Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Phasmophobia Germany Icon
Community | Gaming
Deutscher Phasmophobia Discord Server, Deutscher Phasmophobia Server, Deutsch Phasmophobia, Phasmophobia Germany
Monolith Gaming Icon
Gaming | eSports
Established in 1996, Monolith Gaming was founded on the principal that the member is the most important part of a community. Since our founding, Monolith Gaming has supported games like World of Warcraft, Everquest, Tera Online, Warframe and many more PC Games. In 2015 Monolith Gaming moved to console gaming supporting titles like Starfield, MK1, SF6, Sea of Thieves, Diablo 4, Call of Duty, Destiny 2, Forza and Tekken. To date, we have grown in membership and we welcome members from all over the world into our highly organized community. Monolith Gaming is also about promoting gamers and their careers. This is why we have partnered and co-founded the United Gaming Collective. This is a collaboration between multiple other discord communities to offer a variety of services to members from streaming to tournaments to casual play Monolith Gaming has it all.
BSG-Gamingchannel Icon
Gaming | Xbox
Wir sind eine Deutsche Spielegruppe die gerne Horror, Strategie und Shooter spielt. Unsere Gruppe auf PC und auch auf XBox unterwegs. Phasmophobia, Pacify, Starcraft, Age of Empires, Supreme Commander sind ein kleiner Teil unserer Games. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are a German gaming group that likes to play horror, strategy and shooters. Our group on PC and also on XBox. Phasmophobia, Pacify, Starcraft, Age of Empires, Supreme Commander are a small part of our games.
Phasmophobia Deutschland Icon
Community | Gaming
Werde Teil des größten, deutschsprachigen Phasmophobia-Community- sowie einzigen offiziellen Phasmophobia-Partnerservers mit über 10.000 Mitgliedern! - Phasmophobia Deutschland, Phasmophobia Deutsch, Phasmophobia Germany, Phasmophobia German, Phasmophobia Discord, Phasmophobia Mitspieler finden
eG_Official Discord Icon
Gaming | Streaming
#1 Welcome to the Official eG Discord!!! Welcome to eG (Exotic Gaming)! Whether you're here to meet new friends, dive into gaming discussions, showcase your YouTube/Twitch content, share epic game clips, or jam out to some tunes, you've found the perfect spot. This is your space to connect with fellow gamers, creators, and music enthusiasts. Don't forget to explore our various channels dedicated to gaming, content creation, clips, and music sharing. Feel free to jump into conversations, collaborate on projects, and most importantly, have fun! Check out our guidelines in the # -rules channel and reach out to our moderators if you have any questions. Let's make this server an epic hub for gaming, content creation, and music discovery. Enjoy your time here, and game on!
Phasmophobia | ITA Icon
Gaming | Community
In questo server si cerca di espandere la community italiana di Phasmophobia e serve a conoscere persone con cui giocare. Perfetto per tutte le piattaforme con canali e ruoli specifici.
🩸 Bloodmoon Haven 🩸 Icon
Gaming | Community
🩸 Bloodmoon Haven🩸 Tritt ein in die Schatten und werde Teil von Bloodmoon Haven – der ultimativen Community für Horror-Fans und Multigaming-Enthusiasten! 🌑💀 Hier erwarten dich finstere Geschichten, packende Horror-Games und eine starke Gaming-Community.
phasmophobia hub Icon
Gaming | Social
Welcome to phasmophobia hub, this is an phasmophobia server for everyone, this server has 24/7 music bots, moderation bots, black listed words, and dank memer.
gaming wrld Icon
Gaming | Music
join if you like gaming or just join yes i'm still learning how to make a good server have a nice stay
Phassy Icon
This is for Phasmophobia players all around the world! We are searching for a big group of people that plays everyday!
Gaming | Social
We are a community server of Phasmophobia you can find people to play with or meet friends here we are all very nice here ;D
Alpha Dad Army Icon
Gaming | Community
Gaming and good people equal a community driven by passion and comradery. Come and see for yourself and enjoy the fun and friendships along the way.
Furry Legion Icon
Furry | Art | LGBT
Furry Legion is an active and fast growing furry server aimed to create a positive and accepting place on Discord for furs, and non furs alike!
Furry Legion Discord Server Banner
Furry Legion Icon
Furry | Art | LGBT
Furry Legion is an active and fast growing furry server aimed to create a positive and accepting place on Discord for furs, and non furs alike!
