Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Lunar Utility Icon
Enhance your Discord server with Lunar Utility. Explore 11+ customizable features completely free.
Dragon Bot Icon
Bot | Memes
A Powerful Moderation Bot Built To Manage Discord Server's With Fun Activities.
SlickBot Icon
Bot | Community
SlickBot is the best bot you can ever have! the best features all in one bot. We are updating the bot actively with new features too! With this bot, you can finally set up your discord server professionally!
ShortURL.Best URL Shortener Icon
Social | Technology
Get an excellent Discord URL Shortener Bot! Use the command /short to create your custom short url. We have many customization options such as domain selection, custom aliases, password protection and much more! Join our support server today!
FrontLines Icon
Community | Support
**THIS IS THE NEXT STEP IN MENTAL HEALTH PERIOD** One of the things we've noticed being on discord for the last three years is that people sometimes can vent on a channel or server that doesn't focus on this kind of support, leaving the staff members very overwhelmed or don't know how to handle these types of situations, well also the venting user not feeling listened to. That's why we started FrontLines, as many server owners/staff members want to support their community and focus on their server's vision. The only thing you, as the server owner/admin, need to do is run the ` /setup ` command; this command is effortless and asks you to choose a category and channel name; if you feel you don't want a different type, you can simple deleted the class after the bot is setup. Feel free to contact us at any point, as we will be more than happy to help get your community connected with our volunteers!
Titan Icon
eSports | Tournaments
## Some Features - Open Tagchecks - Close Tagchecks - Send IDP’s - Tournaments & Scrims coming soon. ## Information Titan is a versatile Discord bot tailored for esports enthusiasts and server administrators. Engage your community with real-time esports updates, from match scores to player stats. Maintain order with robust moderation features, ensuring a positive environment. Titan also offers utility commands for quick information retrieval and seamless server management. Elevate your Discord experience with miscellaneous features that add fun and functionality. Whether you're a gaming community or a general server, Titan brings a well-rounded blend of esports excitement, moderation prowess, and utility convenience, making it an essential addition for a dynamic and engaging Discord community.
VisionX Icon
The features of our bot are as follows: ## Utility: afk , membercount , invite , list , list roles , list invoice , list bans , list emojis , list activedeveloper , list createpos , list bots , list joinpos , list moderators , list early , list inrole , list invite , list boosters , list admins , list muted , snipe , servericon , avatar , banner , banner user , banner server , ping , firstmessage , botinfo , userinfo , serverinfo , roleinfo , channelinfo , translate , uptime , setup , setup reqrole , setup list , setup create , setup delete ## Moderation: ban , clear , clear embeds , clear emojis , clear files , clear bots , clear images , clear mentions , clear reactions , clear contains , purge , purge invites , purge startswith , purge endswith , purge user , purge contains , kick , mute , unmute , unban , unbanall , nick , role , role all , role cancel , role bots , role humans , role status , rrole , rrole all , rrole cancel , rrole bots , rrole humans , rrole status , hide ,
WolfPup Icon
Gaming | Bot
Опис бота "WolfPup": Основна ідея: "WolfPup" - це багатофункціональний бот для Discord, створений з метою розваг та взаємодії на сервері. 🐺 Він вражає своїм розмаїттям і можливістю налаштовувати різні аспекти економіки, комісій та ігор для задоволення потреб вашого серверу. 🎮 Основні функції: 1. Економіка: WolfPup додає динаміку вашому серверу завдяки економічній системі. 💸 Користувачі можуть заробляти валюту, виконуючи різноманітні завдання або участь у спеціальних подіях. 📈 2. Ігри 1 на 1: Проводьте захоплюючі ігри 1 на 1 між учасниками сервера. 🎲 Кожна перемога додає валюту до економічного балансу користувачів, стимулюючи змагання. 🏆 3. Налаштування: Великий вибір параметрів для керування економікою, комісіями та іграми, щоб вони відповідали концепції вашого серверу. ⚙️ Легко змінюйте мову бота між українською та англійською для забезпечення комфортної взаємодії для різних користувачів. 🌐 4. Мовна підтримка: WolfPup підтримує дві мови - українську та
Ning Icon
Social | Support
Meet Ning, your all-in-one Discord bot designed to simplify server management by combining essential features into one tool. Say goodbye to juggling multiple bots—Ning handles it all! 🚀 Features: - 🎫 Ticket System: Streamline support with easy ticket creation. - 🗩 Welcome System: Greet new members warmly and automatically. - 🤖 Automod: Keep order with automatic content moderation. - 🌟 Leveling System: Reward active members and boost engagement. - 🌈 Role Commands: Automatically assign default roles upon joining. - 🪙 Economy System: Earn, spend, and compete with virtual currency. - 🎶 Music Commands: Enjoy and share music in your server. - 🔧 Utility Commands: Access useful tools for server management. 💪 Support: Join our Discord Support server for active assistance and updates!
