Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Portugal Premade's Server Icon
Este servidor tem como propósito ajudar na criação da tua premade
ImperialG Icon
Gaming | Community
Csgo Community, Gaming community.
Corazones de Acero Icon
eSports | Entertainment
Juega con amigos a Counter Strike
Friendly Gamers ? Icon
Gaming | Social
Server created by @Piggly & @Deten :-) Welcome! We play lots of different games. Click the join server button on this page & proceed! <3
|SCC| Melonland Icon
Gaming | Memes
A fun and friendly small server with weekly gamenights and a nice community! Every week we play something together (HOI4, Among us, CSGO, etc.)
444 Icon
eSports | Gaming
444 Gaming Official Discord
Mökki Icon
Gaming | Social
Just a channel for talking with friends & stuff like that. You'll get the idea.
Tanker Pigeon Icon
Gaming | Community
C'est un serveur communautaire ou nous pouvons parler à divers joueurs de divers, des rewards sont aussi à gagner sur ce serveur quelques invitations feront l'affaire !! Je ne vous en dis pas plus allez le voir par vous même !
PAW E-Sports Icon
Gaming | eSports
PAW E-Sports Resmi Discord Kanalıdır.
BananaGaming Icon
Gaming | eSports
BananaGaming's Discord Server. Discuss CS:GO projects, tweaks, esports and of course content related to Maxim's channel.
Clan Funs #YenidenDiriliş Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Her Sunucununda Olduğu Gibi Kendine Has Kuralları Vardır.Ancak Şunu da Unutmayın Ki Bizim Farkımız İnsanlarla Samimi Arkadaş Ortamı Dışında Kardeşim,Dostum Diyeceğiniz Kişilerle Tanışacaksınız. ???= [??? ?????? ??? ???? ???????]
Afallon Esports Icon
Gaming | eSports
Official Discord of Afallon | Esports Organization | #GOAFALLON --> --> --> -->
Shenanigans (18+) Icon
Community | Gaming
Join in on the shenanigans in our 18+ server come chat, vc, or just chill and have a great outlet to make new friends ╰┈➤ Active mostly in the afternoon/night in vc's (NA) but active in chats 24/7 ╰┈➤ Friendly and supportive staff members ╰┈➤ A diverse community (gamers, lgbtq+, weebs, artists, and anything else under the sun) ╰┈➤ A Sprinkle of toxicity ╰┈➤Great events hosted every month Come try us out! Free to join - Free to leave (though you will most likely stay)
Shenanigans (18+) Discord Server Banner
Shenanigans (18+) Icon
Community | Gaming
Join in on the shenanigans in our 18+ server come chat, vc, or just chill and have a great outlet to make new friends ╰┈➤ Active mostly in the afternoon/night in vc's (NA) but active in chats 24/7 ╰┈➤ Friendly and supportive staff members ╰┈➤ A diverse community (gamers, lgbtq+, weebs, artists, and anything else under the sun) ╰┈➤ A Sprinkle of toxicity ╰┈➤Great events hosted every month Come try us out! Free to join - Free to leave (though you will most likely stay)
Gaming | Community
Крупнейшее ложе Илиты, школоты и отборного рачья в CS:GO. Представляет собой огромное CS:GO Сообщество, пронизанное адскими вилами срачей и обвешанный горящими жопа чуть менее чем полностью.
GTFelicio Icon
Community | Gaming
GTfelicio oyun topluluğu Valorant Stream Berkay Utku Güneş oyun müzik elektro gitar canlı müzik vb.
FHH - Finland Heavy Haulage Icon
Gaming | Community
ETS2 ja ATS pelien lisäksi pelaamme CS:GO, GTAV (RP), FS sekä Valorant pelejä. Osin myös kilpailullisesti. Tervetuloa mukaan toimintaamme. Tarjoamme jäsenille myös Farming Simulator 22 dedi 247 serverin käytön.
