Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Counter-Strike: Femboy Icon
Gaming | LGBT
LGBTQIA+-friendly Counter-Strike (CS2) community, whether you're looking for teammates or just people to talk to, come join us :3
Dexost Icon
Gaming | Community
Salut la populas', bienvenue sur le serveur de la communauté DXT. Vous pourrez y retrouver des joueurs de tout jeux et styles de jeux confondus venant de toutes plateformes (PC-PS4-XBOX-SWITCH-...) mais également des YouTubeurs / Streameurs (vous serez prévenues a chaque début de live et sorties de nouvelle vidéos dans un salon dédiée). N'hésitez surtout pas à rejoindre, personne ne mord !. Enjoy :v:
??????? ?????? ???? Icon
Gaming | Community
Offizieller FCKRSSN GAMING CLAN Discord-Server. Bock auf cs mit fähigen mates? Dann bist du bei uns richtig.
卐-☯-卍 Icon
Anime | Gaming
Servidor sobre o meu canal no Youtube, destinado a interagir com Amigos/Inscritos ❤
CUZUS.NET - Game Servers Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Ретро сервера популярных онлайн игр - Killing Floor, Lineage 2, Grand Theft Auto, Counter Strike, Half-Life. | Retro servers of popular online games - Killing Floor, Lineage 2, Grand Theft Auto, Counter Strike, Half-Life.
RedStar Gaming Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Counter Strike 1.6 Sunucumuzun Discord Adresidir.
Loading... | CS:GO Icon
Gaming | eSports
A new started Counter-Strike Global Offensive team discord made by meqats, we would love to see you here in our discord!!!
Gaming | Community
*Мы — свежий Проект профессиональных игровых серверов CS:GO. Стабильная работа 24/7, опытная команда, отсутствие донат-прив.. Приятной игры!
CS 1.6 Jailbreak Türk - DaViDoFF Icon
Gaming | Community
cs 1.6 jailbreak türkiye sunucusu, davidoff gaming jailbreak. farklılık severlere
CS:GO France Icon
Community | eSports
●▬▬▬▬▬•⬦𝐂𝐒:𝐆𝐎 𝐅𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄⬦•▬▬▬▬▬● 🔥 • Pour les joueurs ou passionné de CSGO ! 🔥 • Rencontre des personnes et joue avec eux ! 🔥 • Discussion / Joue / Trade et bien d'autres ! ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● CS:GO, l'un des plus grands FPS au monde, a désormais son propre serveur Discord francophone ! Chaque jour, des centaines de joueurs se rassemblent en vocal pour des parties en Wingman ou en Compétitif. Notre serveur est sécurisé pour prévenir les arnaques, et chaque membre peut choisir son rang. Profite également de nos salons exclusifs, notamment le salon de trade pour échanger tes skins. Rejoins-nous, soldat, nous t'attendons !
GrindGames_EU Icon
Gaming | Streaming
GrindGames_EU ist ein Community-Projekt, welches 2023 ins Leben gerufen wird. Trefft neue Spieler in Spielen wie World of Warcraft, CounterStrike2, Valorant, Overwatch oder Fortnite, uvm. Wir laden dich ein ein Teil unserer Community zu werden, erlebe selbst wie wir wachsen werden und werde ein Teil unserer Familie. Es erwarten dich unteranderem viele Projekte welche letzten Endes auch dein Spielerlebnis bereichern werden!
Gaming | Memes
um server br pra você conhecer pessoas novas e se encontra com os amigos c: (nota: ele e novo) porfavor respeite os ammiguinhos (respeito e bom e todo mundo gosta c: ) e sem NSFW (BAN NA HORA) !! E ACIMA DE TUDO SE DIVIRTA!!
