ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Fate Stay Night Guild Icon
Anime | Community
Discord dedicado á comunidade PT-BR especialmente das series FATE, e também todos os outros animes da Type-Moon. Assim como trás atualizações do website: FsnGuild.com Venha também e faça parte deste universo ;)
Fate/Grand Order Lietuva Icon
Anime | Gaming
Nauja Fate/Grand Order lietuvos bendruomenė. Aptarinejam, dalinames patirtimi, bei padedam vieni kitiems!
Church of Sakura Matou Icon
Anime | Gaming
A Fun Little Anime Server With Cool People And Cute Anime Girls, Primarily Sakura Matou.
Artoria’s Very Bizzare Adventure Icon
Anime | Community
Okay hello there, welcome to my very bizzare adventure. we are a 3 way anime based server for all anime fans especially Fate/HxH/JJBA fans. We also use AstolfoBot and Paisley Park to battle your favorite fate servants and stands to see who comes out on top, we also have Mudae so you can start claiming your favorite husbando’s and waifu’s. There is a diverse leveling system that goes up to Lvl 80 with special ranks and roles to grab on the way. We are small right now but hope to grow big.
/r/OneTrueTohsaka Icon
Anime | Entertainment
The *un*official server for the https://old.reddit.com/r/onetruetohsaka subreddit! We celebrate the best tsundere, Rin Tohsaka from the Fate/Stay Night universe as well as Ishtar and Ereshkigal! We are a welcoming community, even if Rin somehow isn't your favorite character. Feel free to come join us. We are always trying to grow the community and looking for ways to make things more fun and enjoyable. The server is very laid back, so come and meet some new people who love anime!
UwU Inn Icon
Social | Anime
"Hello reader! this is the OFFICIAL UwU Inn introductory description! previously a lawless friend group, we've (SOMEWHAT COLLECTIVELY) Decided to go public and spruce up our server a bit, we're a ragtag group of weebs and epic gamers with questionable heterosexuality and we would love.. LOVE for our once small abode to grow up big and strong with beautiful and fruitful members to help spice things up a bit for the harsh winters ahead, and in time grow a small community of uwuers for the next wonderful chapter of our story! because chaaange.. is goooood.. so dont be shy come along and have a chill time with the former members of the Order of UwU! we play wonderful games such as: Minecraft (Modded), Destiny 2, League of Legends, For Honor(ish) and whatever we can get our hands on to have fun and chill, if this all sounds interesting then come give us a visit! uwu"
Ryżowe opowieści [PL] Icon
Anime | Gaming
Serwer o tematyce Anime przeznaczony dla Polaków. Rozmawiamy tutaj o grach, animcach, youtube. Jeśli ktoś jest fanem Fate/stay night lub innych ryżowych opowieści to serdecznie zapraszam na serwer! Jako właściciel serwera gram również w FGO i wiele innych gier mobilnych gacha, także zapraszam współbratymców ;)
Manganimeuniverse Icon
Anime | Gaming
Random server for people who like to talk about anime, manga and games, heavily into Fate and Dragonball be it games, mobages, anime and manga. Fate grand order, db dokkan battle etc etc.
Temple of Ishtar Icon
Anime | Gaming
The Temple of Ishtar is a community that focuses on worshiping the magnificent Goddess Ishtar from Fate/Grand Order.
Gil's Treasury of Quartz Icon
Anime | Streaming
A server for my Twitch channel: ThinnerRolyat, Mainly a FGO player and Gacha connoisseur. We're a tight nit community who are all friendly and do generally support each other. We all like to post memes, anime waifus, talk about games/anime/life and much more. (We even have a few NSFW channels for the Adults ;) )
???????: ?? ???? ???? Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
¡Bienvenide a nuestro roleplay! Somos una comunidad creada con la finalidad de encontrar un lugar donde pasar el rato y conocer nuevas personas. Un grupo de roleplay inspirado en las winx (fate o destino, la saga winx), con canales inrol, donde se lleva a cabo el roleo con personajes determinados (puedes tener mas de un personaje), y también canales offrol, donde se puede hablar de cualquier cosa. Ofrecemos: ·Canales off y in rol. ·Comunidad activa y 0 tóxica. ·Admins dispuestxs a ayudarte en todo lo que necesites, en cualquier momento. ·Y muchas cosas más. ¿Te interesa? ¿Te llama la atención? Pues no lo dudes, ¡entra a formar parte de nuestro pequeño grupito, sin ningún tipo de compromiso!
Chaldean Fortress Icon
Anime | Community
Welcome to the chaldean fortress! where here you can... -Make friends by playing fgo -watch anime with friends - possibly go bond 10 with someone ? - game with people - Play around with bots! - Just hangout and chill! Hope to see you in the server reader-san!
