Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Best Discord Trading Server for Stocks, Options, Forex and Crypto! Top analysts on Discord giving you daily trade ideas, insights and education helping you succeed.
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Best Discord Trading Server for Stocks, Options, Forex and Crypto! Top analysts on Discord giving you daily trade ideas, insights and education helping you succeed.
Pump Translations Icon
Language | Growth | Gaming
Hello Friend! 👾 Want to find a professional linguist from a foreign country to help you with (1) 🌏 Country Advise, (2) 👨🏻‍🎓 Authentic Human Translation, and (3) 🛸 Promotion via Country-Specific Communities, Groups, Apps, etc? Then let me invite you to the Pump Translations server! ⚡ We are a community of full-time language professionals specializing in Web3, Gaming, Music, Art, AI, Cybersecurity, Manufacturing, and related fields. ✅ Anyone, who holds the Linguist role on the server, applied from within the language industry and was selected and verified manually on the basis of professional qualifications and specializations. The server is P2P🤝🏻, and you are welcome to connect with linguists directly and only pay the linguists, without any fees to a translation agency. However, you can also ask us to coordinate a project for you, if needed 😉 We cover Asia, Latin America, and Europe (incl. Russia) 🌌🪐 Let's PUMP!! 👾⚡
Soulseek Icon
Community | Music
The Soulseek server for everyone. Come and join the community and talk about anything you want. We have members from all over the globe.
Warez Zone Icon
Community | Support
Warez Zone est une communauté francophone qui rassemble les amateurs de P2P (Torrent, DDL...), qui s'adresse aussi bien aux débutants qu'aux utilisateurs avertis. Echanges de bons tuyaux, discussions et débats sympas autour de sujets warez ou non warez ; films, séries, jeux, tech, un peu de tout :) Nous offrons un support concernant Trackers, Uploads et téléchargements de fichiers torrent, IPTV, Vpn, Seedbox et divers sujets techniques, Nas, serveurs... English speakers are also welcome, we offer some help and support in English if needed :)