DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DevBar - Learn to code. Icon
Programming | Career
Welcome to DevBar! DevBar is the ultimate community for developers of all levels. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned pro, you’ll find the support and resources you need to level up your coding skills. What We Offer: - 🛠️ Coding Help: Stuck on a problem? Our community is here to help you with code issues and debugging. - 💡 Project Showcases: Share your projects and get feedback from fellow developers. Learn from each other’s work! - 🎉 Giveaways & Events: Participate in coding challenges, tech events, and exciting giveaways. - 📚 Learning Resources: Access tutorials, guides, and discussions to expand your knowledge. - 💬 Active Community: Engage in tech discussions, ask questions, and network with like-minded developers. Join DevBar today and be part of a community that values learning, growth, and collaboration. Whether you’re here to ask questions, share your work, or just chat about the latest in tech, DevBar is the place for you!
cppnow Icon
Technology | Community
Community about C++
Storage Icon
Technology | Programming
Instructions and code snippets.
Some Programming Server Icon
Programming | Technology
Programmers Galore
Triada Union Icon
Design | Community
A team of people who care about each other. Everyone should respect and give in return as much as the other. Коллектив людей, которым не всё равно на друг друга. Каждый должен уважать и отдавать взамен с
Nick's Planet Icon
Community | Technology
Hello everyone I am Nick a future content creator! I have a server I would like you to join and hang out I am needing Staff and Members do please help! For more info please DM me on Discord or join the server!
Openduct.net Icon
Community | Technology
openduct.net - start developing your ideas with others. openduct development team. Our official website is openduct.net
dbxDevelopment Icon
Community | Programming
dbxDevelopment is a Development Service for very cheap prices: - Discord Bots - ARK Coding - MCBE Packages - Custom Tools [ ;) ] We are trying our Best to make you happy with the stuff you receive - We are mostly Coding and doing orders so you dont need to wait long - We will host you Discord Bot 24/7 and fully Free
365-days Code Challenge Icon
Technology | Education
Participate in 365-day code challenge; basically complete a coding challenge every day/week/fortnight for 365 days straight!
FusionCode Icon
Community | Technology
Need help with your code? Your project? Want to discuss gaming, hardware, and software? Then join FusionCode today and become part of a new community of developers. Our community is very new, but we are aiming for members that can make the server active and such that can help us grow the community.
SAMO #Market Icon
Business | Community
This is a Best Market Server... SAMO Market Owners; -Amo -Hunter -Sero -Lanmayagam WebSite : Soon...
Lea Code Share Icon
Bot | Hobbies
Lea Code Share Kod Paylaşım Sunucusu Bdfd,js,html gibi kodlar ile botlar yapabilirsiniz en iyi kod paylaşım sunucusu denilebilir.
Hexa Network Icon
Gaming | Community | Role-Playing
Welcome to the HexaNetwork! We are home to a friendly, engaged community of CivilizationCraft (where Sid Meier's Civ meets Minecraft) and prison players. There are countless ways to build your empire, destroy your neighbor's, or just mine your heart away! Join us today for endless fun and accomplishment!
Hexa Network Discord Server Banner
Hexa Network Icon
Gaming | Community | Role-Playing
Welcome to the HexaNetwork! We are home to a friendly, engaged community of CivilizationCraft (where Sid Meier's Civ meets Minecraft) and prison players. There are countless ways to build your empire, destroy your neighbor's, or just mine your heart away! Join us today for endless fun and accomplishment!
ANTI Deadline Icon
Community | Support
This server contains many categories such as Technology, Programming, Gaming and we do things sort of community, and also our mainly language is Vietnamese but we have content for English speaker, other languages also be supported.
N# Official Icon
Programming | Language
Welcome to the official N# server where you can chat, code, ask questions, suggest ideas, download N#, and much more! This server is all about N#, the programing language I invented.
jQrew Icon
Technology | Community
Dive into the dynamic world of jQuery with jQrew, a vibrant community dedicated to exploring the power and simplicity of one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. Whether you're a beginner eager to learn the basics or a seasoned pro looking to share your wisdom, you've found your crew!
