Wall Street Bible LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto | Business
We are Wall St. Bible LLC, we have over 60k+ members, an LLC with the state of California so we are a registered business. WE PROVIDE OPTIONS AND STOCKS SIGNALS TO ALL OUR MEMBERS. Swing trades, day trades, and penny stock picks. Results speak for themselves, let's get this money! God is good!
Wall Street Bible LLC Discord Server Banner
Wall Street Bible LLC Discord Server Banner
Wall Street Bible LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto | Business
We are Wall St. Bible LLC, we have over 60k+ members, an LLC with the state of California so we are a registered business. WE PROVIDE OPTIONS AND STOCKS SIGNALS TO ALL OUR MEMBERS. Swing trades, day trades, and penny stock picks. Results speak for themselves, let's get this money! God is good!
Academy Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community | Social
Academy Gaming is a relaxed gaming community for games like MW3, Destiny 2, Helldivers 2, Mordhau, CS2, and more! Come join to hang out, meet new people, and play some games. We have game roles for many different games and have monthly giveaways of steam games, Discord Nitro, and other prizes.
CS2 Legends Icon
Gaming | eSports
Go join CS2 Legends if you need a place to team up and play toghter we play Counter-Strike 2. On our discord can you trade you skins and meet new friends you can Olson win Nice giveaways Come Check it out !!!!
CS2 Central Icon
Gaming | Community | Memes
⭐Trade your CSGO Skins with 13.000 other members! ⭐Participate in Weekly Giveaways ⭐Find new teammates ⭐Chat with our Friendly Community ⭐7 Active Staff members ⏩Join now⏪
Counter-Strike: Femboy Icon
Gaming | LGBT
LGBTQIA+-friendly Counter-Strike (CS2) community, whether you're looking for teammates or just people to talk to, come join us :3
CS2 Lietuva Icon
Gaming | eSports
Didžiausia Lietuvoje CS2 žaidžianti bendruomenė! Šis serveris siekia apjungti visus Counter-Strike žaidimo serijų entuziastus, kurie žaidžia, stebi CS2 didžiąją sceną, vykdo pardavimus bei kitaip dalyvauja šioje CS2 ekonomikoje!
Provablyfair.be Icon
Gaming | PC
We are new CS2 related discord server and we will be glad if you join our community and chat with us On server you can find: - many giveaways - Active CS community - You can make easy money by doing quests Don't hesitate and join us!
Peliluola.net Icon
Gaming | eSports
Peliluola on uusi & moderni peliyhteisö suomalaisille Counter-Strike 2 pelaajille. Tavoitteemme on olla se paikka mihin jokainen on aina tervetullut, tarjota pelaajille jotain uutta ja sitä kautta kasvaa yhteisönä. Hostimme jo kolmea CS2 pelipalvelinta ja avasimme palvelimet ensimmäisenä suomessa. Meillä on paljon ideoita rakentaa sekä viedä eteenpäin yhteisöä pelaajien kanssa ja heitä kuunnellen. Hyppää mukaan ja liity meidän Discord palvelimelle!
Counter Strike Community de Icon
Gaming | Community
Du suchst einen Ort, um nach Mitspielern für Counter Strike zu suchen ? Unsere deutschsprachige Community ist der perfekte Ort für jeden Counter-Strike-Spieler, egal ob du Anfänger oder erfahrener Spieler bist. Spieler- und Teamsuche Unser Server bietet die Möglichkeit, schnell nach Mitspielern und Teams zu suchen. Aktivität in Sprachkanälen Treffe dich mit dienen Teamkollegen in unseren JoinToCreate Sprachkanälen, um taktische Absprachen zu treffen und den Sieg zu erringen. Community-Events Wir veranstalten regelmäßig spannende Community-Events, Turniere und Gewinnspiele. Beweise dein Können, deine Fähigkeiten und gewinne coole Preise.
Kqrwa's CS Zone Icon
Gaming | Streaming
freaky cs server fr join rn
Cs2-Trading/market Icon
Tk's Hub | Cs Skins buy/sell and trading. - 1700+ Member Community - Trade Your Cs Items - Cs2 updates in realtime - Active Chat
SkinBounty Icon
Gaming | Financial
Hey are you looking for a place to trade items and get access to a Skinport Bot ? Then join us now ! Here you can find people to trade and buy or test freely our ⭐Python Program⭐ designed to facilitate buying and selling on Skinport 💰. ✔️Free Discord bot ✔️Trading channel ✔️Active Support ✔️Friendly community Join now!
