Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
World of Tanks platoons EU Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to an unofficial Discord server for World of Tanks platooning and teamplay on the EU server (PC only).
Aguiãs de Prata WOT Icon
Gaming | Community
(Servidor ainda esta em desenvolvimento) Servidor feito de fan para fan. Este é um servidor do jogo World Of Tanks.
Quality Playing (QP/КП) Icon
Gaming | Community
Молодой, активно развивающийся, лампово-игровой сервер, от опытного Администратора (около 5-ти лет в Discord/около 10 лет в TeamSpeak+ReidCall). Заходите, мы только начинаем свой путь, и надеемся на ваше понимание и содействие. Скоро откроем набор на Модераторов, а так-же открыта книга предложений,
Gaming | Community
Welcome to QD's WOT GAMERS, server for all tankers! QD's WOT GAMERS is a community, where we talk about tanks of all countries, Strategy, Tips & Tricks, Platoon Battles, Clan Battles, Make Friends and Play Together. We offer you: · Active moderation team · Interesting Game Tips & Tricks · World Of Tanks Only Players · Find a Platoon Squad or Clan Fights Squad · Make new Friends and Play Together! · Overall friendly community Join us if you like to Play With Tanks, our community needs you!
-5 kill's Gaming™ Icon
Gaming | eSports
Русскоязычное сообщество игроков в Dota 2, CS:GO, World Of Tanks, DayZ, и многих других игр. Хорошая атмосфера и приятные люди. Присоединяйтесь!
Stronk_Family Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Este es un server una pequeña comunidad de world of tanks y de league of legend, no permitimos la toxicidad venimos a pasarlo bien. Contamos con varios streamers en el, Stronk_Maxi y Sar_Luk entre ellos, Esperamos que os animeis a pasaros para disfrutar de una comunidad sana de videojuegos
Middle Aged Gamers Icon
Gaming | Mature
Check discord for latest information. Number 1 Dayz Community 2023/24 DayZ Official MiddleAgedGamers |PVE|10k Start|BBP|Trader|Drugs|Helis|Crafting-WorkBench **** Updated DayZ Official MiddleAgedGamers Vanilla (No rules, just don't be Toxic) ~~
Alliance Icon
Gaming | Community
Game RU server for finding teams. We play CS: GO, Grand Theft Auto, Overwatch. Red Dead Redemption, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Arma and more.. Useful information, communication and much more! Come on in! Let's get together and have fun.
The Wheel That Weaves Icon
The Wheel That Weaves: The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. In the Third Age, an Age of Prophecy, the World and Time themselves hang in the balance. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow. It is the year 998 NE, several weeks before the annual celebration of Bel Tine, a festival that celebrates the arrival of spring in the Westlands. A group of Aes Sedai of the White Tower in Tar Valon hunt for the False Dragon, Logain Ablar, while further North the quaint village of Emond's Field prepares for the upcoming fete. As for what comes next, well, that is up to you but know this: the decisions that you make can and will affect the world for years to come. The Dark One is rising. Hello and Welcome! We are a Wheel of Time RP server newly created as of April, 2022. Our story takes place during the year 998 NE, sever
Wot Blitz Brasil Icon
Gaming | Military
Servidor dedicado a jogadores de Wot Blitz que procuram colegas para pelotão e torneios. Aqui também divulgamos noticias e comunicados do nosso grupo do Facebook que é o maior grupo de Wot Blitz do Brasil.
Vennerennee{Wot} Icon
Gaming | Community
We need new players to World Of Tanks so join discord. Hello we are a fresh startet clan - we are seeking new players - Minimum Rules: You have to be atleast 15 years or older. We do not tolerate anyform of Toxic behavior 15+
GamesBeyondHistory Icon
Gaming | Military
Salut ! Si tu aimes... - Les chars - L'histoire - World Of Tanks, Enlisted, World of Warships ...tu est au bon endroit ! Vient avec nous rejouer des batailles de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale à aujourd'hui !
e-Chat Lounge Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Active community with over 100,000 members for anyone looking to make friends and hang out! We host regular events, podcasts and giveaways!
e-Chat Lounge Discord Server Banner
e-Chat Lounge Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Active community with over 100,000 members for anyone looking to make friends and hang out! We host regular events, podcasts and giveaways!
Wargaming Lounge Icon
Gaming | Community
A small fan-made Wargaming server where players can join, talk, and post about the matches they played.
Games Beyond History Icon
Gaming | Military
Salut ! Tu aime : - L'Histoire ? - World of Tanks, War Thunder, Enlisted ou World of Warships ? - Les chars, bateaux, avions, etc... Si la réponse à l'une de ces questions est "Oui", alors nous nous ferons un plaisir de t'accueillir parmi nous !
Gaming | Community
🚀 Добро пожаловать на наш сервер по Hearts of Iron IV (HOI4)! Здесь вас ждут уникальные партии, разнообразные моды, обучающие партии и дружеское общение. Участвуйте в турнирах, обсуждайте стратегии и становитесь частью активного сообщества. Присоединяйтесь и измените ход истории вместе с нами!
HoKx World of Tanks Community Icon
Gaming | Community official World of Tanks community server. Contains loads of free World of Tanks related news & information and remember this is a community server for everyone, ask questions, share your battle-results, immortalize your best WoT replay games, participate in our free 2.500 gold event, bonus codes, check varoius tank & player stats and much more.
World of Tanks - Atlas Clan Icon
Gaming | Military
Bine ati venit in comunitatea World of Tanks - ATLAS Clan! Va asteptam cu drag sa participati alaturi de noi la luptele dintre clanuri! Suntem o comunitate activa, cu admini activi unde impartasim toti pasiunea pentru acelas joc!
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 🅴🆂 Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Este servidor es una comunidad reciente de World of Tanks, la cual quiere reunir a jugadores diversos para que puedan jugar unos con otros, además de que la propia comunidad tiene un "Clan" actualmente inactivo pendiente de ser reactivado "SACRAMENTUM IMPERIUM" el cual será reactivado nuevamente en breves.