DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Sv_gravityONE Icon
eSports | Community
Community with betting tips, news, discussions and monthly competitions where you can win real money. Main focus on CSGO but betting tips on LOL and other esports are provided as well.
[nom d'équipe] Icon
eSports | Entertainment
Serveur gaming tous jeux confondu avec communauté belge et française
Ultimate_TEAM Icon
eSports | Gaming
On recrute des joueurs
NetLanTV & Aspic Icon
eSports | Streaming
Serveur discord du streamer NetLanTV. - Retrouvable sur : https://twitch.tv/netlantv Serveur discord de l'équipe e-Sport Aspic - Team Fortnite - Team CS:GO Serveur en développement RECRUTEMENT ON
LucaFlash & Friends Icon
Gaming | eSports
Free server for gaming
Communauté ZCore Icon
eSports | Streaming
FR : Ici, c'est le serveur de la communauté ZCore qui est une équipe eSport de Rainbow Six Siége crée par F4Mas ET Oihan Ps : Le serveur est ouvert a toute les personnes, même celle qui ne font pas partie de nôtre équipe :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EN : Here, is the ZCore community server which is a Rainbow Six Siege team, created by F4Mas AND Oihan Ps: The server is open to all people, even those who are not part of our team :)
Union Clash Icon
eSports | Community
Serveur de compétition Esport avec support le jeu clash of clans
Sélénium E-Sport Icon
Gaming | eSports
Sélénium est une équipe E-sport basée sur les jeux Fortnite et Rainbow Six dont le but est de se faire un nom et de former des nouveaux talents sur la scène E-sport.
CRNS | Corinthians Clan Icon
Gaming | eSports
eSport, Streaming, Gaming Team Website of Corinthians Clan:https://crns.nikellas.gr/
Gaming | eSports
VALORANK.FR est la plate-forme francophone de jeu compétitif pour VALORANT !
Esport League FR Icon
eSports | Community
Esport League FR la ligue pour les structures High ELO. 20 Structures en compétition sur LoL pour avoir le titre de la meilleure structure LoL. Les matchs sont castés en permanence et les structures sont mises en avant sur les réseaux.
FOX™ Icon
eSports | Gaming
On discute, on rush le top et surtout on s’éclate
CP Journey Insiders Icon
Gaming | Community | Just Chatting
Club Penguin Journey Insiders is the top Club Penguin Journey community server for exclusive news, item codes, mascot tracking, game updates, guides, and a fun community!
CP Journey Insiders Discord Server Banner
CP Journey Insiders Icon
Gaming | Community | Just Chatting
Club Penguin Journey Insiders is the top Club Penguin Journey community server for exclusive news, item codes, mascot tracking, game updates, guides, and a fun community!
Salzwelten Icon
Gaming | eSports
Willkommen zu den Salzwelten, wir sind eine Gaming Community und wir spielen jegliche Art von Videospielen, von Mobas wie League of Legends bis zu Shooter wie Csgo. Egal ob Casual Backseat Gamer oder Hardcore Tryhard, alle Videospielfanatiker sind bei uns willkommen. Gleichzeitig reden wir ständig über die neusten Infos aus der Gaming Branche. Zurzeit sind wir voll von Valorant überzeugt und wir freuen uns mit anderen Begeisterten zu spielen oder Leute zusammen zu bringen. Sei doch ein Teil und spiel mit !
SynX - Clan Icon
eSports | Gaming
Hi. Das ist der Ofizielle Clan Discord von SynX. Dieser Server ist speziell auf Rainbow Six fokussiert und sucht derzeit User/Member/Supporter. Falls ihr Interesse and Rainbow Six Siege habt, kommt einfach drauf und habt Spaß! :) Euer SynX Team
Morkull Icon
Gaming | Community
Help us to make a incredible Videogame! Join the development of Morkull - Ragast's Rage! Live the adventure of the God of the Underworld in his revenge against the rest of the gods who bully him. Morkull is a non-linear 2D platform video game in development, with explicit violence and lots of humor, placed in a world of fantasy and mythology.