Herta Cafe Icon
Anime | Gaming | Social
⭐ 100+ Genshin Impact Emojis and Chats!⭐ 💬Social and Active SFW server 💬 🚀Nitro Giveaways🚀🎨Safe space🎨 📺Anime Chats 📺 🎮 Social and Gaming 🎮 💌 Active & welcoming💌 🤖 24/7 Bots 🤖 🤝 Partnerships and Advertisements 🤝
Herta Cafe Discord Server Banner
Herta Cafe Icon
Anime | Gaming | Social
⭐ 100+ Genshin Impact Emojis and Chats!⭐ 💬Social and Active SFW server 💬 🚀Nitro Giveaways🚀🎨Safe space🎨 📺Anime Chats 📺 🎮 Social and Gaming 🎮 💌 Active & welcoming💌 🤖 24/7 Bots 🤖 🤝 Partnerships and Advertisements 🤝
- H E Λ V E Λ N S - / F E E L Icon
Streaming | Anime
Welcome to the home of ΛLTER. We're a community server for our streamer group based off Alter-Ego Servants from FATE. We're a community full of VTubers, FGO players, FFXIV players etc! We hold regular anime/movie nights every week and constantly feature streams to watch!
???? ??????????? Icon
Anime | Community
Willkommen auf ???? ???????????! Wir sind ein Discord Server, der kleinere Discord Communitys vereint, um zusammen eine Community aufzubauen. Unser Ziel ist es, Communities zusammenzubringen, Usern die Möglichkeit zu geben, neue Leute kennenzulernen und unter anderem kleineren Discords die Möglichkeit geben, die Vorteile von Discord Nitro Boosts, die für kleinere Discord Server oft nicht erreichbar sind, sowie andere Vorteile auszunutzen. Was könnt ihr hier erwarten? ⟶ Community Events ⇢ Gemeinsame Watch Partys/Anime Abende ⇢ Gemeinsame Community Server in z.B. Minecraft oder anderen Games ⇢ Chillige Talks mit deinen Freunden und vielen anderen lieben und netten Menschen ⟶ Channels & Bots ⟶ Das Community System Wir, im Namen des Ownerteams wünschen euch sehr viel Spaß auf ???? ???????????!
Chaldea Lounge Icon
Anime | Gaming
Good day, fellow Master! I invite you to our grand server; Chaldea Lounge! We are an open community with great members, we're still new but we would love to have you in our community! Talk games like FGO and Genshin Impact with us, also we have fun bots to play with such as Karuta, Mudae, Astolfo bot etc with welcoming members and wholesome mods! So come join us now, we will be waiting fellow master!
Fate/Type-Moon Icon
Anime | Community
This is a community for all Fate Stay Night and Type-Moon fans to join and discuss the Fate series and the Type-Moon universe in general.
The Church of MILFs Icon
Community | Social
We are a (more serious than what the name indicates) community server where you can talk, chill, chat and have fun! :D Come and become a worshiper!
Fate/Type-Spiral Icon
Role-Playing | Anime
==Fate/Type-Spiral== Welcome to Type-Spiral, a Fate server styled around works like the El Melloi books featuring heavy focus on Magi, with dark plots unearthed at the hands of a mysterious organization known as Babalon. Our goals with this server are as follows— - A well-curated community of roleplayers, able to handle combat and social situations in-character and navigate them out of character in amicable and friendly ways. - Lots of support for smaller personal plots; one of our best staff members has even been known to go well above par in orchestrating plots for people in the event they don't know where or how to get themselves pulled into. . . - The overarching story! ==Fate/Type-Spiral== The World Anchor, Rhongomyniad, has begun to lose its grip on the texture of reality. The known world is being peeled back, and the reverse side has begun to emerge. The spiral tower has manifested itself over Arthur's grave in Glastonbury as forces fight for control over its potential impact.
Horni Jail Icon
Anime | Memes
Calling all degenerates - community formed around FGO /Gacha players and looking for other chill people. Will expand to anime/manga, and other games and entertainment media as the server grows. Join us (and bring some sauce if you want)
Fate/Nasuverse Icon
Anime | Community
Greeting everyone! We are a friendly anime community that like Fate and Type-Moon universe. Whenever you are a Type-Moon fan or just simply an anime fan. We don't mind! Come join us now!
Saber's Riders Icon
Anime | Mature
A laid back chill community with lots of stickers and emotes! If you like anime, gaming, talking or need a server to vibe in this is the server for you
Gugalanna Comunity Icon
Anime | Gaming
Looking to bring together a community of Spanish-speaking individuals interested in the Nasuverse, our server focuses on the Fate Series and offers a variety of amenities such as a level system, alliance system, and a healthy and supportive community. * Comunidad Latina e Hispana :D.
