Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Programming
👑 AI for research, art, coding and more. Boost productivity with an all-in-one AI assistant. Explore AI tools, use cases, review and news on our server 💎 All AI Tools in One App ⭐ Multimodal ChatGPT+ ⭐VHQ Imagine & Editing ⭐ Music & Voice ⭐ AI Agents ⭐ Use for FREE ⭐ Payment with Crypto ⭐
Xi Bot Discord Server Banner
Xi Bot Discord Server Banner
Xi Bot Icon
Art | Technology | Programming
👑 AI for research, art, coding and more. Boost productivity with an all-in-one AI assistant. Explore AI tools, use cases, review and news on our server 💎 All AI Tools in One App ⭐ Multimodal ChatGPT+ ⭐VHQ Imagine & Editing ⭐ Music & Voice ⭐ AI Agents ⭐ Use for FREE ⭐ Payment with Crypto ⭐
Radio Box Icon
Music | Streaming
<style> #iframe-website { border: 0; width: 100%; min-width: 100%; max-width: 100%; height: 400px; max-height: 400px; position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: auto; z-index: 1; } </style> <iframe id="iframe-website" src="https://radio-box.dev"></iframe>
MusicMaker Icon
Music | Community
Discord Professional Music Bot ## About Bot - Turkish, Dutch, English, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, Italian, Indonesian, Spanish, Germen, Japanese language support. - The excitement of listening to non-stop music 24/7. - Customizable commands. - Shuffle commands. - Chance to set customizable dj role. - A chance to loop the music you want so it doesn't end. - Create your own playlist. Use it if you want, share it with everyone. - Add your favorite music to your playlist with one click and listen later. - Open music from dozens of supported audio platforms. - Add color to music with special sound filters. - Specify the specific channel in which the command will be used. ## Supported audio playback platforms: - YouTube - Spotify - SoundCloud - Vimeo - Reverbnation - Facebook - Attachment Links - TikTok - and 742+ other platform. ## BOT COMMANDS: - /back | /statistic | /clear | /dj | /filter | /help | /loo
Resa Icon
Music | Bot
the bot only supports slash commands and works 24/7 ​The music bot can also be a voice channel 24/7. Resa
SlashMusic Icon
Music | Bot
Discover the ultimate music experience with SlashMusic! Unleash a vast library of tunes, enjoy high-quality playback, and engage in a vibrant community. Elevate your server's atmosphere with top-quality music. Use simple commands like /play to add your own music effortlessly. SlashMusic revolutionizes your Discord music experience, offering a seamless and immersive sound journey. Join now to be part of a community that lives and breathes music! 🎶🤝
Listen™ Icon
Music | Entertainment
Listen is the HERALD of next gen music on-Discord. Innovative Features: Synchronized Lyrics for Everyone! Use /lyrics to sing to your song with real time lyrics provided by Musixmatch. ‎AI that spin up playlists on the fly. Use /playlist generate to get a fast queue built by GPT-4. 🌍 · Global and Multilingual (auto-translated by AI): Use /setlang to setup your language. She reads your mind - using AI: Use /play to get personalized recommendations based on your recent activities. ‎Proprietary AI that translates Human Language to Prefixed Commands Robust Image Generation Listen Shareables™ Collection Why choose Listen? Powerful Music Recommendations. Get help with her advanced AI. Sing karaoke with synced lyrics. Show what you're up to listen with Listen Shareables. Discover, Play, Listen.
Lunio Icon
Music | Social
**YouTube SUPPORTED!!** **Introducing our cutting-edge music bot** inspired by the beloved old [Hydra](https://hydra.bot). Getting started with Lunio is easy, once you've added our bot to your server you can jump in a voice channel and summon the bot with the `/play track:` command, which also queues songs and playlists from YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud and more! Enjoy seamless music playback with a vast collection of songs from popular streaming platforms. Create personalized playlists, skip tracks, and adjust volume effortlessly. What sets our bot apart is the unique music request channel, where users can easily submit their favorite tracks for the ultimate collaborative listening experience. Dive into a world of shared musical tastes, discovering new genres and artists, all in real-time. But that's not all! Our bot brings forth a variety of exclusive features, including an intuitive lyrics command to sing along to your favorite tunes, and the ability to shuffle songs for an eve
Muzox Icon
Music | Social
## Configuration 247, announcement, buttons, djmode, djrole, filtermenu, prefix, settings, textchannel ## Filters 8d, bassboost, china, chipmunk, crazy, darthvader, demon, karaoke, nightcore, party, pop, rate, resetfilter, slowmo, soft, treblebass, tremolo, vaporwave ## Music autoplay, clear, disconnect, forcejoin, forceplay, join, loop, nowplaying, pause, play, playtop, previous, queue, rejoin, remove, search, seek, shuffle, stop, skip, volume, resume, replay ## Premium activate, deactivate, premium, status ## Utilities about, botinfo, checkvote, help, invite, ping, shard, sourcecode, support, vote
Lunify Icon
Programming | Music
# Lunify Bot - Do you want to use my advanced moderation and artificial intelligence commands? Then add me to your server and I will protect your server :) - Advanced music system! - Use the `/chat` command to use GPT-4 for free - Use the `/imagine` command to use DALL-E 3 for free - I protect everything in both English and Turkish! - You don't want members to nsfw on your server? Then you can prevent them from nsfw on your server with Anti-NSFW!
Nothing Icon
Music | Bot
Hello I am a Better Quality discord music bot with amazing features listen music with me with amazing music quality .help for my all cmds my prefix is .