Quality Playing (QP/КП) Icon
Gaming | Community
Молодой, активно развивающийся, лампово-игровой сервер, от опытного Администратора (около 5-ти лет в Discord/около 10 лет в TeamSpeak+ReidCall). Заходите, мы только начинаем свой путь, и надеемся на ваше понимание и содействие. Скоро откроем набор на Модераторов, а так-же открыта книга предложений,
Shark Team Icon
Gaming | Gaming
Salut! Daca esti plictisit si nu ai ce face, te invitam pe server-ul Shark Team. Acest server este mai mult un server pentru o echipa de CS:GO, dar fii sigur ca cine nu este in echipa de CS:GO, se poate juca foarte usor cu playerii de pe server, sunt foarte multi playeri pe server si desigur ca te vei putea juca si cu echipa. Nu este neaparat sa joci CS:GO, avem si alte jocuri, cum ar fii Rocket League, League Of Legends, Robocraft, Minecraft, PUBG, Brawlhalla, Among us, SpellBreak, si inca foarte multe jocuri pe care le putem juca impreuna. Daca vrei sa intrii pe server, de preferat sa fii foarte activ, macar 2h sau ceva de genul pe zi pe discord sa te joci cu noi, altfel iti vei primi kick. Bafta in continuare si te asteptam pe server!
EggHeads Icon
Gaming | eSports
Just a little Server where people can make new friends and enjoy themselves. This server is prefect for if your looking for a group to play with. You can invite anyone you wish as long as they follow the rules as well. We have chats for the following, connections, Among us, call of duty, CSGO, Minecraft, Overwatch, league of Legends, Rainbow six Siege, Rocket League, Single Player, Valorant, and more to come in the appeals channel where you can share your ideas to make this server better.
Comunitatea USP.RO Icon
eSports | Gaming
mis army Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
esta porqueria me pide que ponga 100 caracteres como minimo asique lo estoy rellenando con este texto
Overcord Icon
Community | Gaming
Небольшое, от этого можно сказать "ламповое" онлайн-сообщество общительных людей, в большинстве своём опытных геймеров и т.д. - Описания как такового пока-что нет, ибо сервер нов и без истории.
Mythix.'s, and Aplicit's Server! Icon
Gaming | Memes
We play CS:GO, VALORANT, Minecraft, and Apex! Some of us swear and the some of us don't swear! We play every day but some of us go to school so we don't get on for a little bit. Aplicit plays a little bit on the weekends! I usually play every day unless I go to my cousins sometimes on the Weekends!
тυgναѕρσя Icon
eSports | Gaming
TügvaSpor Discord Sunucusudur. Türkiye Gençlik Vakfı kısa adıyla TÜGVA, İstanbul merkezli gençlik ve öğrenci vakfı.
RegiVil Server ITA Icon
Gaming | Community
Serenity Icon
Community | Social | Just Chatting
Welcome to our Serene Camping Oasis! We are a drama free server looking for new friends. Join us for VC, gaming together and karaoke nights! 18+ only!
Serenity Discord Server Banner
Serenity Icon
Community | Social | Just Chatting
Welcome to our Serene Camping Oasis! We are a drama free server looking for new friends. Join us for VC, gaming together and karaoke nights! 18+ only!
Aerok game server Icon
eSports | Memes
Aerok game server is game server where you can play Cs go,Fortnite,Apex,Overwatch,minecracft. and everything you want we updating server soon and we can add every game you want.
?? ??? ?? ???????? Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
El discord oficial de El Bar de Lorencia! Únete a una comunidad super cool de videojuegos!
Loading... | CS:GO Icon
Gaming | eSports
A new started Counter-Strike Global Offensive team discord made by meqats, we would love to see you here in our discord!!!
Gaming | Community
*Мы — свежий Проект профессиональных игровых серверов CS:GO. Стабильная работа 24/7, опытная команда, отсутствие донат-прив.. Приятной игры!
ItsLukeTV Community Icon
Community | Gaming
Du suchst nach einem Coolen Discordserver mit entspannter Community für dich und deine Freunde? Dann bist du hier genau richtig schau doch mal rum.