Brawl Bois ESports Icon
Gaming | eSports
Du bist aktiv in Brawl Stars oder anderen Games? Du möchtest irgendwann kompetitiv spielen? Du suchst aktive Leute zum Sprechen/Spielen? (Discord Community im Aufbau) Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig... Wir bieten: ~ Ein Level-System mit besonderen Rollen! ~ Giveaways ~ Einige Bots/Support der immer erreichbar ist ~ Aktive Member ~ Minispiele ~ Und vieles mehr... Wenn dir unser Server zuspricht bist du hier Herzlich Willkommen.
AZP Esports Icon
ESIR Esport Icon
eSports | Gaming
Initialement crée pour réunir les esiriens sur LoL, le serveur ouvre ses portes au public et à tous les jeux. Des soirées, tournois interne et externe seront gérés sur différents jeux.
?????♕ ?-?????? Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
A Great Server for You. Special Welcome Video Separate Mood Every Day Wallpaper For Computer And Phone Everyday 7/24 Active And With More Nice Features, BLACK E-SPORTS
GG E-Sports Icon
eSports | Gaming
CLANS+OYUN sunucusudur içinde eğlenebilceniz yerler var arkadaşların la eğlebilceniz bi sunucu kısaca mükemmel
DENIALS E-Sport Icon
eSports | Gaming
Le serveur DENIALS E-Sport regroupe des membres et acteurs de l'association du même nom. Il a pour objectif de réunir et d'aider les joueurs de tous jeux et plateformes à évoluer dans le milieu du gaming. Egalement organisateur de tournoi nous cherchons à faire vivre l'esport sur le long terme. Afin de nous soutenir, rejoignez nous sur le discord ou vous trouverez différents salons pour échanger, parler, questionner,... les membres du serveur qui se feront un plaisir de vous répondre. The DENIALS E-Sport server brings together members and stakeholders of the association of the same name. Its aim is to bring together and help players of all games and platforms to evolve in the gaming world. We also organise tournaments and seek to keep esport alive in the long term. In order to support us, join us on the discord where you will find different rooms to exchange, talk, question,... the members of the server who will be pleased to answer you.
Chibraaaax Icon
Gaming | eSports
Ce discord existe pour la communauté de Chibraaaax. Comme de partout, des règles sont à respecter. Si vous ne respectez pas l'une d'entre elles, vous serez sanctionné.
Cenergy-Network Icon
Gaming | Community
Über uns: Cenergy-Network Wir sind eine progressive Multi-Gaming-Community. Unsere Stärken sind ausgezeichnetes Management, übersichtliche Tools und Professionalität.
Jbmf Icon
eSports | Gaming
is a community for gaming and cash tournaments Put simply, esports is competitive level gaming. It's teams of people playing games against each other at a professional level, regularly winning huge sums of money as prizes. These esports players are contracted to play for a variety of different organisations, much like a football or basketball player would be. These teams practice and compete on their respective game just as a footballer or other sportsperson would too. Depending on the game they play – from shooters such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive esports and Call of Duty esports to the multitude of other genres like sports titles and battle royale games – there will be a number of tournaments and events each year with hundreds of thousands of dollars in prizes up for grabs, sometimes even entering the millions.
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
Stock Masters Trading Discord Server Banner
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
Quantum Icon
eSports | Gaming
Official Quantum Esports Twitter channel. We are a small team and we are recruiting members! try applying on our discord server!
Team Cobra Sim Racing Icon
eSports | Playstation
Serveur de la Team Cobra Sim Racing. Vous retrouverez ici toutes les informations de notre Team, Event, Championnat mais pas que toutes les participations de nos pilotes aux épreuves organisées par les autres Team. Vous pourrez effectuer également vos demandes de stickeurs auprès de notre TM, de livrées auprès de notre talentueux peintre CSR-Noss59000.
eSports | Entertainment
Serveur pour notre structure esport crée le 29 septembre 2024 nommé MGL avec des ambitions d'être la meilleur.
Team Ventrux Icon
eSports | Hobbies
Team Ventrux ist ein ambitioniertes Rainbow Six Siege E-Sports-Team, das sich durch strategisches Gameplay, Teamwork und höchste Wettbewerbsfähigkeit auszeichnet. Mit einer engagierten Spielweise und taktischer Präzision strebt das Team nach Erfolgen in der kompetitiven Szene und beweist sich gegen starke Gegner.