Fate/Scarlet: 1979 Icon
Anime | Role-Playing
NOTE: This server is still in its infancy. Set during the early 80s of the Cold War, the United States tilt the balance of power towards the Soviet Union. Crime is rampant and illegal activity can be found across the world. In this life of crime, both Magi and Heroic Spirits delve into the affairs of other countries. Whether they uphold their honor as a hero, or watch the world burn through their actions. But when blood runs dry, and their voices rend, everyone will reach an ultimatum that will decide the fate of the world.
レクイエム HQ Icon
Anime | Gaming
Gateway to FGO Requiem Official Discord Server
Discord.Me Support Icon
Growth | Support | Community
Born in 2015 to promote personal servers, Discord Me has evolved into a comprehensive platform for connecting Discord communities. Our mission is to help you find and build online communities that resonate with your interests.
Discord.Me Support Discord Server Banner
Discord.Me Support Icon
Growth | Support | Community
Born in 2015 to promote personal servers, Discord Me has evolved into a comprehensive platform for connecting Discord communities. Our mission is to help you find and build online communities that resonate with your interests.
LGBT+ Fate Icon
Anime | Gaming
A LGBT Fate server! We are primarily a Fate go server but we support all fate series! Come for a good old homosexual time
Pay for my Quartz! Icon
Gaming | Anime
Hi hi! Are you interested in spending your hard-earned money on Saint Quartz for me so that I don't have to? Great! I'll happily use your Quartz to roll on any banner of your choosing and show you the results! Or you can just add it to my stash and help it grow bigger and bigger! Whichever you'd prefer~ More details in the server, including how to pay for the quartz. Join today! I want more Quartz. More, more, more! Gimme gimme gimme!!! *The server is 18+. I don't need any broke kids with no money joining. Away with you!
Alice's Workshop Icon
Anime | Gaming
Welcome to Alice's Workshop! This is a server dedicated to franchises by Type-Moon; Fate, Tsukihime, Mahoyo, etc. This server is also a general hangout server for gaming, music, and anything else you may want to talk about!
Fate/Tenebrous Aeon Icon
Role-Playing | Anime
With the fall of the Alien God, the world began to restore itself. Though the alterations to the world made by the Bleaching awakened something sealed within the world itself, only freed by the destruction of the Lostbelts. The Destroyer Class. Several Destroyer Class Servants were chain-summoned across the globe, wreaking havoc and rapidly destroying civilization in the mere hours that they were free. Several key members of worldwide Mage factions were killed, including leading figures in the Mage’s Association, in the initial attack. As quickly as the Destroyers arrived, an unknown force sealed them across the globe via spreading Fantasy Tree seeds across the planet and sealing them beneath the Lostbelts in what has since been dubbed Annihilation Zones. Sections of the world, mainly belonging to the remnants of Mage society, were left untouched by the Storm Walls that surrounded the Lostbelts. The Mage’s Association immediately cut Chaldea off from what resources it had, each bra
Artoria Pendragon (Saber) Emotes Icon
Anime | Emoji
An emoji server dedicated to (mainly Saber) Artoria! We have a bunch of blessed emotes for all users to enjoy! NO Nitro required, because we have the NQN bot! We haven't filled the slots completely yet, but there will be more added later. We don't have any chat channels(other than the one exclusively for Nitro Boosters) yet. Someday, we may make one!
Fate/Grand Order: Exordium Icon
Role-Playing | Anime
✥ Welcome to Exordium ✥ A Fate/Grand Order Roleplay Experience Year 2024. Chaldea stands as humanity's last hope, an organization dedicated to preserving the Human Order by monitoring and correcting anomalies in time. Under the leadership of the new director, Elena Vesper, Chaldea faces its most critical mission yet—securing the future of humanity without compromising its ethics. The Antarctic base remains secure, but with no Masters recruited and history on the verge of collapse, Chaldea must act quickly to ensure the survival of Proper Human History. ✬ What We Offer: Immersive Lore Flexible Roleplay Friendly Community ~ A welcoming space for Fate fans and roleplayers of all skill levels! Active Staff & Moderation ~ Will you answer the call to protect humanity’s future? Join Exordium and become part of the Grand Order to restore Proper Human History!
Fate: The Binding Of Time Icon
Anime | Role-Playing
A fate roleplay server with multiple different things to do such as saving humanity to fighting in the first holy grail war. You can even be a villain if you wish. The lore changes depending on you so come and join us. The first holy grail war takes place during the First World War in this server.
Tamamoverse Icon
Community | Gaming
Fate/grand order and Tamamo ❤️ Welcome to Tamamoverse! Looking for more Fate/GO Masters to join the server! What We Offer: - FGO Discussions: Share Gacha pulls, Servants strategies, lore and more. - Game Bot Fun: Casual games and friendly competition. - Community Vibes: Chill space to hang out. Why Join? - Dual Focus: Fate + Discord game bots. - A growing community - Fate/GO-themed fun and advice Ready to dive in? Server invite https://discord.gg/tamamoverse See you in Tamamoverse ✨ ......... ......... ......... ......... .........