Tschuxls AT/DE Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Deutsche Community mit den unterschiedlichsten Fokus an Spielen. Von Sport bis zu Horror spielen. Zocke mit uns zusammen und streame mit uns!
Entertainment | Social
bienvenidos viajeros, se que estan cansados de nuestra gran travesia a travez de el frio invierno de rasganorte, pero nosotros te acompañaremos en esta nueva y gran aventura, bonechewers clan es un server dedicado mayormente a WoW y que estamos reclutando gente que desee jugar con nosotros en Wrath of the Lich King en el servidor privado de Whitemane, reclutamos gente de todo tipo, desde jugadores con experiencia, hasta jugadores nuevos, tambien si deseas descansar en el servidor tambien nos gusta el lol, minecraft y phasmofobia por si deseas jugar. ven, disfruta y descansa en Bonechewers clan
Gionni Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Hi, wir sind eine kleine neue Community :) wenn du leute zum zocken suchst schaue gerne vorbei :) und lass uns gemeinsam gross werden und spass haben. 🤗
Phasmophobia (Español) Icon
Social | Art
¡Bienvenido al servidor de Phasmophobia en español! Únete para disfrutar y conocer nuevas personas mientras te adentras en la caza de fantasmas y exploras lo paranormal. 🕯️👻 En nuestro servidor, promovemos un ambiente de respeto mutuo y diversión. Por favor, evita los spoilers, utiliza el español para comunicarte y participar activamente en nuestras actividades y eventos. No toleramos el spam, la publicidad no autorizada ni cualquier tipo de contenido inapropiado. Cada miembro tiene un rango de prestigio basado en su nivel en el juego, los rangos de prestigio incluyen: Aprendiz, Recluta, Investigador, InvestigadorPrivado, Detective, Técnico, Especialista, Operario y Comisario. Te esperamos.
Phasmophobia Brasil Icon
Bem-vindo(a) à comunidade brasileira de Phasmophobia! Somos afiliados ao Discord Oficial do jogo. Entre e divirta-se!
Lucifer´s Army! Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Servidor para jugar Phasmophobia, Among Us, Project Zomboid, Stumble Guys, etc... Aqui podras encontrar una comunidad amena que siempre estara para que juegues! si te unes seremos más!
Peaches & Cream Icon
Social | Gaming
Hey there! Welcome to 🌸Peaches & Cream🌸, a server for those looking to make new friends and experience chill vibes and genuine connections. Feel free to read up on the rules and set your roles so we know what you like before diving in!
Phasmophobia Suomi Icon
Gaming | Community
Phasmophobia discord serveri suomalaisille. Luotu 10.10.2020. Kaikki on tervetulleita! Serveri ei ole vielä kovin suosittu mutta koitamme nostattaa serverin suosioa!
Churaka_Discord ??? Icon
Gaming | Memes
Servidor para memes y jugar, con admins basados en Chile. Cuenta con página de memes en crecimiento y se está haciendo crecer su comunidad.
Daeron's Family Icon
Gaming | Community
Daeron's Family server is oriented to stay in contact with Daeron and play with him and his friends aswell as watching videos, etc.
Phasmophobia France Icon
Gaming | Community
◼️ Tu recherches un serveur actif sur Phasmophobia avec une communauté française uniquement ?◼️ Alors rejoins nous dès maintenant:?
Phasmophobia Hunters Icon
Gaming | Community
Find people to play phasmophobia with and have fun!
Skylab Icon
Anime | Manga | Art
Skylab is a vibrant, non-toxic, professionally run community designed for creative individuals like illustrators, writers, animators, photographers, 3D designers, and gamers. It offers a welcoming and inclusive environment where creativity thrives.
Skylab Discord Server Banner
Skylab Icon
Anime | Manga | Art
Skylab is a vibrant, non-toxic, professionally run community designed for creative individuals like illustrators, writers, animators, photographers, 3D designers, and gamers. It offers a welcoming and inclusive environment where creativity thrives.
Zero Dead Icon
Gaming | Music
We play Phasmophobia, Among Us, and Rocket League. We're looking for new people to become friends with and play games together!
Flavour of the Month Icon
Gaming | Anime
We are a relatively new server so get in quick! The theme of this server is Flavour of the Month. If you want to play a popular game but have no one to play with, join here! Our theme at the moment is PHASMOPHOBIA. Come join us to fill up your lobby and make new friends!!
