DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
The Trade-Up Lab Icon
eSports | Financial
🎉 Welcome to The Trade-Up Lab! 🎉 🔥 What we offer: 💰 Daily 100% Profit Trade-Ups! 🛠️ The Best Trade-Up Calculator! 🎁 Exciting Giveaways! 🤝 A Friendly Trading Community! 🚀 Join us and level up your trading game!
CS2 Lietuva Icon
Gaming | eSports
Didžiausia Lietuvoje CS2 žaidžianti bendruomenė! Šis serveris siekia apjungti visus Counter-Strike žaidimo serijų entuziastus, kurie žaidžia, stebi CS2 didžiąją sceną, vykdo pardavimus bei kitaip dalyvauja šioje CS2 ekonomikoje!
Counter-Strike 2 Bulgaria Icon
Gaming | eSports
Официалният сървър на всички български Counter-Strike 2 играчи! В сървърът може да намерите: • Събития, от които може да спечелите награди като скинове и др. • някой-за-игра канал, в който може да търсите хора, с които да играете CS. • Персонализирани гласови канали, които може да създава всеки. • game-updates канал, в който може да следите за всеки ъпдейт, свързан с играта. • FACEIT бот, чрез който можете да следите вашите статистики. • Канал за реклами, където може да рекламирате вашите стриймове. • още-роли канал, в който може да си сложите роли, съответстващи на вашия ранк в competitive и wingman. • Канал с мемета, където може да поствате всякакви мемета. Присъединявайте се към джумбарето, всички са добре дошли!
RezisClub ( cs2 ) Icon
PC | Gaming
🔥 CS2 Community Hub | Join the Ultimate Counter-Strike 2 Experience! 🔥 Welcome to [Your Server Name], the ultimate Counter-Strike 2 community! Whether you're a casual player, a competitive grinder, or just here to chat about CS2, you've come to the right place! 🚀 What We Offer: ✅ Find Teammates – Connect with skilled players for matchmaking, FACEIT, and tournaments. ✅ Live Game Updates – Stay up-to-date with the latest CS2 news, patches, and events. ✅ Ranked Discussions – Talk about strategies, maps, and weapons with experienced players. ✅ Scrims & Tournaments – Join community-hosted events for a chance to win prizes! ✅ Clips & Highlights – Share your best plays and funniest moments! ✅ Friendly & Active Community – Meet like-minded CS2 fans and enjoy a toxic-free environment. 🔗 Join now and become part of the CS2 elite! Let’s climb the ranks together! 🎯🔥 https://discord.gg/UQYDEfBM
CS:GO Argentina Icon
Gaming | Community
57.ALAY  CLAN57 Icon
eSports | Gaming
HitCommunity ツ Icon
Gaming | Community
HitCommunity - Cheats free.
LeqalCSGO Official DC Server Icon
Gaming | Social
Leqal CS:GO Server: steam://connect/ OR IP: STEAM GROUP: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Leqal Yetki Alımları & Diğer İstekler İçin: growind adam#7974
Vendetta Icon
Gaming | eSports
Find teammates for Faceit or MM! ☑️ 12 different languages supported ☑️ Optimized for Faceit and MM ☑️ Play with people in your skill group ☑️ Extra channels to find players Join today!
Everyone is Welcome Icon
Hey, this Server includes everything. CS-GO, WOW, LOL, Overwatch, GTA V, 7Deadly Sins and tons of bullshit ^^ Enjoy and just Have fun.
RiG Icon
Gaming | Technology
Merhabalar RiG Team ailesine hoşgeldiniz. Ben Mudjekeewis, yayınlarıma hepinizi bekliyorum. twitch.tv/mudjekeewis Sevgiler
AZP Esports Icon
Honesty Club Icon
Community | Gaming | Entertainment
Honesty Club is a community server centered around honesty and transparency. Giving its users the freedom to express themselves without fear, as long as they are respectful and kind about it. It is not a free pass to be rude or toxic, and any form of it will not be tolerated.
