Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Betta Icon
Crypto | Gaming
A discord bot where you can bet on soccer and DOTA2 matches! A crypto ecosystem where you can mine and get coins! Place your bets now!
Zuly Icon
Community | Bot
## ? A multifunctional bot for discord - Anime - Economy - Music ## ?‍? Less work and more fun! Star is a bot focused on anime, where you get all kinds of things. Music (you can play anime songs with z!animu). ## ✨ Zuly... is to eat? No, but I was made to help on your server, developed in the eris library using [JavaScript](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript) & [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/) ## ? What if I need help? You can enter my support server here: [Click Here](https://discord.gg/pyyyJpw5QW) ## ? Convinced me, how do I add? If you want to use star on your server, you can [Click Here](https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=880173509077266483&scope=bot&permissions=805432446) <iframe src="https://zulybot.xyz/" height="660" width="1200"></iframe>
Rabot Icon
Entertainment | Social
Un bot muy avanzado y multifuncinal hecho por Raul_RDA. Tiene comandos de diversión, música, moderación, economía... etc.
Roleplayer Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Roleplayer bot, is a perfect bot for such servers as Community, roleplay. As it lets you be you, and has features such as pets. Select you sexuality, Gender, Age, Name. -------------------------------------------------------- If you want to suggest features for it you can do so here: bit.ly/33ivOe7
Snow Flake Icon
Bot | Music
Snowflake is a bot designed to keep your server safe and engage your members with Endless capabilities. Some of Most popular Commands are: Giveaways, Logging, Message Tracking, Invite Tracking, Auto Mod, Advanced Ticket System, Guess The Number, Chatbot. You can have Badges on your profile For Being Staff , Booster , Support Staff etc. Snowflake also has chatbot, Moderation, Auto Mod And Games like guess the number, Guess The Word, Rock Paper Scissors and many more. Snowflake Is A Multipurpose Discord bot that will help you and your server a lot.
SlotBot Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Are you tired of adding increasingly boring and repetitive economy bots to your server? Well, fear not! Introducing SlotBot, the most boring and repetitive of them all. Join the 3M+ SlotBot users today in their quest to seek absolute boredom. Its features include, but are not limited to - Losing all of your virtual currency to a slot machine - Marrying people and then divorcing them two minutes later - Getting scammed of all your hard earned SlotBot dollars - Adopting a goose, and letting it die of starvation - Attacking a player, and getting stunned 2 seconds later
sharky Icon
Entertainment | Social
# sharkie is a blahaj-themed economy and fun bot, that will bring plenty of joy to your server :3 ### sharkie's features include: - economy system where you can acquire blahajs - fun economy games - `/blahaj` command to view a blahaj ### inviting sharkie is sure to bring fun, joy, and friendly competition to any server!
Yakuza Icon
Yakuza is a multifunctional Discord bot with over 600 commands. Start with basic information, music system, economy, administration system, automod, setups and so on. The bot it’s perfect for your Discord server. This is a bot created for all user needs, Yakuza can compete with Mee6, ProBot and other big bots.
WolfPup Icon
Gaming | Bot
Опис бота "WolfPup": Основна ідея: "WolfPup" - це багатофункціональний бот для Discord, створений з метою розваг та взаємодії на сервері. 🐺 Він вражає своїм розмаїттям і можливістю налаштовувати різні аспекти економіки, комісій та ігор для задоволення потреб вашого серверу. 🎮 Основні функції: 1. Економіка: WolfPup додає динаміку вашому серверу завдяки економічній системі. 💸 Користувачі можуть заробляти валюту, виконуючи різноманітні завдання або участь у спеціальних подіях. 📈 2. Ігри 1 на 1: Проводьте захоплюючі ігри 1 на 1 між учасниками сервера. 🎲 Кожна перемога додає валюту до економічного балансу користувачів, стимулюючи змагання. 🏆 3. Налаштування: Великий вибір параметрів для керування економікою, комісіями та іграми, щоб вони відповідали концепції вашого серверу. ⚙️ Легко змінюйте мову бота між українською та англійською для забезпечення комфортної взаємодії для різних користувачів. 🌐 4. Мовна підтримка: WolfPup підтримує дві мови - українську та
Coinopolis Icon
Financial | Bot
Coinopolis Economy Discord Bot Welcome to Coinopolis, the ultimate economy Discord bot! Whether you're a seasoned tycoon or just starting out, Coinopolis offers a diverse range of commands to explore and master. Dive into the bustling world of virtual currencies, jobs, and adventures! Commands Currency Commands https://coinopolis.vercel.app/commands Explore, earn, and dominate the economy in Coinopolis! Join now and embark on your journey to riches! 🚀💰 https://top.gg/bot/1229707669049180161/vote https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1229707669049180161&permissions=414736444608&scope=applications.commands+bot) https://discord.gg/7We7rMRmVa https://coinopolis.vercel.app/
SED Icon
Bot | Trading
A Discord Server that you can trade item for a dusty trip. Every item are free. You can tell me every item in the game and you can get it.
