Trader Capital LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto
We're better than Wall Street Bible. With over +10K members Trader Capital is the #1 stock / options server that provides alerts, strategies, ideas, and news for everyone! •📅 Daily Alerts •🎤 Live Trading •💰 $1 million+ in member profits •📚 Live Classes
Trader Capital LLC Discord Server Banner
Trader Capital LLC Discord Server Banner
Trader Capital LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto
We're better than Wall Street Bible. With over +10K members Trader Capital is the #1 stock / options server that provides alerts, strategies, ideas, and news for everyone! •📅 Daily Alerts •🎤 Live Trading •💰 $1 million+ in member profits •📚 Live Classes
World Wide Virus NFT Icon
Art | Crypto | Investing
Nft-Art-Project made by four friends who found their love for viruses during the lockdown (Because no one else does...) A smart virus tribe consisting of 5.555 members who feel misunderstood and mistreated have fled to the blockchain in the hope of existing peacefully in the emerging metaverse.... Come and join our Pandemmunity!
Corona-Break Icon
Gaming | Language
We are a small team of gamers who got bored in the ´´corona-break´´ and decided to start a discord server, where all people can have fun and enjoy for example: long night talks, chill/tryhard gaming sessions and lots more Our motto: Have Fun !
W.H.O. Unofficial Icon
Science | Entertainment
W.H.O. Unofficial and it's purpose is to prevent COVID-19, and other diseases.
Community | Social
Under construction...
IVMO : Virus Research Site Roblo Icon
Military | Role-Playing
Who are we? After an apocalyptic war that resulted in the devastation of all the major government, a trillion dollar organisation aims to conserve protect and defend the legacy of humanity. Using its high technology, they research the new virus that roam the planet and use large military forces to defend their facility. Why should I join? We host a range of SSUs, events, gamenights, beta tests and much more. We can guarantee that our community will welcome you with open arms. Our game hosts trainings and we are sure it will hook you in to want to play more!