Honesty Club Discord Server Banner
Honesty Club Icon
Community | Gaming | Entertainment
Honesty Club is a community server centered around honesty and transparency. Giving its users the freedom to express themselves without fear, as long as they are respectful and kind about it. It is not a free pass to be rude or toxic, and any form of it will not be tolerated.
Portugal Premade's Server Icon
Este servidor tem como propósito ajudar na criação da tua premade
Corazones de Acero Icon
eSports | Entertainment
Juega con amigos a Counter Strike
mis army Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
esta porqueria me pide que ponga 100 caracteres como minimo asique lo estoy rellenando con este texto
RegiVil Server ITA Icon
Gaming | Community
CS:GO Skill-group based Icon
Gaming | Community
A CS:GO Skill-group based community server where you can play and chat with people on your rank to have a better experience!
FreakZone Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
eSports | Gaming
Gaming | Hobbies
Join us to add more fun to the games :))))) join our community for valorant, pubg, rust, csgo2 and more that we will play together :))) <3
Zajdapajd's Community Server Icon
Community | eSports
Community you can chat, play and so with the server members! Gaming Mostly prefered Counter Strike series, so if you know the CS series, then this place is great for someone like you. Many vc with each being assigned to each play mode, with 3 competitive and 3 wingman vc's! Discord Server The server has good management and even off-topic text channel, so here you can discuss something off-topic. The server has also 3 different bots, so its not some trash server. And pretty good rules. Moderation The moderation of the server is not bad, but not much staff, so pretty single-handed. There are still some bots which are very much helping us.
CSGO/CS2 Gaming & Trading Icon
Gaming | eSports
The best CS server for anything related to our beloved game - find team mates, trade your items and discover more channels and giveaways in this amazing community!
CS2.lu Icon
Gaming | eSports
🔫 Are you a Counter-Strike fan? 💥 Do you want to meet other players, improve your skills, or have fun? 💥 Then join the Counter-Strike Discord community! What we offer: Servers for all: Whether you're a competitive player or just looking to have some fun, we have many community servers for you. A friendly and welcoming community: Our members are always happy to play together.
CS2 Argentina Icon
Gaming | Memes
¡Hola a todos! Soy Midea, un fanático de los videojuegos y el creador de este servidor de discord. Me gustaría invitarlos a unirse a mi comunidad de jugadores, donde podemos compartir nuestras experiencias, consejos, trucos y diversión con Counter y otros juegos más. En este servidor, encontrarás: Un ambiente amigable y respetuoso (ponele), donde todos son bienvenidos. Canales de voz y texto dedicados a diferentes juegos y temas. Eventos, torneos y partidas amistosas con otros miembros. Un equipo de moderadores atentos y dispuestos a ayudarte. Y mucho más! Si te interesa, solo tienes que hacer clic en este enlace: https://discord.gg/s3AqPx3v . Una vez que entres, por favor lee las reglas y preséntate en el canal #bienvenida. Espero verte pronto en el servidor. ¡Gracias por tu atención!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
VictoryArmy Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
VictoryArmy Zombie Escape Counter - Strike 1.6 IP- COME SERVER ENJOY Owners: PioneerCS KISAMAVILARK Snowflake
Hedgehog's Club Icon
Gaming | Community
Counter-Strike Server with awesome and unique mods! Server IP: srv.hfmms.me:27015 Site: https://hfmms.me Server Mods: 🔫 Classic ❄️ Snow Wars 🎃 Halloween Mod 🧟‍♂️ Zombie Panic 🪴 Flowers 🔪 Murder 💣 Bomberman 🦘 Kreedz 🚦 Traffic Light 🏏 Bate Loco 🚗 Bumper Cars 🔥 The Floor is Lava ⚪ Slender Man
[TR] - ASALET | Pro Public Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
[TR] - ASALET | PRO PUBLIC" adı altında şan ve şöhret peşinde koşmadan yolumuza devam ediyoruz. Amacımız sıralamaya girmek değil, aynı kafa yapısına sahip olan insanları bir araya getirerek birlikte eğlenmemizdir. Sunucumuzda TOP10 Sıralamasında İlk 3 Oyuncuya Ödül Veriyoruz. Steam Cüzdan Hediyeleri + Fabrika Çıkışlı Silah Skinleri UZMAN ADMİN KADROMUZLA SİZ DEĞERLİ OYUNCULARI BEKLİYORUZ.