Xyz-Code.pl Icon
PC | YouTube
• Chciałbyś posiadać autorski i innowacyjny serwer minecraft? • • A może potrzebujesz pomocy przy konfiguracji pluginów? • • Moze Chcial Bys Pogadac ?• • A Moze Lubisz TikTokera devmlody?• Dołącz już teraz na Do XYZ-CODE.PL 🌋 CO U NAS ZNAJDZIESZ? 📕 ・ Zaawansowane, zoptymalizowane, Configi Do Popularnych Pluginow 👀 ・Wiele ciekawych konkursów oraz wydarzeń. 🩼 ・Pomoc przy konfiguracji, optymalizacji, spolszczania pluginów. 💗 ・ Miła Administracja 📦 ・Paczki serwerowe pod różne tryby. 📃 ・Rozbudowaną kanały z pluginami dla wszystkich. 🪙 ・wygranie pluginow/paczek lub innych rzeczy 💥 ・Serwer Tworcy Mlody 🎙️ ・ Wiele Kanałów Do Rozmowy 💵 ・Wiele konkursow 🫐 ・Rozbudowany system weryfikacji Nie Czekaj! Dolacz Juz Teraz!
r/TheSuperiorDevelopers Icon
Community | Technology
Your go to place for learning how to code and not be nerdy at the same time. r/TheSuperiorDevelopers is an community that provides usefull informations on most coding languages while keeping it simple, easy to understand and most importantly fun. We alow any ages here as anyone is welcome.
Biscuit | Linux • Programming Icon
Technology | Programming
Our community focuses on Linux, programming, and theming (within, but not limited to Linux), with Biscuit Theme being our main project. Join us to discuss the latest in these fields, share your projects, and collaborate with like-minded individuals!
SpringBoot Java Community❤ Icon
Technology | Growth
The Spring Boot Java community is a collective of software developers focused on using Spring Boot, a part of the Spring Framework, to build Java applications. This community is international and diverse, ranging from beginners to highly experienced professionals
CarRadioCodeForum Icon
Technology | Programming
Car radio code Forum! Is your own car radio code locked and you have lost the code? Here you can ask for help! But you need certain tools... (New server, currently almost empty)
StudIO Code - Community Icon
Programming | Technology
StudIO is the first hackable code editor for iOS. This server is for the community of the private beta users (and everyone else).
Development Cove Icon
Education | Programming
A friendly server for coders. We produce bots, applications and give assistance with coding.
Aiden's Assistant Support Icon
Programming | Support
This is the official support server for the discord bot, Aiden's Assistant. The #1 discord assistant for you and your server. Ranging from amazing staff to the friendly community.
Mirror Universe Icon
Anime | Programming
An old community from Chatango. Average age is around 25. Mix of European and American mainly. Friendly banter. This chat has been going for around 10 years. Anime, Programming, Music. Feel free to come chill here if you're bored.
ßɨ𐌔 | Best in Slot Icon
Social | Gaming | Entertainment
We are a friendly & inclusive community! 💙✨ A safe space for everyone to connect, chat, and have fun. Enjoy awesome emojis, interactive bots, and exciting giveaways! 🎉
ßɨ𐌔 | Best in Slot Discord Server Banner
ßɨ𐌔 | Best in Slot Icon
Social | Gaming | Entertainment
We are a friendly & inclusive community! 💙✨ A safe space for everyone to connect, chat, and have fun. Enjoy awesome emojis, interactive bots, and exciting giveaways! 🎉
(DEV) => {DISCORD} Icon
Programming | Community
A place for all programmers from beginners to experts. Learn how to code or get help with your coding problems. Pickup a new language or pickup some developers for your latest projects.
Discord Support FR Icon
Support | Bot
Vous cherchez de l'aide pour paramétrer votre serveur ? Vous ne savez pas comment marchent certains bots ? Vous êtes à la recherche DU meilleur bot pour votre serveur ? Le serveur Support FR est là pour vous ! ?? Un support Discord français de qualité, avec des membres expérimentés et sérieux ? Des bots de qualité. Il y a même dyno premium, les 2 Rythm premium et d'autres encore, ainsi qu'un bot privé de haute technologie super avancée dernière génération ? ? Toute une partie faite pour vous aider à coder votre propre bot ? Un site magique est en cours de préparation ? Des emotes sublimes Notre super magique magnifique lien d'invitation ➡️ https://discord.gg/8fNzawC Nous avons besoin de graphistes, de codeurs, de modérateurs et même d'administrateurs !
CBA Icon
Programming | Technology
We sell Minecraft and Discord bots. Low prices, fast response times.
Code Club Icon
Programming | Technology
Growing and friendly developer community. A clean and fresh start after a server revamp. ~Code Club
TheCodingJ's Icon
Technology | Programming
We love creating Software/AI/Games and anything computer related, come join us and share your own projects.