Ning Icon
Social | Support
Meet Ning, your all-in-one Discord bot designed to simplify server management by combining essential features into one tool. Say goodbye to juggling multiple bots—Ning handles it all! 🚀 Features: - 🎫 Ticket System: Streamline support with easy ticket creation. - 🗩 Welcome System: Greet new members warmly and automatically. - 🤖 Automod: Keep order with automatic content moderation. - 🌟 Leveling System: Reward active members and boost engagement. - 🌈 Role Commands: Automatically assign default roles upon joining. - 🪙 Economy System: Earn, spend, and compete with virtual currency. - 🎶 Music Commands: Enjoy and share music in your server. - 🔧 Utility Commands: Access useful tools for server management. 💪 Support: Join our Discord Support server for active assistance and updates!
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Carbon Discord Server Banner
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
thrivebot Icon
Community | Gaming
A comprehensive Discord bot featuring moderation, economy system, games & engagement tools. Includes free tier, 24/7 uptime, and easy setup.
Seri Support Server Icon
Bot | Community
Seri is a multipurpose bot aimed at users of all ages! Seri has over 100 commands and even features a full economy and marriage system! This is the support server for Seri and is here for you to not only be around others that really enjoy Seri but to help you with any questions or problems you may have with the bot!
VIP Support Icon
Bot | Community
VIP server podderzhki dlya podderzhki botov. Mnogofunktsional'nyy VIP-bot s upravleniyem serverom, instrumentami administrirovaniya, razlichnymi utilitami, razvlecheniyami i mnogimi drugimi komandami.
Yoaris Icon
Bot | Gaming
Welcome to Yoaris Server ! A community server mostly made for support, bot testing, bug hunting our bot known as Yoaris, a known verified bot that has already reached more than 200 servers in under a few weeks and also, to talk and to have fun :') We would also be delighted to hear your suggestions. We are waiting you!
League Of Nations Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Build a glorious Nation! Expand your Empire, customizable role-play and go to war against others. Enjoy having the comfort of full access to the League of Nations Bot in the support server or by adding the bot to your server.
Proteus Icon
Bot | Entertainment
<h1>Proteus - The True Multipurpose Bot</h1> Moderation, fun, image, currency, random generation commands, I have it all! The best thing is, I am constantly being developed and improved! Proteus is a great addition to any server, and will satisfy the needs of both server staff and members! <h2>What do I offer?</h2> - Moderation & Punishment Logging - Fun Commands - A lot of them! - Image Commands - Economy Commands - Random Generation Commands <h2>How frequently is it updated?</h2> The Head Developers and Developers are working hard everyday to bring users the best experience in using Proteus! Everyday we post major command updates or bug fixes. We even provide lots of sneak peeks to the members of the Proteus Official server! <h2>I would like to suggest a new feature</h2> Proteus Developers are active 24/7, so feel free to suggest anything you want to see in Proteus! We make sure to read every single suggestion from the users of Proteus.
BruhBot Icon
Memes | Music
BruhBot has Many Useful and Fun Commands, for example Steal Emoji to steal an emoji from a different server, or over 20 image manipulation commands!