RO 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘬𝘦 2 Icon
Gaming | Community
Este un server de discord abia creat unde vreau sa fim o comunitate mare pentru a ne juca toti si pentru a face turnee amuzante
Comunidad CS1999.NET Icon
Gaming | Community
En CS1999.NET, nos enorgullece ofrecer servicios de hospedaje de alto rendimiento y confiabilidad a precios accesibles. Como apasionados jugadores, comprendemos lo importante que es contar con servidores de calidad. Nuestra experiencia operando estos servidores no solo pro viene de nuestra dedicación profesional, sino también de nuestra auténtica pasión por los juegos. Estamos comprometidos a brindarte una experiencia de juego inigualable porque jugamos y disfrutamos los mismos juegos que tú.
RedemptioN Icon
Gaming | Community
RedemptioN Kurallar Kurallar, hem sizlerin hem oyuncuların keyifli vakit geçirmesi için hazırlanmıştır. Kurallarımız aşağıdadır, bu kuralları bilmemek mazeret olarak geçerli değildir. ★ Küfür, taciz, küçümsemek, ima, tehdit etmek vs. yasaktır. ★ Spam, link, para kazanmak için reklam linkleri vs. paylaşmak yasaktır. ★ Cinsellik, sansürlü içerik ve şiddet içerikli videolar vs. paylaşmak yasaktır. ★ Din, dil, ırk, siyaset ve Ata konulu tartışmalar vs. yasaktır. ★ Başka Discord ve sosyal medya hesaplarının bağlantılarını, linklerini vb. paylaşmak yasaktır. ★ Başka sunucuların IP adreslerini, resimlerini vb. paylaşmak yasaktır. ★ Başkasına ait kişisel bilgilerin yayınlanması (telefon numarası, e-posta adresi, fotoğraf vb.) yasaktır. ★ Kanallarda o kanalın amacı dışında muhabbet etmek yasaktır. ★ Bot komutları, bot komutları kanalına yazılmak zorundadır. ★ Caps-Lock açık şekilde yazı yazıp konuşma kanalında kirlilik yapmak yasaktır. ★ Ses kanallarında rahatsız edici gürültüler çı
Counter-Strike 2 Community LTU Icon
Gaming | Community
Lithuanian CS:GO 2 Community server Tu gali zaisti ivairius gamemode'us su nepazystamais zmonemis kurie tikrai pamokys ir patars kad padarytum geresni zaidima, tikiuosi prisijunksi
eSports | Social
HOUSE OF GAMERS is an swedish community for many different games and hobbies. Join to hang out, talk about games, meet new people to game with, and participate in giveaways. We have game roles for many different games and have frequent giveaways of steam games, Discord Nitro, and other prizes. We host our own dedicated servers for any games our community gets active in.
se ese Icon
Gaming | Community
Servidor Argentino, comunidad mas cerrada, enfocada en boludear y tryhardear el cs, con servidores privados de Minecraft premium, TTT en Garrys mod y mas! ¡Unite y boludea con nosotros! (hay una banda de sonidos re piolas)
Counter Strike Georgia Icon
Gaming | Community
Counter Strike Georgia - თამაშის ოფიციალური ქართული სერვერი აქ შეგხვდებათ: Community ჩატები, Esports Event-ების კალენდარი, LFG არხები, Trading Market რეპუტაციის სისტემით, LFG ჩატები და Premier/FACEIT VC. ჩავატარებთ ტურნირებს, შემოგთავაზებთ გათამაშებებს და სხვა სახალისო აქტივობებს.
chabiba Icon
Community | Gaming
an Algerian server, if you want to find new friends or talk with algerian people, learn more about tradition of algeria, play games, have fun with, here is the big place for all the algerian people.