Blind Code/ers Icon
Programming | Technology
A great place for coders and ones want to learn code!
Code Lounge Icon
Programming | Technology
Tem interesse em programação, tecnologia ou matemática? Esse servidor foi feito para reunir pessoas com interesse nesses assuntos, trocando conhecimentos e tirando dúvidas, prezando sempre pelo autodesenvolvimento e mantendo um ambiente agradável e amigável.
Code Mentors Icon
Technology | Political
My intent and goal for this server is to provide as well as facilitate mentor-ship between developers to help improve their career opportunity.
The Dev Lounge Icon
Programming | Support
We are a community for developers of any programming language to come, get support, learn, and talk about developing!
Code Haven Icon
Programming | Technology
Made for programmers, by programmers. whether you have 1 line experience, or 1 million+ lines written.
DDC Icon
Hey, salut à toi ! Je vais te présenter DDC. Nous venons d'ouvrir DDC dans l'ambition d'aider les designer et les développeurs à trouver de nouvelles commandes. En rejoignant notre serveur, tu pourras : 1. Demander des services. 2. Te faire recruter et avoir de nouvelles commandes. 3. Et bien sur parler avec nous et te faire des amis. Alors n'hésite pas à nous rejoindre : https://discord.gg/DwDu7BAt54
VIP Devs Icon
Programming | Technology
Tu veux parler avec d'autres programmeurs en tout genre ? Avoir de l'aide pour un projet ? Oh ! Je sais ! Tu veux des idées pour ton prochain jeu ? Rejoins notre Discord [VIP devs] !
Prodigy Trading Team Icon
Investing | Financial | Crypto
#1 Community: Take your stock trading game to the next level with our top-rated stock Discord chatroom. Expert analysis, stock and option alerts, and strategies for small and large caps day and swing trading. Day trades and swing trades. Small to large caps. Penny stocks experts
Prodigy Trading Team Discord Server Banner
Prodigy Trading Team Icon
Investing | Financial | Crypto
#1 Community: Take your stock trading game to the next level with our top-rated stock Discord chatroom. Expert analysis, stock and option alerts, and strategies for small and large caps day and swing trading. Day trades and swing trades. Small to large caps. Penny stocks experts
Coding Shitpost Zentrale Icon
Programming | Technology
Deutscher Server für diverse programmier- und nerd Themen. Language-Bashing, shitposting und Autismus stehen an der Tagesordnung. Jeder ist willkommen da jede Programmiersprache gleichermaßen diskreditiert wird!
Codenames Fr Icon
Entertainment | Community
Ce serveur est là pour te permettre de trouver facilement des personnes avec qui jouer à Codenames en ligne. https://codenames.fr/
Code Lifeline Icon
Programming | Education
We are a community that helps each other learn computer programming. Come check us out & ask questions!
Prîme・Tacest・botlist ・#6.6k Icon
Bot | Community
Sunucuya gelerek Botunun istatistiğini artırabilirsin :) Botunun -Üye sayısını artır -Sunucu sayısını artır
Legênd Code 0.2K #BedavaVDS Icon
Community | Programming
#FreeVPS / Botlist / Sende gel ve botunu geliştir her türden kod var hergün çekiliş var gel. #Legend
Acey Icon
Bot | Programming
It's a level Bot that works over multiple servers. So if you are level 10 in one Server you're level 10 on every server. It has the commands: help rank shop(still in development) inventory buy and some other. It also shows on how many servers the bot is on. Not only that, but it is default set to st
CodingSchule Icon
Technology | Support
CodingSchule ist der Ort indem du Hilfe bei Problemen oder Fragen übers Programmieren erhalten kannst. Egal ob Anfänger oder Experte jeder ist willkommen, stelle fragen oder helfe anderen. Wir treffen uns dann auf CS.
Code's Moon Technologies Icon
Programming | Technology
》Comunidade de gaming, programação, hardware, design, enfim, tecnologia em geral, somos um servidor seguro e amigável, temos nosso próprio BOT. Entre e divirta-se :)
Coding Arena Icon
Programming | Education
Hello there! We are a community focused on Coding and Data Structures. This is a perfect place to come together with people or get support with coding. Programming Languages in which you can get help - Python C++ Java C C# JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms in which you can get help - Tree Data Structures Binary Search Tree Hashing Sorting Array and Matrices Graph Linked List Dynamic Programming Backtracking Heap Searching and sorting Stack and Queues HashMaps Recursion
Technology | Programming
We are a programming based community server. We all help each others to learn new programming languages and we help with errors etc. We have a safe community and everyone is welcome.
