Crypto | Financial
Welcome, everyone! I’ve created this server as I was tired of seeing people get burned by unfair and scammy pumps. I personally got burned for 97% of my money from pre pumps and wanted people to have a place where members could be safe from that happening. In all pumps that I am running, I will be the only one who knows the coin, so I can guarantee there will be no pre pumps. This will also keep me accountable to all of you, as you would know who would be responsible.
All pumps will be Free For All, and the pumps will be run off of Kucoin, Hotbit, and occasionally Pancakeswap. If we reach high enough numbers or are involved in a collab with a fair history group, we will pump on Binance.
Please do not advertise in chat, or DM spam our members, or you will be banned. If anyone is sending you spam messages, please DM me with a screenshot.
Any hate speech will not be tolerated and will result in a ban.