EzinOus Icon
Gaming | eSports
A Filipino Esports Community Organization Our mission is to create a vibrant and inclusive space where EzinOus members can come together to share their passion for gaming. We encourage you to engage with one another, forge new friendships, and collaborate on innovative ideas. Let's build a community that supports each other's growth and success in the esports world.
Heterodox Christian Community Icon
Beliefs | LGBT | Support
Christianity for the Heterodox and the Heretics! We are a haven for those who feel left out by mainstream institutional Christianity. Have you ever been told you’re not a real Christian? Have you ever had your sincerity questioned because you didn’t “believe” the right thing? "Heterodox" means "Different Belief," but it goes beyond that—it's about embracing and celebrating a variety of beliefs. This community is built around love and acceptance of progressive and theologically radical interpretations of Christian doctrine, focusing on the development of spirituality, loving God, and loving others as yourself. We are open to everyone. We welcome: Progressive Christians, people going through deconstruction or reconstruction, Cultural Christians, universalists, unitarians, mystics, Gnostics, heretics, Christopagans, polytheists, spiritualists, esotericists, secular humanists, atheists, skeptics, satanists, other interfaith members and traditional Christians
Heterodox Christian Community Discord Server Banner
Heterodox Christian Community Icon
Beliefs | LGBT | Support
Christianity for the Heterodox and the Heretics! We are a haven for those who feel left out by mainstream institutional Christianity. Have you ever been told you’re not a real Christian? Have you ever had your sincerity questioned because you didn’t “believe” the right thing? "Heterodox" means "Different Belief," but it goes beyond that—it's about embracing and celebrating a variety of beliefs. This community is built around love and acceptance of progressive and theologically radical interpretations of Christian doctrine, focusing on the development of spirituality, loving God, and loving others as yourself. We are open to everyone. We welcome: Progressive Christians, people going through deconstruction or reconstruction, Cultural Christians, universalists, unitarians, mystics, Gnostics, heretics, Christopagans, polytheists, spiritualists, esotericists, secular humanists, atheists, skeptics, satanists, other interfaith members and traditional Christians
Counter Strike 2 Brasil Icon
O mais novo servidor para jogar Counter-Strike 2. Sejam todos bem vindos! Espaço para streamers, youtubers e demais criadores de contéudo. Entre e venha conhecer o nosso servidor. A data de lançamento prevista para Counter-Strike 2 é no inverno de 2023 — ou seja, entre junho e setembro deste ano. Contudo, a Valve ainda não revelou a data exata de estreia do jogo. Vale mencionar que, quando for lançado, Counter-Strike 2 vai substituir Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, disponível desde 201 #discord #counter strike 2 brasil #servidor
Gaming | Investing
This server is dedicated to CS2 skin trading and investments. Join our community and get the latest market insights.
Gaming | eSports
Servidor criado para conectar players brasileiros de CS2, além de criar uma interação in-game e organização de partidas competitivas com salas fechadas.
Counter Strike 2 DE Icon
Gaming | Community
Willkommen auf CS2 - DE! Unser Discord-Server ist der perfekte Ort für Counter Strike 2-Fans. Tritt unserer Community bei und erlebe regelmäßige Turniere, Strategie-Tipps, freundliche Atmosphäre und eine aktive Spielerbasis. Werde Teil unserer familiären Community und verbessere dein Gameplay noch heute!
CS2 Oceania Unofficial Icon
Gaming | eSports
Hey guys just promoting my new unofficial Oceania server for CS2 in preparation for when it hits. The server is already set up with bots and currently has 110 members and counting! Feel free to join and tag along with other fellow Oceanic members. Look forward to seeing you :)
Gaming | Hobbies
Join us to add more fun to the games :))))) join our community for valorant, pubg, rust, csgo2 and more that we will play together :))) <3
Gaming | Social
bacanaklarınızı bulun ve oyun oynayın
Gaming Ranch Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Gaming Discord serveriukas. Žaidžiame viską, bet pagrinde orentuojames į Counter Strike 2. Bendruomenė draugiška, visi laukiami ir priimami.
Nerds Lounge Icon
Community | eSports
Server for nerds what else can i say! , We do game nights on CS2 , We code together we all have fun and classify each other as family not just internet strangers!
