Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Shadow Wolvez Community Icon
Community | Gaming
Welcome to the Shadow Wolvez community! We're a passionate group of gamers, creators, and adventurers who unite to explore new worlds, challenge ourselves, and support one another. Whether you're into gaming, content creation, or just looking for a place to connect and have fun, our Discord is the perfect spot for you! Join us for exciting events, helpful discussions, and a positive, welcoming environment where you can meet like-minded individuals. The pack is stronger together—let’s grow, explore, and conquer as one!
LiamH Icon
Streaming | Gaming
LiamH's Community Discord Server Join to stay fully up to date with everything going on. Twitch Youtube
New World - Portugal Icon
Bem-vindos á comunidade portuguesa de New World. Foi criado este servidor com intuito de juntar toda a comunidade portuguesa se juntar, trocar ideias e afins. Divirtam-se
NW [?AU] Community Marketplace Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
We at New World [?AU] Community and Marketplace are excited to announce the launch of our discord server that has been in the making for many months. We're a public community discord for the players of the Australian server region. We're not just any discord, we have a buy, sell, trade and giveaway system. YES, we're brand spanking new. Hope to see you there!! Discord: Facebook Page: Facebook Group:" Instagram: Twitter: @nwaucm
New World Indonesia Icon
Community | Gaming
komunitas player new world indonesia. disini kita mengadakan give away, live stream, news dan nyari kenalan baru tentunya
New World Icon
Gaming | Community
New World community for Ophir NA West. This is a fresh server and a fresh community. Let's get in there together and have some fun. PvP/RvR/GvG oriented
Ordo Malleus Maleficarum Adlivun Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Ordo Malleus Maleficarum Company Server: Adlivun (NA-East): Covenant Faction Recruiting, no dues, old school chill dudes looking for more bros.
SNW Icon
Sturmgarde New World ist eine Kompanie, welche in New World als Syndikat aktiv ist. Wir freuen uns über neue, aktive Mitglieder und heißen alle Mitspieler herzlich willkommen auf unserem Discord-Server.
Kalevala Trade Centre (EU) Icon
Community | Gaming
Tired of running form trade post to post? Buy, Sell and Trade all your goods at once place! (EU Central)
USWest /Camelot/All in One Icon
Gaming | Community
USWest /Camelot/All in One - Marauders - Our goal is to be the dominating faction with relations with allies. Offering alternate services.
No Hate Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community
New World geared community server. Tired of the hate, the nonsense, the stupidity? Join us, we don't tolerate hate, discrimination, or any of that nonsense. Everyone is welcome here. The only rule is be kind to one another, have fun and be active in the community.
Progressão Gamer Icon
Hobbies | Gaming
Somos a Progressão Gamer !!! É estamos procurando jogadores com mentalidade semelhantes, ser você é um jogador que procura uma comunidade completa é experiência em outros JOGOS e MMO de qualidade no mercado. Venham para a "PROGRESSÃO GAMER" !!! Fazendo parte desse progresso é rumo ao sucesso em todos os jogos listados, além de montamos uma comunidade de qualidade no caminho !!! Dizendo tudo isso... Fiquem sabendo.... Temos planos AMBICIOSOS !!!
Academy Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community | Social
Academy Gaming is a relaxed gaming community for games like MW3, Destiny 2, Helldivers 2, Mordhau, CS2, and more! Come join to hang out, meet new people, and play some games. We have game roles for many different games and have monthly giveaways of steam games, Discord Nitro, and other prizes.
Academy Gaming Discord Server Banner
Academy Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community | Social
Academy Gaming is a relaxed gaming community for games like MW3, Destiny 2, Helldivers 2, Mordhau, CS2, and more! Come join to hang out, meet new people, and play some games. We have game roles for many different games and have monthly giveaways of steam games, Discord Nitro, and other prizes.
Oblivion Icon
eSports | Entertainment
🌟 Quem somos? Oblivion’s Secret é uma guilda da facção Saqueadores, focada em construir uma comunidade unida e engajada para explorar os desafios de Aeternum. Valorizamos o trabalho em equipe, diversão e crescimento conjunto, seja no PVE ou no calor das batalhas PVP. ⚔️ O que buscamos? Jogadores ativos e comprometidos. Espírito de equipe e vontade de aprender/ensinar. Interesse em participar de guerras, expedições e eventos da guilda. 🌍 O que oferecemos? Uma comunidade acolhedora e organizada. Planejamento para conquistas no mapa. Suporte para progressão e otimização do gameplay. Discord ativo para comunicação e estratégia. 🛡️ Como se juntar? Entre em contato conosco pelo jogo ou pelo nosso Discord. Venha fazer parte do segredo por trás da força dos Saqueadores! Juntos somos mais fortes. Juntos somos Oblivion’s Secret! 💀
New World Discord Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
As there is no Official New World Discord we’re doing what we do best at TourneyTime Network and giving you somewhere to go for the latest news, information and discussion relating to the upcoming New World game. We’re a growing community and will in the long term be committed to becoming a dedicate
Silent Warriors [TSW] Icon
Community | Gaming
Established in 2002, TSW is a community built around gaming together. TSW exists to have a place to kick back and game with other people to accomplish the goals we want in the games we play. TSW as a community plays many different genre of games across PC, Console and Mobile. We also run several private servers for various games. The overall focus of the Silent Warriors is to have a mature gaming community that any play style can enjoy being a part of. They accomplish this by having both casual to hardcore players in the community with teams and events focused for all styles of play. With a strong focus on community our endgame goal is to create lasting memories and friendships that may span more then just in game or online. It is through gaming that we forge new friendships, relationships and memories.