Camp Nostalgia Icon
Community | Tabletop | Social
⛺25 & Older Server⛺ Summon the chill-vibes of an endless summer, and step onto the old tie-dye painted bus with “Camp Nostalgia” stenciled in black along the side. Inside the bus, its domed ceiling is plastered with stickers from a 50¢ vending machine. The sticky air smells like zebra-stripe gum and Coppertone 50. Through the radio’s gentle static, The Verve’s Bittersweet Symphony plays just below the din of excited voices. Take empty window seat and gaze out at the passing pines, as the trees grow denser. Someone is handing around a warm, squished bag of gummy worms. Your only cares in the world are if you packed enough AA batteries for your Gameboy Color, and if the Pokémon deck tucked in your JanSport will carry you to victory. We eagerly await your arrival… -The Camp Staff ???⛺??? Join mature, fun, and relatable online conversations about anything and everything. ➸General Chatter ➸Deep Thoughts ➸Shared Fandoms ➸Books & Podcasts ➸D&D ➸Anime ➸Game-talk
Camp Nostalgia Discord Server Banner
Camp Nostalgia Icon
Community | Tabletop | Social
⛺25 & Older Server⛺ Summon the chill-vibes of an endless summer, and step onto the old tie-dye painted bus with “Camp Nostalgia” stenciled in black along the side. Inside the bus, its domed ceiling is plastered with stickers from a 50¢ vending machine. The sticky air smells like zebra-stripe gum and Coppertone 50. Through the radio’s gentle static, The Verve’s Bittersweet Symphony plays just below the din of excited voices. Take empty window seat and gaze out at the passing pines, as the trees grow denser. Someone is handing around a warm, squished bag of gummy worms. Your only cares in the world are if you packed enough AA batteries for your Gameboy Color, and if the Pokémon deck tucked in your JanSport will carry you to victory. We eagerly await your arrival… -The Camp Staff ???⛺??? Join mature, fun, and relatable online conversations about anything and everything. ➸General Chatter ➸Deep Thoughts ➸Shared Fandoms ➸Books & Podcasts ➸D&D ➸Anime ➸Game-talk Icon
Gaming | eSports
🔫 Are you a Counter-Strike fan? 💥 Do you want to meet other players, improve your skills, or have fun? 💥 Then join the Counter-Strike Discord community! What we offer: Servers for all: Whether you're a competitive player or just looking to have some fun, we have many community servers for you. A friendly and welcoming community: Our members are always happy to play together.
RO 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘦 2 Icon
Gaming | Community
Este un server de discord abia creat unde vreau sa fim o comunitate mare pentru a ne juca toti si pentru a face turnee amuzante
Eforienet Gaming Community Icon
Gaming | Community
Eforienet Gaming Community este o comunitate de gaming fondată în 2003, cu o lungă tradiție în susținerea pasionaților de jocuri. După o pauză extinsă, ne-am redeschis recent și suntem pregătiți să oferim din nou un mediu dedicat jucătorilor de toate nivelurile. Serverul nostru de Discord oferă o atmosferă prietenoasă, competiții, evenimente și discuții active pe tema jocurilor. Indiferent dacă ești un gamer casual sau competitiv, te invităm să ni te alături și să faci parte dintr-o comunitate cu o istorie remarcabilă în gaming!
Gaming | Trading
danish counter strike all ages if u need someone to play with this is the place mostly danish (or scandanavia)
CS2-FIN Icon
Gaming | eSports
Suomalainen cs2 yhteisö, pelikavereidenhakuun, private pelien pelaamiseen. Jakakaa linkki kavereillenne!
Birtija “21” Icon
Community | Gaming
Dobrodošli na zvaničnu zajednicu Birtije “21”.U ovom serveru možete komunicirati sa ostalim obožavateljima cs1.6,tf2 ili bilo kojig igrica.Možete preuzeti dodatke za te igrice poput skinova ili pakova.Ukoliko imate youtube kanal,možete se reklamirati i poslati vaše videe ostalima.Uživajte!
The Multiverse Icon
Gaming | Streaming
The Multiverse is an international community of gamers and streamers who value integrity, consistency and friendships made online. Our focus games in 2019 are CS:GO, Fortnite and Overwatch! We also have an active Stream Team, which is currently taking applications, if you're interested, use !streamteam in #bot-commands to get started!
