TGC Icon
Bot | YouTuber
Welcome to the ultimate all-in-one Discord bot, simple and free! YouTube & Twitch Notifications, Ticket System, Giveaway, Suggestions, Leveling & Leaderboards, Anti-Spam Protection, Auto Roles, Welcome/Leave Messages, Member Counter e.t.c
TGC Discord Server Banner
TGC Icon
Bot | YouTuber
Welcome to the ultimate all-in-one Discord bot, simple and free! YouTube & Twitch Notifications, Ticket System, Giveaway, Suggestions, Leveling & Leaderboards, Anti-Spam Protection, Auto Roles, Welcome/Leave Messages, Member Counter e.t.c
SpeakerBot Icon
Bot | Entertainment
I am a robot created for the most shy people who may not have to talk to them make the robot speak for them, cool isn't it? I had nothing to do and I had this idea I thought it occurred to me to create this bot, funny and ignorant I admit! I have to get it working is very simple: First step connect in voice channel and type in text channel! Enter to make me enter the channel where you are connected. Second step type !s followed with what you want the bot to say and I will speak for you !! Example "!s Hi man" the bot will speak saying what you typed ie now "HI MAN". and now it's time to make him say what you want enjoy !! For any problem please contact me @Lo_spe#4373