VAL-Elogs Icon
Social | Support
Welcome to VAL-Elogs, your ultimate Discord bot for community engagement and server management! Our bot stands out with its interactive voting system and comprehensive logging features. Commands: - /help - Displays this help message with a list of available commands and how to use them. 32++ commands Future Development: We're committed to continuously improving VAL-Elogs with exciting new features and enhancements. Stay tuned for future updates that will bring even more functionality to your server management and community engagement toolkit. Our bot is designed to enhance your Discord community by providing tools for better decision-making, server management, and transparency. Join the hundreds of servers already benefiting from VAL-Elogs and experience a new level of control and engagement!
SimplyQuotes Icon
Social | Community
🌟 Introducing: SimplyQuote! 🌟 👋 Say goodbye to those other quote bots and try SimplyQuote! SimplyQuote is a community global quoting bot. 🚀 Features: - ⚖️ Add Quotes: Add your own quotes to be displayed globally across every server - 🤔 List Quotes: List the 10 top community added quotes. - 📊 Quote Channel & Role: Set where all quotes will be sent and make it ping a role! - 🤬 Challenge Quotes: Developers set a challenge quote category, and you say the best quote that fits in that category and win a prize if picked! 🌈 Get Started Today: Invite SimplyQuote to your server and experience the best community global quoting system!
✔ Hopper Icon
✔ VERIFIED BOT | Meet your all-in-one Discord bot! Seamlessly stream music, enjoy anime recommendations, manage Minecraft servers, enforce moderation, and keep your community organized with powerful management tools.
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Waitingtimes Live Discord Server Banner
Waitingtimes Live Icon
Hobbies | Travel | Bot
Waitingtimes Live is a bot focused on theme parks, attractions, and waiting times. We are collecting over 400,000 waiting times daily from 44 parks worldwide and analyze historical waiting time data to optimize users' visits to parks. By providing real-time information and insights, the bot helps visitors minimize waiting times and make the most of their park experience.
Chill Utility Icon
Community | Social
**Fonctionnalités principales :** - ***__Vanity__*** : Attribue un rôle aux utilisateurs qui définissent un statut personnalisé, offrant ainsi une personnalisation unique et engageante. - ***__Greet__*** : Envoie un “ghost ping” à un utilisateur lorsqu’il rejoint le serveur, permettant une intégration discrète et efficace. - ***__Welcome__*** : Accueille chaleureusement les nouveaux membres, créant une première impression positive et accueillante. - ***__Questions Rapides__*** : Propose des questions rapides pour encourager l’interaction et la participation, tout en récompensant les utilisateurs actifs avec de l'expérience. -***__Rappel de bump__*** : Permet de rappeler les bump avec un total de 8 app afin d'acélerer la croissance de votre serveur.
Ask Alfrd Icon
Bot | Community
Here are some things you can do with Alfrd: ➡️ Automated FAQ Responses: Saves time by instantly answering repetitive member questions. ➡️Real-Time Sentiment Tracking: Monitors community mood and provides actionable insights for proactive engagement. ➡️Engagement Insights: Identifies activity trends and suggests personalized interactions to boost member participation. ➡️Targeted Re-Engagement: Automatically reaches out to inactive members with tailored messages. ➡️Event Support: Sends automated reminders, announcements, and collects post-event feedback. ➡️Customizable Workflows: Adapts features to fit specific community needs and goals. ➡️Seamless Platform Integration: Works with Discord, Slack, and other platforms for unified management. ➡️Scalable Automation: Handles communities of any size, from small groups to large-scale networks. ➡️Custom Reports: Delivers analytics on engagement, growth, and sentiment for data-driven decisions. ➡️24/7 Availability: Always active, ensurin
thrivebot Icon
Community | Gaming
A comprehensive Discord bot featuring moderation, economy system, games & engagement tools. Includes free tier, 24/7 uptime, and easy setup.
