Holiday Season PSA | 2023

As we approach the holiday season, I'd like to share a friendly reminder about a well-meaning yet potentially risky gift idea: fish.

Before you dive into surprising someone with a finned friend, consider a few crucial points:

Fish Are Living Beings, Not Decorations

Fish have specific needs for water quality, temperature, and space. They're not just pretty ornaments; they're living beings with unique requirements. A fish should be placed in a tank with an established nitrogen cycle, and your family member might not have one!

Tank Talk

Setting up a proper fish tank involves more than a bowl and pebbles. It requires careful consideration of tank size, as different species need more space than others, equipment, and the establishment of a nitrogen cycle. All are expensive, and quite a bit can be very stressful, even without fish being put into the mix!

Stressful Transitions

Fish can get stressed when introduced to new environments. Plucking them from their cozy habitat and dropping them into a new tank without proper acclimatization can be harmful and straight-up deadly, especially without a nitrogen cycle being established!

Long-Term Commitment

Fish have a lifespan that's far more than just a few months; they need consistent care. This isn't just a holiday fling; it's a long-term commitment that extends beyond the festive season. Even the shortest-lived species tend to live 2 or more years.

Ensure Receiver's Willingness and Preparedness

Before you snag that Nemo or Dory, ensure that the person receiving the gift both wants the fish and has an appropriate tank setup. A willing and prepared recipient is crucial for the well-being of the fish. We see just how much people get stressed when they're thrown a cute little goldfish and learn that that goldfish needs a huge tank! Make sure that it's a species they want!

Alternatives for Joy

If you want to share the joy without the underwater responsibilities, consider fish-themed gifts like artwork or beautifully illustrated fish books. You could even throw in a fish-based video game like Fish Game on Steam for a splash of virtual aquatic fun!

Gift Ideas for Aquarium Enthusiasts

For those who already have a passion for fishkeeping, consider unique pieces like driftwood, rocks, and vibrant aquatic plants to enhance their aquarium without adding stress to the fish. You might also explore high-quality equipment to elevate their setup. Brands like Hygger offer top-notch lights, CO2 systems, filters, heaters, and unique decor to take their aquarium game to the next level.

Remember, responsible gifting makes for a merrier season! Let's ensure our finned friends aren't caught in the riptide of surprise. Happy holidays, and may your celebrations be thoughtful and fish-friendly!

If anyone plopped a fish on your lap and you didn't know what to do, please do not be afraid to message the moderator team or make a post with your questions. There are no stupid questions here!