Flying Kingdom Icon
eSports | Gaming
Dein neuer Lieblings-Gaming Server mit aktiven Admin´s / Supporter´n /co. Dieser Discordserver ist noch im Aufbau, deswegen ist Kritik auch erwünscht !!! Admins / Support / Moderatoren werden GESUCHT Schwerpunkte : RPG; Tacticshooter (Realistic); usw. Dieser Server ist ein Clanserver und wir würden uns freuen neue Clanmitglieder aufzunehmen!! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, euer Serverteam
?bobbitts buddys? Icon
Entertainment | eSports
chill and positive apex gamin
Dynamiq Icon
Gaming | Community
The Dynamiq discord server is a small community of gamers with simular interests. Dynamiq has a very friendly community where you can meet new people and make new friends , the server has friendly admin who are very willing to help out with any of your problems you might run into.
HighKey Esports™ Icon
Community | eSports
Highkey Esports is an esports team always accepting willing dedicated members. We are a community server which means you do not have to be in the team to join. We have self assignable roles, nsfw, art, music and bot games.
Ice_Cube31 Icon
Streaming | YouTuber
Discord officiel de la communauté de Ice_Cube31!
[FR] Toinoo Familly Icon
YouTuber | eSports
OverPowered Ranking Server Icon
Community | eSports
Wir sind das Team Over_Powered. Unser Ziel ist es jedem die Chance zu geben sich zu Beweisen, also wenn du auf der Suche bist nach einem Clan dann bewerbe dich bei uns.
XNT clan Icon
Gaming | eSports
Competitive Fortnite Community CLAN Tryouts 1v1's . Become the best player. Practice in our constant scrim customs and prove your worth in our league. GET RANKED Bronze, Silver & Gold!
Anime Island Icon
Anime | Just Chatting | Community
Welcome To The Best Anime Community. This server is for fellow otakus, weebs and anyone is welcome to join.
Anime Island Discord Server Banner
Anime Island Icon
Anime | Just Chatting | Community
Welcome To The Best Anime Community. This server is for fellow otakus, weebs and anyone is welcome to join.
Couple Dudes Being Guys Icon
Social | Gaming
A server for anyone looking to meet new friends and play any sorts of games. Includes chat rooms, memes, and the ability to find new gaming teammates!
Official Knicklicht Discord Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Du bist auf der suche nach Leuten zum zocken ? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig ! Wir unterstüzen die meisten aktuellen games und halten den server sehr aktiv auf dem neusten stand ! Also gib uns dei Feedback und besuche uns :D Wir freuen uns dich auf dem server begrüssen zu dürfen ! Euer, Knicklicht Gaming Team
White Wolf eSports e.V. Icon
eSports | Gaming
White Wolf eSports e.V. ist eine deutsche Multigaming-Organisation und eingetragener eSport Verein mit Sitz in Augsburg. Bei uns findest du eine große, familiäre Community und professionelle eSport-Teams. Du suchst nur jemanden zum daddeln und quatschen? Komm vorbei! Du suchst Action und ein einzigartiges eSport-Erlebnis? Komm vorbei und tritt einem unserer eSport-Teams bei oder nehmen an unseren monatlichen Tournaments teil. Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Team Fancy Icon
eSports | Gaming
Hey, looking for a fortnite clan? Click here for more information!
Taco Cody's Icon
Gaming | Streaming
A twitch community to teach you!
BabyD's Server Icon
Gaming | Bot
?Hello, we are an official server of BabyD's eSport team Want to chat with cool people, that like Clash Royale? Join our server ? You can: 1️⃣ Meet a cool people 2️⃣ Chill 3️⃣ Use a lot of bot commands 4️⃣ Join our eSport team or a clan ? 5️⃣ Compete against other players ? We are waiting for you! ✌
Le revers de la médaille ? Icon
Social | Sports
serveur gagner des cadeaux
TugoBoss Ailesi Icon
Gaming | eSports
Akashi & Sukui - Valorant Fr Icon
Gaming | eSports
Le discord officiel de la page facebook "Valorant Fr" ainsi que la plus grosse communauté Francophone du jeu ! N'hésitez pas à rejoindre l’aventure !
kGe | kaGune Icon
French Critical Ops Team
VALORANT Scrim (NA) Icon
Gaming | eSports
VALORANT Scrim (NA) is a discord server that makes scrims easier for you and other teams. The server is open to the public and welcome every elo. If you don't have a team, you don't need to worry, this discord features channel where you can advertise your team or join other team. Looking for a League or a Tournament? There is a specific competitive channel where they are all grouped.