CS2.lu Icon
Gaming | eSports
🔫 Are you a Counter-Strike fan? 💥 Do you want to meet other players, improve your skills, or have fun? 💥 Then join the Counter-Strike Discord community! What we offer: Servers for all: Whether you're a competitive player or just looking to have some fun, we have many community servers for you. A friendly and welcoming community: Our members are always happy to play together.
Bird #CS2 Icon
Faz parte de uma comunidade apaixonada pelo Counter-Strike 2! Neste Discord, reunimos jogadores de língua portuguesa para compartilhar experiências, estratégias e, é claro, muita diversão nos nossos servidores de jogo.
🐦 Bird #CS2 Icon
Gaming | eSports
Bem-vindo á Bird, o coração da comunidade portuguesa de Counter-Strike! 🇵🇹 Somos uma comunidade dedicada a trazer mais diversão aos jogadores. Junta-te a nós nesta aventura, e partilha a tua paixão pelo CS2. Vamos juntos tornar o jogo ainda mais divertido! 🎮
The Umbrella Academy Icon
Community | Role-Playing | Social
The Umbrella Academy Discord server - The best place to talk to other fans of the Netflix TV Show "Umbrella Academy"! Join us today for exciting discussions and awesome fan-theories!
The Umbrella Academy Discord Server Banner
The Umbrella Academy Icon
Community | Role-Playing | Social
The Umbrella Academy Discord server - The best place to talk to other fans of the Netflix TV Show "Umbrella Academy"! Join us today for exciting discussions and awesome fan-theories!
BinLaden Icon
Gaming | Social
Sunt încântat să vă adresez acest mesaj plin de căldură și entuziasm. Serverul nostru de Discord nu este doar un loc unde vă puteți bucura de pasiunea voastră comună pentru CS:GO 2, ci și o comunitate vibrantă și prietenoasă unde vă puteți conecta cu alți jucători pasionați și să vă faceți prieteni noi. Aici, nu sunteți doar membri ai unei comunități de jocuri, sunteți parte dintr-o familie care împărtășește aceeași dragoste pentru CS:GO 2. Fie că sunteți jucători experimentați sau începători entuziaști, sunteți bineveniți să vă alăturați și să contribuiți la atmosfera noastră prietenoasă. Ne străduim să oferim un mediu unde pasiunea pentru jocurile CS:GO 2 se îmbină cu spiritul comunității și unde fiecare membru se simte valoros. Împreună, vom crea amintiri de neuitat în timp ce explorăm lumea fascinantă a jocului nostru preferat. Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să vă întâlnim pe serverul nostru și să construim împreună o comunitate puternică și unită. Hai să ne bucurăm împreună de aventuril
Geriatria Icon
Gaming | Community
Nazdar, sme partia zatiaľ ~100 ľudí, ktorí aktívne hrávajú csko, gta, rust, lolko, proste všeličo možné. Pokiaľ náhodou hľadáš nejaký server, kde spoznáš fakt zagemblených ľudí, kľudne sa k nám pridaj :D
CS2 Argentina Icon
Gaming | Memes
¡Hola a todos! Soy Midea, un fanático de los videojuegos y el creador de este servidor de discord. Me gustaría invitarlos a unirse a mi comunidad de jugadores, donde podemos compartir nuestras experiencias, consejos, trucos y diversión con Counter y otros juegos más. En este servidor, encontrarás: Un ambiente amigable y respetuoso (ponele), donde todos son bienvenidos. Canales de voz y texto dedicados a diferentes juegos y temas. Eventos, torneos y partidas amistosas con otros miembros. Un equipo de moderadores atentos y dispuestos a ayudarte. Y mucho más! Si te interesa, solo tienes que hacer clic en este enlace: https://discord.gg/s3AqPx3v . Una vez que entres, por favor lee las reglas y preséntate en el canal #bienvenida. Espero verte pronto en el servidor. ¡Gracias por tu atención!
Cortexiphan Area Icon
Twitch | eSports
WE ARE CORTEXIPHAN TRIALS!!! Cortexiphan Area Official Discord Server. PUBG CS2 RL eSports and more..
