Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Best Discord Trading Server for Stocks, Options, Forex and Crypto! Top analysts on Discord giving you daily trade ideas, insights and education helping you succeed.
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Best Discord Trading Server for Stocks, Options, Forex and Crypto! Top analysts on Discord giving you daily trade ideas, insights and education helping you succeed.
Learn Albanian Icon
Language | Community
Language Server for Albanian / Shqip! Learn Albanian with us and improve your Skills! Beginner, Advanced or just interested to talk about Albanian Lifestyle? Welcome to our Community!
English Second Language Icon
Language | Community
English Second Language" is a free community server catering to English learners, offering an ideal environment for individuals at every proficiency level. Within this server, learners can engage in conversation practice, enhance grammar skills, and expand their vocabulary. Additionally, interacting with fellow learners provides an opportunity to share experiences and learn from one another. Join this community server to support your English learning journey and improve your language skills!
マジで?!・Seriously?! Icon
Language | Gaming
マジで?!・Seriously?! was created to encourage communication between cultures and create a welcoming environment to encourage language study. The main two languages of this server are English and Japanese, however we also would love to learn more about other languages/cultures. No matter the culture nor language video games, tv shows, movies, and music are popular interests. Let's enjoy discussion and participation of these interests together in your target language! マジで?!・Seriously?!は、文化間のコミュニケーションを奨励し、語学学習を奨励する歓迎の環境を作るために作られました。このサーバーの主な2つの言語は英語と日本語ですが、私たちは他の言語や文化についても学びたいと思っています。文化や言語に関係なく、ゲーム、テレビ番組、映画、音楽は人気のある趣味です。 このような趣味について、あなたの母語で一緒に議論したり、参加したりして楽しみましょう!
DevTree Icon
Community | Language
This is a server to gain knowledge, hangout, & play video games.
Triolingo Icon
Education | Memes
EN - New server for English, Portuguese and Spanish speakers! PT - Servidor novo para falantes de Inglês, Português e Espanhol! ES - Nuevo servidor para hablantes de Inglés, Portugués y Español!
Voyvodstvoto Icon
Language | Community
"Voyvodstvoto" is a server for learning the Bulgarian language along with other slavic languages of choice Free speech, culture sharing, and making friends.
Russian language and culture lea Icon
Language | Community
join a supportive Russian language learning community or just join to make new friends присоединяйтесь к поддерживающему сообществу, изучающему русский язык, или просто присоединяйтесь, чтобы завести новых друзей
Talker's Paradise Icon
Language | Community
"Talker's Paradise" is a tropical safe haven where everyone is welcome to discuss, learn, and make new friends! On this virtual island located somewhere between the pixelated ocean, we welcome individuals whether they wish to dock momentarily or become apart of this community of stranded individuals that have come together to thrive as one. Server Highlights: ❤️ - welcoming/friendly community (sfw) 💬 - practice/learn new languages (English 🇺🇸, Korean 🇰🇷, Spanish 🇪🇸) 🎬 - k-drama 🌸 - anime 🎵 - k-pop 🚧 - much more in progress You have scrolled enough, get some rest.. We hope to see you by the campfire~ 🔥🪵
La Casa della Stupidità Icon
Just Chatting | Language
Ciaooo, studio l’italiano e voglio un server chill e piccolo dove possiamo conoscerci e aiutarci con l’inglese e l’italiano! Voglio praticare l’italiano ma tutti i server che ho visto sono troppo grandi e muovano troppo velocemente, quindi voglio che questo server sia una comunità piccola e casualissima dove ci sentiamo comodi. Parlo l’inglese così vorrei aiutarti se hai bisogno! Come ho detto, questo server è molto casuale, più come un gruppo di amici di un server coi capi e tante regole. PERÒ non vuol dire che puoi fare qualsiasi cosa che ti va, se ti comporti male non è tollerato spero che ti vedrò :)
Ukrainian Gamers Community Icon
Gaming | Community
Сервер для україномовних геймерів, які хочуть поспілкуватися про цікавинки зі світу ігор, техніки, космосу, музики, та всього, що відбувається навколо(включно і з політикою, бо куди ж без неї), все розмежовано по текстовим чатам для зручності. Для пошуку напарників в іграї створений бот, який додає ігрові ролі, тож вам буде легше кликати людей в певну гру та бачити, коли хтось шукає напарників там де граєте ви. Ще є посилання на всі відомі мені інші україномовні сервери та на українських твіч та ютуб стрімерів. Мови спілкування в текстових чатах — українська та англійська. Languages of communication for text chats on the server are Ukrainian and English. TAGS: ukr, ukraine, ua, Україна, укр.