New World player ? Join my discord server -----\??????????/----- ---Faction: Marauders ---Region: EU EAST (most likely) ---Playstyle: Hardcore PVX ---Language: English -----\?????????? Everything/----- What we're looking for: Anyone who's willing to put in time and effort to help the company push beyond it's potential What we value: We value a good attitude above anything else, the first and foremost part of the game is to have fun and any players toxicity should not get in the way of that Our main focus: Building a solid foundation that allows for our members to be able to enjoy the game in the way they want the most, be it in full fledged PvP with not too much focus on PvE or the other way around
? Wolf Clan ? Icon
Gaming | Social
Seja muito bem-vindo(a) ao Wolf Pack Guild! Divirta-se, entretenha-se e cresça nessa mega junção de amigos. Conheça a guild! O que é Wolf Pack? Wolf Pack é uma guilda focada no mais novo jogo da Amazon Games, o tão aclamado New World. Aqui você encontrará pessoas esforçadas para com sua guild, focados totalmente no crescimento e em sempre ajudar novatos. Temos plena experiência no New World já e vamos aprender com vocês as novidades que ainda virão. Junte-se a nós, crie amigos, faça dungeons, seja um lifeskillzero, participe de guerras, junte-se a comunidade Wolf. Siga seu estilo de jogo! Aqui você escolhe seu estilo de jogo, não haverá cobranças, apenas pedimos participação e comunicação! Se deseja seguir pelo caminho com foco total em PvE, junte-se a outros membros em raids, dungeons e muito mais, ou olhe nossos guias especiais para membros. Agora se deseja se aventurar em uma jornada totalmente PvP, entre em contato com Call Master e se torne uma ELITE do PvP.
New World - Portugal Icon
Gaming | Social
Bem vindo ao Discord Não-Oficial Português do MMO New World. Fica à vontade para contribuir com qualquer coisa que possa ajudar outras pessoas e de conversar e partilhar experiências sobre o jogo. Lembra-te de que deves ler e cumprir obrigatoriamente as normas da comunidade para manter um bom ambien
Time0ut Icon
Moin, Time0ut ist unsere Syndikat Gilde in New World und wir suchen noch nach Mitspielern. Du suchst noch eine Gilde, die in New World breit aufgestellt ist und hast das 18. Lebensjahr vollendet? Dann schau doch gerne bei uns auf dem Discord vorbei und unterhalte dich mit anderen Mitspielern. Jeder ist willkommen, egal ob blutiger Anfänger oder Vollprofi. Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Escape from Reality™ Icon
Gaming | eSports
Salut, jucatori de Tarkov Romani ! Numele meu este Bogdan, majoritatea ma cunoasteti drept Adrenaline_Bodo. Sunt membru fondator al fostei comunitati de Tarkov “Escape from România™”. In prezent "Escape from Reality™" Vă aștept cu drag pe discord:
komunitas new world indonesia Icon
Gaming | Community
Tempat di mana Anda dapat mencari teman mabar dan berdiskusi dengan pemain lain seputar game new world. ➡️ Temui teman, ally dan bergabung dengan company. ➡️Bagikan klip dan konten NewWorld Anda. ➡️Ngobrol dan trading dengan sesama. ➡️Dapatkan berita update game dari sumber resmi NewWorld. ➡️Bergabunglah dengan giveaway, dan banyak lagi!
Blood for Glory Icon
Gaming | Community
Bem vindo a Blood for Glory guild do New World facção Saqueadores no servidor Kunlun. *Somos uma guilda unida!! Jogaremos mais de boas, sem cobrança *Temos uma staff preparada para atender os jogadores com um amplo conhecimento do jogo, disposta a ajudar sempre que houver a necessidade. Tenha liberdade total, onde todos somos uma família, e sempre iremos ajudar um aos outros! Compartilhando nossos conhecimentos, itens e nossas descobertas *Foco: PVP/PVE para a guild ficar cada vez mais forte, mas todos membros são livres para escolher o que fazer!!! REQUISITOS: *Maturidade é tudo, respeite para ser respeitado. * Entrar no discord toda vez que for entrar no jogo para manter contato com a guilda * Foco na evolução pessoal. *Espirito esportivo, somos uma equipe, ajude seus companheiros para ser ajudado.