League of Legends Scrim (NA) Icon
Gaming | eSports
League of Legends (NA) is a discord server that makes scrims easier for you and other teams. The server is open to the public and welcome every elo. If you don't have a team, you don't need to worry, this discord features channel where you can advertise your team or join other team. Looking for a League or a Tournament? There is a specific competitive channel where they are all grouped.
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Valorant Community EUW Icon
Gaming | eSports
Wir sind eine Deutschsprachige Community mit aktiven Admins! Du suchst nach einem Ort um Leute zum zocken zu finden? Du suchst einen Ort um dich über die neusten Updates und erfolgreichen Strategien zu informieren? Ob Pro oder Anfänger bei uns ist jeder herzlich willkommen. Bei uns findest du das alles strukturiert zusammengefasst! Also warte nicht und schau mal vorbei! Sucht euch neue Mitspieler oder holt euch die neusten Infos über Valorant!!! Ihr habt bei uns auch die Möglichkeit für Self Promotion für euren Youtube Kanal oder Twitch.
Toxic Unity Icon
Gaming | Community
Toxic Unity is an all-inclusive community, which was established 15/8/2015, and now currently has over 1,000 friendly members. Our growing community has a regular amount of active users and an ever expanding community, spread across a variety of different media.
VALORANT Italia Icon
Gaming | eSports
VALORANT Italia - Trova compagni con cui giocare e partecipa ad eventi e tornei, insieme ai tuoi Streamer preferiti! - www.valorantitalia.it
United Gaming Icon
eSports | Gaming
Hey, du suchst einen Deutschen Discord Server wo sich auf Valorant Fokussiert? Dann bist du HIER auf jeden fall richtig. Wir werden uns in richtung ESL/Turniere bewegen und wollen gescheite Teams aufbauen. Turniere und weiteres werden dann vom Team gesponsort! Intresse geweckt? Dann schau vorbei ;)
Saper Polska Icon
Gaming | eSports
Serwer dla polskich fanów gry Saper! Dzielimy się tu swoimi wynikami, rekordami, dajemy porady co do gry, ogranizujemy turnieje. Wszyscy mile widziani. Regulamin na serwerze.
???? ?? ??? ??? Icon
Community | Gaming
Hey there! This server is for people who play, who just wanna chat and its pretty chill in here. You can talk to your friends, you don't have to worry about people hating on you because the mods will deal with them. You can not spam here because there is a cooldown in almost all channels. The "rules" channel is pretty unique in my opinion go check it out! Also if you join my discord server don't forget to invite your friends to have fun together! Keep in mind this is a server not just for gaming but for people who just want to chat a little bit with other members of the server. If you join you can leave me a feedback in DM or in one of the channels called "discord-feedback". There is a phone verification on my server so trolls can not enter. In my opinion this is one of the unique servers with a lot of room to talk with other people and become friends with, this also looks professional you can make the difference between a text channel and a voice channel since I use another font.
Valorant Polska Icon
Gaming | eSports
Aktywny serwer polskiej społeczości VALORANT.
~?BloodySolution Headshot Only?~ Icon
Gaming | Streaming
?Welcome to BloodySoultion? We are just starting and there are not so many yet but that will change for sure and everybody is welcome. Be as you are and Write or Talk with us. If you want to play with us just ask in the stream or discord Main Games: Valorant,League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Monster Hunter World ..... but actually everything Dayz,Rainbow Six Siege .... ?Languages: German,English? Owner: https://www.twitch.tv/raykshi https://www.twitch.tv/woodholmes ?Survival is just the beginning?
T18 E-Sports Community Icon
Gaming | Community
T18 E-Sports is EU based commmunity looking for players who want to make a serious attempt in making it on the Esports scene. While we also keep it fun with our casual players and tournaments/giveaways.
Enterprise Squad Icon
Gaming | Community
Amazing place to play games together, have a nice chat with other people & receive rewords for it!
eSports | Gaming
Server Indo Gamers Community & Esport. Cari teman mabar Among Us, Valorant, Apex Legends dan Game mobile maupun PC lainnya. Tech lovers and youtuber baru yg butuh dukungan are wellcome.
Gaming | eSports
This is a gaming channel