Gaming | Playstation | Community
2200+ Members 🫂 | Guaranteed Non-Toxic 🛡️| Certified Sherpas 🧑‍🚀| Giveaways 🎁| Custom LFG 🤝| Free Guides 📚| Specialty Quests 🗺️
Gaming | Playstation | Community
2200+ Members 🫂 | Guaranteed Non-Toxic 🛡️| Certified Sherpas 🧑‍🚀| Giveaways 🎁| Custom LFG 🤝| Free Guides 📚| Specialty Quests 🗺️
Caring Peer Support Icon
Support | Health
Our 18+ mental health peer support community is built on the foundation of empathy, respect, and confidentiality. Whether you're seeking a listening ear, advice, or simply a place to vent, you'll find kindred spirits here who are ready to offer support and encouragement. Core Activities: Weekly Fun voice chats: Join us for a every Monday night for a voice chat where the focus is fun! We can play fun games such as Gartic Phone, Skribbl, Will you Push that Button, and more! One to one peer support opportunity with trained peer supporters, our goals are: To create empathy through listening and sharing my person stories to demonstrate that you are not alone and that you can become well. To listen to your thoughts, feelings, or anything else, especially if these thoughts cause shame and guilt .
Suicide Prevention Hotline Icon
Community | Social
My name is Stephen C. Martel and I've set up this discord server because I know that discord can be sometimes a toxic community and I've experienced a few people who have thought about suicide. I set up this server as a way for people who have suicidal thoughts to talk with other people who have sui
Mark's Safe House Icon
Social | Anime
A place where people can vent, and spread mental positivity and help otheres, socialize and make new friends.
No Surrender Icon
Support | Beliefs
This server is meant for suicide prevention, coping skills development and peer-to-peer support; focusing PTSD/CPTSD survivors, people with personality and mood disorders, autistic and plural people. We will attempt to help anybody else in a crisis situation as well, but we are less equipped for other situations. We are not licensed professionals, and our methods may not suit for everybody. We welcome people from all backgrounds, and we strongly believe that every life has a purpose.
?????? ???? Icon
Community | Role-Playing
Hi! Our server contains quite a lot of stuff. These include, for example, custom roles, access to specific channels regarding psychological issues, and you can introduce yourself to others! you can also ask someone to add you or write. you can choose psychological problems, if you have open messages, your gender, and more. this server is great for finding new friends! everyone is welcome, feel free to join! Don't talk about self-harm suicide. or do. we don't care. we will help you.
Beyond The Journey Icon
Health | Community
A new mental health server to help you all Beyond The Journey! The journey to heal your emotional scars can be a long and lonely one, which is why this server has been formed to help everyone with scars work with them / around them. Note- This is NOT a mental health server with professionals who provide therapy. Please approach a doctor if that is needed.