Welcome to the csgo server. this server is for playing and meeting people. we might choose some players to be the moderators of the server(don't ask for a role) avoid talking bad words to people or else you will get banned from the server
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
Stock Masters Trading Discord Server Banner
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
ArchTurtle88 Icon
YouTuber | Gaming
Welcome to my discord channel guys!
I Play Naked Icon
Gaming | Streaming
This server was created to keep in touch with my viewers.
Nkfei's House Icon
Gaming | eSports
A server with one goal in mind, to bring everyone together! At the moment, the people aspect is mildly lacking, so I wish to gain as many friendly people as possible. The server is only gonna grow from here! Make sure to join to when it blows up, you'll have a high rank!
GuiLty Icon
eSports | Entertainment
Turkish - English Entertainment - Games - Just Chatting Counter Strike (Faceit & ESEA & MM) League of Legends PUBG Others...
PubZone Romania Icon
Community | Gaming
Care este rostul comunitatii si cand a aparut? www.pubzone.ro este o comunitate care a fost creata In anul 2011 Rostul acestei comunitati este de a face toti playerii romani, sau macar o parte dintre ei sa fie mai apropiati. Comunitatea este intr-o continua dezvoltare, deci mereu va fi ceva nou de vazut.
TugoBoss Ailesi Icon
Gaming | eSports
CS:GO Pro Icon
Gaming | eSports
CS:GO Pro is a server for competitive Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players and players interested in the esports scene CS:GO Pro, CS:GO Scrims, CS:GO Tournaments, CS:GO LFG, CS:GO Looking for group, clan, teams etc.
Hammer Editor Discord Group Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
This is a Server where you can talk about mapping for source games, share your maps and progress and talk to other people who use the Hammer Editor. [This is an unoffical discord group]
? Minicrafteiros ? Icon
Bot | Art
Servidor de minecraft,Mas se você não joga é simples só baixar ou se não quiser apenas fique para conversar no chat ou jogar outros jogos mas o principal é minecraft. . . e convide seus amigos :D
Baited Community Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to the UK's #1 Competitive CSGO Server! - Baited Community
blocks Icon
Gaming | Memes
The blocks Gaming Community! Join now to find a partener to play with, or a whole party!
Counter-Strike Hungary Icon
Gaming | eSports
Minden ami Counter-Strike. (1.6/Source/GO) Egy barátságos közösség, ahol társakra lelhetsz. A rangrendszerünknek köszönhetően könnyedén megpingelheted az adott játék playereit. És ezen kívül még sok más vár rád, ha csatlakozol hozzánk! Várunk sok szeretettel! GLHF
Apple's Tree Icon
Just Chatting | Social
Apple's Tree is an insanely fun and engaging community with over 4500members and growing! Enjoy lively text and voice chats, exclusive giveaways, emojis, custom games, and much more. There's always something exciting happening, so come hang out and be part of the action!
Apple's Tree Discord Server Banner
Apple's Tree Icon
Just Chatting | Social
Apple's Tree is an insanely fun and engaging community with over 4500members and growing! Enjoy lively text and voice chats, exclusive giveaways, emojis, custom games, and much more. There's always something exciting happening, so come hang out and be part of the action!
CSGO Argentina Icon
Gaming | Community
Una comunidad de CSGO Argentina creada por y para jugadores, para encontrar compañeros de equipo.
Lefeo's Config |Community Server Icon
Community | Gaming
This Server should stand for a nice Area, where you can talk and exchange configs etc. I dont will allow trash talk or hate speech. Be nice to each others! Also Scamming or other stupid things will result a ban! Best Regards, Lefeo
Gaming | eSports
A friendly and welcoming community. Anyone can join our server to have a blast of fun with us on our international CS:GO Server
Irish Challenger League Icon
Gaming | eSports
The Irish Challenger League is the Irish CSGO Hub. ICL is a space for Irish players to play against Irish players in CSGO.