Jonin Support Icon
Bot | Anime
A friendly (Mostly SFW) server. This server is a support server for Jonin, which has a growing community. We accept all and don't judge. Get updates for when Jonin is down or when new commands are released.
VIP Support Icon
Bot | Community
VIP server podderzhki dlya podderzhki botov. Mnogofunktsional'nyy VIP-bot s upravleniyem serverom, instrumentami administrirovaniya, razlichnymi utilitami, razvlecheniyami i mnogimi drugimi komandami.
404-Proxy Scraper? Icon
Bot | Technology
A completely free server, which allows you to download proxies in rotation, with a private bot, which every 10 minutes sends an updated .txt
Processor Icon
Technology | Entertainment
A handy dandy bot capable of doing many complex things, that is simple to use.
BibleBot Icon
Bot | Beliefs
The premier Discord bot for Bible verses. To use it, say a verse or use the `+biblebot` help command.
Matcha Icon
Entertainment | Community
Matcha is a discord bot with moderation, fun, and pretty much everything. Invite Matcha to your server Today!
AntiNuke++ Icon
Bot | Technology
Craftworld Icon
Entertainment | Community
Craftworld is a bot which allows you to do different fun things. It is LittleBigPlanet related, but it can be used in almost every server!
Trevourr Icon
Entertainment | Bot
A cool multipurpose bot that has all kinds of features you could expect!!! From fun games to powerful moderation, everything!!!
Spectra Icon
Anime | Bot
Hello! Im a bot designed to keep discord cool and chilling! I am a Moderation, Fun and Utility Bot! Invite me by typing .invite! Prefix - . Join Support Server - https://discord.gg/XCBhgGTehK Official Website - https://lasspectra.carrd.co/ Developed by ANDREW#0001
Slio Icon
Support | Memes
<p><strong>Slio has everything from Moderation to entertainment! <a href="https://link.selectdev.xyz/invite/slio">Invite her here!</a></strong></p> <iframe src="https://dylster.gitbook.io/slio">If you are seeing this that means that your browser does not support iFrames. Consider upgrading it or visit our doccumentation at https://dylster.gitbook.io/slio</iframe> See our Privacy Policy [here](https://selectdev.xyz/bots/slio)
Remindme Icon
Bot | Support
Use this bot to create (repeating) reminders for you and other users (or roles) on your server
Autto Icon
Bot | Gaming
Autto is a multi-purpose bot for Moderation, Games, Role Assignment, Utilities and much more! Autto comes packed with other features including a virtual economy, global leveling system, and server manager tools for various server hosts!
Starrus Icon
Bot | Programming
Starrus 18.05.2020'de moderasyon, müzik, eğlence ve daha birçok amaç ile oluşturulmuş ve tamamen Türkçe bir Discord botudur.
BamBam Icon
BamBam was created for the entertainment and fun of the user. BamBam has more than 40 commands where you can find the commands for music, games and interactions to entertain you. It also includes slash commands, where you can find moderation commands, utility and welcome system!! I hope you invite BamBam and have fun!!!
Shinki Icon
Shinki has been developed for creators to connect their content with their community. However with a large range of features, Shinki will fit well into anyone's server! Fully controlled from our dashboard - Permissions need to be set in the panel by administrators before use. Server owner can set access to the restricted parts of the panel Moderation, including kick, ban, mute, warn, whois, and temprole. Set custom actionable words, link deletion and logging of deleted/edited messages. Comprehensive ticketing system. Security system stopping anyone from posting without reacting to a role and agreeing to the rules Donations - support your content or server by accepting donations, sell roles, text based messages including links and sell physical goods using the bot in your server. Connect your streams and various platforms directly to your server through Streamlabs, Twitch with many more to come! Stream Timer -use Shinki’s stream timer for your next subathon, every donation can add
Shad Icon
Bot | Community
Shad is a basic moderation and utility bot. It also have some fun commands.Shad's commands is easy to use with its detailed help commands.