S2D Icon
Anime | Gaming
Servidor para socializar, conversar sobre anime e diversos chats de jogos
TeamSteveMcGill Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Group of People that just like to talk and play games. Come relax after work or long day with the kids. Engage in conversations and debate ideas. BUT most of all Have FUN! TsM (TeamSteveMcGill) is a gaming community since the days of Counter-Strike 1.6. Most of it is ran by 30yrs+ individuals and a family like group for years now. Always looking to expand that family
Pyramid Team E-sports Icon
Gaming | eSports
Olá Galera Tudo bem com vocês ? Nós somos a Pyramid Team Esports uma empresa focada no desenvolvimento de players para campeonatos competitivos de diversos jogos. Convidamos você a participarem do servidor, sua presença sera de grande ajuda para nós. Em breve: -Peneiras para times com coach participarem dos campeonatos -Sistema de apostas -Doações -Eventos Beneficentes
Milkyx - MLKYX Icon
Streaming | Gaming
MilkyX - MLKYX
Ehren-Gaming Icon
Gaming | eSports
Very epic!
The Color Palette Icon
Art | Community
We are a community art server, but being an artist is not a requirement to join! We have a growing community and many friendly artists for you to interact with!
The Color Palette Discord Server Banner
The Color Palette Icon
Art | Community
We are a community art server, but being an artist is not a requirement to join! We have a growing community and many friendly artists for you to interact with!
Akashi & Sukui - Valorant Fr Icon
Gaming | eSports
Le discord officiel de la page facebook "Valorant Fr" ainsi que la plus grosse communauté Francophone du jeu ! N'hésitez pas à rejoindre l’aventure !
NOXsports Icon
eSports | Gaming
Der offizielle Discord von NOXsports.
DragonGT & Streamer Bande Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Hier wird es Wild, Wir sind 9 Twitch Streamer und deren Communitys es sind ca 150 Mitglieder auf Dem Discord dieser wurde vor 2 Wochen erstellt hier könnt ihr mit uns oder euren Freunden Zusammne Spielen und spaß haben
? PULZ69 ? Icon
Gaming | Social
On this server you can create your own channel with your friends and join all the games without anyone bothering you. With CustomChannels you open up a new world with lasting fun. Our server offers many options and possibilities. The server is owned and managed by German. But we wish everyone a lot of fun and joy on our server !! Greetings from the PLU69 team
Server de discord de Counter-Strike Global Offensive al comunitatii RoKings! Intra si alatura-te comunitatii!
DisGo Case Openings Icon
Gaming | Community
A discord server hosting the case simulator DisGo. A csgo case opening simulator for Discord. Virtual currency offered free daily for all our members.
eSport-Init Icon
Community | Gaming
Joint der eSport-Init mehr als nur Community, Gaming, Liga, News oder Updates
Soulditch area Icon
Gaming | Social
We are gamers, just like you! We love to play in a team, share tactics. But if we are tired we might play a single-player game. We love shooters, we love tactics, we love survival, we are all friends in this group. Let's hang out together and dominate the world of shooter games. We play new generation games but also old generation games, Early releases, beta, alpha, and many more. On our server, you can expect new players but also experienced players from Europe who would love to play as a team with you. We don't like toxic, griefing behavior in our server we enjoy gaming and would love to guide you in our way of gaming life. Be a part of our community and let head to the next area of gaming.
CSGO Game Arena Icon
Gaming | Community
An awesome and rapidly growing toxic-free CSGO community aimed at getting people together to play, have fun and interact with each other.
CS:GO Israel Icon
Gaming | Community
שרת דיסקורד לקהילה הישראלית הכללית של CS:GO. מטרת השרת היא איזור התאספות להתחלת משחק קומפ, ווינגמן או משחק בשרתי קהילות על אייפי.