SpiderBot Icon
Entertainment | Financial
A fun Economy bot. You can work, rob, gamble, and buy things from the store! New things are being added in order to make it even better!
clik wafer Icon
Bot | Community
bot feito para discord ele e de moderação e economia e diversão foi feito por sr.power,lucio_chan,Stone
Spectra Icon
Anime | Bot
Hello! Im a bot designed to keep discord cool and chilling! I am a Moderation, Fun and Utility Bot! Invite me by typing .invite! Prefix - . Join Support Server - https://discord.gg/XCBhgGTehK Official Website - https://lasspectra.carrd.co/ Developed by ANDREW#0001
Accord Icon
Bot | Community
# Accord - best multi purpose discord bot all your servers need! - uptime 100% - working 100% - ping 10 - 200 ms - the discord bot has various multi purpose commands and you can set a reminder to get reminded later! New to-do list system and more systems coming soon! - the prefix is ac! and the help command is ac!help and there is no slash commands as slash Commands will come in near future! ## commands ### Images ![images](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/810879268543791115/885815427886895165/Screenshot_20210910_144412.jpg) ### Utility - ![accord](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/810879268543791115/885815185330274364/Screenshot_20210910_144315.jpg) ### Moderation - ![mod](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/810879268543791115/885814965095776296/Screenshot_20210910_144217.jpg) ## How to get all Commands! - use ac!help to get the help menu and use the dropdown menu to see the command ls! - ![ac!help](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/810879268543
Revision Icon
Community | Programming
Revision Bot is one of the bots that offers many things without costing a penny. This bot can be used in any category available on Discord! ▶️ https://revision.laleagane.ro/ ◀️
LevelBot Icon
Level system and economy. The language of the bot is Russian-English (switching /lang eng)
Nagatoro Bot Icon
Anime | Gaming
Nagatoro is one of the bests bots to have fun in your server! Besides that, Nagatoro is simple and easy to use and doesn't need anything special to work. d
✅danker central™✅ Icon
Gaming | Memes
???? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ?????????? ??? ???! ?????? ???? ?????, ?????, ????, ????? ??? ????! ????? ????????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?????????
Suzy Icon
Gaming | Music
A fun bot with, Ticketing, Ping on Join, Live Leaderboarding & Multipurpose cool Discord bot, w Anime, Gaming economy and Utility features!
Entertainment | Social
KOPED is a multipurpose Discord bot with many commands. With KOPED, it is easy to keep your Discord server fun, active and secure from any nasty and mean members. KOPED has a lot of commands to suit your server. So, Invite now and have fun!
Patrol Bot Icon
Entertainment | Community
Presenting Patrol bot, your soon-to-be favorite and top bot for your server! ? *PB is a Multi-purpose Bot which contains Mini-Games, Economy, Moderation, Leveling & lots of Fun stuff like*: ⫸ Global Economy ? ⫸ Free Discord Nitros ✨ ⫸ Pets System ? ⫸ Seasonal Events ? ⫸ Anime Actions Commands ✌ and more!
Lilac Icon
Community | Support
This is Lilac, a multipurpose bot with neat embeds that will make your server iconic. - Currently in 50+ guilds and 1500+ users. - Include with 50+ commands and 20+ subcommands to bring your experience to another level. - Advanced tools like Wikipedia, translator, YouTube and many more! - Full built in economy system. - Beautiful embeds. - With suggest command to suggest ideas for devs. Developer Team - paully$#1000 | 857932717681147954 - et3rnalx#1032 | 886238665297264660 Links and Support - [Support Server](https://discord.gg/Hp9V29m8Fs) - [Invite](https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=964904213186506804&permissions=1237222550774&scope=bot)
Securer Icon
Securer Securer is a multipurpose Discord bot which can do things like: Economy An economy system with tons of ways to make money Ranking A ranking system for XP Moderation Kick, ban, mute, and report, some of the commands for moderation! Music Always great to just sit down and listen to some music so Securer has that! Invite: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=853364562879709204&scope=bot&permissions=1099511627775 Support server: https://discord.gg/ACd9jBpxWC
Kim Taehyung Icon
Bot | Entertainment
If you like economy bots, this is the perfect one. for you! You can also use this for kicking, banning, muting etc.