T_Music_Bot Icon
## ? | __**T_Music_Bot**__ ### - A bot that is based on music and performance! This may not be a multipurpose bot, but at least it does the basics for this kind of bot :) #### - For now, this bot needs **no** configuration to work properly. Just make sure to join a voice channel and run the `/play <song or url>` command and everything will be set up for you! #### - To get a list of all the commands available, make sure to run the `/help` command. Also, you can always find some information on a certain one by doing `/help <cmd>`. The bot currently has 35 commands in it. In the future, there will be added more, so make sure to stay tuned for updates from the `/changelog` command! #### - Always finding new ways of keeping it active and with the best performance possible for its discord users! #### - You can always suggest new ways to improve the bot by running the `/featurereq` command! ### - If you encounter any kind of errors, you can always either run the `/bugreport <cmd> <re
Voice Master Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
Features: Voice Party (!addvc) Private voice party w/ friends system (Join to create VC channels). Voice Roles (!bind [role] [channel]) Add roles to users who join voice channels. Voice Cloning (!link [channel]) Automatically create or remove unnecesary channels for a cleaner server look. Voice Logging !logsetup A detailed logging system to log all voice channel actions, eg starting a stream. YouTube Together and Games Launch YouTube Together and 11 other games in your voice channel. Music Voice Master has a powerfull music system with premium commands that's 100% free, inluding filters!
SplatCord 2 Icon
Splatcord 2 == Splatcord 2 is an Discord bot providing Splatoon 2 stage and salmon run notifications To enable stage notifications, use `/setstage` in the destination channel. To enable SalmonRun notifications, use `/setsalmon` in the target channel. To disable them, you can use `/delsalmon` or `/delstage` in any channel. You can also change language, to do that you use `/settings` Supported languages are: - english - german - italian This bot uses data from https://splatoon2.ink/
Sparty Icon
Memes | Bot
Hello there, as an founder of sparty bot we/sparty Team always try to provide you with best user experience we will keep adding more commands to our bot, which you can use for free of cost!! we would be very happy to see Sparty in your discord server, you can always kick it if u want in future, i am sure you'll love it :D we currently have Utlity, Moderation, Fun, Images, Music categories and much more coming soon in future!!
Nark Icon
Bot | Technology
Nark is a multipurpose, broad and feature-rich bot that automates every aspect of your Discord server, removing confusing settings and simplifying those long tutorials on how to do even basic-sounding tasks. Nark primarily covers the following areas: - Moderation - Utility - Fun - Server Management - Info and includes the following [in-development] free forever components: - autorole - automod - reaction roles - embed creation, customisation, etc - auto purging - announcements - welcome messages - parameter-based message sending - auto-delete - starboard - giveaways - forms - custom commands - levelling - server information widgets - music & voice (Q4 2022) Nark contains every key feature of its competitors, alongside 'premium' features, and opens them to everyone. Accessibility matters.
Nyx Icon
Community | Music
Hi, I'm Nyx! I'm a multipurpose Discord bot constantly striving to bring the most useful tools to your Discord server! Ranging from simple, fun commands, to making your members feel welcomed, to full-fledged moderation, I'll always be by your side!
Music | Community
BOOPER is a multi-purpose bot, perfect for playing music, moderating your server, greeting members and much more! Feel free to try all the features, including a dashboard that makes changing settings even easier!
ColeFlare | System Icon
Bot | Social
**ColeFlare Discord Bot** Say hi to ColeFlare, the fully customizable Discord bot! He comes packed with a variety of commands, ranging to moderation to trivia. Every command and feature of the bot can be disabled giving server administrators more finetuned control over what ColeFlare can do. She also comes with a unique points system with a "crown" that can be passed to whoever is the winner, on whatever schedule you decide on! **Features:** Moderation commands with optional logging Fun commands, including trivia General/utility commands Points system with leaderboard and a rotating winner Animal pics Color system Per server customization And much more! *ColeFlare is in a continuous state of development*
Matrix Icon
Music | Bot
A Freemium Discord Bot with a lot of features made on discord.js [Matrix] - A Freemium Music & Utility Bot Gives you the best music experience than any other music bot gives . In this music bot you can apply more than 25 filters . All of them are working Fun Fact- You can remove vocal from music too it has almost 20 commands init , and you're gonna love them ♥ Its default prefix is - , Filters you can add into your music for free: 1) 8D 2)Haas 3)Treble 4)Vibrato 5)Karaoke 6)Mcompand 7)Subboost 8)Vaporwave 9)Normalizer 10)Mstlr 11)Expander 12)Chorus 13)Chorus3d 14)Mono 15)Gate 16)Phaser 17)Tremolo 18)Reverse 19)Flanger 20)Pulsator 21)Bassboost 22)Nightcore 23)Fadein 24)Compressor 25)Mstrr 26)Chorus2d 27)Softlimiter 28)Surrounding You can use this filter by typing /filter[FILTER NAME] You can run the help command by /help We have five categories in help command- Info Core Music Economy Welcome & Security
Asten Icon
Entertainment | Community
History of Asten Asten was created at the end of 2022 for personal usage to my discord server, but I decided to add more commands to my bot and it has +50 commands right now. The creator of Asten Hi, I’m spitzname, that founder & developer of Asten. I’m a Junior Discord Bot developer, I’m studying python programming language at middle school. One day I decided to make a discord bot to improve my programming skills, and that is how i made Asten. What can Asten do? Fun commands Utility commands Moderation commands Image commands Games Level System Slash commands Prefix: !