Teehuone Icon
Gaming | Community
Finnish CSGO Bhop & Surf Community Tier 1-2 Bhop - Tier 3-6 Bhop - Tier 1-2 Surf - Tier 3-6 Surf -
hanna (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ Icon
Community | Streaming
server de stream, com uma comunidade bunita, jogos e musica. o server é usado principalmente para notificações de live.
GutKlick Icon
Gaming, CSGO, LoL, Minecraft, Rocket League Looking for group stuff, clash, flex, just relaxed games ...
NeonZone | Community Icon
Community | Gaming
A NeonZone é uma comunidade portuguesa de CS:GO, fundada a 4 de junho de 2021, com o foco no entretenimento dos membros da nossa comunidade.
/gassed Icon
Community | Entertainment
.gg/gassed is a 16+ lounge server that revolves around just making friends, hanging out and listening to some music. We have bots for leveling, memes, and various bots for music. There's friendly faces to greet you and we always accept new people in our community. -Accepting community, always allowing new members to embed themselves in the server -Share your music taste or listen to our server radio! -Custom roles -Fun bots including leveling, pokemon, custom colors etc - Gain permission from server staff to host or advertise your own music listening session -Relaxed community Come join us today!
FreeManServer Community Icon
eSports | Gaming
We're Are CS:GO Community Who Host Custom Community Servers & We're Also A Valorant Community.
7-Loop Icon
Gaming | Memes
7-Loop ist ein deutscher CS GO u. Valorant Discord! Erhalte immer die neusten Updates und finde neue Freunde die Valorant/CS GO spielen!
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Carbon Discord Server Banner
Carbon Icon
Music | Bot
Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels! Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
KurKmmunity Server Icon
Gaming | Streaming
KurK Gaming Community Server Games including CSGO, Valorant, DayZ, OSRS, Phasmophobia and many more Join and enjoy !
N1C1 Icon
A good description is vital so people can find your server. You description will also be used by Google and other search engines to rank your page in their search results.
DracoTolgaTV Icon
Gaming | Streaming
nice and fun place :) if you like simulation game and chat come over. what are u waiting for ? come and hang out
eSports | YouTuber
This Is Pretty New And Growing Server Where You Can Chill And Have Fun With Your Friends. Our Mods Are Very Active And Nice. Enjoy!
Social | Gaming
Moonlight is a server for chilling, gaming, music, hang out with friends... To have fun and stuff. Also, we are hosting our own bots 24/7 so you can enjoy them without paying anything!
Comunidade dos Assassinos Icon
Este discord serve para conviver-mos e jogar-mos todos juntos para sermos a melhor comunidade do universo
Gaming | YouTuber
o comunitate de gaming, este un server nou, cautam staff si membri, jucam mai multe jocuri precum cs go si FiveM dar mai jucam si altele LINK: daca nu merge, GABOI#4734
Infinity Household Icon
Gaming | Community
Infinity Household - Wir Sind E-Sport. Du bist hier gelandet weil du großer eSports Fan bist? Der Infinity Household ist ein zuhause für alle Competitive Gaming Fans. Egal, ob du League of Legends, CSGO oder Valorant Spieler, Tryhard oder ganz einfacher eSport Fan bist, für dich ist ein Platz in unserer Community garantiert. Auf unserem Discord findest du Chats zu den jeweiligen Communities, wo du unter anderem Spieler suchen und über Patches diskutieren kannst. Außerdem finden aktiv Turniere und Scrim Abende statt, wo du dein Können beweisen kannst! Interesse? Werde Teil des Infinity Households! Hf und Gl <3
Fatality Icon
Gaming | Memes
A comunidade Fatality Discord. Venha relaxar, conhecer pessoas, jogar e se divertir! Fazer amigos pode ser difícil. Encontrar coisas em comum com alguém é a melhor maneira de começar um relacionamento. O melhor lugar para conhecer novas pessoas e estabelecer essas relações onde um ambiente descontraído, amigável e acolhedor é a nossa prioridade. Nossos principais interesses são em jogos, arte, anime e Memes.