ThyLaughingCoffin Icon
Thy Laughing Coffin New World Company server. US East Cantahar Server. PvP. PvE. PvX, Group PvP Small-scale PvP
Gaming | Business
NEXT CLOUD GAMING BRASIL é a melhor cloud gaming no server do Brasil e ainda com melhor preço acessível a todos! Interessado? Só entrar no server
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Night Parade of 100 Demons Icon
Gaming | Social
Marauders PVX company. Welcoming new and experienced players. We plan to implement incentives for upper ranks at a later date as we grow and gain territory.
IQ's Lounge - Chill & Gaming Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
An all games community with many surprises and giveaways happening weekly. Active community with an active staff team We are in need of staff some come by and maybe you could win yourself a place in our staff list! •Friendly Gaming Community •Weekly Giveaways (Nitro&Games) •Game Server Development Help •Staff Wanted •General Chatting •Debates •Forums
New World Romania Icon
Community | Gaming
Un server romanesc de discord creat pentru comunitatea New World. Un loc unde vei descoperii build-uri noi si companii romanesti.
RuneGroup Icon
Gaming | Community
RuneScape, New World, Star Citizen. A gaming community for everyone. Originally a RuneScape community.
New World Hungary Icon
Gaming | Community
Első magyar New World community szerver. Gyere és csatlakozz, hogy együtt építhessünk egy jó közösséget! ( admin / moderátor felvétel ON )
New World PVPers Icon
Gaming | Community
We strive to be THE server for people who love to PVP in New World. Consider joining now!
Game Out Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a community of passionate gamers who love having fun, we are dedicated to playing and helping the community. Come join our Community and enjoy some group based PVE and PVP. Many of us play other games together including LOTR: Rise to war, Myth of Empires, Minecraft, Valheim, Stellaris, Conquers Blade, 7-days and now our current addiction is New World. Plenty of helpful teammates that will make you feel at home on the server. Full Discord and even our own website at Come take a look and see what you may be missing.
New World Türkiye Topluluğu Icon
Gaming | Community
New World Türkiye Topluluğun amacı tüm Türk New World oyuncularını bir çatı altında toplayarak, keyifli bir iletişim ortamı sunmaktır.
Spawn Die Repeat Icon
Gaming | Community
Spawn Die Repeat (SDR) is a Hobby/Gaming community that is a family of casual gamers who just like to hangout, game, chat and more! SDR dabbles with Dead by Daylight, New World, Sea of Thieves, Call of Duty, Destiny, Pokemon, Minecraft, Rocket League and anything that the fam wants to play! SDR is all about just being able to play their favorite games with others while having a great time doing it. Come join and hangout and just have a place to relax after a long day and game!
Gaming | Social
As most of us are working adults and do have careers and lives to contend with, we can be busy or away at times. As much as we hope for a Star Citizen release soon, for a more active community do link up with our affiliate server: Casual Strokes
ValhallaTeam Icon
Gaming | Community
Conheça a maior Guild PVE de New World - Devaloka! Estamos aceitando todos que gostariam de jogar conosco e se divertir. Venham!
Community | Gaming
PLAY in a young community of gamers and make new frieds, grow with us, join us and lets give'it a go!
The FurPark Icon
Furry | Community | Art
Welcome to The FurPark. A furry community-driven server we prioritize a great community that is fun and a safe environment, We are big on LGBTQ+ acceptance.
The FurPark Discord Server Banner
The FurPark Icon
Furry | Community | Art
Welcome to The FurPark. A furry community-driven server we prioritize a great community that is fun and a safe environment, We are big on LGBTQ+ acceptance.
Break Point Icon
Gaming | Community
A multi-game community with a focus on making lasting friends. We look to create a welcoming kind community accepting all kinds of people.
New World Polska Icon
Chciałbym zaprosić Cię na! Oficjalnie nieoficjalny serwer discord zrzeszający polskich graczy gry New World. Znajdziesz tu najnowsze informacje związane z grą oraz kompanów do wspólnych wypraw. Serdecznie zapraszamy.
Casual Heroes Icon
Gaming | Programming
🎮 Casual Heroes is Recruiting! 🎮 Looking for more than just a guild? Casual Heroes is a gaming and streaming hub for working adults, moms, dads, and gamers of all levels who want to casually play, connect, and build something lasting. 🌟 Who We Are: A laid-back gaming community focused on fun and support. Perfect for busy adults juggling work, family, and gaming. A welcoming space for casual players and streamers. 🎯 What We Play: We’re active in games like Throne and Liberty, New World, Path of Exile 2, Hunt: Showdown, Remnant 2, and more. There’s always someone to join your next adventure! 🤝 Why Casual Heroes? - Casual gaming without hardcore grind pressure. - Connect with gamers and streamers who get real-life commitments. - Build friendships that last, no matter the game. 🌐 Join Us Today! Whether you’re here for raids, dungeon runs, or just laughs in voice chat, Casual Heroes is the place for you.