Querium Icon
Entertainment | Memes
Querium is a Discord bot with a myriad of different features. Such as Dad jokes, a QR code generator, Admin commands, and an Economy System.
BeerBOT Icon
Entertainment | Role-Playing
This bot is a rpg bot! For roleplay. Use it for your roleplay servers! You can buy beer, and other items! We will inform you on updates!
Aviation Bot Icon
Entertainment | Science
Hey! So I (the owner) is wondering if you all got any suggestions for the name. Dm me at Fruityyy Jess...#0408 if you have any ideas. Otherwise, this bot is still in beta mode but it will come out of beta mode shortly after we finish testing a few things. There is a whole economy system for it and we are still adding more. Thanks for reading. I hope that this bot can be added to your server and becomes part of your server! Updates: We have added more features! V2 of the bot is out and its on the same bot!!! Hope you like it! Link: https://aviationbotofficial.airplanenews4.repl.co/
HypeX Icon
Bot | Community
HypeX - One bot for all your needs Features: Levelling, welcome, goodbye, autorole, chatguard, Captcha verify, i will put more here soon (this arent all features) <More description soon>
BxinoUtilities Icon
Entertainment | Social
MrBuddy is all in one bot which have lots of diffarent kind of commands! Main Features • Activities Command • Admin Command • Fun Command More coming soon For More Information visit our website https://bxinoutilities.ga Or Join Our Support Server https://discord.gg/5C88qkRe8b
Gangster Game Bot Icon
Gaming | Community
Quests, Missions Crime commands Trade with another players in auction Shop, black market Leadboards Drugs trade Battle with others And more!
Matrix Icon
Music | Bot
A Freemium Discord Bot with a lot of features made on discord.js [Matrix] - A Freemium Music & Utility Bot Gives you the best music experience than any other music bot gives . In this music bot you can apply more than 25 filters . All of them are working Fun Fact- You can remove vocal from music too it has almost 20 commands init , and you're gonna love them ♥ Its default prefix is - , Filters you can add into your music for free: 1) 8D 2)Haas 3)Treble 4)Vibrato 5)Karaoke 6)Mcompand 7)Subboost 8)Vaporwave 9)Normalizer 10)Mstlr 11)Expander 12)Chorus 13)Chorus3d 14)Mono 15)Gate 16)Phaser 17)Tremolo 18)Reverse 19)Flanger 20)Pulsator 21)Bassboost 22)Nightcore 23)Fadein 24)Compressor 25)Mstrr 26)Chorus2d 27)Softlimiter 28)Surrounding You can use this filter by typing /filter[FILTER NAME] You can run the help command by /help We have five categories in help command- Info Core Music Economy Welcome & Security
BuddyBot Icon
Buddybot is a very amazing bot that has economy, music, fun commands, and others. Many people use a bot in their servers, but this one is unique. We are currently working on Giveaway functions and Economy commands. So why not give BuddyBot a massive try? If you don't like it, leave your feedback in the support server so we can improve on this. If there is something else with the bot other than the functionality, please leave a review on our origin server. Thank you, and we hope you like the bot the way you're supposed to.
Minion Icon
Community | Bot
Minion Bot is a economy Bot. You can rob other Users and you have a big inventory! You can buy items and become a millionare!
Snott Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Olá, humanos, (ou não, rs)! Prazer em te conhecer, eu sou o Snott, um novo bot no discord. Tenho muitas funções, como moderação, música e utilidade, mas eu gosto mesmo é de divertir vocês humanos! 😁 Desenvolvedor: Heitor.xp#9062 Meu nome: Snott Prefixo padrão: s! (customizável) Use s!help ✅ 24/7 online; ✅ Sem erros; ✅ Sem bugs; ✅ Totalmente configurável; ✅ Ping bom.
BOT Noggy Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
BOT Noggy is a fun focused bot with intricate mechanics such as property ownership, thousands of unique items, a competitive economy, funny replies, and more. BOT Noggy will add many fun and engaging moments to your server and users.