DragonPirates Icon
Community | Gaming
SWISS [ENGLISH/GERMAN] eSports Server League of Legends, Final Fantasy XIV, Among Us Anime, Coffeetalk, New Friends, One Piece themed Roleplay, Pokemon. We are always welcoming everybody new! :)
Spielersuche Icon
Gaming | eSports
Hier auf unserem Discord Server kannst du viele neue Freunde Kennelernen, und Mates für verschiedene Games finden.
Ladder Blockers Icon
Gaming | Community
Just some shitters who like to play anything and everything. We aren't very strict but are very active so if you need a group to play with then join up :D
Paradox Paws | Furry | Emojis Icon
Furry | Community | LGBT
Are you looking for a 𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐘 or 𝐋𝐆𝐁𝐓𝐐+ safe space like no other? Well, you've come to the right place then, because Paradox Paws isn't like any other average furry server you've been in before. Click for more info!
Paradox Paws | Furry | Emojis Discord Server Banner
Paradox Paws | Furry | Emojis Icon
Furry | Community | LGBT
Are you looking for a 𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐘 or 𝐋𝐆𝐁𝐓𝐐+ safe space like no other? Well, you've come to the right place then, because Paradox Paws isn't like any other average furry server you've been in before. Click for more info!
Gaming | Streaming
twitch: | chill chill chill | just have fun | dont fight with my friends
Pelikriisi Icon
Gaming | Community
Suomalainen CS:GO yhteisö.
Csgo si Hypixel Icon
Gaming | Anime
Bine ati venit, daca cautati un server de hypixel romania skyblock sau csgo, acesta este serverul pe care il cautati, daca mai sunteti pasionati si de anime asta e visul oricarui copil!!!
lususcsgo Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Bem-Vindo á comunidade lusus, esperemos que gostes da comunidade, e cima de tudo que te divirtas no servidor
FADIT's Gaming Server! Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
This Server is for Gaming. You can join us to game with your friends or you can find new friend here! Our main language is german but we can speak english too! Dieser Server ist fürs zocken gedacht. Du kannst hier mit deinen Freunden joinen und in Ruhe spielen oder du findest einfach neue Mates hier!
MutaKuonoHvH Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Discord For MutaKuonoHvH CS:GO HvH Server ..............................................................
Killa Club Icon
Gaming | Social
Comunidade de jogos principalmente de FPS. Funcoes do server: - Notificacoes sobre jogos gratis em diversas plataformas. - Canal de voz para ouvir musicas (suporta youtube) - Canais de jogos separados para nao ter confusao. So isso :)
Zhonga Supreme - Community (new) Icon
Technology | Gaming
Community related to games and technology. Related to QoL modding of many games. Join if u like modding, games(like chess, scenexe, csgo, diepio, minecraft) or crypto. Enter to find-out more about the server. If invite doesn't work:
ruskeereikäritarit Icon
Gaming | Social
Chilliä lörpöttelyä sekä hauskoja vitsejä! Tuuppa ihmeessä puhumaan tai pelaamaan muiden kanssa. Kiusaamisvapaavyöhyke :)
♡☆ 𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗥 ☆♡ Icon
Growth | Programming
i love cheating because i suck at csgo and i suck at everything and i get bullied in school and im adopted and transgender and im 300lb and im ugly and with cheats i finally get to feel power! i may be i loser in real life but in the video game world , YOU are the loser!!!!!!!!!!!!! head shot headshot i love cheating in csgo i cheat all day head shot head shot i love cheating and using aimbot and then getting bullied in the real world, or maybe it was just a dream?
Age of empires 2 (BRASIL) Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Venha participar da nossa comunidade... temos uma galera jogando age of empires 2! alem de outros jogos que jogamos disponível no discord
Counter Strike 2 DE Icon
Gaming | Community
Willkommen auf CS2 - DE! Unser Discord-Server ist der perfekte Ort für Counter Strike 2-Fans. Tritt unserer Community bei und erlebe regelmäßige Turniere, Strategie-Tipps, freundliche Atmosphäre und eine aktive Spielerbasis. Werde Teil unserer familiären Community und verbessere dein Gameplay noch heute!