Team Up Icon
Gaming | eSports
# Features ## Matchmaking for any Game * Find matchmaking lobbies across different Discord server. * If there are no lobbies available then Team Up will keep looking and send you a notification when a new lobby matches your search. * Turn your own Discord server into a matchmaking lobby that members of other Discord servers can find and join. ## Leaderboard for any Game or Tournament * Record wins, losses, and draws for any game or tournament. * Elo ratings automatically assigned and updated for each game recorded. * Team Up maintains a separate Elo rating for each game, tournament and team. * Playing with a new team will not affect your Elo ratings with other teams or solo Elo rating. * Recording can only be made by admins or members given the "Record Keeper" role. * Ability to undo game recordings made in error. * Share personalized links to the [leaderboard](https://teamupdiscord.com/leaderboard/). # Commands ## Host a Game ### **/game host** #### Host a 2v2 Count
Gamers Summit Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a community of gamers that mainly play Civilization however we play other games as well. This is a non-competitive server, we are here to have fun. Regulars in VC become friends, come and hang out in a chill lobby we have a music bot. Ask a mod or admin to receive a role if you want to join VC. Don't use voice? Just use our LFG channel to find people to have quick games with.
RBE Gaming Icon
Gaming | Social
Join the official RBE Gaming Discord server. Alternative links : ( https://discord.gg/ebB7qV9 ) ( https://discord.gg/rbe )
Counter Strike Hungary Icon
Gaming | eSports
Magyarország CS:GO közössége, a Csereprogram Discord egyesület tagja. Célunk a magyar közösség jobbá tétele, a játékélmény növelése.
CSGO Mexico Icon
eSports | Gaming
? El primer server de Discord dedicado a la comunidad CSGO en México ? Siempre habrá alguien con quien jugar. Ayudanos a crecer y llegaremos lejos.
Gaming | Community
? | Real name : Dumitrescu Razvan ? | Age : 25 ? | Country : România ? | Languages : Română,English ? | Favorite game : Counter-Strike:Global Offensive ? | CS:GO Rank : DMG About me~ ? | Hello, my name is Razvan. ? | I am 24 years old, ? | I live in Bucharest the capital city of Romania. ? | My nationality is Romanian. ? | I stream because i want to share my gaming experience with others, and i love to have fun with my friends. ?️ | PC SPECS - GAMING PC ➡️ |CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor ➡️ |GPU: GeForce GTX 1050 4GB ➡️ |RAM: Corsair Vengance 16 GB RAM ➡️ |SSD: Kingston 120GB ➡️ |HDD: WD Blue 1TB ?| Gear - GAMING PC ?️ ~ BenQ ZOWIE EC2-A ⌨️ ~ Redradgon K559 RGB ? ~ Logitech G332 ?️ ~ BenQ XL2411 - L ? | Social Media ➡️ | Facebook: ?Under construction? ➡️ | Instagram: ?Under construction? ➡️ | Youtube: ?Under construction? https://steamcommunity.com/id/rdumico... steamID:STEAM_0:0:54950487 steamID3:[U:1:109900974] steamID64:76561198070166702
Door Stuck | CS:GO Community Icon
Gaming | eSports
Can't make it? Nor can we... Welcome to door stuck, a friendly little community hub for Counter Strike and Source enthusiasts. Don't play CS? That's fine. We play other games within the confines of this door too.
CS2 Crusaders Icon
Gaming | eSports
Salut! CS2 Crusaders este un server de Discord dedicat jocurilor Counter Strike Global Offensive și Counter Strike 2. Serverul este localizat în România și este destinat doar jucătorilor din România. Dacă ești pasionat de jocurile Counter Strike și vrei să te alături unei comunități active și prietenoase, atunci acest server este locul potrivit pentru tine! Hi! CS2 Crusaders is a Discord server dedicated to Counter Strike Global Offensive and Counter Strike 2 games. The server is located in Romania and is intended only for players from Romania. If you are passionate about Counter Strike games and want to join an active and friendly community, then this server is the right place for you!