Asra Icon
A very customizable multipurpose Discord bot for your Discord server. Fully configurable including custom welcome messages, Tickets, Reaction Roles, Automod, Logs, Moderation, Giveaways, Economy, Levelling and so much more...
astro dog Icon
Memes | Music | Entertainment
Astro Dog is a Discord server manager that provides Music, Moderation, Anti-Raid, Tickets, Suggestions, Verification, Economy, Fun. etc
MC Max Icon
Language | Bot
MC Max es un bot que te ayudara a proteger y cuidar tu servidor y entretener a tus miembros con los proximos comandos de economia Comandos: Administración, Configuración, Diversión, Economia, Información, Seguridad, Minecraft, y Utilidad El bot cuando cumpla sus primeros 15 servidores se empezara a trabajar con /(SlashCommand)
bot the stickman Icon
Entertainment | Social
Cool economy bot with 1v1 battles, a live market, player to player trading, and a variety of items.
CoinoPolis Icon
Financial | Investing
Partie 1 - Présentation de CoinoPolis : Le Bot d'Économie Magique 🏦💰 Bienvenue à CoinoPolis - Le Bot Discord d'Économie Ultime ! 💰🏦 Plongez dans un univers fascinant de richesses virtuelles et d'opportunités économiques exaltantes ! Rejoignez notre communauté enchanteresse où les fortunes se construisent, les rêves se réalisent, et les liens se tissent. Bienvenue dans le royaume magique de CoinoPolis, le bot d'économie qui vous promet une expérience inoubliable au sein de notre serveur Discord dédié à l'économie virtuelle. 🌟 Des Fonctionnalités Puissantes : Avec CoinoPolis, accédez à une multitude de commandes captivantes vous permettant de gérer votre fortune, investir intelligemment, créer des entreprises prospères, et bien plus encore ! Grâce aux commandes telles que balance, deposit, withdraw, leaderboard, buy, sell, inventory, daily, passive, work, invest, crypto, business, search, blackjack, dice, roulette, slots, et bien d'autres, vous deviendrez le maître absolu de votr
Eldoomer Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Best economy bot for your server! Eldoomer has a lot of commands and constantly being improved weekly. We will have a lot more commands in future and will contain more commands and features / functions. Try out Eldoomer!
Yukiko Icon
A multipurpose Discord bot created to fit all of your servers needs. Created with JavaScript and hosted on SparkHost, Yukiko will never fail to amaze you. Many different, useful commands like automoderation, leveling system, economy system, and also a premium system! There are tons of different games, and features such as welcoming system, unscramble, fast-type, and more. The developer's favorite feature would be the to-do list system and notepad system- two things you never knew you needed within a Discord bot until you get a taste of what Yukiko has to offer. Currently watching over 108 servers (yes, Yukiko is verified!) and 100,000+ members, Yukiko will always be here for you.
Tamo Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
Tamo is an all-in-one Discord bot that allows you to do many things. You can play games, such as Wordle, Minesweeper, Snake, Memory Match, Guess The Flag, and much more! You can also play around with the fun commands, which includes a lot of info on things, fun facts, elements on the periodic table, hex color info, and more fun things to do. Tamo allows you to have a premium experience without you having to pay anything to get more commands or features. Tamo is an all-in-one Discord bot that allows you to do many things. There is an economy where you can hunt, fish, bet, go to the shop, work, and commit fake crimes to get the currency, called Zenas. You can play games, such as Wordle, Minesweeper, Snake, Memory Match, Guess The Flag, and much more! You can also play around with the fun commands, which includes a lot of info on things, fun facts, elements on the periodic table, hex color info, and more fun things to do.
Galaxy Bot Icon
Bot | Community
Questo bot ha svariate utilità! Serve per moderare il proprio server, proteggerlo con comandi super efficaci in caso di Raid, ha un sistema di Economia per divertirsi, altri comandi per giochi, sistemi di warns, reports... Molto altro in arrivo...
