ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
FFXIV Housing Market Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to Final Fantasy XIV Housing! A server dedicated to housing enthusiasts where you can buy, sell or decorate your house, or anything that is house related!
Odisseia Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Hoje o RP continuará seguindo a história principal onde o tempo é nosso inimigo. O que escolherão: salvar a cidade ou descobrir o mistério? Você está pronto para viver uma aventura onde a imaginação é o limite? Nosso servidor de RP é o lugar ideal para explorar Eorzea e além de formas únicas, misturando a rica lore de FFXIV com total liberdade criativa. Aqui, você não precisa ficar preso às regras tradicionais — queremos ouvir sua história e ver seu personagem brilhar! 💰 Recompensas e Rankings: Participe de eventos e ganhe títulos exclusivos, prêmios in-game, discord nitro e muito mais! 🌌 Roleplay Personalizado: Você cria e expande seu universo junto com outros membros 📚 Eventos Narrativos: Participe de campanhas, investigações, batalhas, e até jornadas entre dimensões. 🎊 Comunidade Inclusiva: Um espaço acolhedor para novos e veteranos no Roleplay.
FFXIV Community Hub Icon
Gaming | Community
Our #FFXIV Community Hub is open for anyone interested in the game to join! Come be a part of the Hub! We have: - A warm, welcoming community! - Opportunities for content creators to grow - Advice for new players - Channels to share art, gposes etc.
Destiny's Haven Icon
Community | Gaming
Destiny's Haven is a Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts server dedicated to discussion, group gaming, and roleplay dedicated to both series We have -Game Discussions🎙 -role-playing and character roles👨‍🎤 -group gaming🎮🖥🎮 -art channels to share your own art 🎨
Final Fantasy Night Icon
Gaming | Community
Partito come una comunity di Final Fantasy è presto cresciuta ed è diventata un ritrovo italiano per chi è alla ricerca di una cosa molto semplice: giocare in compagnia e un posto dove chiedere ogni cosa, dalla più banale alla più savage!
The Bald G's Icon
Gaming | Music
A bard troupe stationed on Moogle on the Chaos EU Datacenter in Final Fantasy XIV, usually performing in Gridania or any private/FC house. We usually play a wide variety of music types such as 70s and 80s hits, video game music, rock music, and movie scores. If there are any songs or types of music you would like at an event that is not on the Music List page then feel free to contact us and we will do our best to find it.
Wlekomm's SQUAD Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
We are the Wlekomm's SQUAD!? A Gaming Community where u can find several gamers with several games!? "Chatty members" BLA? BLA? BLA? (Nothing special?) What special means for us? To be NON-Toxic and enjoy the game together?! Enjoy our members and our rules!?
7th Heaven♡ Icon
Community | Gaming
7th Heaven ♡ is an all-inclusive, new-player friendly community for Final Fantasy XIV players on the Primal server (but not limited to!) ? We are a new community hoping to build a safe place for people to come hang out/heal and feel accepted and belong. We mostly play FFXIV (NA) Primal -Excalibur server but we also watch anime and plan social events. People sought places like this. A place where they could be with friends while playing video games, watching anime, and just hanging out. A place where you could get over the depression of reality or maybe forget about reality and think of the future.
Waking Sands Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Hey, gamers! ♡ The Waking Sands is a server dedicated to assisting sprouts with their transition into the FFXIV life! We are hoping to create a non-toxic community of veterans who share their expertise and experience with new players, regardless of their experience with Final Fantasy and/or MMORPGs! Whether you're a sprout seeking companionship and assistance or a veteran seeking to broaden their horizons, we assure you that you'll fit in perfectly as a member of our family. ♡ If you have any questions, you can reach me directly on discord under [envyeuphoria] without the brackets. We hope to see you both in the server and in-game! Cheers! "Pray return to the Waking Sands..." — Minfilia (...and literally every other Scion of the Seventh Dawn, probably)
Final Fantasy XIV Online D Icon
Gaming | Community
__Final Fantasy XIV Online Deutschland (PC, MAC, PSX, XBOX)__ Willkommen in unserer deutschen Community: Final Fantasy XIV Online! Suchst Du Freunde für dein Abenteuer in Eorzea? Oder willst Du mehr über die Welt von Final Fantasy XIV erfahren und erleben? Trete unserer Community bei und werde Teil dieser großen Familie. Unser Angebot: PvE: - Einsteigerfreundliche Guides und Spieler (KBM und Controller) - Mitspieler für Dungeons, Dailies - Wöchentliche Events, z.B. 90er Mount Farm, 50er-80er Content oder Eden-Raids Sync Unsere Raid-Akademie für aktuellen Content: - erfahrene Spieler, die dir helfen deine Ausrüstung zusammenzustellen - deutsche Kampf-Guides - Lehrer, die dir ohne Vorwissen oder englische Guides das Raiden beibringen - keine Wartezeit in der Gruppensuche + fantastische Mitspieler - Großmeister, die dir helfen deine Klasse zu perfektionieren - Mit dem Abschluss von P11 erhaltet ihr den Rang “Elite Raider”, wodurch Statics auf euch aufmerksam werden u.v.m.: https://
Fool's Errand Icon
Gaming | Anime
Fool's Errand <Fe> is currently recruiting inquirer's to come join our ranks! We are a laid-back Free Company searching for like-minded souls. Based in Aether: Siren, we are an FC made up of new & veteran players.