Counter-Strike 2 Türkiye Icon
Gaming | Community
Community Server for CS2. You can find players to play together or just have some talk! Either CS:GO or CS2.
Techline Icon
Gaming | eSports
So why not join us today and become part of our vibrant community of Counter-Strike 1.6 players? With our dedicated server, custom addons and plugins, and active Discord community, you'll have everything you need to take your gaming to the next level.
ChillZone Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
ChillZone is a very addicting, super active, chatting server with over 500,000 members. We have constantly active text chats & voice chats, a custom bot, gangs, gambling, and lots more!
ChillZone Discord Server Banner
ChillZone Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
ChillZone is a very addicting, super active, chatting server with over 500,000 members. We have constantly active text chats & voice chats, a custom bot, gangs, gambling, and lots more!
CS2 Crusaders Icon
Gaming | eSports
Salut! CS2 Crusaders este un server de Discord dedicat jocurilor Counter Strike Global Offensive și Counter Strike 2. Serverul este localizat în România și este destinat doar jucătorilor din România. Dacă ești pasionat de jocurile Counter Strike și vrei să te alături unei comunități active și prietenoase, atunci acest server este locul potrivit pentru tine! Hi! CS2 Crusaders is a Discord server dedicated to Counter Strike Global Offensive and Counter Strike 2 games. The server is located in Romania and is intended only for players from Romania. If you are passionate about Counter Strike games and want to join an active and friendly community, then this server is the right place for you!
CSW[BR] Icon
Gaming | Community
Counter Strike Warzone Brasil é um grupo voltado para jogadores que buscam partidas justas e equilibradas em jogos competitivos online. O grupo se dedica a promover uma comunidade saudável e amigável, onde os membros podem encontrar outros jogadores com habilidades semelhantes e formar equipes para competir em jogos como CS:GO. Além de fornecer um espaço para encontrar jogadores para partidas, o grupo também oferece dicas e conselhos para melhorar as habilidades dos jogadores, bem como discute estratégias de jogo e táticas de equipe. Os membros podem participar de eventos regulares, como torneios e partidas personalizadas, e se conectar com outros jogadores através do fórum e em nosso Discord. DISCORD: Icon
Gaming | eSports
LFG / Team Finder: Fortnite VALORANT CS:GO Apex Legends Rocket League We help you find teammates, avoid toxicity, and never play solo again!
CS:GO Gentel trading Icon
Welcome to CS:GO Gentel Trading! 🎮💼 Step into a world of sophisticated trading in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO). Our Discord server, CS:GO Gentel Trading, is the perfect place for discerning traders to connect, exchange valuable items, and foster a community built on trust and respect. 🌍 Global Trading Community: Join a diverse and international community of traders who share your passion for CSGO. Engage in discussions, seek advice, and collaborate with traders from all corners of the globe. Expand your network and uncover new opportunities. 💼 Dedicated Trading Channels: Dive into our dedicated trading channels, meticulously organized to facilitate smooth and efficient trades. Whether you're looking to buy, sell, or trade specific items, you'll find the perfect environment to connect with like-minded individuals. We look forward to welcoming you to our esteemed trading community at CS:GO Gentel Trading! 🎩💪
Yogas World| Deutsch ・ German Icon
Community | Gaming
» Wir sind nicht offizieller Discord Partner, bieten Gaming spezifische Channel an um dich mit anderen auszutauschen. » Unsere Moderatoren achten stetig auf ein angenehmes Klima im Chat — ohne Toxizität und mit ganz viel Spaß! Überzeuge dich gerne selbst! Was wir zu bieten haben: ╭🌎୧ angenehme, entspannte und nicht toxische Community ┊🔫୧ Themen Kanäle wie Gaming, Filme & Serien, uvm. ┊👑୧ Level-System, mehrere Bots und wunderschöne Emotes! ┊👀୧ Nicht Discord Partner ╰💎୧ und vieles mehr. Tritt jetzt bei und lerne unsere Community kennen!