Dorf des Aufstiegs Icon
Der Server ist noch in seinen sehr jungen Jahren. Der Plan ist es, die Community zu vereinen, die Game-Sparte weiter auszubauen und den Leuten ein nahezu familiäres Verhältnis zu überbringen. Beim Zocken sollte vor allem eins ganz oben stehen - der Spielspaß. Mit einem freundlichen Umgang können wir für ein angenehmes Klima sorgen und eben diesen Spielspaß aktiv halten.
Phasmophobia Icon
Gaming | Social
This server is dedicated to Phasmophobia. Here you will find many people to play Phasmophobia with or even just make new friends.
Make It Rain Icon
Gaming | Mature
We are a multi-game server that has Among Us, Phasmophobia, Minecraft, In Silence, Jack Box games, Raft, and we are always willing to add more! You can play as many or as few games on this server as you would like!
Choice Icon
Gaming | Streaming
If you like to play games such as Dead by Daylight or Rainbow Six Siege or Phasmophobia then this server can help you find people to play these games with. I'm a streamer looking for people to play with.
HorroyaleGame Icon
Multiplayer Horror Game. We would like to offer an experience that the world of the horror genre has never seen before. Cause this is not just any other horror game. We devoted special attention to keep up the strain throughout every round. You can't let your guard down for a second, because you will be hunted relentlessly. A 40 player battle royal featuring unforgiving obstacles. Almost in complete darkness. With hellish creatures in every corner. And the clock is ticking. You have to solve numerous puzzles along the way, to get the weapons and equipment necessary to win. Utilise all the tools and traps at your disposal to prevent your opponents from getting armed. And the weird noises you can hear, are the creatures striving for your blood. And they are fast. Very fast.
queer gaming hub Icon
Gaming | LGBT
Queer Gaming Hub is an online gaming based server for LGBT+ individuals to gather and game online in a respectful and fun environment.
Anythingingaming Icon
Gaming | Community
Anythingingaming is about anything to do with Dead by Daylight and Phasmophobia. - Great community, - Notifications for DbD codes, leaks, etc. - Find others to play with, - Self-given roles, - Very active Owner and mods,
Arcade Vibes Icon
Gaming | Mature
This server is a place for people to just relax, play games, and be who they want to be. It’s all about having fun, and that’s important. We have channels for a variety of different games, and we look forward to growing our player base so that people can start having fun together. We also plan to add more stuff other than game channels to the server, such as channels to talk about anime.
The Nightlight Icon
Streaming | Gaming
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✼ Nightydavid's Nightlight ✼ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✩ Yo wassup I'm a twitch streamer and this is my server PogU ✩
Himmels lounge Icon
Gaming | Community
Das is ein server für die Gaming community hier gibt es phasmophobia dead by daylight und so weiteres
Medium Cafe • Anime community Icon
Anime | Community | LGBT
? Non-stop chat channels with a welcoming community ? 24/7 Active VC! ? 500 Amazing Emojis! ? Welcoming community with lots of relaxed members to talk to. ? Officially partnered with the Crunchyroll Discord Server! ? We talk about anime, kpop (k-pop), video games (Among Us, LoL) and much more.
Medium Cafe • Anime community Discord Server Banner
Medium Cafe • Anime community Icon
Anime | Community | LGBT
? Non-stop chat channels with a welcoming community ? 24/7 Active VC! ? 500 Amazing Emojis! ? Welcoming community with lots of relaxed members to talk to. ? Officially partnered with the Crunchyroll Discord Server! ? We talk about anime, kpop (k-pop), video games (Among Us, LoL) and much more.
VR Comrades Icon
Gaming | Community
VR Comrades is a community server with a slight focus on VR Gaming. Our community is centered around VR and non VR gaming, watching movies and TV Shows together, and simply chatting in voice and text chats. Most popular games on the server are Pavlov, Phasmophobia, Apex, Counter-Strike and Endless Space 2, but many different games are played by other members. Most of our members have VR Headsets, but it's in no way a requirement; we don't have hundreds of useless channels, and our staff isn't composed of megalomaniacs (you still can't post memes in general, tho.) The server is composed mostly of adults, but there is no age requirement per se. Just try not be a brat. Feel free to join and game, watch, and talk. You're more than welcome here!
Phasmophobia Friend Community! Icon
Gaming | Community
A Community focused on bringing people together to play Phasmophobia! A first person, ghost hunting game! All are welcome to join! We look forward to seeing anyone join! ?