Vauhti Icon
Gaming | Community
Vitu hyvä servu :)
Skinsauna.gg Icon
Community | Gaming
Discord palvelin Skinsauna.gg netti sivulle. Olemme intohimoisia pelaajia ja skini-keräilijöitä. Huomasimme että 'pikamyyntisivustot' maksavat kohtuuttoman alhaisia hintoja. Siksi loimme sivuston, joka tarjoaa yksilöllisiä hintoja CS-skineille. Tavoitteenamme on aina tarjota korkeimmat hinnat verrattuna kilpailijoihimme. Tervetuloa discord palvelimelle juttelemaan lisää.
Free CS2 Skins Icon
You can earn free cs skins and steam balance here, no strings attached! from giveaways to referral links to just general methods, there is a way for everyone
Xplay.gg | Español Icon
Gaming | Sports
Entra en la comunidad oficial en habla Hispana de Xplay.gg . Play2Earn, gana skins completando los desafíos diarios. Surf, Deadmatch, Retake, Duelos,2x2, etc..
Dopefish Gaming Icon
Gaming | Just Chatting
Welcome to Dopefish Gaming - Where Every Gamer Belongs! Step into a world of endless excitement and camaraderie at Dopefish Gaming! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, our doors are wide open to all. Join our warm and welcoming community, where friendships are forged and epic gaming moments are made. From heart-pounding battles in Palworld to thrilling heists in GTA5, there's never a dull moment here. With custom features tailored to enhance your gaming experience, Dopefish Gaming is your home away from home. Come on in and join the fun! Join us now at https://discord.gg/dope-fish and let's embark on an unforgettable gaming journey together! ??
Arx HVH Icon
If you are looking for the best and reliable gamesense/skeet configs, this is the right place for you. We offer a very affordable amount of configs with the best settings and visuals!
CSGO Skinovi Icon
Gaming | Business
CSGO Skinovi diskord server. Mesto gde mozete kupiti i prodati svoje CSGO/CS2 Skinove brzo i jednostavno bez brige da ce biti ukradeni. Sa skinovima radimo preko 5 godina i na nasem web sajtu mozete pogledati trenutan inventory i sve skinove koji su za prodaju.
CS2 Skin Voter Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Counter-Strike 2 Skin Voting Bot! Turkish and English ABOUT ME English: Can't decide between the Counter-Strike 2 skins you want to buy? Start a vote with this bot using the /picture-voting command and buy the weapon skin with the highest votes! Turkish: Satın almak istediğiniz Counter-Strike 2 kaplamaları arasında karar veremiyor musunuz? Bu bot ile /resimli-oylama komutunu kullanarak bir oylama başlatın ve en yüksek oyu alan silah kaplamasını satın alın! Website: https://oxideonly.xyz/ Support Server: https://discord.gg/f2G4QgmHEq
e-Chat Lounge Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Active community with over 100,000 members for anyone looking to make friends and hang out! We host regular events, podcasts and giveaways!
e-Chat Lounge Discord Server Banner
e-Chat Lounge Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Active community with over 100,000 members for anyone looking to make friends and hang out! We host regular events, podcasts and giveaways!
MorrisK Icon
eSports | Business
If you are a man or a girl, you are a man or a girl. If you are a man or a girl, you are a man or a girl.
Lida Icon
Community | Gaming
Düzenli olarak etkinlikler ve samimi ortam yaratmya çalıştığımız Lida discord sunucumuza herkesi bekliyoruz. Her gün League of Legends, Valorant ve Cs2 5v5 etkinliklerimiz bulunmakta.
fagio.cloud Icon
Support | Gaming
New CS 2 modification: - Undetected - Screen recording bypass - User friendly - Seamless integration - Enhanced performance
Gaming | Entertainment
In my discord server you will get all popular games update and you can play games in my server.It will be bery much fun...
[TR] - ASALET | Pro Public Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
[TR] - ASALET | PRO PUBLIC" adı altında şan ve şöhret peşinde koşmadan yolumuza devam ediyoruz. Amacımız sıralamaya girmek değil, aynı kafa yapısına sahip olan insanları bir araya getirerek birlikte eğlenmemizdir. Sunucumuzda TOP10 Sıralamasında İlk 3 Oyuncuya Ödül Veriyoruz. Steam Cüzdan Hediyeleri + Fabrika Çıkışlı Silah Skinleri UZMAN ADMİN KADROMUZLA SİZ DEĞERLİ OYUNCULARI BEKLİYORUZ.