Snott Icon
Bot | Entertainment
Olá, humanos, (ou não, rs)! Prazer em te conhecer, eu sou o Snott, um novo bot no discord. Tenho muitas funções, como moderação, música e utilidade, mas eu gosto mesmo é de divertir vocês humanos! 😁 Desenvolvedor: Heitor.xp#9062 Meu nome: Snott Prefixo padrão: s! (customizável) Use s!help ✅ 24/7 online; ✅ Sem erros; ✅ Sem bugs; ✅ Totalmente configurável; ✅ Ping bom.
RenFox 76 Icon
Community | Support
RenFox 76 est un bot discord multifonction simple à utiliser et gratuit. Son prefix est en slash "/" Créer par habib76#0 Développer en discord.js version 14 Avec toutes types de commandes disponibles (modération, utilitaire, information, public, fun & système de bump) Les mise à jour sont récurrent et amélioratif pour optimiser aux maximum le bot et répondre à vos besoin. WEBSITE: https://www.renfox76.x10.mx/ STATUS: https://status.watchbot.app/bot/1063920557281779793 SERVEUR SUPPORT: https://discord.gg/zRSyhQdmjF
Albedo Icon
Bot | Music | Anime
Albedo is a feature-rich multipurpose discord bot that plays music from Spotify soundcloud and YouTube , my bot is also extremely customisable with meny settings for your to take a look at Any problems or questions dont hesitate to join the support server and ask me for help. or use 6help (The Holy Crusader#0001) List of commands: • Admin • Anime Search • Anti Honde • Anti RP • Music • Bookmark's • Moderation • Custom Commands • Disboard Reminder • Giphy image's • Levelling • Logging • Server Stat's • Skyrim quote's • Trivia
RoboFox Icon
RoboFox is a bot primarily made to keep users and Discord servers safe on Discord. It specialises in moderation and anti-raid features. The bot is currently in BETA and therefore may be a bit limited with commands at the moment, not to worry though! The team behind RoboFox have big plans to fully release it by summer 2023, stay tuned! RoboFox has lots to offer for your server and members, including: /ban, /unban, /purge, kick, lock unlock, /timeout, untimeout, /userinfo, /serverinfo, and much more to come! What are you waiting for? Invite RoboFox today!
MC Max Icon
Language | Bot
MC Max es un bot que te ayudara a proteger y cuidar tu servidor y entretener a tus miembros con los proximos comandos de economia Comandos: Administración, Configuración, Diversión, Economia, Información, Seguridad, Minecraft, y Utilidad El bot cuando cumpla sus primeros 15 servidores se empezara a trabajar con /(SlashCommand)
Ohana Icon
Anime | Music
Ohana, with its variety of character, mostly focuses on 3 things: robust music streaming, a unique XP system, and anime & manga commands.
Onixo Icon
Community | Entertainment
Onixo is a bot based around utility, moderation, fun and most of all: ease of use and customisation. Come try it out yourself!
Weather Bot Icon
Bot | Support
A simple, sleek, and elegant weather bot that includes auto-complete, bookmarks, and more.
