Welcome to New York, the State of opportunity, and the chance to meet all walks of life. Wall Street, the rock concerts, and even the world's biggest social events. It's August, 2023 one month after the first infection.
A strange meteor crashed in Seattle into the Space Needle, a green-goo like substance emerged from it and quickly spread. This formed a new virus dubbed the "Goo Flu" People who came in contact with it became rabid and cannibalistic. The CDC safely secured the meteor in a undisclosed location, but they were too late. The "Zombie" outbreak began, and it spread throughout the country. Martial law was put into place, and the United States Government sent troops to the East Coast. It didn't stop there, the infection spread to the entire world. The military was given shoot to kill orders, on any and all civilians. However, they have since gone radio silent. Can you survive this nightmare?