CS:2 Türkiye Icon
Gaming | Tabletop
**Merhaba,** **Yeni Açılan CS:2 Türkiye Sunucumuza Gelmeye Ne Dersin?** **Yetkili Alımları Aktiftir..** https://discord.gg/qvDKVyj7dS
CS France Icon
Gaming | Community
Discord communautaire basé sur le jeux CS2, vous pouvez retrouver ici des milliers de français pour jouer!
CS:GO Türkiye Icon
Gaming | Community
CS:GO Türkiye Oyuncu Topluluğu. Resmi sunucularda Türk takım arkadaşları bulma platformu. CS2 Türkiye!
Rakija CS2 Icon
Gaming | Community
Balkan CS2 Public Server [online since January 2024], has skins (!ws), knife, gloves and agents skins Server ima skinove i VIP. IP: cs2.rakija.info:27015 Alternativno: connect cs2.rakija.info u konzolu! Pridružite se našem Discord serveru za sve informacije i nadolazeće nagradne igre! [Join our Discord server for all informations and incoming giveaways!] Pucamo se :)
Counter-Strike 2 Türkiye Icon
Gaming | Community
Community Server for CS2. You can find players to play together or just have some talk! Either CS:GO or CS2.
CS2 Crusaders Icon
Gaming | eSports
Salut! CS2 Crusaders este un server de Discord dedicat jocurilor Counter Strike Global Offensive și Counter Strike 2. Serverul este localizat în România și este destinat doar jucătorilor din România. Dacă ești pasionat de jocurile Counter Strike și vrei să te alături unei comunități active și prietenoase, atunci acest server este locul potrivit pentru tine! Hi! CS2 Crusaders is a Discord server dedicated to Counter Strike Global Offensive and Counter Strike 2 games. The server is located in Romania and is intended only for players from Romania. If you are passionate about Counter Strike games and want to join an active and friendly community, then this server is the right place for you!
Zé Hub Icon
Gaming | Social
Gostaria de apresentar a vocês um servidor onde pode fazer amizades e jogar a vontade com grupos de amigos. O server Zé Hub foi feito pra você que gosta de montar um time pra jogar em call os jogos que você mais gosta. Aqui temos: 🎲 Xp de chat pra subir de cargo a medida que fica ativo no servidor. 🎮 Canais de voz obviamente não poderiam faltar pra poder montar aquele time que você tanto deseja! 🤖 Bots pra musica , roleplay e outras utilidades a seu dispor. 🎨 Chat exclusivo pra troca de cores, você pode mudar a cor do seu nickname a hora que desejar! 💬 Chat geral pra você conversar com todos. Não tenha vergonha , sempre recebemos muito bem os novos membros! ♦️ Chat de sugestões onde você tem total liberdade de expressar suas ideias para ajudar o servidor a ficar mais agradável ao publico. 🕹️ E claro... também temos o nosso chat de free games onde sempre notifica no chat quando um jogo está disponível gratuitamente nas lojas da steam , epic games e mais.
Bunko Bunko: Light Novel Club Icon
Anime | Manga | Writing
Discuss your favorite LNs ⭐️ MANGA ⭐️ VNs ⭐️ ANIME ⭐️ GAMES and more with a friendly community of fellow readers. ✍️ Writing your own novel? Share and get feedback from others! 👯‍♀️We’ve also got Mudae & Cosplay channels for our cultured friends! ❤️
Bunko Bunko: Light Novel Club Discord Server Banner
Bunko Bunko: Light Novel Club Icon
Anime | Manga | Writing
Discuss your favorite LNs ⭐️ MANGA ⭐️ VNs ⭐️ ANIME ⭐️ GAMES and more with a friendly community of fellow readers. ✍️ Writing your own novel? Share and get feedback from others! 👯‍♀️We’ve also got Mudae & Cosplay channels for our cultured friends! ❤️
CS:GO Polska Icon
Gaming | Community
Co oferujemy?: ➢Prywatne Music Boty (mozesz też dodac ten na swoj server) ➢Kanały Faceit, Matchmaking I Wingman ➢Kanał z nowościami w CS:GO ➢Profil Checker ➢Partnerstwa z innymi serverami ➢Marketplace
CS2 Türkiye Discord Icon
Community | Gaming
CS2 Türkiye Oyuncu Topluluğu. Resmi sunucularda Türk takım arkadaşları bulma platformu.
Community | Gaming
Bu sunucuda CS:GO, CS:2 ve VALORANT gibi oyunlar için arkadaş bulabilir ve birlikte eğlenceli vakit geçirebilirsin.
