Use the *help command to navigate through the different help pages about the following commands: serverinfo, lookup roles, soundbot, lookup avatar, games: hangman, tictactoe, akinator, clear messages, giveaways, spoiler a message, joke, slap someone, spank someone, how gay, luck, memes, calculate, invite, music commands, moderation commands: ban, kick, warn
Yakuza is a multifunctional Discord bot with over 600 commands.
Start with basic information, music system, economy, administration system, automod, setups and so on.
The bot it’s perfect for your Discord server.
This is a bot created for all user needs, Yakuza can compete with Mee6, ProBot and other big bots.
Clueless Features
Clueless is a powerful and versatile Discord bot that aims to enhance your server experience. With an array of exciting features, Clueless offers everything you need to create a vibrant and engaging community, with over 400+ commands.
Leveling 🆙
Gamify your server with a rewarding leveling system.
Members earn experience and climb the ranks by participating. Boost your server's retention!
Unlock special perks and roles as they level up.
Moderation 🛡️
Keep your server safe with advanced moderation tools using Discord AutoMod.
Set up AutoMod to manage spam and offensive content.
Manage roles, bans, kicks, and warnings efficiently.
Music 🎵
Play the music you want!
Even 24/7 live radio
Games 🎮
Play a lot of custome coded games in your sevrer!
This include: snake, counting, casino, blackjack, music trivia and so much more!
Custom Commands ⚙️
Personalize your server with custom commands.
Questo bot ha svariate utilità!
Serve per moderare il proprio server, proteggerlo con comandi super efficaci in caso di Raid, ha un sistema di Economia per divertirsi, altri comandi per giochi, sistemi di warns, reports...
Molto altro in arrivo...
# Accord
- best multi purpose discord bot all your servers need!
- uptime 100%
- working 100%
- ping 10 - 200 ms
- the discord bot has various multi purpose commands and you can set a reminder to get reminded later! New to-do list system and more systems coming soon!
- the prefix is ac! and the help command is ac!help and there is no slash commands as slash Commands will come in near future!
## commands
### Images

### Utility
### Moderation
## How to get all Commands!
- use ac!help to get the help menu and use the dropdown menu to see the command ls!
- ![ac!help](
VIP server podderzhki dlya podderzhki botov.
Mnogofunktsional'nyy VIP-bot s upravleniyem serverom, instrumentami administrirovaniya, razlichnymi utilitami, razvlecheniyami i mnogimi drugimi komandami.