Phasmophobia Italia (UFFICIALE) Icon
Gaming | Community
? Server UFFICIALE della Community per il gioco piu' spaventoso! Vuoi trovare giocatori nuovi ed esperti (?) con cui giocare? Questo e' il posto per te! Troverai inoltre nel server staff sempre attivo, la traduzione di tutte le comunicazioni in lingua italiana, guide, eventi, competizioni e tanto altro! ● PERSONE CON CUI GIOCARE ● STAFF ATTIVO 24/7 ● PREMI IN DENARO ● GUIDE ● COMMUNITY SOCIEVOLE
Phasmophobia TR Icon
Gaming | Community
Phasmophobia Türkiye Topluluğu (geçersiz olursa
Cleanup Crew Icon
Community | Gaming
We are a server primarily of phasmophobia players, we also play minecraft and other games. Movie nights happen here frequently.
Gamingomatic Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Wanna flex with us? You came to the right place! Join us every once in a month with our own created tournament and get a prize for just playing with us. There is so much more to see. Feel free to discover it by yourself. "We are mainly foccused on League Of Legends"
Game Recoveries Icon
Gaming | Support
i am offering the abilty to get ahead in the game fast if you dont have the time to grind just to get the car you always wanted to drive in Forza horizon 5 or simply something you always wanted in game but dont have the time to grind for well join my community and i can get you right for the right price games forza horizon 5, phasmo, asssassins creed unity, ghost recon breakpoint and wildlands, the hunter call of the wild, dead by daylight
Squeeze's Services Icon
Gaming | Community
I offer the Highest Quality Modded Servies for Games like: Call of Duty Vanguard, Forza Horizon 5, Forza Horizon 4, Phasmophobia, and ETC.
?┃fakemirko┃? Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Questo è un server creato da uno streamer chiamato fakemirko, all'interno del server sono presenti molti canali in cui ti puoi divertire giocando in compagnia o parlare in compagnia.
Ghost Girls Icon
Gaming | Community
Chill, non toxic, Phasmophobia server for the girls and the theys! A super small but a friendly kind community in the making! Please feel free to invite any of your friends or kind people you meet playing phasmo!
Connor's Hideout Icon
Streaming | Gaming
You want me to put a description? Aight. This is my official Discord server for my Twitch (oreanger). Come hangout with me and join us for games, streams, and more.
The Wolves Den Icon
Gaming | Social
Here at The Wolves Den, we try our best to help welcome new people into the pack. feel free to hop into any channel and start hanging out with whoever is in there. This is a community discord channel that me and my friends are trying to grow in order to meet new people and create new connections. yes we have girls in our server, so don't be weird to them or you're getting kicked.
Crunchy Icon
Anime | Music | Community
Thousands of members with non-stop active channels focused on anything from general conversation to anime and manga! With a dedicated community and lots of amazing custom features, you're bound to find something you enjoy!
Crunchy Discord Server Banner
Crunchy Icon
Anime | Music | Community
Thousands of members with non-stop active channels focused on anything from general conversation to anime and manga! With a dedicated community and lots of amazing custom features, you're bound to find something you enjoy!
Phasmophobia France Icon
Community | Gaming
Phasmophobia FR ! Le premier serveur référencer à Phasmophobia. Une communauté francophone active, dynamique et modérée avec passion. Ici nous mettons l'accent sur notre communauté, tout est fait pour vous faciliter la vie, allant de la recherche d'un groupe jusqu'à être au courant des dernières nouveautés du jeu. Si tu recherches une vraie communauté active alors rejoins nous !
Games and Shit Icon
Gaming | Social
This is a pretty casual discord server for games like League of Legends, Minecraft, Smite, and other miscellaneous games. If you join, please be polite and follow the rules. We're all just trying to have fun, and I wanna get a variety of people to play games with, as summer is hitting :)
Castle Kai Icon
Streaming | Gaming
A Fun community around the Twitch Partnered Streamer, Ghostkai - who streams on Mature community with discussions on games, books, movies, and food. Self promo sections for aspiring streamers and sections for twitch growth. RPG game also included which everyone is addicted too!
