ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
official Globe earther discord Icon
Arguments should be supported by evidence, whether scientific research, empirical observations, or credible sources. Unsupported claims or conspiracy theories should be avoided.
Grand Debate Terminal Icon
Science | Political
Up for a discussion? Want to debate on a wide range of topics? Want to learn more and engage with members of your community? Come check us out! We are a middle ground for a wide range of topics and offer more niche servers a platform to promote themselves. Partner with us today!
Greater Debate Community Icon
Political | Beliefs
Greater Debate Community was created to provide a space for free thinkers to discuss and explore their ideas with a diverse set of users. Our goal is to facilitate interesting and stimulating conversations on a wide range of topics. Our community boasts an extensive catalog of self roles, debate channels covering many topics, and an abundance of funny and practical emotes to help you express your views. debate enthusiasts, politics fans, science lovers, philosophers, and conspiracy theorists alike will enjoy. So join our community and share your opinions with us today.
World of Conspiracies Icon
Beliefs | Community
All things conspiracy.
The Official Flat Earth Discord Icon
Education | Entertainment
Hello guys and welcome to the Flat Earth Official Discord. We are intented to prove once and for all without a shadow of a doupt that indeed the earth is flat. This is proven by countless of evidence and we will about to gather in this server and convince or to show you that the earth is flat. If your interested in proof then come to the server and see all these evidence.
The Party Bunker Icon
Beliefs | LGBT
///// The Black hand of futurity. The DELL delivery team: Deterritorialising, Emergent havoc, Landian, Looping time. The Other World. Really Horny Excitable Theory Thots NOT a bunch of neofascist, pretentious Deleuzians. A posse of Landians. Some computer anarchist thing? Is actively working to break the Mind/Machine barrier in cooperation Musk who is paying to live on as a meme A bunch of esoteric accelerationists. Ideological weightlessness while moving upward. The third and fourth incarnation of weaponized memes. Originally a customer service department for United Airlines (went rogue). Bunch of cool people who believe in unconditional Accelerationism. Accelerationist transhumanists NOT a cult Is ☭ a Duginist ☭ SWP ☭ front Folks who read esoteric philosophy and make jokes about it. Is a Duginist pysop. /////
The Ice Wall @ Matrix Icon
Community | Social
Welcome to The Ice Wall @ Matrix This server is to act as a portal to join a platform (Element) that does not prevent your mind from thinking or communicating what it wants. MISSION STATEMENT A space dedicated to the accurate dissemination and survival of critical information. __________________________ First time users will be directed to download the Element App. **Here** ⬇️ <https://element.io/download> Join our space The Ice Wall 10.0 - A place where your mind is not controlled and self-censorship is not enforced. __**Space Invites**__ ⬇️ **Android** <https://matrix.to/#/#theicewall10.0:matrix.org> **IOS/Apple** <https://matrix.to/#/%23theicewall10.0%3Amatrix.org> https://discord.gg/pE5bxsr9AH See you there!
Flat Earth Official Icon
Community | Political
TROLLS NOT ALLOWED PLEASE If you are seeking truth, this is the place for you. Come and seek the truth with us and open your minds. A safe space for Flat Earthers and Truth Seekers. Join Flat Earth Official.
Transvestigation Icon
LGBT | Beliefs
transvestigation flat earth truth christian bible unitarian judaism karaite judaism transpocalypse transvestigation flat earth truth christian bible unitarian judaism karaite judaism transpocalypse transvestigation flat earth truth christian bible unitarian judaism karaite judaism transpocalypse transvestigation flat earth truth christian bible unitarian judaism karaite judaism transpocalypse transvestigation flat earth truth christian bible unitarian judaism karaite judaism transpocalypse transvestigation flat earth truth christian bible unitarian judaism karaite judaism transpocalypse transvestigation flat earth truth christian bible unitarian judaism karaite judaism transpocalypse