Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Empires&Puzzles CZ/SK hub Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Místo pro české a slovenské hráče Empires & Puzzles - usnadnění náboru a všelijaký pokec, když chat ve hře nestačí. Also has a channel for visitors from other countries that don't have their own in-game language room.
Defenders' Paradise Icon
Gaming | Community
Marvel Strike Force server for Defenders' Paradise Chat with alliance members and friends of the alliance about MSF. Useful bots, friendly mates, and helpful chat.
Alliance Anomora Icon
Gaming | Anime
Alliance de Guilde du Serveur Anomora réservé aux francophones. Ce serveur est orienté pour l'utilisation du serveur Discord en vocal actif.
Team Seas PMF Icon
Gaming | Art
We’re an alliance in the North American Minimap. Our primary goal is to expand the sea until it envelops all of the known mini-world. Other goals are preserving peace and, in general, keeping the map tidy. CURRENT MEMBERS: -Italy -Poland -Purple -Jerusalem
Call of War Icon
Gaming | eSports
This is the official Call of War Discord Server. Make sure to join the in-game alliance
Gaming | Community
Присоединяйтесь к серверу самого сильного русскоязычного альянса, чтобы получать помощь от опытных и взрослых игроков, найти клан, а также новых друзей и товарищей. Платформа PC. Join the server of the strongest Russian-speaking alliance to get help from experienced and adult players, find a clan, as well as new friends and comrades. Platform PC.
Lunacia Adventures Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
There were three, Rhuagi, god of protection, Zitune, goddess of magic, and Zarlos, the god of all things involving death. This fantasy world allows you to continue the story. Will you help end the war? Will you be a high up in the knights of a kingdom? The choice is yours.
The Discord Alliance Icon
Community | Growth
The Hub server for The Discord Alliance. The Discord Alliance is a curated community of discord servers that share each other’s links to share their unique offerings with each other.
The Camelot Alliance Icon
YouTuber | Entertainment
The Camelot Alliance is a YouTube advertising and Alliance Server aiming towards growing your YouTube channel.
ClansBot Icon
Bot | Gaming
ClansBot - a bot with a unique economy, many achievements, clans, alliances and development interests! Clan wars and tournaments between textures! Trophy league, daily and monthly rewards, automatic events will rise to the new Discord server! Join alliances and participate in rating battles so that the whole world knows about your profile! Так же поддержка Русского и Украинского языка
RegionZ Group Server Icon
Gaming | Support
RegionZ Servers - Best Game Servers RegionZ Servers,A great Versus left 4 dead 2 game host with great Mods. We will open our Coop Server very soon with your support.
Garfield town Icon
Memes | Gaming
We love Garfield, Garfield Kart and memes. The rules are incredibly lax and no matter how ironically you participate, we're just glad that you're here. In fact, most people in the server dont' actually care about Garfield whatsoever, but slowly start caring about it because of our server!
Worldwide Icon
Community | Anime | Social
⭐ Worldwide Is The Best Community on Discord 💎 With Addicting, Welcoming ❤️ Friendly Environment 💬 Active Chill Chats for Everyone 🌍
Worldwide Discord Server Banner
Worldwide Icon
Community | Anime | Social
⭐ Worldwide Is The Best Community on Discord 💎 With Addicting, Welcoming ❤️ Friendly Environment 💬 Active Chill Chats for Everyone 🌍
FULL CAP☆CITY Alliance Icon
Community | Tournaments
FU!L CAP☆CITY is a Clash of Clans alliance focused on developing a friendly, welcoming community, with organized clan rules & giveaways. With 3 current clans, 2 above level 10 and in gold league, we have high sights set for the future and aim to grow and prosper. Looking for staff, clan leaders, and other clans, Full Capacity Alliance has no bounds or limits in growth.
The Order Alliance Processing Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
The Order is an alliance of guilds from the Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes mobile gaming community. We are focused on helping each guild in the alliance to play the game and make informed decisions to the best of our ability. We hold monthly PVP challenges between our guilds and it's a very healthy growing community of well informed players. Come join today!
Mythic Tea Party Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
<Mythic Tea Party> Recruiting for S4 / War Within - Mythic Plus Mythic Tea Party is a relaxed, mature PVE-focused guild aiming to progress through Mythic Plus content, mount-dropping raids, and other FOMO items each season, as well as participate in limited-time events. We plan to continuously run [Awakening the Dragonflight Raids] achievements (for the Voyaging Wilderling's Harness) and achieve Mythic Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Fyrakk <The Blazing> kills (for the Reins of Anu'relos, Flame's Guidance mount) until all our members get it / or War Within Pre-Patch. Our guild welcomes players who value a respectful and supportive community, whether you're a seasoned veteran or new to World of Warcraft. Don't miss out on any seasonal loot - join us on Discord: Thank you for your time
Deisuke Icon
Community | Social
Este es un nuevo y emocionante servidor de Discord donde la comunidad se une para compartir intereses, hacer amigos y colaborar en proyectos. Aquí encontrarás un ambiente amigable y acogedor, perfecto para gamers, artistas, y todos aquellos que buscan conectar. ✨ ¿Qué nos hace especiales? En Deisuke, creemos en el poder de las alianzas. Fomentamos la colaboración entre miembros y otros servidores, creando oportunidades para eventos conjuntos, actividades y más. ¡Juntos somos más fuertes! 🎮 ¿Qué puedes esperar? Canales de chat para discutir tus temas favoritos. Eventos y torneos donde podrás demostrar tus habilidades. Espacios de colaboración para proyectos creativos. Comunicación abierta y apoyo mutuo. ¡Únete a nosotros y forma parte de esta aventura! En Deisuke, cada voz cuenta y cada alianza es una nueva oportunidad. 🚀
Continent of timmy Icon
Bot | Science
ENG: this is just a server with contitnent BR: esse é apenas um servidor com continentes ENG: this is just a server with contitnent BR: esse é apenas um servidor com continentes