Serenity Icon
Bot | Community
Introducing Serenity, an advanced bot designed as a versatile solution for Discord servers. Its main purpose is to safeguard your server by preventing potential raids and protecting members from harmful activities. Serenity offers a plethora of features that cater to both server administrators and members, making it an indispensable tool. Equipped with information commands, Serenity grants users quick access to valuable data such as server statistics and member information. Additionally, it provides utility commands to streamline server management, along with a comprehensive set of moderation commands for easy server administration. Serenity's economy system enables users to earn and spend virtual currency, fostering engagement and interaction among server members. At Serenity, we embrace the motto "Never judge a book by its cover," as we believe in allowing users to experience the full potential of our bot before forming any opinions. We encourage users to explore Serenity's diverse
ServLimiter Icon
Community | Technology
ServLimiter is a public Discord bot to limit the amount of users you wish to have in your server. It counts the members amount and kicks new users if the maximum is reached, after sending them a message about this feature.
Tether Icon
Bot | Support
**Bot Description:** This versatile bot is designed to enhance your Discord server experience. It offers a wide range of commands, including: - `announce`: Make important announcements in your server. - `ban` and `unban`: Manage server members' access. - `disable` and `enable`: Control the availability of specific commands. - `hide` and `unhide`: Hide or reveal channels and categories. - `info`: Get information about the server and its members. - `kick` and `voicekick`: Remove disruptive members. - `list`: List various server elements. - `lock` and `unlock`: Manage channel permissions. - `maintenance`: Put the bot into maintenance mode. - `purge`: Remove multiple messages at once. - `voicemove`: Move users between voice channels. And much more. With these commands, this bot aims to streamline server management and enhance your community's Discord experience.
Banner Buddy Icon
Bot | Community
Manage your server banner, rotate images, run image contests - all automatically! A fun bot to add extra utility to your community!
Ultimate Music Icon
Music | Programming
🌟 **Ultimate Music Bot: Elevating Your Melodic Adventure!** 🚀🎶 Unleash the power of music with the Ultimate Music Bot, a symphony of innovation and harmony. 🎵 **Features:** - **Discord.js v14** - **Advanced Music System** - **Customizable Prefix** - **Powerful Search Engine** - **27+ Music Filters** - **Hybrid Command Handling** - **Highly Configurable** - **User-friendly** - **24/7 Music Playback** - **Playlist Commands** - **Setup Music Channel** - **All Platform Support** Join our support server for expert assistance, engaging discussions, exclusive updates, and collaborative playlist sharing. Elevate your musical journey with the Ultimate Music Bot and be part of a community that resonates with the rhythm of innovation. 🎉🤖🎵
TwitchAnnouncer Icon
Streaming | Community
Twitch stream notifications for discord roles; a bot to announce in your discord server that you're live streaming to twitch.tv; an application that triggers an alert whenever you go online in twitch.
AshBot Icon
Bot | Technology
AshBot is going public with an exciting array of commands to revolutionize your server experience! From powerful Administrator tools to captivating General commands, AshBot has got you covered! Banish troublemakers with the ban command, or gently nudge them away with the kick command. Maintain order in your server by effortlessly deleting messages using the purge command. Grant or revoke roles with ease, setting a duration if needed, using the role command. Want to explore all that AshBot has to offer? Just type /help, and a world of possibilities will unfold before you. Stay in the loop with your server's essential info using the serverinfo command, and check your server's responsiveness with the classic ping command. Curious about the roles available? Type /roles to see them all! Tailor AshBot's behavior and permissions to perfectly fit your server's dynamics with our customizable configurations. Learn more at https://ashbot.me/
Bot | Entertainment
ELYSIUM is a multi-function bot based on Red. It has features such as Utilities (a ton of them), Mini Games, Economy, Casino, Images & GIFs.
Elite Bot Icon
Elite Bot brings many essential and unique features together, providing solid all-round functionality. It comes with fantastic customisability with moderation, logging, music, fun and many more unique features and commands! Our unique Five M Server Status feature allows you to display the live status of your Five M Server. Feature-Packed Elite Bot includes tons of essential commands and features that are easy to use and documented in detail, including unique features exclusive to Elite Bot! Fully Customisable Elite Bot allows you to customise the majority of features and commands to your own desires and likings! Easy to setup Elite Bot is extremely simple to setup with very clear and in-depth documentation to configure everything you want! https://elite-bot.com/
RecNetBot Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
RecNetBot utilizes RecNet's API in fun, practical and creative ways. It is a must-have for any Rec Room-related server out there!