IRS Community Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
The IRS Community is a fun group of individuals that made this server for one purpose. To have fun with your friends. Here you can come to play any game you’d like with your buddy’s while also engaging in fun community giveaways and game nights/ movie nights etc etc. IRS Community was founded in 2022 and has been active ever since.
Kontr Stirik Icon
Gaming | eSports
Tired of solo queueing matchmaking or Faceit? Then join our server and become a part of a growing CS community. Typing "Need +3 fast" in the chat and having full lobby 30 seconds later must be nice. Let's make that possible!
Sewer Aim Icon
eSports | Gaming
Welcome to the most exceptional CS2 Discord server on the planet! Here, gaming enthusiasts and Counter-Strike 2.0 aficionados converge to experience the ultimate CS2 community. What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to excellence, ensuring that every member enjoys an unparalleled gaming experience. Our server boasts a diverse and vibrant community, united by a shared passion for CS2. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie looking to learn the ropes, you'll find a welcoming and supportive environment. Our members hail from all corners of the globe, adding a rich tapestry of cultures and perspectives to our discussions. At the heart of our server are the gameplay opportunities. We host regular tournaments, pitting the best against the best for glory and bragging rights. But competition isn't all we offer. Casual players will find a wealth of like-minded individuals eager to team up for a fun-filled gaming session. Our voice channels ensure seamless communication, enhancing.
Counter Strike 2 Deutsch Icon
Gaming | Community
Erlebe den CS2 Deutsch Discord Server für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz. | 30257 members Auf unserer deutschen Counter Strike 2 Discord Server Community findest du alle aktuellen News, Updates, Antworten auf Fragen und Leute zum gemeinsamen Zocken. Auch Counter Strike Global Offensive CS GO, CS GO 2 und Counter Strike Source könnt ihr bei uns spielen! Unsere professionelle Leitung und kompetenten Moderatoren stehen dir jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zur Seite, um deine Counter Strike 2-Erfahrung zu verbessern. Sei Teil unserer Community und erlebe alles, was das Herz begehrt. Melde dich noch heute bei unserem deutschen Counter Strike 2 Deutsch Discord Server an und tauche ein in die Welt von Counter Strike 2, powered by Zenial Network. Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Hello ip: He is looking for players If you want to be part of the staff+vip message in private on discord
Gaming | eSports
We are an european community bases on CS:GO. We have very high quality public servers and unique features. Join us !
Business | Community
Somos um servidor de vendas de Mod Menu para MTA e Counter-Strike! Vendemos Discord boost, keys de steam, e venda de Apps de Stream mais baratas como, Crunchyroll, Disneyplus e HBOMAX. Tudo em um preço justo e acessível.
Baked Goods Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Streaming, gaming, art & media, maybe even some overthinking... see for yourself! 1,500+ members and growing - Come make some new friends and dive right in to a variety of different channels, personalities, and daily social activities! 18+, SFW -> No disturbing content.
Baked Goods Discord Server Banner
Baked Goods Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Streaming, gaming, art & media, maybe even some overthinking... see for yourself! 1,500+ members and growing - Come make some new friends and dive right in to a variety of different channels, personalities, and daily social activities! 18+, SFW -> No disturbing content.
FoxGamers Icon
Gaming | Social
FoxGamers: Red de servidores para amigos y muchas personas, contamos con: -Servidores de Minecraft -Servidores de Counter-Strike 1.6 -Servidores de Half-Life 1 -Servidores de Samp -Servidores de MTA RP -Servidores de Left 4 Dead 2
cs2 trading buying and selling Icon
eSports | PC
case opening sim also buying and selling skins and trading dc if Ur interested in buying selling or trading skins there's each different dc
Lobby di InformerHyena - CS2 ITA Icon
Gaming | eSports
Unisciti alla Lobby di InformerHyena! Diventa protagonista della missione, rivoluziona il gaming competitivo nazionale contribuendo a portare l’eSports in Italia! Tutto inizia con Counter Strike 2! Icon
eSports | Gaming
Welcome to the Discord server, the ultimate hub for competitive gamers! Join our vibrant community where we host weekly events in popular games like Fortnite and Counter-Strike 2, offering exciting rewards for players of all skill levels. Stay updated with the latest announcements, participate in matchmaking, share your best gaming clips, and get tech support. Whether you're looking to compete, improve your skills, or just hang out with fellow gamers, is the place to be. Connect with us and become a part of our growing community of champions! Join us now and elevate your gaming experience!
