemos assiduamente o seguimento das regras do jogo, aqui não é o espaço para ensinar e propagandear ódio, preconceitos, facilitações injustas no jogo e +
Test Server Icon
Programming | Gaming
Social Programming group. memes :)
The Panda Den Icon
Community | Gaming
Discord community for Twitch Streamer Kurraku0. We have monthly giveaways, art contests, cosplay contests, challenges for prizes and more! Feel free to promote your own streams, videos, artwork, and more in the appropriate channels. We also have monthly Cards Against Humanity game nights, Karaoke nights, and movie/anime watch parties. Come join in on the fun!
Gaming | Political
Just a friendly gamer trying to build a community that isnt about crying all day and weird anime discussions. God Bless
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
MaliBuu Gaming Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Gaming discord for smite, ark, elder scrolls online and clash of clans. General gaming discord trying to grow and learn new things about discord twitch and YouTube.
Royal House │ PC-NA Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Somos a ROYAL HOUSE, Guilda LGBTQIA+ Friendly e Crown Exchange 100% BR em Elder Scrolls Online - ESO, para PC/NA. Uma Guilda verdadeiramente social, sendo a mais ativa, engajada e a que mais cresce no Brasil. A única a alcançar o nível de EXCELÊNCIA na pesquisa Net Promoter Score - NPS.
Lions of Judah Gaming Icon
Gaming | Beliefs
Looking for a family friendly Guild or Gaming Community? [Lyons] is a multi-game community that offers a great place for players of all ages. We offer a clean environment, fellowship, and service to each other, in game and out. Currently we support WoW, ESO, LOTRO, FFXIV, NEW WORLD, and have a Christian D&D campaign planned. Lions of Judah Gaming is a Christian gaming community, however you do not need to be a specific faith to join!
Lethal Unbreakable Killas Icon
Gaming | Social
Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) PvE and future trading guild looking to build up members to run all vet content. Trials, Dungeons, and Arenas. Currently min CP is set to 160, average in the guild is 500-600. Operating in the NA server on PS4 and PS5
Community | Gaming
verified Smells Like Team Spirit! is a fun chill place to hangout and meet some wonderful people from across the world. ———————————————————— :Sketchheart2: | Community Server with Multiple Chat Topics. :Sketchheart2: | Emojis. :Sketchheart2: | Fun Bots. :Sketchheart2: | Server Promotions and Giveaways. :Sketchheart2: | Gaming Community... we play games like Elder Scrolls Online, Call of Duty, Fallout and many others. :Sketchheart2: | We are a friendly Server for all kinds of folks. ———————————————————— :arrow: Discord:
Iresine Guild Icon
Gaming | Community
Hi there Welcome to Iresine Guild! We're a new and upcoming guild aiming to help fellow new players on their journey into Elder Scrolls Online!
Elder Scroll Online Guild Finder Icon
Gaming | Community
Are you an Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) player looking for a guild? Or are you a guild master looking to recruit new members to your guild? If so join our discord server to help you find new guilds or guild members. We have 330+ Guilds currently advertised across all platforms and servers. We also currently have over 600 players looking for guilds. We are a server looking for guild advertisers and guild seekers in all platforms and servers. If you are interested in helping us grow our server for finding guilds please join us @ ✅ We are now a Social/Gaming server and are now open to everyone including non ESO players.
ESO International Icon
Gaming | Social
The Elder Scrolls Online International is a plane of sanctuary and your hub of knowledge for anything ESO!
Kazzy's Kolors Icon
Gaming | Community
╔═════ ≪ ° ☬ ° ≫ ═════╗ 🇰​​🇦​​🇿​​🇿​​🇾​❜​🇸​ ​🇰​​🇴​​🇱​​🇴​​🇷​​🇸 A small and pretty new social guild on ESO Xbox-NA WE FEATURE: * A guild hall that continues to be stylized. * A crafting area furnished with the the basics for every one of the trades * A focus on PvE content, and no alliance barrier. * An LGBTQIA+ friendly community. * A safe environment for any age * We are a guild meant for socializing and helping each other out. * A merchant, banker, and smuggler all available in the guild hall... Though the smuggler may or may not be hiding... JOIN ☬ TODAY ╚═════ ≪ ° ☬ ° ≫ ═════╝
Son's of Nazarick Icon
Gaming | Anime
Son's of Nazarick é uma guilda de Elder Scrolls Online com jogadores apaixonados por aventuras épicas e desafios emocionantes. Nossa comunidade é acolhedora e unida, com membros de todas as partes do mundo. Junte-se a nós para conquistar masmorras, derrotar inimigos e criar memórias inesquecíveis! Você que ainda não é jogar também pode se juntar a nós, socializar e quem sabe entrar nesse mundo de fantasia sublime.
ESO Balkan Icon
Dobrodošli na ESO Balkan! 🌍 Mi smo zajednica posvećena igračima Elder Scrolls Online iz celog Balkana. Pridružite nam se za druženje, zajedničke avanture, PvP i PvE aktivnosti, kao i razmenu saveta i strategija. Bez obzira da li ste iskusni igrač ili tek počinjete, ovde ćete pronaći saigrače...
Buying and selling game gold Icon
Playstation | Xbox
Buying and Selling Gold - items wow - lost ark - new world - albion - gw2 - trovo - poe - torn cash - aa - aion - eso - eve online - l2 - fiesta online - gems - kinah - dfo - pso2 ng - temtem - dcuo - ff14 - ff11 gils - flyff penya - ffxiv - ffxi
The FurPark Icon
Furry | Community | LGBT
Welcome to The FurPark. A furry community-driven server we prioritize a great community that is fun and a safe environment, We are big on LGBTQ+ acceptance.
The FurPark Discord Server Banner
The FurPark Icon
Furry | Community | LGBT
Welcome to The FurPark. A furry community-driven server we prioritize a great community that is fun and a safe environment, We are big on LGBTQ+ acceptance.
Keepers of Psijic Order Icon
Gaming | Xbox
Keepers of Psijic Order is an Xbox NA server based guild for Elder Scrolls Online players. KOPO hosts a free trader, has loaded guild houses, master crafters, daily activities, contests, raffles and more. Our discord has a variety of categories and channels from perfecting character builds, event signups, housing pages, and of course guild chat and news. Joining our discord does not automatically add members to the guild. Guilds are capped at 500 members. Be sure to reach out to an officer promptly to receive a guild invite in-game.