Bingo!Bango!Botto! Icon
Bot | Programming
Commission professional bot code from @Developer - 3D Printing on demand - Get help with your code in #code-help - Apply as a @Helper and show off your knowledge of code!
Forward Icon
Social | Community
Public Server ✯ | her hafta nitro,spotify,netflix,youtube-pre,minecreaft-pre verilmektedir buyrun gelin. https://discord.gg/Sk6D6Ef7z6
Sports Capitalists Icon
Sports | Entertainment | Community
Make Enjoying Sports a Side Hustle. Specialized in Strategic Sports Betting Picks 🎯 , Daily Fantasy Sports 🧠, and Sports Betting Bots 🤖
Sports Capitalists Discord Server Banner
Sports Capitalists Icon
Sports | Entertainment | Community
Make Enjoying Sports a Side Hustle. Specialized in Strategic Sports Betting Picks 🎯 , Daily Fantasy Sports 🧠, and Sports Betting Bots 🤖
Atom Botlist Icon
Community | Support
EN - Here's the Atom Code! If you want to add your bot to a botlist, you are in the right place. TR - İşte Atom Code! Botunu Bir Botliste Ekletmek İstiyorsan Doğru Yerdesin.
Coding Squad Icon
Programming | Bot
Talk about your your favourite programming languages. Get help on your projects or solve that one bug you can't solve.
AutoIt Icon
Programming | Support
Unofficial AutoIt3 server. All things related to AutoIt3, programming, automation, and batch scripting in Windows. Discussions around other programming languages are also welcome. All coding topics are allowed except malware related, and cheats/hacking in games. No questions are too silly to ask, and we'll try to help anyone who needs it.
Arctype Community Icon
Programming | Technology
Build web apps and SQL queries using Arctype or just hang out and ask us questions. Other benefits of our server: - SQL tips from our Experts - Memes - Voice Support - Detailed Release Notes - Instant Access to the Latest Arctype Content - Vote on Feature Requests
CodeX Icon
Technology | Programming
This server is built for Bot Developers, Web Developers and Discord Server Designers. Thanks for joining!
?????????????.?? Icon
Education | Crypto
This server is dedicated to coding and hacking! Find people who have your same interest! and maybe learn a bit more yourself! Please come join us, we are still a small but growing community and would appreciate more people to share our knowledge with.
RedpilledCoders Icon
Programming | Technology
For all coders and programmers to join. We teach how to code as well. You must be based and redpilled. Our server is small but growing quickly.
Learn HTML Icon
Support | Technology
You can Learn HTML, css and other languages by asking us questions, everyone can share their project and help to people!
Dialect Icon
Programming | Technology
Whether you're a beginner who needs programming help or a developer who's stuck on a bug, the Dialect Discord server provides you with access to various experienced helpers who are willing to join you in a video call to help you solve any JavaScript or React problem you have with your code! For more information, check out the following website: https://dialect.so
BotShop Icon
Technology | Community
We provide custom Discord Bot solutions for your servers! Use our free public bot or request a fully custom Bot built from the ground-up exactly how you want. In our server you can test our public bot, talk to others, or consult an admin to ask for a custom bot. We even have an announcement page, auto-greet messages and an examples section where you may view pre-existing code examples to see exactly what our bots are capable of! Join today and get your custom Discord Bots!
Bem-vindos ( 🚶┃welcome ) ao Servidor! Para evitar sanções, por favor, siga os Termos do Discord e as seguintes regras: 1 - Mantenha um ambiente seguro no servidor, sem conteúdos com flood, spam, textos indesejados, discriminação (racial ou outra), partilha de dados pessoais, conteúdo Nsfw (+18), ameaças, entre outros; 2 - Não é permitido fazer autopromoção (divulgação) de servidores ou redes sociais; 3 - Não é permitido anunciar produtos ou comercializar no interior do servidor; 4 - É importante que mantenha o respeito com os membros do servidor (sem ofensas, perturbações, entre outros). 5 - Não é possível incluir e especificar tudo, pois existem infinitas situações, por isso mantenha-se controlado(a) no interior do servidor para evitar sanções!
Asalos Icon
Technology | Support
Sizin için hazırlanmış kodlara erişebilir, dilerseniz bot ekleme kanalımızdan botlarınızı sisteme ekleyebilirsiniz.