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Sqkxura Icon
Streaming | Community
▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ╰┈─➤ ♡ Official Community Discord of Sqkxura ♡ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ・・・ ╭┄┄┄┄┄ · · · 。゚・。゚・ ✅┊✦.『 Welcoming & SFW』 ✅┊✦.『 LGBTQ+ Friendly』 ✅┊✦.『 Reaction/Self Roles』 ✅┊✦.『 Dank Memer & Mimu bots! 』 ✅┊✦.『 VTuber Talks』 ╰┄┄┄┄┄┄┄꒰꒱₊˚・。゚・ ・・・ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ・・・ ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Sqkxura is a positive and safe place to find friends to play with and chat with! We are a relatively new server so we are constantly updating! — I'd love to see you there~! ❤️ Sqkxura Genshin-Impact, Roblox, Phasmophobia , Osu!, VTubers, Anime & Manga
salad avenue Icon
Gaming | Streaming
- ✧・゚: *✧・゚:══════════════════:・゚✧:・゚✧ ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ✧ a salad themed server! ✧ friendly, good vibes community ✧ most of our members are 18+ ✧ we catch pokémon and waifus ✧ we play mostly phasmophobia and dead by daylight but a lot of our members also play minecraft, among us, and valorant! ✧ we’re looking for more members to play DnD with! ✧ we offer a place to promote your streams ✧ we’re always looking for more partnerships & members to play games and chat with! ✧・゚: ✧・゚:══════════════════:・゚✧:・゚✧
S k y p e i a Icon
Gaming | Community
Skypeia is a brand new gaming SFW community server created by two french-speaker. The whole server is translated in french and in english in order to open it to every gamer interested in joining us. We propose a welcoming elaborate server with a space theme, a lot of react roles to access your prefered categories, a place to share about every game listed below and a lot more. Everyone and every suggestion of improvement is welcome. · ◦══════════◦ · ⊹ · ◦═══════════◦ · Overwatch ・ Valorant・ Minecraft Dead by Daylight ・ Phasmophobia Red Dead Online ・ Genshin Impact ・ Fortnite · ◦══════════◦ · ⊹ · ◦═══════════◦ · Skypeia est un tout nouveau serveur communautaire de gaming SFW créé par deux francophones. Le serveur est intégralement traduit en français et en anglais afin de donner la possibilité à tout joueur intéressé de nous rejoindre. Nous proposons un serveur travaillé et chaleureux avec pour thème l'espace, de nombreux react roles vous permettant d'accéder à vos catégories pr
Draynor Manor Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to the Draynor Manor server! We are a small casual gaming community just looking for more friends to play games and hang out with us! We play a lot of different games and are open to almost anything! Hop in and check the server events to see what we're playing next! Currently our list of frequented games includes: Rainbow Siege, Minecraft, Phasmophobia, Don't Starve Together, Overwatch 2, Pokemon Unite, Rocket League, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and a few more! We do pre-planned game nights every couple of weeks and stream them to our little community. We also like to do unplanned game nights with each other when available. Excited to have you in the group!
gumiland Icon
Gaming | Community
hello and welcome to gumiland! we are a newly built server made to serve you! we have a strict *no drama policy*. we play games and discuss different topics under the sun. come hang out!
Arcade Community [ITA] Icon
Community | Gaming
^--𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐔 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄--^ Un posto in qui puoi divertirti e rilassarti con chiunque senza nessun limite! All'interno puoi trovare: Fantastici Bot, Guide di molti Giochi che forse non conosci a fondo, un Server Minecraft Arcade in Arrivo e tanto tanto altro... Che aspetti?! Entra anche tu su Arcade!!
Supernova Icon
Gaming | Community
A friendly community mainly focused on gaming. This is a non toxic environment, and a safe space for people to freely express themselves and make friends. We will be hosting game nights, movie nights and in the future giveaways will be added. We are looking for moderators and administrators to help us make our community flourish and be everything it could be.
Phasmo Community Icon
Hallo wir sind ein aufbauender Phasmophobia server, wir haben gerade noch nicht so viele Mitglieder. Unser server ist perfekt um mit Freunden ein paar entspannte Runden zu spielen.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre BR Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
O jogo Texas Chainsaw Massacre é um jogo de terror e sobrevivência que conquistou o mundo dos jogos. O ambiente misterioso do jogo e as paisagens distorcidas atraíram muitos fãs de terror. Nossa comunidade se dedica a fornecer um espaço acolhedor e envolvente para os jogadores se conectarem e compartilharem sua paixão por jogos de terror e sobrevivência. Nosso servidor Discord é o lugar perfeito para descobrir o ambiente misterioso do jogo The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Aqui, você pode mergulhar nas paisagens escuras e distorcidas da zona rural do Texas e encontrar outros jogadores que compartilham sua paixão por jogos de terror e sobrevivência. Seja você um jogador experiente ou um novato no gênero, nossa comunidade se dedica a fornecer um espaço onde você pode explorar o mundo assustador do jogo no seu próprio ritmo, entusiastas. Nossa comunidade se dedica a conectar outros jogadores para compartilhar dicas, truques e estratégias para sobreviver ao jogo.