Counter-Strike OCE Icon
Gaming | eSports
An LFG and info discord for Counter-Strike in the OCE/Aus region. If you are looking for someone to play with or just keeping up with the CS world - join the discord!
𝗦𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗽𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗟𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗼𝗻 Icon
Gaming | Community
✩ 𝗦𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗽𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗟𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗼𝗻 ✩ 𝗦𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘇𝗮 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝘇𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗲 𝗶 𝘇𝗮 𝗶𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗷𝗲 𝗶𝗴𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮 𝗡𝗮 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘂 𝘀𝗲 𝗶𝗴𝗿𝗮 𝗻𝗮𝗷𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝗖𝗦𝟮 𝗡𝗮 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘂 𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗱𝗿𝘇𝗮𝘃𝗮 𝗽𝗼𝘃𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗼 𝗳𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗰𝘂𝗽 𝗡𝗮 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘂 𝗶𝗺𝗮 𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗶,𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗶 𝘇𝗮 𝗖𝗦𝟮, 𝗿𝗲𝗸𝗹𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗷𝗲, 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽,𝗶𝗴𝗿𝗲 𝗻𝗮 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘂, 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗹𝗷𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗯𝗲 𝗶 𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗷𝗲 𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗯𝗲, 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗷𝗲𝘃𝗶, 𝗰𝘀𝗴𝗼-𝗰𝘀𝟮 𝗴𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗨𝗱𝗷𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗶 𝘇𝗮𝗯𝗮𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝘀𝗲 𝘂 𝗴𝗲𝗷𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘂 𝘀𝗮 𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗺 𝗶𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗺𝗮 https://discord.gg/hcbMShPYJ8
ᴄᴛᴩᴀнᴀ чудᴇᴄ Icon
Gaming | Community
Сервер предназначен для поиска людей, с которыми можно играть и общаться. Конечно, вы можете пригласить сюда всех своих друзей. Чем больше нас здесь, тем легче будет найти партнеров по сотрудничеству и тем интереснее будет всем нам здесь, в
CS2 TradeEmpire Icon
Gaming | Community
Join current free live giveaway! ✔Giveaways✔ - ✔Price Check Bot✔ - ✔Active Staff✔ - ✔Ranks✔ - ✔Trading Channels✔ - ✔Scam Report System✔ - ✔Safe Trading Place✔
CSDEUTSCH | CS 2 - Deutsch Icon
Gaming | Community
Willkommen auf unserem CS Discord-Server! Wir freuen uns, dich in unserer lebendigen Community von Counter-Strike-Spielern begrüßen zu dürfen. Bei uns kannst du nicht nur CS spielen, sondern auch Strategien mit anderen teilen, Teammitglieder finden und dich mit einer freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Community austauschen. Unser Discord-Server bietet dir eine Vielzahl von Kanälen und Funktionen, um das Beste aus deinem CS-Erlebnis herauszuholen. Du kannst dich in Diskussionen über Taktiken und Spielmechaniken vertiefen, Tipps und Tricks von erfahrenen Spielern erhalten und dich über die neuesten Turniere und Events auf dem Laufenden halten. Wir freuen uns darauf, dich willkommen zu heißen und gemeinsam das volle Potenzial von Counter-Strike auszuschöpfen! Egal, ob du ein erfahrener Spieler bist, der seine Fähigkeiten verbessern möchte, oder ein Neuling, der nach einem unterstützenden Umfeld sucht, hier findest du die richtige Unterstützung.
PrismaMarket - Trade CS2 Skins Icon
Community | Gaming
Trade, Sell and Buy new CS2 Skins on PrismaMarket. With a welcoming community like ours you’ll find always new skins to trade. Just join our Discord server and find your next Skin!
Community Server By Philxx Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Lets Build a Community and have fun together Lasst uns eine Community bilden und Spaß zusMmen haben
Psycho'S Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
• Takılıyoruz gençler ;) aramıza hoş geldiniz. • Discord sunucumuza katılmayı unutma. • Arkadaşlarınızı davet ederek bizlere destek verebilirsiniz.
IRS Community Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
The IRS Community is a fun group of individuals that made this server for one purpose. To have fun with your friends. Here you can come to play any game you’d like with your buddy’s while also engaging in fun community giveaways and game nights/ movie nights etc etc. IRS Community was founded in 2022 and has been active ever since. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TheIRSCommunity