L`RMN Icon
Entertainment | Music
# ✨ Features ✨ ### 📡 **Advanced Dashboard** - Manage your servers and make your server-specific settings! - Make custom adjustments easy! ### 🛑 **Powerful Moderation:** - **Moderation Commands.** <br /> _Commands:_ `ban`, `unban`, `timeout`, `voice moderation`, `deafen`, `move`, `warn`, `setnick`, ... - **Multi-Function Purge Commands.** <br /> _Commands:_ `purge`, `purge attach`, `purge bots`, `purge links`, `purge token`, `purge user`, ... ### 🤖 **Auto Moderation:** - **Anti system** <br /> _Commands:_ `anti ghostping`, `anti spam`, `anti massmention`, ... - **Auto Delete system** <br /> _Commands:_ `autodelete attachments`, `autodelete invites`, `autodelete links`, `autodelete maxlines`, ... - **AutoMod system** <br /> _Commands:_ `automod status`, `automod strikes`, `automod action`, `automod debug`, `automod whitelist`, ... ### ⚙️ **Admin Configuration:** - **Let a bot be the server's assistant!** <br /> _Commands:_ `autorole`, `farewell`, `welcome`, `counters`, `flag
L u c y ♡ Icon
Community | Music
# ✨ Features ✨ ### 📡 **Advanced Dashboard** - Manage your servers and make your server-specific settings! - Make custom adjustments easy! ### 🛑 **Powerful Moderation:** - **Moderation Commands.** <br /> _Commands:_ `ban`, `unban`, `timeout`, `voice moderation`, `deafen`, `move`, `warn`, `setnick`, ... - **Multi-Function Purge Commands.** <br /> _Commands:_ `purge`, `purge attach`, `purge bots`, `purge links`, `purge token`, `purge user`, ... ### 🤖 **Auto Moderation:** - **Anti system** <br /> _Commands:_ `anti ghostping`, `anti spam`, `anti massmention`, ... - **Auto Delete system** <br /> _Commands:_ `autodelete attachments`, `autodelete invites`, `autodelete links`, `autodelete maxlines`, ... - **AutoMod system** <br /> _Commands:_ `automod status`, `automod strikes`, `automod action`, `automod debug`, `automod whitelist`, ... ### ⚙️ **Admin Configuration:** - **Let a bot be the server's assistant!** <br /> _Commands:_ `autorole`, `farewell`, `welcome`, `counters`, `flag
Ecora Icon
Entertainment | Community
An economy discord bot that will improve your discord servers entertainment
CoinoPolis Icon
Financial | Education
🌟 Bienvenue à CoinoPolis - Le serveur 🌟 Êtes-vous prêt à plonger dans l'univers passionnant de l'économie virtuelle ? Rejoignez-nous sur CoinoPolis, le serveur dédié à l'expérience ultime de la finance virtuelle ! 📈 Ce que nous offrons : 🏛️ Un serveur Discord animé par le bot CoinoPolis, votre partenaire dans l'univers de l'économie virtuelle. 💰 Un système économique complexe et réaliste où vous pouvez gagner, échanger et investir dans des cryptomonnaies virtuelles. 💼 Des emplois virtuels pour gagner des coins, du commerce avec d'autres membres et une véritable simulation économique. 🎉 Des événements réguliers, des défis et des récompenses pour les membres les plus performants. 🌐 Une communauté dynamique de passionnés de finance virtuelle pour discuter, partager des astuces et apprendre ensemble. 🔗 Lien d'invitation : https://discord.gg/yAEm26MECt
Plinky Icon
Gaming | Financial
- Explore a virtual world of fun and finance with our Discord bot! - Earn coins through activities like working, cooking, and streaming. - Gamble on coin flips, roulette, and dice rolls for a shot at fortune. - Shop for exciting items and enhance your virtual experience. - Manage your finances with investments and withdrawals. - Dive into your profile, climb the leaderboard, and level up your status. - Join PLINKY for a nice experience!
Mediocre Icon
Community | Bot
Mediocre is a Discord bot that provides users with a variety of useful features. It can be used to manage servers, moderate conversations, and provide entertainment. It has a wide range of commands, including moderation, music, and fun commands. It also has a variety of customization options, allowing users to tailor the bot to their needs. It is a great tool for any Discord server, and is sure to make managing and moderating conversations easier. • Server Configuration • Constant updates • 24/7 • Music/Moderation/Fun/Games/Tickets and much more... • Economy and Leveling
Box.inc Icon
Gaming | Bot
El unico y mejor juego de boxeo en Discord.