Rodz Store Icon
Community | eSports
LOJA MAIS BARATA PARA COMPRAR CHEATS DE CS2 - Cheat MIDNIGHT 1 MÊS por APENAS R$ 37.00. Não perca essa oportunidade de aprimorar sua experiência no CS2 com um dos melhores cheats do mercado.
Kqrwa's CS Zone Icon
Gaming | Streaming
freaky cs server fr join rn
Black Eagle Community Icon
Gaming | Community
FFL Community Icon
Gaming | eSports
First from Last (FFL) Clan Welcome to the First from Last (FFL) Clan! We are a community of passionate gamers and tech enthusiasts who strive for excellence in the world of CS2. Our members come from diverse backgrounds, united by their love for competitive gaming and collaborative spirit. At FFL, we believe in constant improvement, teamwork, and respect for fellow members. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, we welcome everyone with open arms. Join us as we embark on thrilling missions, engage in intense battles, and forge strong camaraderie within our clan. Together, we aim to rise to the top, leaving our mark as the best in the game. Are you ready to join us on this epic journey? Come be a part of First from Last, where every member contributes to our collective success and fun-filled gaming experience!
Luda Ekipa | Community Icon
Community | Gaming
[CS 1.6 Public Server] Dobrodošli na naš Counter-Strike 1.6 Public Server koji neprekidno radi od 2017. godine! 🏆 🔫 Server: Iskusite klasičnu pucačinu na našem serveru s neverovatnom zajednicom igrača. 🎮 Discord: Naša Discord zajednica je mesto gde vlada sjajna atmosfera i zabava nikad ne prestaje. Server je boostan do 14. nivoa, što znači da možete uživati u vrhunskom kvalitetu strimovanja i zvuka. 👑 Postani Admin: Upravo smo otvorili prijave za nove admine! Ako želiš da doprineseš rastu i kvalitetu naše zajednice, ovo je tvoja šansa da se pridružiš timu i ostaviš svoj pečat! Pridruži se našem serveru i postani deo jedne od najboljih CS 1.6 zajednica! 🌟
CS2 Legends Icon
Gaming | eSports
Go join CS2 Legends if you need a place to team up and play toghter we play Counter-Strike 2. On our discord can you trade you skins and meet new friends you can Olson win Nice giveaways Come Check it out !!!!
Gaming | Community
📌 – Unde skill-ul întâlnește distracția! 🎮 Intră pe cel mai prietenos server de CS2 din comunitate! Ai parte de: ●🥇 Admini activi și prietenoși ●🔒 Protecție anti-cheat ●🛠️ Configurații personalizate pentru gameplay ●🎉 Evenimente și concursuri cu premii faine! 🔥 Top Lunar Atrios 🔥 Participă la concursul nostru de TOP LUNAR și ai șansa să câștigi: 🏆 Locul 1 – VIP Gold (cele mai bune beneficii!) 🥈 Locul 2 – VIP Silver 🥉 Locul 3 – VIP Bronze 🎁 Nu trebuie decât să joci activ pe și să-ți demonstrezi skill-ul! Vino să te alături comunității și să cucerești podiumul! 🕹️ 🎁 BONUS PENTRU NOI MEMBRI! Alătură-te serverului nostru de CS2 și primești un VIP gratuit
Counter-Strike 2 BR Icon
eSports | Gaming
Servidor dedicado para gameplayes de counter-strike 2 brasileira, venha conhcer novos jogadores, aprender mais taticas.